Friday, August 16, 2013

Living in the Divine Will 3
Tony Hickey

November 9th and 10th
Fatima House
360 Belvidere Ave

Washington, NJ

I just returned home from Rome and Med. earlier this week.  I attended a seven day silent retreat in Med. with Tony and Father Ianuzzi which as you can imagine was wonderful!  During the seven days we had many hours of Adoration and prayer time where all of you and your intentions were remembered. They did tape all the talks given by Father and they will be available 6 to 8 weeks from now. I have received many calls and emails regarding the retreat in Nov.,  I thought the best way to respond quickly to all was to send out this email.  The retreat will be on The Christmas Novena, and as you all know Tony will always add in other information when prompted by The Holy Spirit.  It is an open retreat so all are welcome, if there are newcomers to the Divine Will, we would ask if possible, they could get a hold of either Tony's little booklet and or his CD's connected to the booklet, to familiarize themselves first before the retreat.  The retreat is not full due to the large room at Fatima House, if all those planning on coming could send an email to me ASAP I would appreciate it.  I know many have sent emails regarding staying overnight at Fatima House, if you could just send an email confirming the number of people in your group, as well as female or male beds needed that would be helpful.  All those staying over should bring their own food for the weekend.  Those who will be commuting to the retreat please bring a bagged lunch for yourselves for Sat. and Sun.  Also those who are traveling a distance who would like to stay over Friday night please mention this in your confirmation email.  We will have Mass Sat. and Sunday, though the schedule for these Masses is not firmed up at this time.
Please keep the retreat and preparation for the retreat in your prayers,
God Bless You,
Deborah Raho   DM
11 Maple Springs Rd.
Pittstown,     NJ   08867 USA

Living in the Divine Will 3
Tony Hickey

November 9th and 10th

Fatima House
360 Belvidere Ave

Washington, NJ


Tentative Schedule
Saturday 9am to 7pm

Sunday 9am to 5pm


To Register email Deborah Raho
Free Will Offering will be collected at end of retreat
There will be limited overnight accommodations( dormitory style) at Fatima House if interested RSVP  asap!