Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I Am Bringing You to Jesus: Fr Gobbi "Marian Movement of Priests"

Message 398

February 2, 1989
Feast of the Presentation of the Child Jesus in the Temple

“Beloved sons, live with joy the mystery of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple of Jerusalem and with docility let yourselves also be carried in my motherly arms.

   Forty days after his birth, in fulfillment of the prescriptions of the law, together with my most chaste spouse, Joseph, I go up to the Temple both to offer to the Lord my first-born Son and to carry out the sacrifice prescribed for his ransom. With what love I clasp the Child Jesus Jesus in my motherly arms! And with what docility and filial abandonment the little Babe allows to be carried by me, as I press Him with boundless tenderness to my heart.
 And carried, presented and offered by the Mother, Jesus enters into the glory of his Temple.
  Jesus enters into the Temple of Jerusalem, because for Him, the Messiah, Lord and Redeemer, it was built and sanctified.
  Jesus comes, in the splendor of his glory, and takes possession of his divine dwelling place.
   Jesus is manifested in the splendor of his light for revelation ­to all the gentiles.
 Jesus is announced in advance as a sign of contradiction, for the salvation and ruin of many in Israel.
   Jesus is received into the arms of old Simeon as the Messiah awaited for centuries and as Savior of his people. 
  And within the mystery of his mission there is intimately engrafted the unfolding of my motherly function:  ‘As for you O Mother, a sword shall pierce your soul.'  Because my duty, as a Mother is that of bringing Jesus to you and of bringing you all to Jesus.  I am the way along which you must travel if you want to reach your Lord and Savior.
   I am bringing you to Jesus.
   I am bringing you to Jesus, your Truth. This is why in these times, when many are leaving the faith to follow errors, I am intervening with my numerous and extraordinary manifestations, in order to lead you all to the full truth of the Gospel.  You must be only the lived-out Gospel so that you too may be able to give the light of the Truth.
   I am bringing you to Jesus, your Life. This is why to today, when many are falling into the darkness of sin and of death, I am helping you through my strong presence in your midst, to live in  the Grace of God, so that you also can share in the very life of the Lord Jesus.

   In these dark times of the great tribulation, if you do not allow yourselves to be carried in  my arms, with filial abandonment and with great docility, it is difficult for you to succeed in escaping the subtle snares which my Adversary sets for you.  His seductions have become so dangerous and subtle that hardly anyone any longer succeeds in escaping them. You are running the great danger of falling into the seduction, which my Adversary is setting for you in order to draw you away from Jesus and from me.
   All can fall into his trap.
   Priests and even bishops can fall into it.
   The faithful and even those consecrated can fall into it.
   The simple and even the learned can fall into it.
   The disciples and even the masters can fall into it.
  Those will never fall into it who – as little children – consecrate themselves to my Immaculate Heart and allow themselves to be carried in my motherly arms.  As of now, it will become ever clearer to the Church and to the world that the little flock which, in these years of the great apostasy, will remain faithful to Jesus and to his Gospel, will be entirely protected in the motherly enclosure of my Immaculate Heart.
   I am bringing you to Jesus, your Way. You are thus led by Him to your Heavenly Father.  Jesus is the perfect Image of the Father; He is his only-begotten Son; He is the Word consubstantial with Him; He is the reflection of his beauty; He is the revelation of his love.
   Jesus and the Father are one single being. From the Father through the Son, there is given to you as gift the Spirit of Love, in order that you also may be able to penetrate into the stupendous mystery of this divine Unity
   If Jesus becomes your life, you come into the arms of his, and your Heavenly  Father. If you walk with Jesus, you carry out the divine will in your life, with that love and  that docility with which Jesus has always done the will of the Father.  And thus you live with the confidence and the abandonment of little children who expect and receive everything as a gift of love from their Father who is in Heaven.
   And then I, your heavenly Mother, am able to carry you each day, upon the altar of my Immaculate Heart, to the temple of the glory and the light of the Lord.  Thus I am able to offer you, in life, to the perfect glorification of the Most Holy Trinity and, by means of you, I am able to spread everywhere the light of its divine splendor.
  When this Light will have illuminated and transformed the whole world, Jesus will come to you in glory to restore his Kingdom.

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