Friday, October 28, 2022

 March 19, 1928

Reluctance in writing.  Littleness.  The return of the writings.  How the Divine Will lives suffocated in the midst of creatures because It is not known.  Grave weight over those who should make It known; how they render themselves robbers.  Preparation of great events.  

My Heart and my Life Jesus, here I am again, at the great sacrifice of beginning to write yet another volume.  My heart is bleeding from the effort I am making, especially because of the conditions in which my little and poor soul finds itself.  My Love, if You do not help me, if You do not overwhelm me within You and make use of your power and love over me, I can no longer go on, and I will be incapable of writing a single word.  Therefore I pray You that your Fiat alone may triumph in me!  And if You want me to continue writing, do not abandon me to myself – continue your office of teacher who dictates to my little soul.  If then You want me to write no more, I kiss and adore your Divine Will, and I thank You; and I pray that I may profit from the many lessons You have given me, that I may chew them continuously, and that I may model my life according to your teachings.  Celestial Mama, Sovereign Queen, extend your blue mantle over me to protect me; guide my hand as I write, that I may fulfill the Divine Will.

So, after I finished writing the twenty-third volume – and Jesus alone knows with what hardship and sacrifice – I was lamenting to blessed Jesus that He had been very sparing with His teachings, and that He had made me toil to write just a few words.  So I was thinking to myself:  ‘I have nothing else to write, because if Jesus does not speak, I don’t know what to say, and it seems that Jesus has nothing more to tell me.  It is true that the story of His Fiat is without limits – it never ends, and even eternally, in Heaven, It will always have something to say about the eternal Will; and being eternal, It encloses the infinite, and the infinite has infinite things and knowledges to speak about, in such a way as to never end; It is like the Sun which, as it gives light, has ever more light to give – its light is never exhausted… But, can it not be that for me He may put a limit to His speaking, and that He may make a pause in narrating the long story of His Eternal Will?’

Now, while I was thinking of this, my sweet Jesus moved in my interior in the act of coming out, and told me:  “My daughter, how little you are!  And it shows how, as you go on, you become more little; and little as you are, you want to measure Our greatness with your littleness, Our eternal speaking with your limits in speaking.  And little child as you are, you are content with the fact that your Jesus may have nothing more to tell you; you would like to rest and go back to our early amusements, since you have nothing else to do.  Poor little one!  Don’t you know that these are brief pauses that your Celestial Jesus is allowing for other purposes of His, which are not evident to you, and when you least expect it He will start again His very important speech about the long story of His eternal Will?”

* * *

After much struggling and fighting, finally the writings about the Divine Will arrived here from Messina, and I felt a certain contentment in me because, finally, I could have them near me, and I thanked my sweet Jesus from the heart.  But Jesus, moving in my interior, making Himself seen with an air of sadness, told me:  “My daughter, you are content, and I am afflicted.  If you knew what an enormous weight loomed over those in Messina… While they had interest in keeping them, they kept them sleeping.  They were responsible for a Divine Will; and in seeing the idleness in which they kept them, I allowed that they be sent back.  Now this weight looms over those who had them sent back with so much interest:  if they do not occupy themselves with them, they too will be responsible for a Divine Will; and if you knew what it means to be responsible for a Will so holy… It means to keep It hampered, while It yearns – It longs to have Its shackles removed; and they can be removed by making It known.  It is full of life, It flows everywhere, it envelops everything; but this life lives as though suffocated in the midst of creatures because It is not known.  And It moans, for It wants the freedom of Its life, and It is forced to keep the rays of Its endless light within Itself, because It is not known.

Now, who is responsible for so many pains of my Divine Will?  Those who must interest themselves with making It known, but they do not.  Has my purpose perhaps been to give much news about my Fiat without the desired fruit of making It known?  No, no, I want the life of what I said, I want to make the new Sun shine, I want the fruit of the many knowledges I have manifested, I want my work to receive its longed for effect.  In fact, how much have I not worked to dispose you to receive knowledges so important about my Will?  And you yourself – how many sacrifices have you not made, and how many graces have I not given you to have you make them?  My work has been long, and when I would see you sacrificed, I would look at the great good that my knowledges about the Fiat would produce in the midst of creatures – the new era that was to arise by virtue of them; and while suffering in sacrificing you, my tender Heart would take immense pleasure in seeing, by virtue of this, the good, the peace, the order, the happiness that my other children were to receive.  

When I do great things in a soul, manifesting important truths and renewals that I want to make in the midst of the human family, it is not for that creature alone that I manifest this, but I want to enclose everyone in that good – like Sun, I want my truths to shine over each one, so that, whoever wants, may take their light.  Did I not do the same with my Celestial Mama?  Now, if She had wanted to keep the incarnation of the Word concealed, what good would my coming upon earth have brought?  Nothing – I would have departed for Heaven without giving my life to anyone; and the Sovereign Queen, had She concealed Me, would have been responsible, and robber of all the good and of many divine lives of Mine which creatures were to receive.  In the same way, they will be responsible and robbers of all the good that the knowledges about my Divine Fiat will bring, because It will bring many lives of light, of grace, and the immense goods which a Divine Will contains.  Therefore, a grave weight looms over those who should occupy themselves with it - if they continue to keep the Suns, so beneficial, of so many truths about my eternal Will, idle.  And if you, as first, wanted to oppose making known what regards my Will, you would be the first robber of those many Suns and of the many goods which the creatures are to receive through these knowledges.”

Then, with a more tender tone, He added:  “My daughter, the world is as though burned – there is no one who pours upon them the pure water that can quench their thirst; and if they drink at all, it is the cloudy water of their will, which burns them even more.  Even the good - the children of my Church who try to do good - after doing good do not feel the happiness of that good, but rather, the weight of the good which brings them sadness and tiredness.  Do you know why?  Because in that very good the life of my Fiat is missing, which contains the divine strength that takes any tiredness away; the light and the heat of my Will are missing, which have the virtue of emptying any weight and of sweetening all bitternesses; the beneficial dew of my Fiat is missing, which beads the actions of creatures, and makes them appear so beautiful as to bring the life of happiness to them; the ever springing water of my Will is missing, which, while fecundating in a divine manner, gives life and quenches their thirst.  This is why they drink, but they burn more.  See then, how necessary it is that Its knowledges become known and make their way in the midst of creatures, so as to offer to each one the life of my Will, with the fount of the goods It contains.

All, even those who are said to be more good, feel that something necessary is lacking to them; they feel that their works are not complete, and everyone longs for another good, but they themselves don’t know what it is.  It is the fullness and the totality of my Divine Fiat that is missing in their acts, and therefore their works are as though halved, because only with my Will and in my Will can one do complete works.  Therefore, It yearns to be known in order to bring Its life and fulfillment to the works of Its creatures; more so, since I am preparing great events - sorrowful and prosperous; chastisements and graces; unforeseen and unexpected wars – everything in order to dispose them to receive the good of the knowledges of my Fiat.  And if they let them sleep without casting them into the midst of creatures, they will render the events which I am preparing fruitless.  What an account will they not have to give Me?  With these knowledges I am preparing the renewal and the restoration of the human family.  Therefore, on your part, don’t place any obstacle and continue to pray that the Kingdom of my Divine Will may come soon.”

Sunday, October 23, 2022

 February 22, 1930

One who lives in the Divine Will remains surrounded by the Divine Immutability.  Death of good; sacrifice of life in order to make it rise again.  

I am always prey to that Divine Fiat which knows how to conquer sweetly and strongly.  With Its sweetness It draws me in an irresistible way; with Its strength It wins me, in such a way that It can do with me whatever It wants.  Oh! Holy Will, since You conquer me, O please! let it be so that, with your own strength and sweetness, I may win You; and surrendering to my continuous supplications - come to reign upon earth, form your sweet enchantment to the human will, and let everything on earth become Divine Will.  

So, while I was thinking about the Divine Volition, my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior and making Himself seen, told me:  “My daughter, if you knew what it means to give oneself prey to my Divine Will!  The soul remains surrounded by Our Immutability, and everything becomes immutable for her:  sanctity, light, grace, love.  So, she no longer feels the variability of the human ways, but the stability of the divine ways.  Therefore, one who lives in my Divine Will can be called heavens, which are always fixed and stable at their place of honor with all their stars; and if they revolve, since it is the whole of Creation that revolves, they do not change place, nor do they mutate, but the heavens remain always immutable with all the stars.  Such is the soul who lives in my Divine Will; she may go around, do various actions, but since she goes around within the motive power of my Divine Fiat and in the wholeness of my Will, she will always be heavens, and immutable in her goods and in the prerogatives with which my Supreme Will has endowed her.

On the other hand, one who lives outside of my Divine Fiat, without Its motive power, can be called like those wandering stars which fall in the space, as if there were no fixed place for them; and they are forced, like wandering stars, to run headlong, as if they were lost, away from the vault of the heavens.  Such is the soul who does not do and does not live in my Divine Will; she mutates at each occasion, she feels within herself such variability of mutation, that she feels boredom in repeating a continuous good; and if she makes any sparkling of light come out of herself, it is like the glittering of the wandering stars, which soon disappears.  It can be said that this is the sign to know whether one lives of Divine Will:  immutability in good; and changing at every little blow, if one lives of human will.”

After this, I followed the acts of the Divine Fiat, going around in the works of Creation, in Eden, in the most notable points and people of the history of the world, to ask, in the name of all, for the Kingdom of the Divine Will upon earth.  And my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, told me:  “My daughter, by withdrawing from my Divine Will, man gave death to the goods which my Divine Volition would have made rise in him, had It not been rejected.  As he went out, so died the continuous act of the Divine Life in man; the sanctity that always grows died, the light that always arises, the beauty that never stops, always to embellish; the untiring love that never says enough, which always – always wants to give.  More so since, by his rejecting my Divine Will, died the order, the air, the food that was to nourish him continuously.  See, then, how many divine goods man caused to die within himself by withdrawing from my Divine Will.  

Now, wherever there has been the death of good, the sacrifice of life is required in order to make the destroyed good rise again.  This is why, justly and wisely, whenever I wanted to renew the world and give a good to creatures, I have requested the sacrifice of life, as I asked of Abraham the sacrifice of sacrificing to Me his only son, which indeed he carried out, and, prevented by Me, he stopped.  And in that sacrifice, which cost Abraham more than his own life, the new generation rose again in which the Divine Liberator and Redeemer was to descend, who was to make the good which had died in the creature rise again.  With the passing of time, I allowed the sacrifice and the great sorrow of Jacob for the death of his beloved son, Joseph; and even though he did not die, it was for him as if he had died in reality.  This was the new call that made the Celestial Liberator rise again in that sacrifice, whom it called to make the lost good rise again.

Furthermore, I Myself, by coming upon earth, wanted to die; but with the sacrifice of my death I called for the rising again of many lives, and of the good which the creature had caused to die.  And I wanted to rise again in order to confirm the life for that good and the resurrection for the human family.  What great crime it is to make good die – so much so, that the sacrifice of other lives is required in order to make it rise again.  Now, with all my Redemption and the sacrifice of my death, since my Divine Will does not reign, not all good has risen again in the creature.  My Will is repressed and cannot carry out the sanctity It wants; good suffers from intermittency – now it rises, now it dies; and my Fiat remains with the continuous sorrow of not being able to make rise all the good It wants in the creature.  And this is why I remained in the little Host as Sacrament; I departed for Heaven, but I remained on earth in the midst of creatures, to be born, live and die, though mystically, in order to make rise in them all the good which man rejected by withdrawing from my Divine Will.  And, united to my sacrifice, I asked for the sacrifice of your life, to make Its Kingdom rise again in the midst of the human generations.  And from each Tabernacle I am as though on the lookout to accomplish the complete work – Redemption and Fiat Voluntas Tua on earth as It is in Heaven – content with sacrificing Myself and dying in each Host in order to make the Sun of my Divine Fiat, the new era, and Its full triumph, rise again.  Upon departing from the earth, I said:  ‘I go to Heaven, and I remain on earth in the Sacrament.  I will content Myself with waiting for centuries.  I know it will cost Me much - unheard-of outrages will not be lacking, maybe more than in my very Passion; but I will arm Myself with divine patience, and from the little Host I will accomplish the complete work:  I will make my Will reign in the hearts, and will continue to remain in their midst to enjoy the fruits of so many sacrifices I have been through.’  Therefore, together with Me, be united to the sacrifice for a cause so holy, and for the just triumph that my Will may reign and dominate.”


Saturday, October 22, 2022

March 9, 1930

How the knowledges on the Divine Will contain the science of forming Its Life and the people of Its Kingdom. How, in remembering what Jesus did and suffered, His Love is renewed, It swells and overflows outside for the good of creatures.

My abandonment in the Fiat continues. I feel clasped in Its arms of light, and so tightly, that it is not given to me to be able to detach even a tiny bit; nor do I, even less so, want to do it – I would very much beware of detaching from Its bosom of light. It seems to me that there is an agreement between me and the Divine Will – that both of us cannot separate from the other. Oh! Holy Will, how lovable and powerful You are. With your loveliness You attract me, You enrapture me, You enchant me; and I, enchanted, would not know what to do so as not to remain fixed in You. And with your power You maintain Yourself firm over my littleness, You pour Yourself in torrents, in such a way that I have lost the way to go out of your endless light. But, happy loss. O please! Oh adorable Fiat, make everyone lose the way, that they may know no other way than that which leads into your Divine Will. But how will creatures be able to know such a great good?

But while I was thinking of this, my sweet Jesus, making Himself heard in my interior, told me: “My daughter, the knowledges on my Divine Will are the ways which can lead creatures into the arms of light of my Divine Fiat. The knowledges are the seeds, and this seed makes the beginning of the Life of my Divine Fiat be born in the creature; the knowledges – each of them will be like many sips of life, which will form in the creature the maturation of this Divine Life. This is why I have told you so many things about my Divine Fiat; each knowledge will bring – some the seed, some the birth, some the food, some the breath, some the air, some the light and the heat in order to mature the Life of my Will in souls. Each knowledge contains one more degree of maturation; therefore, the more they try to know what I have manifested on my Divine Fiat, the more they will feel matured. My knowledges about It will mold souls, and with their touch they will extinguish the evils of the human will. They will act like a pitying mother who, at any cost, wants to heal her child and see him healthy and beautiful. If you knew what a knowledge on my Divine Will means…. They contain the science of forming the Life of It, in order to form the people of Its Kingdom.

See, the same happens also in the natural order: if one wants to become a teacher, it is necessary for him to know what regards the sciences; and if he does not want to apply himself to knowing the sciences, he will never be mature for being a teacher; and according to the degree of the sciences he has studied, he will possess more or less degrees of education: if a few sciences, he can be mature as an elementary school teacher; and if he has studied many sciences, he can be mature for being a high school professor. So, according to how much they know, both in the arts and in the sciences, so have they all the more matured in that good which they know, and are capable of making the good, the sciences, the arts which they possess, mature in others. Now, by having told you so many knowledges on my Divine Will, it was not in order to give you some beautiful news – no, no; it was in order to form the science of It, first in you, and then in the midst of creatures, so that, once this Science, Divine and all of Heaven, is known, It may make the Life of the Divine Fiat mature, and may form Its Kingdom.”

After this, I was continuing my round in the Divine Will, and I stopped now at one point, now at another, of what my beloved Jesus had done and suffered; and He was as though wounded by His very acts which I was placing around Him, saying to Him: ‘My Love, my ‘I love You’ runs within yours. See, Oh Jesus, how much You have loved us. Yet, there is another thing left to be done, You have not done everything – what is left for You to give us is the great gift of your Divine Fiat as life in the midst of creatures, that It may reign and form Its people. Hurry, Oh Jesus, what are You waiting for? Your very works, your pains, demand the Fiat Voluntas Tua on earth as It is in Heaven.’ But while I was thinking of this, my sweet Jesus came out from within my interior and told me: “My daughter, when the soul remembers what I did and suffered in the course of my Life down here, I feel my Love being renewed, therefore It swells and overflows, and the sea of my Love forms gigantic waves to pour Itself, doubled, over the creatures. If you knew with how much love I await you when you go around in my Divine Will in each of my acts…. In fact, in It, everything I did and suffered is all in act, as if I were doing it in reality; and I, with all love, await you to say to you: ‘See, daughter, this I did for you, I suffered it for you; come to recognize the properties of your Jesus, which are also yours.’ My Heart would suffer if the little daughter of my Divine Will did not recognize all my goods. To keep Our goods hidden with one who lives in Our Divine Fiat would be like not keeping her as daughter, or not having Our full trust with her – which cannot be, because Our Will identifies her so much with Us, that what is Ours is hers. So, it would be, rather, a pain for Us, and We would find Ourselves in the condition of an extremely rich father who possesses many properties, and his children do not know that the father possesses so many goods; therefore, not knowing them, they get used to living as poor, to having unrefined manners, nor do they care for clothing themselves in a noble fashion. Would it not be a sorrow for the father who keeps his properties hidden from these children? While, by his making them known, they would change habit, by living, clothing themselves and using noble manners according to their status. If it would be a sorrow for a terrestrial father, much more so for your Jesus, who is Celestial Father. As I make known to you what I have done and suffered, and the goods that my Divine Will possesses, my Love grows toward you, and your love grows ever more toward Me; and my Heart rejoices in seeing Our little daughter rich with Our own goods. Therefore, your going around in my Divine Will is an outpouring of my Love, and disposes Me to make known to you new things, and to give you one more little lesson for everything that belongs to Us; and it disposes you to listen to it and to receive Our gifts.”


Wednesday, October 19, 2022

 November 4, 1931

How confidence forms the arms and the feet of the soul. How God continues the Work of Creation in the soul who does His Will. The Divine Will, Cement of the human will.

My Jesus, Center and Life of my little soul, my littleness is such, that I feel the extreme need for You, my Love, to Hold me tightly in Your arms and be moved to pity at my great weakness. I am tiny, and You know that the little ones have need of swaddling clothes to strengthen their members, and of the milk of their mama in order to be nourished and grow. And I feel the intense need for You to swaddle me with the swaddling clothes of Love and, clasping me to Your Divine Breast, give me the milk of Your Divine Will for food, to nourish me and make me grow. Hear, O Jesus, I feel the need of Your Life in order to Live. I want to Live of You; and then You will be writing, not I, and You will be able to write what You want and the way You want it. Therefore, the task is Yours, not mine; I will only lend You my hand, and You will to all the rest. Let us make this agreement, O Jesus.

Then, abandoning myself in the arms of Jesus, I heard His Most Sweet Voice whispering to my ear, saying to me: “My little daughter, the more you remain abandoned in Me, the more you will feel My Life in you, and I will take the place of Primary Life in your soul. Know that true confidence in Me forms the arms of the soul, and the feet in order to climb up to Me and clasp Me so tightly, that I cannot unbind Myself from her. So, one who has no confidence has no arms, nor feet—she is a poor cripple. Therefore, your confidence will be your Victory over Me, and I will hold you tightly in My arms, attached to My Breast, to give you the continuous milk of My Divine Will.

“Now, you must know that each time the soul does My Will, I recognize Myself in the creature, I recognize My Works, My steps, My Words, My Love. It happens that the Creator recognizes Himself and His Works in the creature; and the creature, in operating, projects herself in the Creator and recognizes herself in Him. This recognizing themselves in each other, God and the soul, calls for the First Act of Creation, and God goes out of His rest and continues the Work of Creation with this creature who Lives and operates in My Will.

“In fact, Our Work did not end—there was only a pause of rest; and the creature, by doing Our Will, calls Us to work, but—sweet call, because for Us work is New Happiness, New Joys and Prodigious Conquests. So, We do nothing other than continue Our Outpourings of Love, of Power, of Goodness and of Unreachable Wisdom, that gave the start in Creation. And the creature feels that her God does not rest for her, but continues the Labor of His Creative Work. And as she operates in Our Will, she feels, starting over her soul, the rain of the Operating Love of God, His Power and Wisdom that does not remain idle, but works in her soul. O! if you knew the enjoyment, the pleasure We feel when the creature calls Us to work. By calling Us, she recognizes Us; by calling Us, she opens the doors to Us, she gives Us Dominion, and she gives Us all the Freedom to do what We want in her soul; so, We will do a Work worthy of Our Creative Hands.

“Therefore, never let Our Divine Will escape you if you want Our Work to be continuous; It will be your voice-bearer and Ours, in which you will emit your voice to call Us, and We will hear the sweet whispering to Our ear and will immediately descend into Our own Will within your soul, to continue Our Work. In fact, you must know that the continuous acts form Fulfilled Life and Works; what is not continuous can be called effects of My Will, not Life that is formed in the creature, and the effects little by little vanish away, and one remains on an empty stomach. Therefore, Courage and Confidence, and always forward, crossing the Sea of the Divine Will.”

After this, I was following the Acts that my highest Good, Jesus, had done in His Humanity when He was on earth; and making Himself heard, He added: “My daughter, My human will had no act of life; but rather, it was in act of receiving the Continuous Act of My Divine Will, that I, as Word of the Celestial Father, possessed. Therefore, all My Acts and Pains, Prayers, Breaths and Heartbeats that I did, as My human will would undergo the Life of the Divine Will, formed many ties, to Retie the human wills to Mine. And since these human wills were like houses, some collapsing, others damaged, and others reduced to ruin, My Divine Will, Operating in My Humanity, prepared with My Acts the helps to sustain the ones collapsing, to cement the ones damaged, and to raise again, upon their very ruins, the houses destroyed. I did nothing for Myself—I did not have any need; I did everything in order to Redo, to Rehabilitate, the human wills. My only need was Love, and wanting to be Loved back.

“Now, in order to receive all My Helps and all My Pains and Works as Operating Works, Speaking Voice and Helping Messengers, the creature must unite her will to Mine, and immediately she will feel herself Retied to Mine, and all My Acts will offer themselves around to do their Offices, in order to sustain, cement and raise again the human will. As soon as she unites herself and decides to do My Divine Will, all of My Acts, like fierce army, place themselves as defense of the creature, and form the boat of safety in the stormy sea of life. But for one who does not do My Will, I could say that she receives nothing, nor can she receive, because My Will alone is the Out-Giver of everything I did for Love of creatures.”


 November 16, 1931

Each human act is a game, a pledge, in order to win the Celestial Graces. The human act is soil in which the Divine Will sows Its Seed. How love constitutes a right.

I feel myself prey to the Divine Will—yet not forced, but voluntary; and I feel the intense need to make a prey for myself too, that would render me happy in time and eternity; and therefore in all my acts I try to make a prey of the Light of the Divine Will, of Its Sanctity, of Its very Life. So I call It, I press It, to capture It in my acts, to enclose It in them and be able to say: “Each act of mine is a prey and a Conquest that I make”—prey and Conquest of Divine Will. More so since, It having preyed mine, without a will I cannot live, therefore it is fair, and a right, for me to make a prey of Its own; and in this preying of each other, it seems to me that we maintain the correspondence, the game; and the love of both sides ignites more.

Now, while I was thinking of this, my sweet Jesus seemed to be pleased in hearing my nonsense; and I said to myself: “After all, I am little and just newly born. If I speak nonsense it is not a big deal—but rather, one is to make allowances for me, because the little ones are prone to speak nonsense, and many times dear Jesus delights in the nonsense spoken out of pure love, and He takes the occasion to give a little Lesson,” as in fact He did.

Visiting my little soul, He told me: “My little daughter of My Will, indeed everything that passes between the Creator and the creature, the acts that she does, and what she receives from God, serve to maintain the correspondence, for them to know each other more so as to love each other more, and to keep up the game between each other—to obtain the intent of what God wants from the creature, and of what she wants from God. So, each act is a game that is prepared to obtain the most beautiful Victories and make a prey of each other.

“The act serves as material in order to play, and as pledge in order to have something to give to the winner. God, by giving, puts in His Pledge; the creature, by doing her act, puts in her own—and they set up the game. And Our Goodness is so great, that We make Ourselves weak so as to let the creature win; other times We make Ourselves Strong, and We win; and this We do in order to keep her on her toes, so that, by doing more acts, she may put in more pledges, and so she may be able to win, to make up for the defeat. After all, how could the Union be maintained, if We were to give nothing, and the creature were to give Us nothing?

“See then, each act is a committing of Ourselves to give greater Graces, and a Correspondence that you open between Heaven and earth, and a Game in which you call your Creator to be with you. More so, since each Act done by the Divine Will in the act of the creature is a Divine Seed that Germinates in her; the act prepares the soil in which My Will sows Its Seed, to make it Germinate into a Divine Plant. In fact, according to the seed that is sown into the womb of the earth, that is the plant that is born: if the seed is of flowers, the flower is born; if the seed is of fruit, the fruit is born.

“Now, My Divine Will sows a distinct Seed in each act of creature: in some It sows the Seed of Sanctity, in some the Seed of Love, in others the Seed of Goodness, and so forth. The more acts she does in It, the more soil she prepares in which My Will prepares Its Distinct Seed, to fill the earth with these human acts. So, one who lets herself be dominated by My Divine Will is Beautiful, is Striking; each of her acts, containing the variety of the Divine Seeds, is a note of her Creator: one act says Sanctity, another Mercy, others Justice, Wisdom, Beauty, Love. In sum, a Divine Harmony appears, with such order, that it shows the Finger of God Operating in her.

“Do you see, then, the necessity of the act of the creature in order for Us to be able to find the soil in which to enclose Our Divine Seed? Otherwise, where to sow it? As for Us, We have no soil; therefore she must form it for Us with her acts, so that, with Our Seeds, We may Germinate Our Divine Being in the creature. Therefore, one who does and Lives in Our Divine Will can be called she who Reproduces her Creator and Hosts within herself He who Created her.”

Then, I continued my acts in the Divine Volition, and my littleness wanted to embrace everything in my embrace of love, to be able to make my little love run in all things and everywhere. But while I was doing this, my sweet Jesus added: “My daughter, to love means to possess, and wanting to make the beloved person or object one’s own. To love means bond, whether of friendship or of kinship or of relationship, according to the greater or lesser intensity of the love. So, if between the creature and God there is no void of Divine Love, if all his acts run toward God to Love Him, if they have their Origin in Love and in Love they end, if he looks at all things that belong to the Supreme Being as his own—this says Love of son toward his Father, because in this way one does not go out, either of the Divine Properties or of the House of the Celestial Father.

“In fact, True Love constitutes a Right in the creature—Right of Relationship, Right of Participation in the Goods, Right to be Loved. Each of his acts of Love is a vibrating note that palpitates in the Divine Heart; and with its sound it says: ‘I Love You—Love me.’ And the sound does not cease if he does not hear the note of his Creator that, echoing the sound of the soul, answers to him: ‘I Love you, O son.’ O! how We await the ‘I love You’ of the creature, to let him take his place in Our Love, to have the sweet pleasure of being able to say to him: ‘I Love you, O son,’ and so be able to give him a greater Right to Love Us and to belong to Our Family.

“A broken love, and one that does not make Our Things its own, nor does it defend them, cannot be called love of son; at most, it can be love of friendship, love of circumstance, love of interest, love of necessity, that does not constitute a right, because only sons have the Right to Possess the Goods of the Father, and the Father has the Sacrosanct Duty, even by Divine and human Laws, to make his children possess His Goods. Therefore, Love always, so that you may find, in all your acts, the Love, the Encounter, the Kiss of your Creator.”


Monday, October 17, 2022

 February 13, 1931

One who lives in the Divine Will lives in the center of Its Light, while one who does not live in It lives in the circumference of Its Light. How God finds His support. How the Creation is mute, while the creature is speaking creation. The echo of God in the creature. God, by manifesting His truths, leaves rest and continues His work.

My Life, my most sweet Jesus, O please! come to my help, do not abandon me; with the power of Your Most Holy Will invest my poor soul and put out of me everything that troubles me and tortures me. O please! let the new sun of peace and love rise in me, otherwise I feel no more strength to continue to make the sacrifice of writing; my hand is already shaking and the pen does not flow on the paper. My Love, if You do not help me, if You do not remove from me Your Justice, that justly knocks me down in the painful state I find myself in, I feel it is impossible for me to write even one word. Therefore, help me, and I will strive as much as I can to obey the one who commands me to write everything that You have told me on Your Most Holy Will; and since these are past things, I will make, all together, a little mention of each thing that regards Your Divine Will.

So, while I was feeling oppressed and all full of intense bitternesses, my sweet Jesus, making Himself seen and sustaining me in His arms, told me: “My daughter, courage, think that a Divine Will reigns in you, which is the source of perennial happiness and joy. So, your bitternesses and oppressions form the clouds around the Sun of My Will, that prevent Its rays from shining in all your being; and while It wants to render you happy, It feels the happiness It wants to give you being rejected by your bitternesses. And even though you possess a Divine Will at your disposal, by virtue of your bitternesses you feel the rain that oppresses you, that fills your soul up to the brim. In fact, you must know that one who lives in My Will lives in the center of the sphere of the Divine Sun, and can say: ‘The Sun is all mine.’ On the other hand, one who does not live in It lives in the circumference of the Light that the Divine Sun spreads everywhere, because My Will, with Its Immensity, can neither deny Itself to anyone, nor does It want to deny Itself; It is like the sun, that is forced to give light to all, even if not all of them wanted it. And why this? Only because it is light, and the nature of light is to give itself to all—to those who do not want it and to those who want it. But, what great difference exists between one who lives in the center of My Divine Sun and one who lives in Its circumference. The first one possesses the properties of the Light and all of its goods, that are infinite; the Light keeps her defended from all evils; so, sin cannot have life in this Light; and if bitternesses arise, they are like clouds, that cannot have perennial life—a little breeze of My Will is enough to put to flight the thickest clouds, and the soul finds herself sunken within the center of Its Sun that she possesses. More so, since the bitternesses of one who lives in My Will are always because of Me, and I can say that I am embittered together with you; and if I see you crying, I cry along, because My very Will renders Me inseparable from one who lives in It, and I feel her pains more than if they were My own. Even more, My very Will that resides in the soul calls My Humanity into one who suffers, to make It repeat Its Life living on earth; and—oh! the Divine prodigies that take place; the new currents that open between Heaven and earth, because of the new Life of pains that Jesus has in His creature. And My Heart, while It is human, is Divine—It possesses the sweetest tendernesses; the attractive and powerful tendernesses of My Heart are such and so many, that as I see one who loves Me suffer, My most tender love melts My Heart and pours Itself completely over the pains and over the heart of My beloved creature. Therefore, I am with you in suffering, and I do two offices—of Actor of pains, and Spectator—to enjoy the fruits of My pains that I keep unfolding within her. Therefore, for one who lives in My Divine Will, I am Sun and center of her life; so, we are inseparable; I feel her life palpitating in Me, and she feels My Life palpitating in her inmost soul. On the other hand, one who lives in the circumference of the Light that the Sun of My Divine Will spreads everywhere, is not the owner of the Light, because true ownership is said to be so when a good resides within oneself; and the good inside no one can take away from us—either in life, or after death. On the other hand, the good outside is subject to danger, nor does it have the power to keep us safe; and the soul suffers weakness, inconstancy, passions that torment her, and she reaches the point of feeling as though far away from her Creator. Therefore, always in My Will do I want you, to let Me continue My Life upon earth.”

Then, I was continuing my little acts of adorations, of love, of praises, of blessings in the Divine Fiat for my Creator; and as I emitted my acts, the Divine Volition extended them everywhere and in every place where the Divine Will was present, which is such that there is not one point in which It is not present. And my always lovable Jesus added: “Dearest daughter of My Will, you must know that My Volition knows not how to do acts by half, but complete ones, and with such fullness as to be able to say: ‘Wherever there is My Will there is My Act.’ And Our Divinity, seeing the adoration, the love of Its creature laid within Our Divine Will, finds Its support within Its Immensity, at whatever point It wants to lean. So, We feel Our profound adoration that the creature has placed for Us in Our Will, and We lean upon it and We rest; We feel that she loves Us everywhere, and We lean within her love; and so with her praises and blessings. So, the creature in Our Will becomes Our support and Our rest; and there is nothing that delights Us more than finding Our rest in Our creature—symbol of the rest that We took after having created the whole Creation.

Furthermore, Our Divine Will is present everywhere, and Heaven and earth, and everything, are filled with It up to the brim. So, all are veils that hide It, but mute veils; and if in their muteness they eloquently speak of their Creator, it is not them, but My very Divine Will, hidden in the created things, speaks by way of signs, as if It did not have speech. It speaks in the sun by way of signs of light and of heat; in the wind, giving penetrating and ruling signs; in the air It gives mute signs, such as to make Itself breath of all creatures. Oh! if the sun, the wind, the air and all other created things had the good of the word, how many things they would say to their Creator. But, who is the speaking work of the Supreme Being? It is the creature. In creating her, We loved her so much, that We gave her the great good of the word. Our Will wanted to make Itself word of the creature, It wanted to leave the muteness of created things, and forming in her the organ of the voice, It formed the word so as to be able to speak. Therefore, the voice of the creatures is speaking veil in which My Will speaks eloquently, wisely; and since the creature does not say or do always the same thing—as the created things, that never change their action; they are always at their place, doing that same action that God wants from them—therefore My Will maintains the continuous attitude of the multiplicity of the ways that are in the creature. So, it can be said that It speaks not only in the voice, but It renders Itself speaking in the works, in the steps, in the mind and in the heart of creatures. But what is not Our sorrow in seeing this speaking creation making use of the great good of the word to offend Us; making use of the gift to offend the giver and prevent the great prodigy that I can make, of graces, of love, of Divine Knowledges, of the sanctity that I can form in the speaking work of the creature? But for one who lives in My Will, I am voice that speaks, and—oh! how many things I keep manifesting to her; I am in continuous motion and attitude, I enjoy the full freedom to do and say surprising things, and I perform the prodigy of My Will speaking, loving and operating in the creature. Therefore, give Me full freedom, and you will see what My Will can do in you.”

Then, I was thinking about all that my sweet Jesus had told me; and my beloved Good repeated: “My daughter, the substance of Our Divine Being is an immensity of most pure Light, that produces an immensity of Love. This Light possesses all goods, all joys, interminable happiness, indescribable beauties. This Light invests everything, sees everything, encloses everything; for It, there is neither present nor future, but one single Act, always in act, that produces such multiplicity of effects as to fill Heaven and earth. Now, the immensity of Love, that this, Our Light, produces, makes Us love Our Being and everything that comes out of Us, with such love as to render Us true and perfect Lovers. So, We can do nothing other than love and give love and ask for love. Now, for one who lives in Our Will, Our Light and Our Love echo in the creature and transform her into light and love. Now, what happiness Ours is in forming Our types and models from the work of Our creative hands! Therefore, be attentive, and let your life be formed of nothing other than light and love if you want to make your dear Jesus content.”

Then, I was doing as much as I could to abandon myself completely in the Divine Will, and I was thinking of the many truths that blessed Jesus had manifested to me on His Holy Volition. Each truth embraced the infinite and contained so much light as to fill Heaven and earth; and I felt the strength of the light and the weight of the infinite that, invading me completely with an unspeakable love, invited me to love them and to make them my own by putting them into practice. But while my mind was wandering within so much light, my sweet Jesus told me: “My daughter, Our work toward the creature started with Creation; and Our work is in the word, because, containing Our creative strength, it speaks and creates, it speaks and forms the most beautiful and marvelous works. In fact, with the work of six Fiats that We pronounced, the whole great machine of the universe was formed, including man, who was to inhabit it and be the king of Our so many works. Then, after having ordered everything, Our Love called Us to rest; but rest does not mean completion of the work—it means pause in order to resume the work again. Now, do you want to know when We resume Our work again? Each time We manifest a truth We resume the work of Creation. So, all that was said in the Old Testament were resumptions of the work; My coming upon earth was nothing other than resuming the work for love of creatures; My Doctrine, the many truths uttered by My mouth, pointed out in clear notes My intense work for the creatures. And just as in Creation Our Divine Being rested, so with My Death and Resurrection I wanted to rest, also to give the time to make the fruit of My work bear fruit in the midst of creatures. But this was always rest, not the completion of the work; Our work until the end of the centuries will always be alternation of work and rest, of rest and work. See, then, good daughter, what a long work I had to do with you by manifesting to you so many Truths on My Divine Will. And since the thing that most interests Our Supreme Being is to make It known, I held nothing back for a work so long, though I have often taken little breaks of rest in order to give you the time to receive My work, and to prepare you for other surprises of the work of My creative word. Therefore, be attentive to preserve and not to lose anything of the work of My word, that contains an infinite value that is enough to save and sanctify an entire world.”


Tuesday, October 11, 2022

 January 14, 1934 

Sweet enchantment on both sides - God and the creature.  How she acquires the power to make the Divine Will her own.  Pains smile before the glory, the triumphs, the conquests.  Jesus, hidden by the pains.

I am under the rain of the Divine Fiat which, bathing me completely, inside and out, and penetrating even into the marrow of my bones, makes the whole of my poor being say:  ‘Fiat, Fiat, Fiat.’  I feel I am in Its arms, and as I call It with my incessant plea for It to form Its life in my acts, Its heartbeat in my heart, Its breath in mine, Its thought in my mind, so is a flash of light unleashed from me and it would want to as though bind the Holy Divine Volition, to make It completely my own, so that it may be in my power to form Its life in me, all of Divine Will.  So, I felt concerned about this way of acting of mine, and my highest Good, Jesus, repeating His short little visit, all goodness, told me:  “My little daughter of my Will, you must know that as the creature invokes, calls, my Fiat, imploring Its life to be formed within hers, so does she unleash light and forms an enchantment to God, which enraptures His divine pupil which, enraptured, looks at the creature and forms in her the requital of Its sweet enchantment and the void in the act of the creature, to be able to give and enclose in her act the Divine Will.  And while It forms and carries out Its life, the happy creature acquires the power to make It her own; and because It is her own, she loves It powerfully, more than her own life.  My daughter, as long as my Will is not held as one’s own life, exclusively one’s own, which no one can take away from her - even though she knows that it is a gift received from God and, though something received, she is already fortunate and victorious to have the possession of it - she will never be able to love my Divine Will as befits It, nor feel the need of Its life; nor will my Will be able to carry out, fully, with all freedom, Its divine life in the creature.  Therefore, your calling It disposes you; as you make It your own, It will make Itself known and you will feel the great good of possessing Its life, and you will love It as It deserves to be loved, and you will be jealous to keep It with such attention as to lose not even one breath of It.”

Then, as I was a little more in suffering than usual, I was thinking to myself:  ‘Oh! how I would love for my pains to form for me the wings to let me fly to my Celestial Fatherland.’  And instead of afflicting me, my little pains were making feast to me.  I felt concerned about it, and my beloved Jesus added:  “My daughter, do not be surprised; in the face of glory, the pains smile, they feel triumphant in seeing the conquests they have acquired.  The pains confirm and establish the glory, more or less great, in the creature; and according to the pains, so does she feel, being painted within her, the most beautiful and various tints of beauty; and in seeing themselves being transformed into the rarest beauty, they make feast.  So, on earth the pains cry, at the doors of Heaven begins their eternal smile that will never end.  On earth the pains are bearers of humiliation, at the eternal gates they are bearers of glory.  On earth they render the poor creature unhappy, but by the miraculous secret that they possess, they work - deep inside her inmost fibers and in the whole of the human being - the Eternal Kingdom, in such a way that each pain takes on its own distinct office:  one acts as chisel, another as hammer, another as file, another as brush, another as color.  And only when each pain has fulfilled its work, then do they leave the creature entrusted to them, and they lead her, triumphant, up to Heaven.  And only when they see each pain changed into a distinct joy and perennial happiness, then do they let her go.  However, only if the creature receives them with love, and feels and receives in each pain the kiss, the embraces, the tight squeezes of my Divine Will, then do the pains possess this miraculous virtue.  Otherwise, they become as if they had no instruments apt to fulfilling their work.  

But do you want to know who the pain is?  The pain is I, who hide inside of it to form the arcane works for my Celestial Fatherland, and I requite at usury  the brief dwelling that they have given Me on earth.  I have imprisoned Myself in the small prison of the creature in order to continue my life of pains down here; it is just for this life of mine to receive its joys, its happinesses, its exchange of glory in the Celestial Region.  Therefore, let your surprise cease in hearing that your pains smile before the victories, the triumphs and the conquests.”


Wednesday, October 5, 2022

 November 29, 1937

Our pains, United with the Pains of Jesus, form His Life within us. There is no Good that doesn’t come from Them. How lack of love martyrs the Divine Love.

My poor mind swims in the Sea of the Divine Volition. I feel that It Breathes, Palpitates and circulates, more than blood, inside the veins if my soul, saying: “I am here, inside and outside of you—more than your own life. I run within each one of your acts. With My Love I make everything easy for you, and I make you Happy.”

In the meantime, He was showing me all the pains that I suffered, Invested by Light—holding them tightly close to His Heart as many Conquests of His Will. I remained preoccupied, and my always adorable Jesus, visiting me, said: “My little daughter of My Divine Will, know that all the Pains that My Most Holy Humanity suffered on earth—every tear I shed, every drop of My Blood, every step and motion, and even My breath—were and still are Invested by one single Voice, with which they speak and shout continuously: ‘We want the Kingdom of the Divine Will to Reign and Dominate in the midst of the creatures. We want Our Divine Rights to be placed in force. And they pray, speak and moan around Our Supreme Throne, without ever ceasing, that the Will of Heaven and of the earth may be One.

“Now, whoever Unites with My sufferings, with My Heartbeats, breaths, steps and Works—prays, speaks and moans together with all I did and suffered on earth. There is no Good that does not arise from My sufferings. United with those of the creature, My sufferings form the depository—the Hosts that receive her pains, forming one single Prayer together, one single Voice—One Single Will. Even more, My Pains carry the pains of the creature and everything she does before Our Majesty, in order to make her want and do what I did. The pains of the creature kidnap My Pains on earth in order to involve all the creatures in both My Pains and her own, to dispose all the creatures to receive the Life of My Divine Will. The Union with Me—of her pains with My Pains—produces the Great Prodigy of My Life in the creature; a Life that Operates, Speaks and suffers as if I were on earth again. So, I animate the whole being of the creature with the Power of My Acts. My Life flows even in the most tiny trifles, so that all may be Mine, animated by My Creative Power, and she may give Me the Love and the Glory of My own Life.

“Do you think that My Will did not take into account all that you’ve suffered? Not at all. My Will preserves within Its Womb of Light all your sufferings—big and small, your distressed and sorrowful sighs, your privations. It even used them as material to be able to conceive, deliver and grow Its Life. It could grow through each one of your pains, that were being fed by Its Sanctity, filled with the ardor of Its Love, and embellished with Its Unreachable Beauty.

“My daughter, how much you must thank Me for all that I have disposed for you, and for all that I made you suffer. Everything served to form My Life in you, as well as the Triumph of My Will. What a fortune for the creature, seeing that her pains served My Life, so Holy, which will have, as Fulfillment, My Divine Will Palpitating within her! Do you think it’s trivial that the Creator shows His need for the creature; He, Who is Omnipotent and gives Life to all? Isn’t this the Greatest Excess of Our Love?”

Jesus remained silent. I remained thinking about what He had just told me, and I saw all my pains lined up within me, spreading rays of Light, being Transformed into the Pains of Jesus, forming the Divine Support and the defense for the creature—asking, with continuous voices and moans, that the Divine Will may come to Reign. Then, Jesus continued: “My good daughter, Our Love is such that, everywhere and in every place—even in the most tiny blade of grass, in the air that the creature breathes, in the water she drinks; even underneath her steps, as she treads the ground—We send Our Voices, Our spasming cries of Love—‘I Love you, I Love you, I Love you!...’ But Our Love can’t find Peace, feeling that It’s not listened to by the creature, and not hearing her repeating: ‘I love You, I love You...’ And in Our delirium of Love We say: ‘ anybody listening to Us? O...! Nobody is saying to Us ‘I love You, I love You’. Why then say ‘I Love You, I Love You,’ if nobody returns it to Us? To whom do We say ‘I Love you...’ to the air, to the wind, to the empty space? Our ‘I Love you’ doesn’t know where to go—where to lean—if it doesn’t find the ‘I love You’ of the creature to receive it and return it with her own, so that her love may find refuge inside Our Immense Love, leaning on It, and growing more and more.’

“When the creature listens to Our ‘I Love you’ and returns it, in Our Emphasis of Love—as if reconciled by her love, We say: ‘Finally, we’ve been heard. Our Love found one to go to, a place for refuge. We have been recognized. We found one who says “I love You.”’ Then Our Love makes a feast. But when We cannot find one who says ‘I love You,’ We don’t find one who recognizes Us, who listens to Us—one who loves Us. How hard it is to Love, not being loved! How I wish that everybody knew that with My Love I sustain them, I hug them, I Love them and I make them breathe; I Love them and I give them a heartbeat; I Love them and I give them speech; I Love them and I give them the step; I Love them and I give them motion, thinking, food, water.... All that they are and receive is the effect of My flowing Love. So, isn’t not loving Me a horrible ingratitude? It is making Our Love a Martyr—because We Loved, and We are not loved.”

After this, I was thinking to myself: “But how can the creature know when our Lord tells her His repeated and continuous ‘I Love you,’ so that she may return them with her own?”

And my sweet Jesus added: “It is indeed very easy to know it, if the creature possesses the Divine Will as her own Life. The Divine Will gives her Its Divine Hearing, that makes her listen when her Creator tells her, ‘I Love you.’ And It gives not only the Divine sense of Hearing, but also Its Divine Word, so that as the Hearing listens, the Word says, ‘I Love you;’ or better still, even before It says to her, ‘I Love you,’ she already feels she is about to receive the ‘I Love you’ of her God. So, she makes her ‘I love You’ meet the Divine ‘I Love you,’ almost so as to engage in a contest with her Creator.

“My Will wants to give everything to the creature who Lives in It. It gives her Its arms to hug her, Its steps to run after her. As We feel Our Divine Nature which is all Love, and Our need to Love—to the extent that, if it were possible to prevent Us from Loving, We would suffocate, losing the Breath of Our Divine Life; since Our Breathing, Motion and Our very Will are Love for Us, and it is impossible for Us not to Love—in the same way, one who possesses Our Will feels the need to love Us—to always love Us. Therefore, only My Will can put Order between the Creator and the creature, keeping her constantly aware of Our Love and Sanctity—putting her in communication with Our Supreme Being.”




In Voluntate Dei!

My sweet Life, my Highest Good—Jesus, come to my help. My littleness and misery are such that I feel the extreme need to feel You within me, as Palpitating, Operating and Loving Life. Otherwise I feel incapable of saying to You even a little “I love You.” So I pray You, I beg You—don’t leave me alone, since the task of writing on the Divine Will is all Yours. I will do nothing other than let my hand be carried by You, and be attentive to listen to Your Holy Words. You will do all the rest. So, think about it, O Jesus... And then I call my Celestial Mother to help me, so that, while I write, She may keep me on Her lap and synchronize me with her Maternal Heart to let me feel Her Sweet Harmonies of the Divine Fiat, so that I may write all that Jesus wants me to write on His Adorable Will.

August 9, 1937

Prodigies of Love in the Divine Volition. How the Divine Will Redoubles Its Love, in order to be Loved with Its own Love. How the Queen will form the New Hierarchy in Her Inheritance.

My flight continues in the Divine Volition. He awaits me with so much Love that He takes me in His arms of Light and says: “My daughter, I Love you, I Love you. And you, tell me that you love Me, so I can place My big ‘I Love you’ on your little ‘I love You’ and, spreading it in the Immensity of My Fiat, I make everyone and everything Love you, while you love Me for everyone and everything. I am the Immensity and I like to give to creatures and to receive from them My Immense Love. I give and receive the harmonies, the various notes, the sweetness, and the enchanting and enrapturing sounds contained in My Love. When My Will Loves, the heavens, the sun, the whole of Creation, the Angels and the Saints—all of them Love together with Me. They are all attentive in waiting for the ‘I Love you’ from the One to whom they directed their ‘I love You.’ So, on the wings of My Will, I send your ‘I love you’s’ to all, so as to repay them for their love for you, United to My Love. If one loves, it is to be loved in return. Not having love returned is the hardest pain—a pain that makes one delirious. It is the most transfixing nail, which can be pulled out only by the medicine—the balm of returned love.”

Then, I was thinking to myself: “My God, who could ever repay You for Your great Love? Ah, maybe only the Queen of Heaven can claim the merit of having repaid Her Creator in Love... And I? And I...?” I felt oppressed.

And my always adorable Jesus, making His short little visit, all Goodness said: “Daughter of My Will, don’t worry. For the soul who Lives in My Will there is Perfect Harmony in Love. By possessing Its Life in the creature, My Will Redoubles Its Love; so when It wants to Love, It Loves within Itself and within the soul, since It possesses her life. In My Will, Love is in Perfect Harmony—Joys and Happiness of Pure Love are always in full force.

“Our Paternal Goodness for the soul who Lives in Our Will is so Great that We count her breaths, heartbeats, thoughts, words and movements, to return them with Our Own and fill them up with Love. In Our Emphasis of Love we say to this creature: ‘She loves Us and We must Love her.’ And while We Love her We show off such Gifts and Graces as to astonish Heaven and earth.

“We did the same with Our Queen; We displayed so much... but do you know what this showing means? We are looking at Ourselves, and We want to give all that We are and all that We possess.

“Dissimilarity would cause Us pain. The creature, seeing herself dissimilar from Us, would not be with Us with the trust of a daughter, and with that confidence that comes from sharing the same Goods and the same Gifts. This disparity would be an obstacle to forming One Single Life and Loving each other with One Single Love. On the other hand, to Live in our Divine Will is exactly this: One Single Will, One Single Love—common Goods. In all that may be lacking within the creature We give of Ourselves to compensate her in everything, and to say: ‘What We want, she wants too. Our Love and her love are One Single Love—and as We Love her, she Loves Us.’

“My daughter, is it that We lack the Strength to elevate the creature to the level of Our Image—to make her possess Our Goods so that she may Live in Our Will? My Celestial Mother, from the moment She existed, possessed the Life of My Divine Fiat. We Love each other with One Love, and We Love the creature with a twin Love.

“Our Love for Her is such that, just as We have Our Hierarchy of Angels in Heaven as well as the various orders of Saints, the Great Lady—Celestial Empress and Owner of the Great Inheritance of Our Will—will call Her own children to possess Her Inheritance when Our Kingdom will be established on earth. We will give Her the Great Glory of having Her form the New Hierarchy that will be similar to the nine choirs of Angels. So, She will have the choir of Seraphim, of Cherubim and so forth, as well as the New Order of the Saints who Lived in Her Inheritance. After She will have formed them on earth She will take them to Heaven, surrounding Herself with the New Hierarchy, the Newborn in the Divine Fiat, Reborn in Her own Love—those who Lived in Her Inheritance.

“This will be the Fulfillment of the Work of Creation—Our ‘Consumatum est.’ We will have the Kingdom of Our Will among creatures, thanks to the Celestial Heir who wanted to give Her Life for each of them, to make It Reign. How glorified and Happy We will be, because the Sovereign Queen will have Her own Hierarchy just as We keep Ours; even more so, since Our own Hierarchy will be Hers too, while Hers will be Ours, because all that is done in Our Will is inseparable.

“If you knew how much this Celestial Queen Loves the souls. She, faithful copy of Her Creator, looks inside Herself and finds Her Seas of Love, Grace, Sanctity, Beauty and Light; then She looks at the creatures and wants to give all of Herself with all Her Seas, so that creatures may have their Mama with all Her Riches. Having to see Her children poor, while their Mother is so rich—and only because they do not Live in the Inheritance of their Mother... it is such a Pain... She would like to see them inside Her Seas of Love, Loving their Creator as She does, hidden inside Her Sanctity, embellished by Her Beauty, filled with Her Grace. But not seeing them there—if She wasn’t in the state of Glory, in which pains cannot have place—She would die of pure Pain for each creature who does not Live in the Divine Will. Therefore, She prays unceasingly. She places all Her Seas in Prayer, to beseech that the Divine Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven.

“Our Love is such that, by the virtue of Our Will, She Bilocates Herself within each creature, to prepare the interior of her soul, synchronizing her with Her Maternal Heart, squeezing her in Her Arms, to dispose her to receive the Life of the Divine Fiat. O, how much She prays, in every single heart, to Our Adorable Majesty, saying: ‘Hurry up. My Love can no longer be contained. I want to see My children Living together with Me in that same Divine Will that forms all of My Glory, My Richness, My Great Inheritance. Trust me, and I will know how to defend My children and Your own Will, which is also Mine.’

“The Love of this Celestial Queen and Mother is Insuperable. Only in Heaven will creatures know how much She Loves them and how much She has done for them. Her most exuberant, magnanimous and Greatest Act is in wanting them to possess the Kingdom of My Will as She possesses It. O, what wouldn’t the Celestial Lady do to obtain this Purpose! You too, Unite with Her, and pray for a Purpose so Holy.”


Sunday, October 2, 2022

April 12, 1938
One who Lives in the Divine Will pronounces his Fiat in every act he does and forms many Divine Lives. The difference between Living in the Divine Will and being resigned to It.

I am always in the arms of the Divine Fiat—and O!, how I feel the need of Its Life, that Breathes, Palpitates and circulates in my poor soul. Without It, I feel that everything dies for me: the Light, the Sanctity, the Strength, even the very Heaven dies, as if It wouldn't belong to me anymore. But as soon as I feel Its Life, everything rises again in me. The Light rises which, with Its Beauty gives Life, Purity and Sanctity; my Jesus Himself rises with all His Works; Heaven rises, which the Holy Will encloses in my soul as in a chapel to make It all my own. If I Live in His Will, everything is mine and nothing can miss.
O Holy Will, as I start this 36th Volume, I pray You, I beg You, I implore You not to leave me—not even one instant—so that You speak, You write. You will make Yourself known, and make known how You want to be the Life of all in order to give Your Goods to all. If you let me do it, I won't be able to make You known as You want, because I'm incapable, but if You do it, You will Triumph, You will be known and You will have Your Kingdom in the whole world. O, Holy Will, with Your Power You eclipse all the evils of the creatures, you put Your Almighty End, so that they leave the way of sin and find themselves in the way of Your Divine Will.
To You, Queen Mother of the Divine Fiat, I consecrate this Volume in a special way, so that Your Love, Your Maternity may be spread throughout these pages, to call Your children to Live together with You in that same Will whose Kingdom you possessed. As I start, kneeling at Your feet, I implore Your Maternal Blessing.
So, while my mind was immersed in the Divine Fiat, my sweet Jesus, visiting my little soul, with Inexpressible Goodness told me: “My blessed daughter of My Will, how many Wonders My Will can make in the creature, as long as she gives It the first place and all the freedom to Operate. My Will takes the will, the word, the act that the creature wants to do, as part of Itself—covers it with Its Creative Virtue, pronounces Its Fiat in it, and forms as many Lives for as many existing creatures. You were asking in My Will for the Baptism of all newborn babies that will come to the light of the day—and then, for Its Life to Reign in them. My Will did not hesitate for a instant; soon it pronounced Its Fiat and formed as many Lives from Itself for as many newborn babies coming to the light—Baptizing them, as you wanted, with Its First Light, and then giving each one of them Its Life. If these newborn babies, for lack of Knowledge, will not possess Our Life, this Life still remains for Us, and We will have many Divine Lives that Love Us, glorify Us, bless Us, as We do Ourselves. These Divine Lives are Our Greatest Glory, but they don't put aside the creature who gave Our Fiat the opportunity to form so many of Our Lives for these newborn babies who are coming to the light; rather, they keep her hidden in themselves to let her Love as they Love, and let her do what they do. Neither would they set the newborn babies aside; rather, they would give them so much attention, guard and defend them as to be able to Reign in their souls.
 “My daughter, who can tell you how much We Love this creature who Lives in Our Will? We Love her so much that We leave Our Will in her power to let her do what she wants. If she wants to form Our Lives, We let her do that; if she wants to fill Heaven and earth with Our Love, We give her the Freedom to do it—so much so, that she can make everyone say that they Love Us. We even hear the ‘I love You' of one who Lives in Our Will in the little bird that trills and warbles and sings. If in the ardor of her love she wants to love more, she can enter Our Creative Act and delight herself with New Suns, Heavens and Stars, making Us say, Unceasingly, ‘I Love you, I Love you,’ and taking part in narrating Our Glory. In Our Will the sight is long and all attentive to see what she wants and how she can love Us more.”
My God, how many Wonders, how many Surprises there are in Your Will. Its Sweet Enchantment is so great that not only does one remain captivated, but as if embalmed—Transformed in the Wonders of the Fiat in such a way that one doesn't know how to get out of It. So, I was thinking to myself: what is be the difference between one who Lives in the Divine Will, one who is resigned to the painful circumstances of life and one who doesn't do the Divine Will at all?
My sweet Jesus, coming back added: “My blessed daughter, the difference is so big that there is no comparison at all. One who Lives in My Will has Dominion over all and We Love her so much that We even let her dominate Ourselves. We are so pleased in seeing the little creature dominating Us that We feel unusual Joy, because We see that Our Will Dominates in the creature and she dominates together with Our Will. O!, how many times We let her win. Many times Our Joy is so Great that We let Our Will win in the creature instead of in Ourselves. Further, by Living in the Divine Will—being in continuous contact with It—she acquires Divine Senses. She acquires a long sight. Her light is so penetrating and clear, that she can even fix herself in God, in whom she sees the Divine Mysteries. She can touch Our Sanctity and Beauty, Loving them and possessing them. With this Eye of Light she can find her Creator everywhere—there's nothing in which she can't find Him. With His Majesty and His Love, He bundles the creature and makes her feel how much He Loves her. In feeling her love, He Loves her and, O! how Unspeakable the Joys on both parts—feeling His Love and loving Him in everything. She acquires Divine Hearing, and soon she hears what We want; she is always intent on listening to Us, and there is no need to repeat again and again what We want. A small sign is enough and all is done.
 “She acquires a Divine Sense of Smell. By merely smelling she feels whether what is around her is Good, Holy and belongs to Us. She acquires Divine Taste—to the extent that she fills herself with Love and all that is Heaven. Finally, in Our Will she acquires Our Touch, so that all is Pure and Holy, and there is no fear that even the smallest breath may shade her—all Beautiful, lovely and pretty—the one who Lives in My Fiat.
 “On the other hand, one who is only resigned does not live in continuous contact with Us. It can be said that she does not know anything about Our Supreme Being. Her sight is so weak and sickly, that it is painful for her even to look. She suffers from the last stage of myopia, and she can hardly see even the most necessary things. She can hardly hear, and how very much it takes to make her listen—if she listens at all. Her smell, taste and touch sense what is human. She feeds herself with earthly things—feels the touch of passions, and the sweetness of mundane pleasures. She doesn't even do My Will every day, but only in painful circumstances and encounters, when My Will offers her a suffering. O, poor creatures without My continuous Will. How weak they grow—so nervous and ill as to move to pity! How I pity them. Finally, one who is not even resigned—blind and with no sense of smell, loses the taste for every good. She is a poor paralytic who can't really help herself. She imprisons herself in a web of unhappiness and sins, and is not able to get out.”