Divine Mercy

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

The Hours of The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ

What does it do?

1)  The letter from Luisa Piccarreta to her confessor and theological censor, St Annibale M. di Francia.

St. Annibale: "I begin by reporting here a letter which the Author sent me…

"Most Reverend Father, I am finally sending you the Hours of the Passion, now written, and all for the glory of Our Lord.  I also include another sheet which contains the effects, and the beautiful promises which Jesus makes to anyone who does these Hours of the Passion.  I believe that if one who meditates them is a sinner, he will convert; if he is imperfect, he will become perfect; if he is holy, he will become more holy; if he is tempted, he will find victory; if he is suffering, in these Hours he will find the strength, the medicine, the comfort. And if his soul is weak and poor, he will find spiritual food and the mirror in which he will reflect himself continuously to be embellished and to become similar to Jesus, our model. The satisfaction that blessed Jesus receives from the meditation of these Hours is so great, that He would want at least one copy of these meditations to be present and practiced in each city or town. In fact, it would happen, then, as if Jesus heard His own voice and His prayers being reproduced in those reparations, just as the ones He raised to His Father during the 24 hours of His sorrowful Passion. And if this were done in each town or city at least, by as many souls, Jesus seems to make me understand that Divine Justice would be placated in part, and in these sad times of torments and bloodshed, Its scourges would be stopped, in part, and as though dampened. I let you, Reverend Father, make appeal to all; may you complete, in this way, the little work that my lovable Jesus had me do.  I also tell you that the purpose of these Hours of the Passion is not so much that of narrating the story of the Passion, because there are many books that treat this pious topic, and it would not be necessary to make another one. But rather, the purpose is the reparation, uniting the different points of the Passion of Our Lord with the diversity of the many offenses, and making worthy reparation for them together with Jesus, almost making up for all that the other creatures owe Him. From this, the different ways of reparation present in these Hours: in some sections one blesses, in others one compassionates, in others one praises, in others one comforts suffering Jesus, in others one compensates, in others one supplicates, prays and asks.  Therefore, I leave it to you, Reverend Father, to make known the purpose of these writings with a preface.  

St. Annibale: "The sheet about which the author of these Hours of the Passion speaks at the beginningof her letter, here transcribed, contains what the Lord told her, and is reported here below:

2)  Jesus's Words:           

("< >" are my highlights)

June 5, 1906 Volume 6 

Crosses are baptismal founts.

This morning, upon coming, blessed Jesus told me: <"My daughter, crosses and mortifications are as many baptismal founts, and any kind of cross which is dipped in the thought of my Passion loses half of its bitterness, and its weight diminishes by half."> And He disappeared like a flash.I continued to do certain adorations and reparations in my interior, and He came back, adding: <"What is not my consolation in seeing what my Humanity did many centuries ago being redone in you. In fact, anything which I established that each soul should do, was done before in my Humanity. If the soul corresponds to Me, she does again within herself that which I did for her; but if she does not, it remains done only in Me, and I feel an inexpressible bitterness.">

November 9, 1906 Volume 7

Effects of meditating continuously on the Passion.

Finding myself in my usual state, I was thinking about the Passion of Our Lord; and while I was doing this, He came and told me: "My daughter, one who meditates continuously on my Passion and feels sorrow for it and compassion for Me, pleases Me so much that I feel as though comforted for all that I suffered in the course of my Passion; and by always meditating on it, the soul arrives at preparing a continuous food. In this food there are many different spices and flavors, which form different effects. So, if in the course of my Passion they gave Me ropes and chains to tie Me, the soul releases Me and gives Me freedom. They despised Me, spat on Me, and dishonored Me; she appreciates Me,cleans Me of that spittle, and honors Me. They stripped Me and scourged Me; she heals Me and clothes Me. They crowned Me with thorns, mocking Me as king, embittered my mouth with bile, and crucified Me; while the soul, meditating on all my pains, crowns Me with glory and honors Me as her king, fills my mouth with sweetness, giving Me the most delicious food, which is the memory of my own works; and unnailing Me from the Cross, she makes Me rise again in her heart. And every time she does so, I give her a new life of grace as recompense. <She is my food, and I become her continuous food. So, the thing that pleases Me the most is meditating continuously on my Passion.">

March 24, 1913 Volume 11

The continuous thought of His Passion.…

I add that I was thinking to myself about the sweet Mama, and <Jesus told me: "My daughter, the thought of my Passion never escaped my dear Mama, and by dint of repeating it, she filled all of Herself with Me, completely. The same happens to the soul: by dint of repeating what I suffered, she arrives at filling herself with Me.">

April 10, 1913 Volume 11

The recompense for those who do the Hours of the Passion.

This morning my always lovable Jesus came, and hugging me to His Heart, told me: <"My daughter,one who always thinks about my Passion forms a fount within her heart, and the more she thinks about It, the larger this fount becomes. And just as the waters that spring up are waters common to everyone, in the same way, this fount of my Passion which is formed in her heart serves for the good of the soul, for my glory, and for the good of all creatures."> And I: ‘Tell me, my Good, what will You give as recompense to those who will do the Hours of the Passion the way You taught them to me?’And He: <"My daughter, I will look at these Hours, not as yours, but as done by Me. I will give you my same merits, as if I were in the act of suffering my Passion; and the same effects, according to the dispositions of the souls.> This, while they are on earth - and I could not give them a greater reward.  Then, in Heaven, I will place these souls in front of Me, darting through them with darts of love and of contentments for as many times as they did the Hours of my Passion; and they will dart throughMe. What a sweet enchantment this will be for all the Blessed!"….

September 6, 1913 Volume 11

The Hours of the Passion are the very prayers of Jesus.

I was thinking about the Hours of the Passion, which have now been written, and how they are without any indulgence. So, those who do them gain nothing, while there are many prayers enriched with many indulgences. While I was thinking of this, my always lovable Jesus, all kindness, told me: "My daughter, through the prayers with indulgences one gains something, but the Hours of myPassion, which are my very prayers, my reparations, and all love, have come out of the very depth of my Heart.  <Have you perhaps forgotten how many times I have united Myself with you to do them together, and I have changed chastisements into graces over the whole earth?  So, my satisfaction is such and so great, that instead of the indulgence, I give the soul a handful of love, which contains incalculable prices of infinite value. And besides, when things are done out of pure love, my love finds its outpouring, and it is not insignificant that the creature gives relief and outpouring to the love of the Creator.">

October 1914 Volume 11

The effectiveness of these Hours depends on whether the soul does them in union with Jesus and in His Will. 

How Jesus desires that souls do the Hours of the Passion.  I was writing the Hours of the Passion, and I thought to myself: ‘How many sacrifices in order to write these blessed Hours of the Passion, especially to put on paper certain interior acts which had passed only between me and Jesus. What will be the recompense that He will give to me?’ And Jesus, letting me hear His tender and sweet voice, told me: "My daughter, as recompense for having written the Hours of my Passion, for each word you have written I will give you a kiss - a soul."  And I: ‘My love, this is for me; and what will You give to those who will do them?’ <And Jesus: "If they do them together with Me and with my own Will,  I will also give them a soul for each word they will recite, because the greater or lesser effectiveness of these Hours of my Passion is in the greater or lesser union that they have with Me. By doing them with my Will, the creature hides within my Volition, and since it is my Volition that acts, I can produce all the goods I want, even through one word alone; and this, for each time you will do them." >  Another time I was lamenting to Jesus, because after so many sacrifices to write these Hours of the Passion, very few were the souls who were doing them. And He: "My daughter, do not lament - even if there were only one, you should be content. Would I not have suffered my whole Passion even if one soul alone were to be saved? The same for you. One should never omit good because few avail themselves of it; all the harm is for those who do not take advantage of it.  And just as my Passion made my Humanity acquire the merit as if all were saved, even though not all are saved, because my Will was to save everyone, and I received merit according to what I wanted, not according to the profit which creatures would draw; the same for you: you will be rewarded depending on whether your will was identified with my Will in wanting to do good to all. All the harm is for those who, though being able to, do not do them. <These Hours are the most precious of all, because they are nothing less than the repetition of what I did in the course of my mortal life, and what I continue to do in the Most Holy Sacrament. When I hear these Hours of my Passion, I hear my own voice, my own prayers.  In that soul I see my Will - that is, wanting the good of all and repairing for all - and I feel drawn to dwell in her, to be able to do what she herself does within her. >  Oh, how I would love that even one single soul for each town did these Hours of my Passion! I would hear Myself in each town, and my Justice, greatly indignant during these times, would be placated in part."  I add that one day I was doing the Hour in which the Celestial Mama gave burial to Jesus, and I followed Her to keep Her company in Her bitter desolation, to compassionate Her. I did not usually do this Hour all the times - only sometimes. Now, I was undecided about whether I should do it or not, and blessed Jesus, all love, and as though praying me, told me: <"My daughter, I do not want youto omit it. You will do it for love of Me, in honor of my Mama. Know that every time you do it, my Mama feels as if She were on earth in person, repeating Her life, and therefore She receives that glory and love which She gave Me while on earth; and I feel as if my Mama were on earth again - Her maternal tenderness, Her love and all the glory that She gave Me.>  So, I will consider you as a mother." Then, as He embraced me, I heard Him say to me, very softly: "My mama, mama"; and He whispered to me all that sweet Mama did and suffered in this Hour - and I followed Her. From that time on, helped by His grace, I have never omitted it again.

November 4, 1914 Volume 11

The new and continuous way to meditate the Passion.

I was doing the Hours of the Passion and Jesus, all pleased, told me: "My daughter, if you knew what great satisfaction I feel in seeing you repeating these Hours of my Passion - always repeating them, over and over again - you would be happy.  It is true that my Saints have meditated on my Passion and have comprehended how much I suffered, melting in tears of compassion, so much so, as to feel consumed for love of my pains; but not in such a continuous way, and repeated many times in this order. Therefore I can say that you are the first one to give Me this pleasure, so great and special, as you keep fragmenting within you - hour by hour - my life and what I suffered.  And I feel so drawn that, hour by hour, I give you this food and I eat the same food with you, doing what you do together with you. Know, however, that I will reward you abundantly with new light and new graces; and even after your death, each time souls on earth will do these Hours of my Passion, in Heaven I will clothe you with ever new light and glory."

November 6, 1914 Volume 11

The soul who does the Hours of the Passion makes the life of Jesus her own, and does His same office.

As I continued the usual Hours of the Passion, my lovable Jesus told me: "My daughter, the world is in continuous act of renewing my Passion; and since my immensity envelopes everything, inside and outside the creatures, from their contact I am forced to receive nails, thorns, scourges, scorns, spit and all the rest which I suffered in the Passion - and still more. Now, at the contact with souls who do these Hours of my Passion I feel the nails being removed, the thorns shattered, the wounds soothed, the spit taken away. I feel I am repaid in good for the evil that others do to Me, and in feeling that their contact does no harm to Me, but good, I lean more and more on them. "In addition to this, returning to speak about these Hours of the Passion, blessed Jesus said: <"My daughter, know that by doing these Hours the soul takes my thoughts and makes them her own; she takes my reparations, prayers, desires, affections, and even my most intimate fibers, and makes them her own. And rising up between Heaven and earth, she does my same office, and as co-redemptrix, she says with Me: ‘Ecce ego, mitte me [Here I am, send me] - I want to repair for all, answer for all, and impetrate good for all’.">

April 23, 1916 Volume 11

At each thought about the Passion of Jesus, the soul draws light from His Humanity.

Continuing in my usual state, my adorable Jesus made Himself seen all surrounded with light, which came out from within His Most Holy Humanity, and embellished Him in such a way as to form anenchanting and enrapturing sight. I remained surprised, and <<He told me: "My daughter, each pain I suffered, each drop of Blood, each wound, prayer, word, action, step, etc., produced a light within my Humanity, which embellished Me in such a way as to keep all the Blessed enraptured. Now, at each thought that the soul has about my Passion, at each act of compassion, reparation, etc., she does nothing other than draw light from my Humanity, and be embellished in my likeness. So, each additional thought about my Passion will be one more light which will bring her eternal joy.">>

October 13, 1916 Volume 11

How the Angels are around the soul who does the Hours of the Passion. 

These Hours are sweet little sips that souls give to Jesus.  I was doing the Hours of the Passion, and blessed Jesus told me: "My daughter, in the course of my mortal life, thousands and thousands of Angels were the cortege of my Humanity, gathering everything I did – my steps, my works, my words, and even my sighs, my pains, the drops of my Blood – in sum, everything. They were the Angels in charge of my custody, and of paying Me honor; obedient to my every wish, they would rise to and descend from Heaven, to bring to the Father what I was doing. <Now these Angels have a special office, and as the soul remembers my Life, my Passion, my Blood, my wounds, my prayers, they come around this soul and gather her words, her prayers, her acts of compassion for Me, her tears and her offerings; they unite them to mine, and they bring them before my Majesty to renew for Me the glory of my own Life. > The delight of the Angels is so great that, reverent, they listen to what the soul says, and pray together with her. So, with what attention and respect must the soul do these Hours, thinking that the Angels hang upon her lips to repeat after her what she says."Then He added: "After the so many bitternesses that creatures give Me, these Hours are sweet little sips that souls give Me; but for the many bitter sips I receive, the sweet ones are too few. Therefore, more diffusion, more diffusion!"

December 9, 1916 Volume 11

Jesus wants to find Himself and what He did in the soul. 

With this intention the soul must do the Hours of the Passion and every action.  I was afflicted because of the privations of my sweet Jesus; and if He comes, while I breathe a little bit of life, I am left more afflicted in seeing Him more afflicted than I am.  He does not want to hear about placating Himself, because creatures force Him, and snatch more scourges from Him. But while He scourges, He cries over the lot of man, and He hides deep inside my heart, almost not to see what man suffers. It seems that one can no longer live in these sad times; yet, it seems that this is only the beginning. Then, as I was worried about my hard and sad lot of having to be so very often without Him, my sweet Jesus came, and throwing one arm around my neck, told me: <"My daughter, do not increase my pains by worrying – they are already too many.  I do not expect this from you; on the contrary, I want you to make my pains, my prayers and all of Myself your own, in such a way that I may find in you another Me.>  In these times I want great satisfactions, and only one who makes Me his own can give them to Me. That which the Father found in Me – glory, delight, love, satisfactions whole and perfect, and for the good of all – I want to find in these souls, like as many other Jesuses that match Me. These intentions you must repeat in each Hour of the Passion that you do, in each action – in everything. If I do not find my satisfactions – ah, it is over for the world! The scourges will pour down in torrents. Ah, my daughter! Ah, my daughter!" And He disappeared.

February 2, 1917 Volume 11

The world has become unbalanced because it has lost the thought of the Passion.  

As I was in my usual state, I found myself outside of myself, and I found my always lovable Jesus, all dripping with blood, with a horrible crown of thorns, looking at me with difficulty through the thorns. He told me: "My daughter, the world has become unbalanced because it has lost the thought of my Passion. In darkness, it has not found the light of my Passion which would illuminate it; and as it would make known to it my love and how much souls cost Me, it might turn to loving the One who has truly loved it; and the light of my Passion, guiding it, would put it on its guard against all dangers. In weakness, it has not found the strength of my Passion which would sustain it. In impatience, it has not found the mirror of my patience which would infuse in it calm and resignation; and in the face of my patience, feeling ashamed, it would make it its duty to dominate itself. In pains, it has not found the comfort of the pains of a God which, sustaining its pains, would infuse in it love of suffering. In sin, it has not found my sanctity which, placing itself in front of it, would infuse in it hate of sin.  Ah! man has made an abuse of everything, because in everything he has moved away from the One who could help him. This is why the world has lost balance. It behaved like a child who no longer wanted to recognize his mother; or like a disciple who, denying his master, no longer wanted to listen to his teachings, or learn his lessons. What will happen to this child and to this disciple? They will be the sorrow of themselves, and the terror and sorrow of society.  Such has man become – terror and sorrow; but a sorrow without pity.  Ah! man is getting worse and worse, and I cry over him with tears of blood!"

May 16, 1917 Volume 12

Effects of the Hours of the Passion. There is not a soul who enters Purgatory without carrying the mark of the Hours of the Passion.

Finding myself in my usual state, I was fusing all of myself in my sweet Jesus, and then I poured all of myself into the creatures, in order to give the whole of Jesus to all.  And my lovable Jesus told me: "My daughter, every time the creature fuses herself in Me, she gives the influence of Divine Life to all creatures; and according to their own needs, the creatures obtain their effects: those who are weak, feel strength; those who are obstinate in sin, receive light; those who suffer, receive comfort; and so with all the rest.  "Then, I found myself outside of myself. I was in the midst of many souls - they seemed to be purging souls and Saints - who were speaking to me and mentioning one person known to me, who died not too long ago.  And they said to me: ‘He feels happy in seeing that there is not a soul who enters Purgatory without carrying the mark of the Hours of the Passion. Surrounded by the cortege of these Hours and helped by them, the souls take a safe place. And there is not a soul who flies into Heaven, without being accompanied by these Hours of the Passion. These Hours make a continuous dew pour down from Heaven to earth, into Purgatory, and even into Heaven.  ’On hearing this, I said to myself: ‘Maybe my beloved Jesus, in order to keep the word He had given- that for each word of the Hours of the Passion He would give a soul - is allowing that there be not a saved soul who does not benefit from these Hours.’  Afterwards, I returned into myself, and as I found my sweet Jesus, I asked Him whether that was true. And He: "These Hours are the order of the Universe; they put Heaven and earth in harmony, and restrain Me from sending the world to ruin.  I feel my Blood, my wounds, my Love and all I did, being placed in circulation; and they flow over all to save all.  <As souls do these Hours of the Passion, I feel my Blood, my wounds, my anxieties to save souls, being put in motion, and I feel my own Life being repeated.>  How could creatures obtain any good if not by means of these Hours? Why do you doubt? This thing is not yours, but mine. You have been the strained and weak instrument."

July 12, 1918 Volume 12

Effects of the Passion of Jesus.

I was praying for a dying soul with a certain fear and anxiety, when my lovable Jesus came and told me: "My daughter, why do you fear? Don’t you know that for each word on my Passion, for each thought, compassion, reparation, memory of my pains - as many ways of electric communication open between Me and the soul, and therefore the soul keeps adorning herself with as many different beauties? She has done the Hours of my Passion, and I will receive her as daughter of my Passion, clothed with my Blood and adorned with my wounds. This flower has grown inside your heart, so I bless it and I receive it in my Heart, as a favorite flower." And while He was saying this, a flower came out of my heart, and took flight toward Jesus.

October 21, 1921 Volume 13

Everything that Jesus did and suffered is in continuous act of giving itself to man. 

All the remedies needed for the whole humanity are in His Life and Passion.  I was thinking about the Passion of my sweet Jesus, and upon coming, He told me: <"My daughter, every time the soul thinks about my Passion, remembers what I suffered, or compassionates Me, she renews the application of my pains within herself.  My Blood rises to inundate her, and my wounds place themselves on the path to heal her if she is wounded, or to embellish her if she is healthy – and all my merits, to enrich her. The traffic she produces is amazing - it is as if she placed everything I did and suffered on a counter, earning twice as much.  In fact, everything I did and suffered is in continuous act of giving itself to man, just as the sun is in continuous act of giving light and heat to the earth. My work is not subject to exhaustion; if the soul just wants it so, and as many times as she wants it, she receives the fruit of my Life.   So, if she remembers my Passion twenty, a hundred, a thousand times, so many more times will she enjoy Its effects. >  But how few are those who make a treasure of it! With all the good of my Passion, one can see souls who are weak, blind, deaf, mute,crippled - living cadavers, such as to be disgusting. This, because my Passion is put into oblivion.  My pains, my wounds, my Blood are strength which removes weaknesses, light which gives sight to the blind, tongue which loosens tongues and opens the hearing, way which straightens the crippled, life which raises the cadavers.... All the remedies needed for the whole of humanity are in my Life and Passion.  But the creature despises the medicine and does not care about the remedies; and so one can see, in spite of all my Redemption, the state of man perishing, as though affected by an incurable consumption. But that which grieves Me the most is to see religious people who tire themselves out in order to acquire doctrines, speculations, stories - but about my Passion, nothing.  So, many times my Passion is banished from churches, from the mouths of priests; therefore, their speech is without light, and the peoples remain more starved than before."…

October 24, 1925 Volume 18

One who thinks about the Passion of Jesus, keeps Jesus company. But one who lives in the Divine Will, finds the Passion of Jesus in act, and repeats It within herself.…

<"My daughter, thinking about my Passion, compassionating Me in my pains, is very pleasing to Me.  I feel I am not alone in my pains, but I have with Me the company of the creature, because of whom I suffer, and whom I love so much; and as I have her with Me, my suffering becomes sweeter for Me.  How hard is isolation in suffering! When I see Myself alone, I have no one to whom to entrust my pains, nor anyone to whom to give the fruit which my pains contain; and so I remain as though drowned with pains and love. Therefore, as my love can endure no more, I come to You, to suffer within you, and you with Me, the pains of my Passion, in act, in order to repeat what I did and suffered in my Humanity. To repeat my Passion in act in the creature is different from one who only thinks about and compassionates my pains. The first is an act of my Life, which takes my place in order to repeat my pains, and I feel I am given back the effects and the value of a Divine Life.  On the other hand, when one thinks about my pains and compassionates Me, it is the mere company of the creature that I feel.  But do you know in whom I can repeat the pains of my Passion in act? In one who has my Will as center of life. My Will alone is one single act which has no succession of acts. This single act is as though fixed to one point which never moves; and this point is Eternity. And while being one single act, prime act, endless act, Its circumference is so immense that nothing can escape It; It embraces everything and everyone with one single embrace, because everything starts from that prime act, as one single act.  So, the Creation, the Redemption and the Sanctification are one single act for the Divinity; and only because it is one single act, it has the power to make all acts its own, as if they were one alone. Now, one who lives in my Will possesses this single act, and it is no wonder that she takes part in the pains of my Passion, as though in act…>

Thursday, November 21, 2024

The power of the Rosary

Glory to Jesus!

Hi everyone.

The power of the Rosary!

As we know the Rosary is Mary's prayer and its mysteries are a reflection of Christ's life as seen through her eyes.

Mary teaches us through the writings of Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta (The gift of Living the Divine Will), to join our prayer to Her's and she'll turn it into Divine Will.  Well this is the Rosary. 

The Rosary is Mary's prayer in which we pray with her.  It has the effect of joining us with Jesus and all that he did in his humanity because Mary is intimately associated with every act of her Son as she followed all that Jesus did in the Divine Will.  She followed him in every step of his humanity especially his sufferings.  And Jesus says that Mary had a post in which all humanity is linked to her as she lived the Divine Will.  She carried us with her, as it were, while she as the perfect disciple, followed her Son.  This illustrates the connection that we have to Jesus and the Divine Will through his Mother.  To Jesus through Mary.

In summary the Rosary is a means in which we can unite ourselves with Christ through Mary.  It has therefore universal impact because Jesus once again relives his life and showers the world with Divine Mercy because the person who prays the Rosary operates in living the Divine Will.  This is what Mary meant when she asks us to join our prayers with her and she'll turn it into Divine Will. To understand this further please read my explanation on the gift of Living the Divine Will in the link given.  I've updated it and I think you'll come to appreciate how Christ greatly desires to give this gift to us!

Ave Maria,



Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Rosary Apostolate

Our Lady of Fatima has started the Parish Rosary Apostolate. Individuals and families are invited to join this apostolate to pray and lead the Holy Rosary immediately following each mass on Sundays. The goal of this apostolate is for individuals and families to grow closer to our Lord Jesus through devotion to our Blessed Mother. 

 Of course, you'll receive many special graces for helping lead this apostolate. Pope Benedict XVI did say that the Rosary brings "peace and reconciliation. It contains within itself the healing power of the Most Holy Name of Jesus, invoked with faith and love at the center of each "Hail Mary"." Through praying the Rosary, we will help conform our parish community, our country, and the whole world to Christ.

 For those who are interested please send me an email or call me at 732-895-2388. I hope to hear from you soon!

 In Christ,

 Cathy Culpepper 

The power of the Rosary draft

As we know, the rosary is Mary's prayer, and its mysteries are a reflection of Christ's life as seen through her eyes.

Mary teaches us through the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta (The gift of Living the Divine Will) to join her prayer to Her's, and she'll turn it into Divine Will. Well, this is the Rosary. The Rosary is our Blessed Mother's prayer that we pray with her. It has the effect of joining us with Jesus and all that he did in his humanity since Mary is intimately associated with every act of her Son as she followed all that Jesus did in the Divine Will. She followed him in his every step of his humanity, especially by his sufferings. And Jesus says that Mary had a post in which all humanity is linked to her as she lived the Divine Will. She carried us with her, as it were, while she, as the perfect disciple, followed her Son. This illustrates the connection that we have to Jesus and the Divine Will through his Mother. 

In summary, the Rosary is a means in which we can unite ourselves with Christ through Mary. It has universal impact because Jesus once again relives his life and showers the world with Divine Mercy because the person who prays it operates in the gift of living the Divine Will. This is what Mary meant when she asked us to join our prayers with her, and she'll turn it into Divine Will. To understand this further, please read my explanation on the gift in the link given. I've updated it, and I think you'll come to appreciate how Christ greatly desires to give this gift to us!

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Baptism of Jesus

 The Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan (open to the Holy Spirit)  

Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to the Jordan, unto John, to be baptized by him (Matthew 3:13)

And Jesus being baptized, forthwith came out of the water: and lo, the heavens were opened to him: and he saw the Spirit of God descending as a dove, and coming upon him.  And behold a voice from heaven, saying: This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.  (Matthew 3:13-17)

 [Jesus says:] “My daughter, the baptism at birth is by water, therefore it has the virtue of purifying, but not of removing tendencies and passions. On the other hand, the baptism of victim is baptism by fire, therefore it has not only the virtue of purifying, but of consuming any passion and  evil tendency.  Even more, I Myself baptize the soul, bit by bit: My thought baptizes the thought of the soul; My heartbeat baptizes her heartbeat; My desire her desire, and so on.  However, this baptism is carried out between Myself and the soul, according to whether she gives herself to Me without ever taking back what she has given Me….”  (March 13, 1912 Volume 11)

“…While my mind was immersed in the Divine Fiat, my sweet Jesus, visiting my little soul, with inexpressible goodness told me: “My blessed daughter of My Will, how many wonders My Will can make in the creature, as long as she gives It the first place and all the freedom to operate.  My Will takes the will, the word, the act that the creature wants to do, It makes it part of Itself, It covers it with Its creative virtue, pronounces Its Fiat over it, and forms as many lives for as many existing creatures.  See, you were asking in My Will for the baptism of all newborn babies that will come out to the light of the day, and then, for Its Life to reign in them.  My Will did not hesitate one instant; immediately It pronounced Its Fiat and formed as many Lives of Itself for as many newborn babies coming out to the light-baptizing them, as you wanted, with Its first light, and then giving Its Life to each one of them.  And if these newborn babies, either for lack correspondence or for lack of knowledge, will not possess Our Life, this Life still remains for Us, and We will have many Divine Lives which love Us, glorify Us, bless Us, as We love within Ourselves.  These Divine Lives are Our greatest glory, but they do not put aside the creature who gave Our Divine Fiat the occasion to form so many of Our Lives for as many newborn babies as were coming out to the light; on the contrary, they keep her hidden within themselves to let her love as they love, and let her do what they do.  Nor do they put the newborn babies aside; on the contrary, they are all eyes over them, they watch them, they defend them so as to be able to reign in their souls….”(April 12, 1938 Volume 36)

Saturday, April 6, 2024

 Follow me here.

At the wedding at Cana Jesus performs his 1st public miracle. They ran out of wine which was terrible, right? It was the behest of Mary that he did this - an important point.

Here's the gospel reading and I'll follow with Mary's explanation. 


The wedding at Cana.

Chapter 2

1 On the third day there was a wedding in Cana in Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there.

2 Jesus and his disciples were also invited to the wedding.

3 When the wine ran short, the mother of Jesus said to him, "They have no wine."

4 (And) Jesus said to her, "Woman, how does your concern affect me? My hour has not yet come."

5 His mother said to the servers, "Do whatever he tells you."

6 Now there were six stone water jars there for Jewish ceremonial washings, each holding twenty to thirty gallons.

7 Jesus told them, "Fill the jars with water." So they filled them to the brim.

8 Then he told them, "Draw some out now and take it to the headwaiter." So they took it.

9 And when the headwaiter tasted the water that had become wine, without knowing where it came from (although the servers who had drawn the water knew), the headwaiter called the bridegroom

10 and said to him, "Everyone serves good wine first, and then when people have drunk freely, an inferior one; but you have kept the good wine until now."

11 Jesus did this as the beginning of his signs in Cana in Galilee and so revealed his glory, and his disciples began to believe in him.

Mary's explanation. 

The Self-Manifestation of Jesus at the Wedding of Cana (To Jesus through Mary)

 [Our Celestial Mother says:] “My dearest child, My Heart is swollen with love, and I felt the need to tell you the reason why, together with My Son, I wanted to be present at this wedding of Cana.  Do you think it was because of a simple ceremony?  No, child, there are profound mysteries.  Pay attention to Me, and I will tell you new things: how My love of Mother was displayed in an incredible manner, and how the love of My Son gave true signs of paternity and royalty for the creatures.

 “Now listen to Me.  My Son had come back from the desert, and was preparing Himself for His public life; but first He wanted to be present at this wedding, and therefore He allowed Himself to be invited.  We went there, not to celebrate, but to work great things for the human generations. My Son took the place of Father and King in the families, and I took the place of Mother and Queen.  With Our presence We renewed the sanctity, the beauty, the order of the marriage formed by God in the Garden of Eden – that of Adam and Eve – married by the Supreme Being in order to populate the earth, and to multiply and increase the future generations.  Marriage is the substance from which arises the life of the generations; it can be called the trunk from which the earth is populated.  The priests, the religious, are the branches; but if it were not for the trunk, not even the branches would have life. Therefore, through sin, by withdrawing from the Divine Will, Adam and Eve caused the family to lose its sanctity, beauty and order.  And I, your Mama, the new innocent Eve, together with My Son, went to reorder that which God did in Eden; I constituted Myself Queen of families, and impetrated the grace that the Divine Fiat might reign in them, that I might have families which would belong to Me, holding the place of Queen in their midst.

 “But this is not all, My child. Our love was burning, and We wanted to make known to them how much We loved them, and to give them the most sublime of lessons. And here is how: at the height of the lunch, wine lacked, and My Heart of mother felt consumed with love, wanting to give help. Knowing that My Son can do anything, with supplicating accents, but certain that He would listen to Me, I say to Him: ‘My Son, the spouses have no more wine.’ And He answers Me: ‘My hour to do miracles has not yet come.’ And knowing that He certainly would not deny what His Mama asked of Him, I said to those who were serving the table: ‘Do what My Son tells you, and you will have what you want; even more, you will receive in addition, and in superabundance.’

“My child, in these few words I gave a lesson, the most useful, necessary and sublime for the creature. I spoke with the heart of a mother and I said: My children, do you want to be holy? Do the Will of My Son. Do not move from what He tells you, and you will have His likeness, His sanctity in your power. Do you want all evils to cease? Do whatever My Son tells you. Do you want any grace, even difficult? Do whatever He tells you and wants. Do you also want the necessary things of natural life? Do whatever My Son tells you. Because in His words, in everything He tells you and wants, He encloses such power that, as He speaks, His word contains what you ask for, and makes the graces you desire arise within your souls. How many see themselves as full of passions, weak, afflicted, unfortunate and miserable; yet, they pray and pray, but because they do not do what My Son asks, they obtain nothing; Heaven seems to be closed for them. This is a sorrow for your Mama, because I see that while they pray, they move away from the source in which all goods reside – the Will of My Son.

“Now, those who were serving did precisely what My Son said to them – that is: “Fill the jars with water and bring them to the table.” My dear Jesus blessed that water and it turned into delicious wine. Oh, a thousand times blessed, the one who does what He says and wants! With this, My Son gave Me the greatest honor, He constituted Me Queen of miracles; this is why He wanted My union and My prayer in doing His first miracle. He loved Me too much-so much that He wanted to give Me first place as Queen in miracles also. And with facts, not with words, He said: ‘If you want graces and miracles, come to My Mother; I will never deny anything She wants.’

“In addition to this, My child, with My presence at this wedding, I looked at the future centuries. I saw the Kingdom of the Divine Will upon earth; I looked at families, and I pleaded for them to symbolize the love of the Sacrosanct Trinity, so that Its Kingdom might be in full force. With My rights of Mother and Queen, I took to heart Its regime; and since I possessed the source of it, I placed at the creatures’ disposal all the graces, the helps and the sanctity which are needed to live in a Kingdom so holy. So I keep repeating: ‘Do whatever My Son tells you.’

“My child, listen to Me: look for nothing else, if you want to have everything in your power, and give Me the contentment of being able to make of you My true child, and child of the Divine Will. Then will I take on the commitment of forming the marriage between you and the Fiat; and acting as your true Mother, I will bind the marriage by giving you the very life of My Son as dowry, and My maternity and all My virtues as gift”. (“The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will” – Appendix 6)

Monday, November 27, 2023

 Praise Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist!

1. The gift of Living the Divine Will fulfills the Our Father in which God's Will is done on earth as it is in Heaven.  (This is what we pray for in the recitation of the Our Father after the consecration at the Holy Mass, according to Christ in the the writings of Luisa Piccarreta approved by the Church).

2. It is the awaited Return of Christ.  It will be the Glorious Eucharistic Reign of Christ and the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary!

3. It is the fulfillment of the Sacramental Life. *

More information is in my blog found here.



The hope is that this glorious gift is discussed at the upcoming Eucharistic Congress. 

God bless!

Gerry Aboyme

* As Christ comes to us Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity through the Holy Eucharist, He nurtures the growth of Himself within our souls. We allow the Virgin Mary to raise the stature of Jesus in us so we can become like Him.

Through the gift of Living the Divine Will, we become another Christ. As St Paul says, "it is not I who lives but it is Christ who lives in me." As we move and have our being in Him (St Paul), Christ lives in us again to do what He did in his humanity.

The immensity of the Divine Will embraces creation and is timeless, therefore everything Jesus did through his humanity is always in act awaiting for you to join him by virtue of His Divine Will.

By the cooperation of our human will to God's Divine Will our personal acts have the eternal effects of Jesus doing them, bringing the graces of redemption and sanctification to individuals and the world. United with Christ, we become another Christ for Him to save souls, and to bring honor and glory to His and our Father. We become another Christ for one another.  We love with God's love.