Friday, April 20, 2012

Enter with Me

603                                             Dongo (Como, Italy);
                                                    December 24, 1997
                                                   The Holy Night

a     Enter with me, beloved sons, into the cave where, on this holy night, my divine Child is born. Do not be disturbed by its squa­lor; do not be dismayed by its poverty; do not be saddened by its solitude. This cave is a sweet shelter for our weariness; it is a safe refuge for our pilgrimage; it is a cradle chosen by the Heavenly Father for the human birth of his only-begotten Son.
b    Enter with me into the cave in silence and in an act of pro­found adoration. The Eternal Word of the Father is born to his human life; He is placed in a manger; He is glorified by the angels, adored by the shepherds, comforted and loved by me, his Virgin Mother, and by my most chaste spouse, Joseph.
c     Understand, beloved sons, how much God has loved the world, so as to give it his very own Son. Contemplate with astonish­ment the manger: the Son of God has chosen to be born in poverty, in humility, in solitude, in pain and in tears.
d     Feel with me the intense desire to cover Him with every kind of gratitude; warm Him with the kiss of your priestly love; clothe Him with the white garments of your virtues; wipe away his tears with the precious linen of your immolation; adore Him together  with  the shepherds, with the purity of your prayer; clasp
Him to your heart as your only and greatest treasure.
e       Enter with me into this dark cave, if you wish to share in the splendor of his divine dwelling.
f      Enter with me into the fullness of time. This holy night brings time to its fullness. The time has been ordained by God in which to prepare for the human birth of the Son. From Adam to Noah, from Abraham to David, from the patriarchs and the prophets, time has been marked by a long and ardent waiting for his com­ing.
  g    On this holy night, the time of the first Advent is fulfilled, because a Child is born to you, Emmanuel, God-with-us. The very Son of God shares in the human fragility, which becomes apparent in a particular way in his birth, in his growth, in his adolescence, and in his youth. He carries the burden of all suf­ferings and offers Himself, as a gentle lamb, in his cruel Sacrifice for your redemption and your salvation.
h    Humanity is redeemed; man is saved; time reaches its apex when it marks the precious moment of universal redemption. As of this night, a new journey begins for humanity, illuminated by the hope and expectation of his second coming in glory.
i    Enter with me into the fullness of time, which will take place when Jesus returns in the splendor of his divine glory. This, his first coining, will reach its full significance only at his second coming. This holy night is ordained to the radiant day that will have no dusk.
  j  My divine Child, whom you now contemplate in the manger and who cries and shivers from the cold, will one day return in the power of his divine glory and will bring time and history to its fullness. Time and history will reach their completion; with his divine and glorious presence, He will make all things new.
k     You are living out the mystery of this second Advent, which is preparing you to receive Jesus, when He returns to you on the clouds of heaven.
  Only then will the second Advent through which you are living reach its fulfillment.
   Then time will attain its fullness.
   Then will the Immaculate Heart of your heavenly Mother attain her triumph, in the definitive and glorious triumph of her Son Jesus.
l     Enter with me into the fullness of time, and prepare yourselves to live the Great Jubilee, for which my Pope is preparing you, which will cause the ineffable light of the Divine and Most Holy Trinity to come down upon the world."

Open the Doors to Christ

602             Vacallo (Switzerland); December 8, 1997
Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception

a    "Look today at the heavenly splendor of your immaculate Mother, and let yourselves be drawn, each and all, by the waves of my sweet fragrance.
b       I am the Immaculate Conception.
    I am all beautiful: tota pulchra.
         I am the living tabernacle of the Most Holy Trinity, where he Father is everlastingly glorified, the Son perfectly loved, and the Holy Spirit fully possessed.
I am the door opens upon your salvation. My moth­erly task is that of preparing you to receive my Son who is com­ing.

 c      Open the doors to Christ. Jesus has come into your midst on the day of his earthly birth, by means of me, his virginal Mother, in order to become your Savior and your sole Redeemer.
d     Contemplate Him with purity of heart and with a look of love, at the moment when He is born of me and placed in a manger, feeling the rigors of the cold and the chill of a world which ignores and rejects Him. This little Child who is crying is God-with-us, is the Redeemer of the world, is the only Sav­ior. Without Him, it is not possible for man to find salvation.
e      Open the doors to Christ.  Open the doors of your mind, to receive his divine word with humility and docility. In the deep
darkness which envelops the minds of a humanity submerged in errors, only his word brings you the light of truth. Make the announcement of his Gospel shine forth in the world. Carry out the task of a new evangelization which has been entrusted to you.
f      Bring, once again today, his word to the poor, the sinners, the sick, the prisoners, so that they may all walk in the light of the truth.
g     Open the doors to Christ. Open the doors of your soul to re­ceive Him in a worthy manner at the moment when He com­municates Himself to you under the Eucharistic species. It is Jesus in his divine Person, with his glorious body and his divin­ity, whom you receive when you approach Holy Communion. You must prepare in your souls a dwelling place which should be worthy of Him.
h     For this reason, I urge you to flee from sin, to not allow your­selves to become possessed by sin, to live always in the grace and love of God.   If ever it should happen that you fall into mortal sin, sacramental confession is necessary before receiving Holy Communion.  Today my Heart bleeds to see how sacrilegious commun­ions are spreading more and more, because many come to re­ceive Jesus in the Eucharist in a state of mortal sin without hav­ing gone to confession.
I     Therefore, let your souls be filled with grace and holiness, so that you may receive Jesus in a worthy manner when He gives Himself to you in the sacrament of his love.
j     Open the doors to Christ. Open the doors of your heart, that you may welcome Him with the firmness of your love. Jesus brings you to the perfection of love. He loves in you; by means of you, his love spreads to all. He wants to love each person whom you meet along your way. By means of you, his divine charity spreads, and thus you become the instruments of the triumph of his merciful love.
k    Open the doors to Christ.  Open the doors of your life to Christ when He returns in the splendor of his glory.  The Christian life must be ever oriented to this expectation. And so, I invite you to live in trust and in great hope.  Let yourselves be carried with filial abandonment in the arms of your Heavenly Father.
l     Then, each day of this painful time will be lived by you in serenity and joy.  Because the sufferings of the present moment are not comparable to the glory which awaits you, when Christ will manifest Himself and you will see Him as He is, in the blazing light of his divine splendor.”

Conformed to Jesus Crucified

601            Sale (Alessandria, Italy); November 21, 1997 Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

a       "Beloved sons, let yourselves be carried into the heavenly temple of my Immaculate Heart, so that I can make you more and more conformed to my Son Jesus. Your priestly life must be conformed to all things to that of Jesus.  He wants to live in you in all his fullness.  You must become his word, lived out and proclaimed to all with courage and fidelity, in such a way that the light of the Gospel may brighten up the dense darkness which envelops the world.
b     His merciful love wants to manifest itself and to draw all souls into the burning fire of his divine charity, especially those fur­thest away, the straying, those who are lying prostrate under bond­age to evil and sin. Jesus works the prodigy of divine mercy, above all through your priestly suffering. For this, the moment has come when I wish to render all of you conformed to Jesus Crucified.
c     Conformed to Jesus Crucified, in your daily priestly ministry. The times have come when you, my beloved sons, must drink to the dregs the bitter chalice which the Heavenly Father has prepared for you. Interior sufferings are increasing, those caused by your own limitations, by human misery, by feeling in life the weight of your very great weakness. Also increasing are the inti­mate sufferings caused by the misunderstanding and rejection, often on the part of those close to you. I am asking you to taste, you also, the painful hour of Gethsemane.
d   Conformed to Jesus Crucified, especially in your many exterior sufferings. I have need of your priestly suffering. For each one of you also, I have prepared the moment of your own particular crucifixion.
e    For this reason, my little son, I have asked of you much suffer­ing, caused by the painful heart operation which you have had to undergo. You have offered everything to me with great docility and filial abandonment, and this has greatly supported the plan of my Immaculate Heart.
f     It is above all with the physical sufferings, borne by you with docility and love, that I am conforming you to my Crucified Son, while I am at your side with the same motherly concern with which I stood close to Jesus in the bloody moments of his passion and his immolation on the Cross.
g     Conformed to Jesus Crucified, beloved sons, now that you are approaching the fulfillment of my plan, for which I have been forming and cultivating you for years with motherly urgency and jealousy.
h     Take courage, resume the journey in trust and hope. You are approaching moments of grace in which you will see flow out upon the world the torrents of divine mercy. The world will then be purified by this divine fire of love, and it will be com­pletely renewed, so that Jesus may bring into your midst his kingdom of grace and of holiness, of justice, of love and of peace.
i      For this, I am asking you to second, each day, my motherly action, which seeks to make you all more and more conformed to Jesus Crucified.”

Merciful Love

600                       Sale (Alessandria, Italy); October 1, 1997 Feast of St. Therese of the Child Jesus

a     "Beloved sons, enter into the spiritual cenacle of my Immacu­late Heart, so that I may have you penetrate into the divine mystery of the merciful love of my Son Jesus.
b     Jesus is Merciful Love, because in Him is reflected the divine mercy of the Father, who has so loved the world that He has sent it his only-begotten Son for its salvation. In Jesus, the mercy of the Father becomes personified and realizes itself in the plan of salvation. By means of Him, the Father causes his pardon to descend upon humanity, which had wandered away because of sin, and brings it back to a full communion of love and of life with its Lord and its Creator.
c      Jesus is Merciful Love, because, by making Himself man, He takes upon Himself the fragility, weakness and the suffering of all humanity. When a baby, He carries in his Heart the wails and the sighs of all the babies of the world; as a youth, He lives through all the vicissitudes and difficulties of youth, so fragile and ex­posed to the impetuous wind of the passions; when He reaches maturity, He carries within his divine Person the problems, the anguish, and the pains of everyone.
d     He bows down over the poor to announce to them the Gos­pel of salvation; He proclaims freedom to prisoners; He com­forts the abandoned, pardons sinners, heals the sick, consoles the afflicted, and drives out Satan from those he had possessed.
e     Jesus is Merciful Love, because He is meek and humble of heart. Let yourselves be drawn after his meekness. See how He is gentle, tender, and compassionate to all; docile and meek, He lets Him­self be led by his enemies, like a lamb which is being carried to its bloody sacrifice.
f    Let yourselves be possessed by his humility.  The first becomes the last; the Master becomes the disciple; the Lord puts Himself at the service of all. The fullness of his divinity becomes hidden in Him under the human veil of his humility. 'Learn from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  (Mt 11:29)
g     Jesus is Merciful  Love, because He wants to draw all into the burning furnace of his divine love. Allow yourselves to be drawn by Him. Do not resist his calls. Walk with me along the road of his divine love. Beloved sons, you too must make your own the sweet experience of your love for Jesus.
h   Today you are celebrating the liturgical memorial of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus, which is occurring on the first cen­tenary of her birth into heaven. Today I give her to all of you as your little sister. It was she who consecrated herself as a victim to the merciful love of Jesus. It was she who allowed herself to be completely consumed by the burning furnace of his divine charity.
i      Imitate her in this, her little way. You too must become little, simple, humble, meek and gentle. You must become, all of you, little children, traveling along the way of spiritual childhood which she has traced out for you.
j     You too must offer yourselves as victims to the merciful love of Jesus, so that, through you, He may very soon shed upon the world the great prodigy of divine mercy.”

All Has Been Revealed to You

604                                            Milan (Italy); December 31, 1997
Last Night of the Year

a     "Beloved sons, in silence and in prayer, spend with me the final hours of this year which is about to end. Do not spend them in dissipation and entertainments, as so many of my chil­dren do.
b    This year has been particularly important for my plan. You are now entering into my times. For this, I have traced out for you a light-filled way, along which all of you must walk, in order to live the consecration which you have made to my Immaculate Heart.
c      Now all has been revealed to you.
d  All has been revealed to you: my plan has been prophetically announced to you at Fatima, and during these years, I have been carrying it out through my Marian Movement of Priests. This has been revealed to you in its gradual preparation.
e      This century of yours, which is about to end, has been placed under the sign of a strong power conceded to my Adversary. Thus, 'humanity has been led astray by the error of theoretical and practical atheism; in the place of God, idols have been built which everyone adores: pleasure, money, amusement, power, pride and impurity.
f    Truly Satan, with the cup of lust, has succeeded in seducing all the nations of the earth. He has replaced love with hatred; communion with division; justice with many injustices; peace with continuous war. In fact this entire century has been spent under the sign of cruel and bloody wars, which have claimed millions of innocent victims.
g     So then, the Most Holy Trinity has decreed that your century be placed under the sign of my powerful, maternal and extraordinary presence.  Thus, at Fatima I pointed out the way along which humanity must journey for its return to  the Lord:  that of conversion, prayer and penance.  And as a safe refuge, I offered you my Immaculate Heart.
h     All has been revealed to you: my plan has been pointed out to you even in its painful realization. Humanity has fallen under the domination of Satan and of his great power, exercised with the satanic and masonic forces; my Church has become obscured by his smoke which has penetrated into it. Errors are being taught and propagated, causing many to lose true faith in Christ and in his Gospel; the holy Law of God is openly violated; sin is com­mitted and often even justified, and thus the light of grace and of the divine presence is lost; unity is deeply split apart by a strong contestation directed against the Magisterium, and especially against the Pope; and the wound caused by painful lacerations becomes ever wider.
i     In order to give the suffering and crucified Church of your time my motherly help and a safe refuge, I have brought the Marian Movement of Priests into being and have spread it through every part of the world by means of my book, which traces out for you the road along which you must journey in order to spread my light. With this book, I teach you to live the consecration to my Immaculate Heart with the simplicity of children, in a spirit of humility, of poverty, of trust and of filial abandonment.
j     I have now been guiding you for twenty-five years, with the words which I have spoken to the heart of this, my little son, whom I have chosen as an instrument for the realization of my maternal plan. During these years I myself have carried him several times to every part of the world, and he has allowed him­self to be led with docility, small and fearful but totally aban­doned to me, like a little baby in the arms of his mother.
k     As of now, all that I had to say to you has been said, because all has been revealed to you.
I   Therefore, on this night, there come to an end the public messages, which I have been giving you for twenty-five years; now you must meditate on them, live them and put them into practice. Then the words which I have caused to come down from my Immaculate Heart, as drops of heavenly dew upon the desert of your life, so threatened by snares, will produce fruits of grace and holiness.
m     From now on, I will manifest myself through the word, the person and the actions of this, my little son, whom I have chosen
to be your guide and whom I am now leading to the painful summit of his mission.
n     All  has been revealed to you: my plan has been foretold to you especially in its wonderful and victorious fulfillment.
o     I have announced to you the triumph of my Immaculate Heart in the world. In the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph.
p    This will come about in the greatest triumph of Jesus, who will bring into the world his glorious reign of love, of justice and of peace, and will make all things new.
q     Open your hearts to hope.
Throw open the doors to Christ who comes to you in glory. Live the trembling hour of this second Advent.
r     Become thus the courageous heralds of this, his triumph, because you — little babes consecrated to me who live from my very own spirit — are the apostles of these last times.
s    Live as faithful disciples of Jesus, in contempt for the world and for yourselves, in poverty, in humility, in silence, in prayer, in mortification, in charity and in union with God, while you are unknown and despised by the world.
t     The moment has come for you to come out from your hiddenness in order to go and shed light upon the earth.
u    Show yourselves to all as my children, for I am with you al­ways. Let the faith be the light which enlightens you in these days of darkness, and let zeal alone consume you, zeal for the honor and glory of my Son Jesus.
v    Fight, children of the light, because the hour of my battle has now arrived. In the harshest of winters, you are the buds which are opening up from my Immaculate Heart and which I am placing on the branches of the Church to tell you that her most beautiful springtime is about to arrive.
w     This will be for her the second Pentecost. For this reason, I invite you to repeat often in the cenacles, the prayer that I have asked of you: `Come, Holy Spirit, come by means of the power­ful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your well-beloved Spouse.'
x     With the love of a Mother who, during these years, has been listened to, followed and glorified by you, I bless you all in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

      Some samplings of Jesus’ lessons in Luisa Piccarreta’s “Book of Heaven:

       A short  Compilation

    About  Faith, Hope & Charity
.    ...and the rest but not the least of Volume 2
     What does Jesus say about his Will & the Our Father prayer?

      Inside the Heart of Reparation!  Click here
     A thought on Luisa Piccarreta.......

     Her Cause for Beatification and Canonization

  The first canonized saint associated with the Divine Will is Saint Hannibal Mary Di Francia who was Luisa’s confessor and theological sensor assigned by the Holy See to investigate Luisa's writings.  
