Divine Mercy

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Rosary Apostolate

Our Lady of Fatima has started the Parish Rosary Apostolate. Individuals and families are invited to join this apostolate to pray and lead the Holy Rosary immediately following each mass on Sundays. The goal of this apostolate is for individuals and families to grow closer to our Lord Jesus through devotion to our Blessed Mother. 

 Of course, you'll receive many special graces for helping lead this apostolate. Pope Benedict XVI did say that the Rosary brings "peace and reconciliation. It contains within itself the healing power of the Most Holy Name of Jesus, invoked with faith and love at the center of each "Hail Mary"." Through praying the Rosary, we will help conform our parish community, our country, and the whole world to Christ.

 For those who are interested please send me an email or call me at 732-895-2388. I hope to hear from you soon!

 In Christ,

 Cathy Culpepper 

The power of the Rosary

As we know, the rosary is Mary's prayer, and its mysteries are a reflection of Christ's life as seen through her eyes.

Mary teaches us through the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta (The gift of Living the Divine Will) to join her prayer to Her's, and she'll turn it into Divine Will. Well, this is the Rosary. The Rosary is our Blessed Mother's prayer that we pray with her. It has the effect of joining us with Jesus and all that he did in his humanity since Mary is intimately associated with every act of her Son as she followed all that Jesus did in the Divine Will. She followed him in his every step of his humanity, especially by his sufferings. And Jesus says that Mary had a post in which all humanity is linked to her as she lived the Divine Will. She carried us with her, as it were, while she, as the perfect disciple, followed her Son. This illustrates the connection that we have to Jesus and the Divine Will through his Mother. 

In summary, the Rosary is a means in which we can unite ourselves with Christ through Mary. It has universal impact because Jesus once again relives his life and showers the world with Divine Mercy because the person who prays it operates in the gift of living the Divine Will. This is what Mary meant when she asked us to join our prayers with her, and she'll turn it into Divine Will. To understand this further, please read my explanation on the gift in the link given. I've updated it, and I think you'll come to appreciate how Christ greatly desires to give this gift to us!

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Baptism of Jesus

 The Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan (open to the Holy Spirit)  

Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to the Jordan, unto John, to be baptized by him (Matthew 3:13)

And Jesus being baptized, forthwith came out of the water: and lo, the heavens were opened to him: and he saw the Spirit of God descending as a dove, and coming upon him.  And behold a voice from heaven, saying: This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.  (Matthew 3:13-17)

 [Jesus says:] “My daughter, the baptism at birth is by water, therefore it has the virtue of purifying, but not of removing tendencies and passions. On the other hand, the baptism of victim is baptism by fire, therefore it has not only the virtue of purifying, but of consuming any passion and  evil tendency.  Even more, I Myself baptize the soul, bit by bit: My thought baptizes the thought of the soul; My heartbeat baptizes her heartbeat; My desire her desire, and so on.  However, this baptism is carried out between Myself and the soul, according to whether she gives herself to Me without ever taking back what she has given Me….”  (March 13, 1912 Volume 11)

“…While my mind was immersed in the Divine Fiat, my sweet Jesus, visiting my little soul, with inexpressible goodness told me: “My blessed daughter of My Will, how many wonders My Will can make in the creature, as long as she gives It the first place and all the freedom to operate.  My Will takes the will, the word, the act that the creature wants to do, It makes it part of Itself, It covers it with Its creative virtue, pronounces Its Fiat over it, and forms as many lives for as many existing creatures.  See, you were asking in My Will for the baptism of all newborn babies that will come out to the light of the day, and then, for Its Life to reign in them.  My Will did not hesitate one instant; immediately It pronounced Its Fiat and formed as many Lives of Itself for as many newborn babies coming out to the light-baptizing them, as you wanted, with Its first light, and then giving Its Life to each one of them.  And if these newborn babies, either for lack correspondence or for lack of knowledge, will not possess Our Life, this Life still remains for Us, and We will have many Divine Lives which love Us, glorify Us, bless Us, as We love within Ourselves.  These Divine Lives are Our greatest glory, but they do not put aside the creature who gave Our Divine Fiat the occasion to form so many of Our Lives for as many newborn babies as were coming out to the light; on the contrary, they keep her hidden within themselves to let her love as they love, and let her do what they do.  Nor do they put the newborn babies aside; on the contrary, they are all eyes over them, they watch them, they defend them so as to be able to reign in their souls….”(April 12, 1938 Volume 36)

Saturday, April 6, 2024

 Follow me here.

At the wedding at Cana Jesus performs his 1st public miracle. They ran out of wine which was terrible, right? It was the behest of Mary that he did this - an important point.

Here's the gospel reading and I'll follow with Mary's explanation. 


The wedding at Cana.

Chapter 2

1 On the third day there was a wedding in Cana in Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there.

2 Jesus and his disciples were also invited to the wedding.

3 When the wine ran short, the mother of Jesus said to him, "They have no wine."

4 (And) Jesus said to her, "Woman, how does your concern affect me? My hour has not yet come."

5 His mother said to the servers, "Do whatever he tells you."

6 Now there were six stone water jars there for Jewish ceremonial washings, each holding twenty to thirty gallons.

7 Jesus told them, "Fill the jars with water." So they filled them to the brim.

8 Then he told them, "Draw some out now and take it to the headwaiter." So they took it.

9 And when the headwaiter tasted the water that had become wine, without knowing where it came from (although the servers who had drawn the water knew), the headwaiter called the bridegroom

10 and said to him, "Everyone serves good wine first, and then when people have drunk freely, an inferior one; but you have kept the good wine until now."

11 Jesus did this as the beginning of his signs in Cana in Galilee and so revealed his glory, and his disciples began to believe in him.

Mary's explanation. 

The Self-Manifestation of Jesus at the Wedding of Cana (To Jesus through Mary)

 [Our Celestial Mother says:] “My dearest child, My Heart is swollen with love, and I felt the need to tell you the reason why, together with My Son, I wanted to be present at this wedding of Cana.  Do you think it was because of a simple ceremony?  No, child, there are profound mysteries.  Pay attention to Me, and I will tell you new things: how My love of Mother was displayed in an incredible manner, and how the love of My Son gave true signs of paternity and royalty for the creatures.

 “Now listen to Me.  My Son had come back from the desert, and was preparing Himself for His public life; but first He wanted to be present at this wedding, and therefore He allowed Himself to be invited.  We went there, not to celebrate, but to work great things for the human generations. My Son took the place of Father and King in the families, and I took the place of Mother and Queen.  With Our presence We renewed the sanctity, the beauty, the order of the marriage formed by God in the Garden of Eden – that of Adam and Eve – married by the Supreme Being in order to populate the earth, and to multiply and increase the future generations.  Marriage is the substance from which arises the life of the generations; it can be called the trunk from which the earth is populated.  The priests, the religious, are the branches; but if it were not for the trunk, not even the branches would have life. Therefore, through sin, by withdrawing from the Divine Will, Adam and Eve caused the family to lose its sanctity, beauty and order.  And I, your Mama, the new innocent Eve, together with My Son, went to reorder that which God did in Eden; I constituted Myself Queen of families, and impetrated the grace that the Divine Fiat might reign in them, that I might have families which would belong to Me, holding the place of Queen in their midst.

 “But this is not all, My child. Our love was burning, and We wanted to make known to them how much We loved them, and to give them the most sublime of lessons. And here is how: at the height of the lunch, wine lacked, and My Heart of mother felt consumed with love, wanting to give help. Knowing that My Son can do anything, with supplicating accents, but certain that He would listen to Me, I say to Him: ‘My Son, the spouses have no more wine.’ And He answers Me: ‘My hour to do miracles has not yet come.’ And knowing that He certainly would not deny what His Mama asked of Him, I said to those who were serving the table: ‘Do what My Son tells you, and you will have what you want; even more, you will receive in addition, and in superabundance.’

“My child, in these few words I gave a lesson, the most useful, necessary and sublime for the creature. I spoke with the heart of a mother and I said: My children, do you want to be holy? Do the Will of My Son. Do not move from what He tells you, and you will have His likeness, His sanctity in your power. Do you want all evils to cease? Do whatever My Son tells you. Do you want any grace, even difficult? Do whatever He tells you and wants. Do you also want the necessary things of natural life? Do whatever My Son tells you. Because in His words, in everything He tells you and wants, He encloses such power that, as He speaks, His word contains what you ask for, and makes the graces you desire arise within your souls. How many see themselves as full of passions, weak, afflicted, unfortunate and miserable; yet, they pray and pray, but because they do not do what My Son asks, they obtain nothing; Heaven seems to be closed for them. This is a sorrow for your Mama, because I see that while they pray, they move away from the source in which all goods reside – the Will of My Son.

“Now, those who were serving did precisely what My Son said to them – that is: “Fill the jars with water and bring them to the table.” My dear Jesus blessed that water and it turned into delicious wine. Oh, a thousand times blessed, the one who does what He says and wants! With this, My Son gave Me the greatest honor, He constituted Me Queen of miracles; this is why He wanted My union and My prayer in doing His first miracle. He loved Me too much-so much that He wanted to give Me first place as Queen in miracles also. And with facts, not with words, He said: ‘If you want graces and miracles, come to My Mother; I will never deny anything She wants.’

“In addition to this, My child, with My presence at this wedding, I looked at the future centuries. I saw the Kingdom of the Divine Will upon earth; I looked at families, and I pleaded for them to symbolize the love of the Sacrosanct Trinity, so that Its Kingdom might be in full force. With My rights of Mother and Queen, I took to heart Its regime; and since I possessed the source of it, I placed at the creatures’ disposal all the graces, the helps and the sanctity which are needed to live in a Kingdom so holy. So I keep repeating: ‘Do whatever My Son tells you.’

“My child, listen to Me: look for nothing else, if you want to have everything in your power, and give Me the contentment of being able to make of you My true child, and child of the Divine Will. Then will I take on the commitment of forming the marriage between you and the Fiat; and acting as your true Mother, I will bind the marriage by giving you the very life of My Son as dowry, and My maternity and all My virtues as gift”. (“The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will” – Appendix 6)

Monday, November 27, 2023

 Praise Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist!

1. The gift of Living the Divine Will fulfills the Our Father in which God's Will is done on earth as it is in Heaven.  (This is what we pray for in the recitation of the Our Father after the consecration at the Holy Mass, according to Christ in the the writings of Luisa Piccarreta approved by the Church).

2. It is the awaited Return of Christ.  It will be the Glorious Eucharistic Reign of Christ and the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary!

3. It is the fulfillment of the Sacramental Life. *

More information is in my blog found here.



The hope is that this glorious gift is discussed at the upcoming Eucharistic Congress. 

God bless!

Gerry Aboyme

* As Christ comes to us Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity through the Holy Eucharist, He nurtures the growth of Himself within our souls. We allow the Virgin Mary to raise the stature of Jesus in us so we can become like Him.

Through the gift of Living the Divine Will, we become another Christ. As St Paul says, "it is not I who lives but it is Christ who lives in me." As we move and have our being in Him (St Paul), Christ lives in us again to do what He did in his humanity.

The immensity of the Divine Will embraces creation and is timeless, therefore everything Jesus did through his humanity is always in act awaiting for you to join him by virtue of His Divine Will.

By the cooperation of our human will to God's Divine Will our personal acts have the eternal effects of Jesus doing them, bringing the graces of redemption and sanctification to individuals and the world. United with Christ, we become another Christ for Him to save souls, and to bring honor and glory to His and our Father. We become another Christ for one another.  We love with God's love.

Friday, December 30, 2022

Get out of jail card - the Cross ✝️

 May 3, 1900

The Feast of the Cross in Heaven.

This morning I found myself outside of myself, and I saw all of Heaven studded with crosses – some small, some large, some medium; some which were larger, emanated more splendor.  It was a most sweet enchantment to see so many crosses adorning the firmament, more refulgent than suns.  Then, it seemed that Heaven opened, and one could see and hear the feast that the Blessed were making for the cross.  Those who had suffered more were celebrated more on this day.  One could distinguish in a special way the martyrs and those who had suffered in a hidden way.  Oh, how esteemed were the cross and those who had suffered more, in that blessed dwelling!

As I was seeing this, a voice resounded throughout the whole of Heaven, saying:  “If the Lord did not send the crosses upon the earth, He would be like a father who has no love for his own children - who wants to see them poor and dishonored, instead of honored and rich.”

The rest that I saw during this feast I have no words to describe.  I can feel it within me, but I am unable to express it; so I remain silent.

May 9, 1900

Luisa sees the mystery of the Most Holy Trinity in the form of three Suns.

After I had gone through days not only of privation, but also of disturbance, this morning, as I was yet more disturbed about my miserable state, adorable Jesus, on coming, told me:  “By being restless, you have disturbed my sweet rest.  Ah, yes, you do not let Me rest any more!”  Who can say how mortified I was left in hearing that I had deprived Jesus Christ of rest?  In spite of this, I calmed down for a few hours, but then I found myself more restless than before, to the point that I myself do not where I will end up this time.

After those few words spoken by Jesus, I found myself outside of myself, and in looking into the vault of the heavens, I saw three Suns:  one seemed to set in the east, another in the west, and the third in the south.  The splendor of the rays that they sent forth was so great that they united with one another, in such a way as to become one.  I seemed to see the mystery of the Most Holy Trinity, and man, formed with the three powers in Its image.  I also understood that for one who stayed in that light, his will would be transformed in the Father, his intellect in the Son, his memory in the Holy Spirit.  How many things I understood!  But I am unable to manifest them.

May 13, 1900

The weight of the privation of Jesus.

I continue in the same state, and maybe even worse, though I do as much as I can to remain peaceful, without getting disturbed, because so obedience wants.  But in spite of this I do not cease to feel the weight of the abandonment that presses upon me and reaches the point of crushing me.  Oh, God, what state is this?  Tell me at least:  where have I offended You?  What is the cause of it?  Ah, Lord, if You want to continue this way, I think I will not be able to endure any more!

Then, He made Himself seen for just a little, and placing a hand under my chin in the act of compassionating me, told me:  “Poor daughter, how you have reduced yourself!”  And sharing His pains with me, He disappeared like lightning, leaving me more afflicted than before, as if He had not come.  Or rather, I feel as if He had not come for a long time, and I feel such affliction, that though I live, my living is a continuous agonizing.  Ah, Lord, lend me help, and do not leave me in abandonment, though I deserve it.

May 17, 1900

Power of the victim souls.

I continue in the same state of privation and of abandonment.  As I was outside of myself, I saw a flood of water mixed with hail, such that it seemed that several cities were flooded with considerable damage.  While seeing this, I was in great consternation because I wanted to prevent that flood, but since I was alone - more so, since I did not have Jesus with me – I felt my poor arms too weak to be able to do it.  Then, to my surprise, I saw a virgin coming (it seemed to me that she was from America) and, she from one point, I from another, managed to prevent in great part the scourge that threatened us.  After this, as we reunited, I saw that virgin with the insignia of the passion, and crowned with the crown of thorns, just as I was, and a person who seemed to be an Angel, saying:  “Oh, power of the victim souls!  That which is not given to us Angels to do, they can do with their sufferings.  Oh, if men knew the good that comes from them – because they are there for the public and the individual good – they would do nothing but implore God to multiply these souls upon earth.”  After this, having said to each other that each of us should commend the other to the Lord, we separated.

May 18, 1900

Filling one’s interior with God.

As I was still without my adorable Jesus, at the most, a few shadows – oh! how much bitterness it costs me, how many tears I have to shed! – this morning, after much waiting and searching, I found Him in my very bed, all afflicted, with the crown of thorns piercing His head.  I removed it very gently from His head and I placed it on mine.  Oh, how bad I saw myself before His presence!  I did not have the strength to utter a single word.  Having compassion for me, Jesus told me:  “Be cheered, do not fear, try to fill your interior with Me, and to fatten it with all virtues, to the point of overflowing outside; and when you come to make this overflow, then will I take you to Heaven and all your privations will end.”

After this, assuming an afflicted air, He added:  “My daughter, pray, because three distinct days have been prepared, each far from the other, with storms, hail, lightnings and floods, which will cause great damage to men and to plants.”  Having said this, He disappeared, leaving me a little more relieved in the state in which I find myself, but with a thought:  ‘Who knows when I get to make this overflow?  And if I never do it, will I perhaps have to be always far away from Him?’

May 20, 1900

All things have their origin from nothing.  Necessity of rest and of interior silence.

Finding myself outside of myself, it seemed to me it was nighttime and I could see the whole universe, the whole order of nature, the starry heaven, the silence of the night.… In sum, it seemed to me that everything had a meaning.  While seeing this, I seemed to see Our Lord who, beginning to speak about what I was seeing, said:  “All nature invites one to rest; but what is true rest?  It is the interior rest and the silence of all that is not God.  Look at the stars, twinkling with tempered light, not dazzling like the sun; the sleep and the silence of all nature, of men and also of animals – they all look for a place, a den, in which to be in silence and rest from the tiredness of life.  If this is necessary for the body, much more is it necessary for the soul to rest in her own center, which is God.  But in order to be able to rest in God, interior silence is necessary, just as exterior silence is necessary to the body in order to peacefully fall asleep.  But what is this interior silence?  It is to silence one’s own passions by keeping them in their place; it is to impose silence on desires, on inclinations, on affections – in sum, on all that does not call upon God.  Now, what is the means to reach this?  The only means, and absolutely necessary, is for the soul to undo her own being and reduce herself to nothing, just as she was before being created; and once she has reduced her being to nothing, she must take it again in God.

My daughter, all things have their origin from nothing.  If this very machine of the universe which you are admiring with its great order had been full of other things before I created it, I could not have put my creative hand to make it with such great mastery and to render it so splendid and adorned.  At the most, I could have undone everything that might have been there, to then redo it according to my liking.  But we always come to this:  all of my works have their origin from nothing, and when there is a mixing with other things, it is not decorous for my majesty to descend and operate in the soul.  But when the soul reduces herself to nothing and rises to Me, and takes her being within Mine, then I operate as the God that I am, and the soul finds true rest.  And here is how all virtues, from humility to the annihilation of oneself, begin.”

Who can say how much I understood about what blessed Jesus told me?  Oh, how happy my soul would be if I could reach the point of undoing my poor being to be able to receive from my God His Divine Being!  Oh, how I would ennoble myself, how sanctified I would be!  But what foolishness is mine, where is my brain, if still I do not do it?  What a human misery – instead of looking for its true good and taking wing on high, it contents itself with scrabbling on the ground and with living amidst mud and rot!

After this, my beloved Jesus transported me inside a garden in which there were many people preparing themselves to attend a feast, but only those who received a uniform were able to attend, and few were those who received this uniform.  A great yearning arose in me to receive one, and I did so much that I obtained the intent.  So, as I reached the place in which one would receive it, a venerable matronly woman clothed me in white first, and then placed on me a pale blue shoulder band on which a medal was hanging with the imprint of the face of Jesus.  While being a face, it was also a mirror, and in looking at it, one would detect the slightest stains, which the soul, with the help of a light coming from within that face, could easily remove.  It seemed to me that that medal contained a mysterious meaning.  Then she took a mantle of finest gold and covered me all over.  It seemed to me that dressed in this way I could compete with the virgins in Heaven.  While this was happening, Jesus told me:  “My daughter, let us go back to see what men are doing; it is enough for you to be dressed – when the feast begins, I will take you there to attend.”  So, after we went round for a little while, He transported me inside my bed.

May 21, 1900

The most sublime state is to undo one’s own will in the Will of God, and to live of His Will.

This morning my adorable Jesus was not coming.  Then, after much waiting He came, and caressing me, told me:  “My daughter, do you know what my design is upon you, and the state I want from you?”  And pausing a little, He added:  “The design I have upon you is not of prodigious things, and of many things which I could operate upon you to show my work; rather, my design is to absorb you in my Will, making you one with It, and to make of you a perfect example of uniformity of your will with Mine.  But this is the most sublime state, it is the greatest prodigy, it is the miracle of miracles that I intend to make of you.

My daughter, in order to arrive at making her will perfectly one with Ours, the soul must render herself invisible.  She must imitate Me who, while I fill the world by keeping it absorbed within Myself and by not being absorbed in it, render Myself invisible, for I do not let Myself be seen by anyone.  This means that there is no matter in Me, but that everything is most pure Spirit; and if in my assumed Humanity I took on matter, it was to render Myself similar to man in everything and to give him a most perfect example of how to spiritualize this very matter.  So, the soul must spiritualize everything and arrive at becoming invisible in order to be able to easily make her will one with my Will, because that which is invisible can be absorbed by another object.  If one wants to make one object out of two objects, it is necessary that one of these lose its shape, otherwise one could never arrive at forming one single being.

What fortune yours would be if, by destroying yourself to the point of becoming invisible, you could receive a shape fully divine!  Even more, by being absorbed in Me, and I in you, forming one single being, you would come to retain the divine source within yourself; and since my Will contains every good that can ever be, you would come to retain all goods, all gifts, all graces, and would not have to look for them anywhere else but within yourself.  And if virtues have no boundaries, when the creature is in my Will insofar as she can reach, she will find their limit, because my Will makes one acquire the most heroic and sublime virtues which the creature cannot surpass.

The height of the perfection of a soul undone in my Will is such that she reaches the point of operating like God.  And this is no wonder, because, since it is no longer her will that lives in her but the Will of God Himself, every amazement ceases if, by living with this Will, she possesses the power, the wisdom, the sanctity and all the other virtues that God Himself contains.  It is enough to tell you, so that you may become enamored and cooperate as much as you can on your part to reach such a point, that the soul who arrives at living of my Will alone is queen of all queens, and her throne is so high as to reach the throne of the Eternal One; she enters the secrets of the Most August Trinity, and participates in the reciprocal love of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  Oh, how all the Angels and Saints honor her, men admire her, and the demons fear her, seeing the Divine Being in her!”

‘Ah, Lord, when will You make me arrive at this, since by myself I can do nothing!’

Now, who can say all that the Lord infused in me through intellectual light about this uniformity of wills?  The height of those concepts is so great that my tongue, not well refined, has no words to express them.  I could only say this little, though speaking nonsense, of that which the Lord made me comprehend through most vivid light.

Thursday, December 29, 2022


 May 1, 1900 

The Eucharist and the Cross.  Suffering is not to be feared.

After I received Communion, my sweet Jesus made Himself seen all affability; and as it seemed that the confessor was placing the intention of the crucifixion, my nature felt almost a repugnance to submit itself.  My sweet Jesus, to cheer me, told me:  “My daughter, if the Eucharist is the deposit of the future glory, the cross is the disbursement with which to purchase it.  If the Eucharist is the seed which prevents corruption – like those aromatic herbs that prevent decomposition when applied to cadavers – and gives immortality to soul and body, the cross embellishes and is so powerful that if debts have been contracted, it becomes their guarantor, and it more surely obtains the restitution of the debt’s deed.  And after it has satisfied every debt, it forms for the soul the most refulgent throne in the future glory.  Ah, yes, the cross and the Eucharist alternate, and one operates more powerfully than the other.”

Then He added:  “The cross is my flowery bed, not because I did not suffer harrowing spasms, but because by means of the cross I delivered many souls to grace, and I could see many beautiful flowers bloom, which would produce many celestial fruits.  So, in seeing so much good, I held that bed of suffering as my delight, and I delighted in the cross and in suffering.  You too, my daughter - take pains as delights, and delight in being crucified on my cross.  No, no, I do not want you to fear suffering, almost wanting to act as a sluggard.  Up, courage!  Be brave and, on your own, expose yourself to suffering.”

As He was saying this, I saw my good guardian Angel ready to crucify me; I stretched out my arms on my own, and the Angel crucified me.  Oh, how good Jesus delighted in my suffering!  And how content I was, that such a miserable soul could give pleasure to Jesus!  It seemed a great honor for me to suffer for love of Him.