Divine Mercy

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Lesson drawn from Hour 8 to 9pm

The Eucharistic Supper.

Prayer of Preparation
My tender love, you are never satisfied in your love. I see that once you have finished the legal supper, you get up from the table together with your beloved disciples; and together with them you raise up a hymn of thanksgiving to the Father for the food he has given you, making reparation for all the souls who fail to thank You for the many ways our lives are sustained by You. This is why, O Jesus, in anything You do, touch or see, You always have on your lips the words, “Thanks be to You, O Father”. I too, Jesus, united with You, take the words from your very lips, and I will say, always and in everything: “Thank You for myself and for everyone”, to continue atoning for the lack of thanksgiving.

The washing of the feet
My Jesus, your love seems untiring. You have your beloved disciples sit down again. Then, taking a basin of water, and girding yourself with a white towel, you kneel at their feet in such a humble way that it draws the attention of all heaven, turning it rapturous. The apostles themselves, seeing you kneeling at their feet, are almost motionless.
But tell me, my Love, what do You want? What do You intend to do with this act so humble? Humility never before seen, nor will ever be seen again!
“O my little child, I want every soul. So, as a poor beggar kneeling humbly before them, I ask, I beg, I insist; with my tears, I construct snares of love to catch them.. Prostrate at their feet, with this basin of water mixed with my tears, I want to cleanse them of any imperfection and prepare them to receive me in this sacrament.
I so much cherish this act of receiving Me in the Eucharist, that I do not want to entrust this office to the angels, and not even to my dear Mama, but I Myself want to purify them, down to the most intimate fibers, in order to dispose them to receive the fruit of the Sacrament; and in the Apostles I intended to prepare all souls.

[Lesson 1]  The divine disposition, as to how God humbles himself as a naked expression of his love for humanity, to prepare for a feast worthy of Heaven, the Holy Eucharist.

I intend to make reparation for all holy works, for the administration of the sacraments, and especially for all those things that priests do with the spirit of pride, empty of the divine spirit, and filled with self-interest. How many good works reach me more to dishonor me than to give me honor, more to embitter me than to please me, more to give me death than to give me life! These are the sins which sadden me most.

[Lesson 2]  What appears, may not be the reality as Jesus speaks his disappointment, that works, any he says, set aside for holiness, are useless because of the human will casting its priority against the divine.  Individuals fail to understand the value of the cross, to make necessary detachments that entangle them;  that continued pursuit of our idols, including self-interest, we run the danger of missing Heaven.
March 31, 1899, The preciousness of sufferings.
 He told me: “Many are the wounds that made Me suffer during my Passion, but one was the Cross. This means that many are the roads by which I draw souls to perfection, but one is the Heaven in which these souls must unite. So, if one misses that Heaven, there is no other that can render them blessed forever.”
Then He added: “Take a look: one is the Cross, but this Cross was formed with various pieces of wood. This means that one is Heaven, but this Heaven contains various places, more or less glorious; and these places will be distributed according to the sufferings suffered down here, more or less heavy. Oh! if all knew the preciousness of suffering, they would compete with one another to suffer more. But this science is not recognized by the world, and so they abhor everything that can render them richer for eternity.”
Yes, my child, go over all the most intimate sins by which I am offended, one by one, and satisfy me with my own reparations, and console my embittered heart.”

[Lesson 3]  Do we please the Lord with our own good works?  If we do them loaded with all kinds of self-interest or attachments to idols, without the protocol of loving God, first and foremost, then we cannot unite with the reparations He made and therefore, the works we do would be devoid of His  charity and would be meaningless to Him.  That’s why detachments, made through the mortification of our senses, caused by embracing our cross, is an absolute necessity to advance in the Kingdom.  From the cross, is our healing, and the door in which divine grace enters in our daily operation, in the divine will. 

My tormented love, I make your life my own; and together with you I intend to make reparation to you for all these offenses. I want to enter into the most intimate hiding places of your Divine Heart and repair with your own Heart for the most intimate and secret offenses with which your dearest ones offend You. O my Jesus, I want to follow You in everything, and together with You I want to make present all the souls who are about to receive You in the Eucharist, enter into their hearts, and place my hands together with yours, to purify them.
O Jesus, with your tears and with the water with which You washed the feet of the Apostles, let us wash the souls who will receive You. Let us purify their hearts. Let us inflame them; let us shake them free of the dirt that soils them, so that when they receive You, You will find joy in them instead of bitterness.
But, my affectionate Good, while You are all intent on washing the feet of the Apostles, I look at You, and I see another sorrow which pierces your Most Holy Heart. These Apostles represent all the future sons of the Church. And in each one You see the variety of all the evils that will arise in the Church, each a continuation of your sorrow. In one you see weakness, in another deception; in this one, hypocrisy; in that one, love of interests. In Saint Peter you see the lack of determination, and all the sins of the leaders of the Church. In Saint John you see the sins of your most trustworthy. In Judas you see all the apostate, with the series of all the grave evils which are caused by them. Ah, your Heart is so flooded with sorrow and Love that You cannot bear it, and You pause at the feet of each Apostle. Your tears flow, as you pray and atone for each of these offenses, asking for the remedy corresponding to each need.
My Jesus, I too unite myself to You; I make your prayers, your reparations and your appropriate remedies for each soul, my own. I want to mix my tears with yours so that you may never be alone, but may always have me with you to share your pains.

[Lesson 4]  Ah, the work of co-redemption.

The Work of Co-Redemption:  Message from the Virgin Mary

Jesus is the only Redeemer because He alone is the mediator ­between God and men. He has however willed to take into partnership in his redemptive work all those who have been redeemed by Him, so that the merciful work of his love may shine forth in a greater and more wonderful way.
Thus you, who have been redeemed, can co-operate with Him in his redemptive work.  He in you, who are so intimately united with Him so as to form his very Mystical Body, can gather in your day the fruit of what He accomplished once for all on Calvary.

My gentle love, while you continue to wash the feet of the apostles, you now come to Judas' feet. I hear your labored breathing; You not only cry —You sob. And, while You wash those feet, You kiss them. You press them to your Heart. Unable to speak—your voice choked by weeping—You look at him through eyes swollen with tears. With your Heart, You say to him:
My son! I beg you, with the voice of my tears, do not go to Hell! Give Me your soul. I lie prostrate at your feet, and I am begging you… Tell Me what you want. What do you ask of Me? I will give you everything —only do not join the lost. I am your God —spare Me this pain!”
And you again press those feet to your heart. It aches, seeing Judas fixed in his hardness.

[Lesson 5]  How does one get to be so hard of heart as to successfully resist the enchanting call of God?  Answer:  we have sold our soul to a particular idol.  And what was Judas’ idol?  For a political view of a conquering messiah who would literally overthrow Roman governance?  For the self-interest of power and fame?   Or in a combination with simple greed?

Your suffocating love almost causes you to faint. My Heart and my Life, let me hold You in my arms. I understand that these are the loving ways that You use with each hardened sinner. Please, my heart, as I share your sorrow and atone for the sins you receive from the souls that obstinately refuse to convert, I pray you to let us travel around the earth together. Wherever there are obstinate sinners, let us give them your tears to soften them, your kisses and your embraces of love to chain them to you so they cannot escape. I want to do this to console you for your pain at the loss of Judas.

Institution of the Eucharist
My Jesus, my joy and delight, I see that your love runs, and runs rapidly. Though suffering greatly, You rise and quickly approach the Altar where the bread and wine have been prepared for the Consecration.
My Love, I see you take on a tender and affectionate demeanor—one never seen before. Your eyes shine more brightly than the sun. Your ruddy Face is resplendent. Your lips smile and burn with Love. Your hands and all your members take on a creative attitude. My Love, You are completely transfigured. Your Divinity seems to overflow from your Humanity. O Jesus, my Heart and my Life, your entirely new appearance commands everyone’s attention. A sweet rapture steals over the Apostles and leaves them breathless. Our sweet Mother runs in spirit to the foot of the Holy Table to witness the wonders of your Love.
The Angels descend from Heaven and ask one another, “What is this? What is this? This is the folly of follies and the excess of excesses: a God who creates not Heaven or earth, but Himself! And where? In the humblest of things—some bread and some wine.”
O unquenchable Love, surrounded by the Apostles, You take bread into your hands and offer it to the Father. With your gentle voice I hear You say:
"Thank You, Holy Father, for always answering the prayer of your Son. Holy Father, concur with Me. One day, You sent Me from Heaven to earth to be incarnated in the womb of my Mama, to come and save Our children. Now, permit me to incarnate myself in each host, to continue their salvation and to be the life of each of my children. Do You not see, O Father? Few hours of my life remain: who would have the heart to leave my children orphaned and alone? Many are their enemies —the darkness, the passions, the weaknesses to which they are subject. Who will help them? Please, I beg you: let me remain in each host to be the life of each of my children. Then I will rout their enemies, and will be their light, strength and help in everything. Otherwise, where will they go? Who will guide them? Our works are eternal. My Love is irresistible; I cannot—nor do I want—to leave my children."
Moved at the Son’s tender, loving voice, the Father descends from Heaven. He unites Himself with the Holy Spirit on the altar to concur with his Son. Jesus pronounces the words of the consecration with a powerful and moving voice; and without leaving himself he creates himself in that bread and wine. Then he gives communion to the apostles; and I believe that our heavenly mother does not remain without receiving him. Ah, Jesus, the heavens bow down and all send to You an act of adoration in your new state of profound annihilation.
[Lesson 6]

Mother of Adoration and of Reparation:  Message from the Virgin Mary

I am the Mother of adoration and of reparation.  Beside every tabernacle of the earth there is always my motherly presence.  It forms a new and loving tabernacle for the solitary presence of my Son Jesus;  it builds a garden of love for his permanent residence among you; it forms a celestial harmony which surrounds Him with all the enchantment of paradise in the adoring choirs of angels, in the blessed prayer of the saints, in the painful aspirations of the many souls who are  being purified in purgatory. In my Immaculate Heart all form a concert of perennial adoration, of unceasing prayer and of profound love for Jesus, really present in every tabernacle on earth.

But, sweet Jesus, while your love remains pleased and satisfied, lacking in nothing, I see, O my Good, on this altar, all the consecrated hosts which will exist until the end of the ages. I see all your painful passion formed in each host, because to the excesses of your love, creatures respond with excesses of ingratitude and of enormous crimes. Heart of my heart, I want to be with You always, in each tabernacle, in all the pyxes, and in every consecrated Host that will be until the end of the world. I want to offer You my acts of reparation for all the offenses that You receive. Therefore, my heart, I come beside you and kiss your majestic forehead. But as I kiss you, I feel my lips pricked by the thorns which surround your head. I see, O my Jesus, that you are not spared the thorns in this holy host, just as you are not spared them in your passion.
I see how many creatures come before You and instead of offering You the homage of their good thoughts, send You evil thoughts. That is why You bow your Head once again, as in the Passion, to receive and suffer the thorns of their evil thoughts. O my Love, I draw near You to share your pain. I place all my thoughts in your Mind to drive out the thorns that cause You so much sorrow. May my every thought flow in every thought of Yours to make up for all the evil thoughts of creatures and, in this way, to console your afflicted thoughts. My Good Jesus, I kiss your beautiful eyes. In this holy host I see your loving eyes looking with anticipation, waiting for all those who come into your presence, to look at them with your glances of love, and receive the exchange of their loving glances. But how many come before you, and instead of looking at you and seeking you, they look at things which distract them from you, and so deprive you of the pleasure of an exchange of glances between you and them. You weep. So, kissing you, I feel my lips bathed by your tears. My Jesus, do not cry; I want to place my eyes in yours to share in these pains with You, and to cry with You. And wanting to repair for all the distracted gazes of creatures, I offer You my gazes, always fixed in You. Jesus, my Love, I kiss your most holy ears. Ah, I see You listening intently to the needs of souls so that You can console them. In spite of this, they fill your ears with badly recited prayers, full of distrust, lacking true confidence; they are lifeless prayers said mostly out of habit. And your ears are aggravated more in this holy host than in the passion itself.
O my Jesus, I want to take all of the harmonies of Heaven and release them into your ears to make reparation to You. I want to place my ears in Yours, not only to share these sufferings with You, but also to offer You my continuous and instantaneous act of reparation and consolation. Jesus, my Life, I kiss your most holy Face; I see it bleeding, bruised and swollen. The creatures, O Jesus, come before the Holy Host, and with their indecent postures and evil discourses, instead of giving You honor, seem to send You slaps and spittle. Yet, as in the Passion, You receive them with perfect peace and patience and endure everything.
[Lesson 7] 

Mother of Adoration and of Reparation:  Message of the Virgin Mary

…Today  my motherly heart is saddened and is deeply wounded because I see that, about the divine presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, there is so much emptiness, so much abandonment, so much neglect, so much silence.
   O Church, pilgrim and suffering, of which I am the Mother, Church who are the family of all my children, ark of the new alliance, people of God, you must understand that the center of your life, the fount of your grace, the source of your light, the beginning  of your apostolic action is found only here in the tabernacle where Jesus is truly kept.  And Jesus is present to teach you how to grow, to help you to walk, to strengthen you in giving witness, to give you courage in evangelizing, to be a support for all your sufferings.
 0 pilgrim and suffering Church of these times, who are being called to live the agony of Gethsemane and the bloody hour of your Calvary, I want to bring you here today with me, prostrate before every tabernacle, in an act of perpetual adoration and reparation, so that you too may be able to repeat the action that is always being carried out by your heavenly Mother…….
 As for now there must be an end to this profound crisis in regard to devotion to the Eucharist, a crisis which has contaminated the entire Church and which has been the root of so much infidelity and of the diffusion of such a widespread apostasy.
   All my beloved ones and the children consecrated to me, who form part of my Movement, I place you before every tabernacle of the earth, to give in homage to Jesus, as most precious jewels  and most beautiful and fragrant flowers…….
As of now, the heavenly Mother wants to bring to Jesus, present in the  Eucharist, an ever greater number of her sons, because these are the times when the eucharistic Jesus must be adored, loved, thanked and glorified by all.
   My most dearly beloved sons, together with Jesus, who, in every tabernacle, is in a state of continual victimhood for you, I bless you in  the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."

O Jesus, not only do I want to put my face near yours to caress you and kiss you as you receive these slaps, and to take away the spit, but I also want to put my face in yours in order to share these pains with you. I want to divide my body into tiny particles and place them before You as countless kneeling statues. I want to transform all my movements into continuous prostrations to make up for all the irreverence You receive from creatures. Jesus, my all, I kiss your most sweet mouth. I see that as you descend into the hearts of creatures, the first contact you make is on their tongue. Oh, how embittered you are to find many biting, impure and evil tongues! Yes, you feel as if poisoned by those tongues, and it is even worse when you descend into their hearts. O Jesus, if it were possible, I would like to be in each creature's mouth to make it sweet for you, and to make reparation for whatever offenses you receive from them.
My tired Lord, I kiss your most holy neck. I see you are tired and exhausted, and all absorbed in your crafting of love. Tell me, what are you doing? And Jesus replies:
“My child, in this host I work from dawn till dark, forming continuous chains of love, so that as souls come to me they find my chains of love ready to chain them to my heart. But, do you know what they do? Many do not want these chains of mine, and by means of force they free themselves and break them to pieces. But because these chains are bound to my heart, I remain tortured unto delirium. And, as these souls shatter my chains and ruin the work that I do in this Sacrament, they seek the chains of creatures. And they do this even in my presence, using Me in order to reach their own ends. The pain from this is so intense that it brings on a violent fever which makes me faint and become delirious.”
[Lesson 8]

Mother of Adoration and of Reparation:  Message of the Virgin Mary

But before the tabernacle, yours should be not only a presence of prayer, but also of a communion of life with Jesus.  Jesus is really present in the Eucharist because He wants to enter into a continual communion of life with you. When you go before Him, He sees you; when you speak to Him, He hears you; when you confide something to Him, He welcomes into his Heart your every word; when you ask something of Him, He always hears your prayer.
   Go before the tabernacle to establish with Jesus a simple and daily rapport of life. With the same naturalness with which you seek out a friend, or entrust yourself to persons who are dear to you, or feel the need of friends who assist you, in that same way go before the tabernacle to seek out Jesus.  Make of Jesus your dearest friend, the most trusted person, the most desired and the most loved.
   Tell your love to Jesus; repeat if often because this is the one thing that makes Him immensely happy, that consoles Him for all the ingratitude, that compensates Him for all the betrayals; ‘Jesus, You are our love; Jesus, You alone are our great friend; Jesus, we love You; Jesus, we are in love with You.’
   Indeed the presence of Christ in the Eucharist has above all the function of making you grow in an experience of true communion of love with Him such that you never again feel yourself alone, because He has remained here below to be always with you.
    And so then, you must go before the tabernacle to gather the fruit of the prayer and of the communion of life with Jesus which develops and matures into your holiness. Beloved sons, the more your life revolves wholly and entirely at the foot of the tabernacle, in intimate union with Jesus in the Eucharist, the more you will increase in holiness. The eucharistic Jesus becomes the model and the form of your holiness.  He brings you to purity of heart, to humility which is sought and desired, to a lived-out confidence, to loving and filial abandonment.
    The Eucharistic Jesus becomes the new form of your priestly holiness which you attain by means of a daily and hidden immolation, of a continual presence of love toward your brothers, of a capacity to welcome in your own person the sufferings and crosses of all, of a possibility to transform evil into good and to act profoundly that souls, who have been entrusted to you may be led by you to salvation.
    For this reason I say to you: The times have come when I want you all before the tabernacle and above all I want you priests who are the beloved sons of a Mother who is ever in an act of perpetual adoration and of unceasing reparation.  I desire that the cult of the Eucharist again flourish in all the Church in an ever more powerful way.

O Jesus, how I give you compassion! Your love is so overburdened by this. In order to relieve you from the offenses You receive from these souls, I ask You to chain my heart with those chains broken by them, in order to give You my requital of love in their place. The fire that it contains is so intense that, in order to give a little relief to your flames which shoot up too high—while wanting to take a little pause in your work—you also want to play in this sacrament. Your game is to form arrows and darts so that when creatures come before you, you begin to play with them by shooting arrows from your breast to wound them. When they receive them, you celebrate, and so it is that your game is played.
[Lesson 9]
May 23, 1899, The virtue of sweetness.
Jesus told me: “My daughter, sweetness has the virtue of making things change their nature; it knows well how to convert bitter into sweet. Therefore, more sweet, more sweet.”

But many, O my Jesus, deflect them, reciprocating with arrows of coldness, darts of lukewarmness, and arrows of ingratitude. This saddens you to tears, because creatures make your game of love fail.
O Jesus, here is my breast, ready to receive not only the arrows destined for me but also those which the others refuse. This way, your games will not be frustrated any more. And in exchange, I want to make reparation to you for the coldness, lukewarmness and ingratitude you receive. O Jesus, I kiss your left hand, and I intend to make reparation for all the illicit and unholy touches made in your Presence. I beg You to always hold me close to your Heart! O Jesus, I kiss your right hand. I intend to make reparation for all sacrileges, especially for all badly-celebrated Masses. How many times, my love, you are compelled to descend from heaven into the hands of priests who, in virtue of the authority given to them, call you. But you find those hands full of mud, and oozing decay. And although you feel the nausea of those hands, your love compels you to remain.
In reality, it is worse in certain priests. In these, you find the priests of your passion who, with their enormous crimes and sacrileges, renew the deicide. My Jesus, it is terrifying just to think of it. Again, as in the passion, you find yourself in those unworthy hands, like a meek little lamb, waiting for your death once more. O Jesus, how you suffer! And how you would like to have a loving hand to free you from those bloody hands! Yes, when you find yourself in such hands, I pray you to make me be there to make reparation to you. I want to cover you with the purity of the angels, perfume you with your virtues to lessen the stench of those hands, and offer you my heart for an escape and a refuge. And while you are in me, I will pray to you for priests so that they may be your worthy ministers, and no longer endanger your sacramental life.
O Jesus, I kiss your left foot. And I intend to make reparation to you for those who receive you by habit and without the proper dispositions. O Jesus, I kiss your right foot, and I intend to make reparation to you for those who receive you to outrage you. Please, when they dare to do that, I pray you to renew the miracle you worked when Longinus pierced your heart with the lance: with the blood that flowed out and touched his eyes you converted him and healed him. Similarly, with your sacramental touch, convert offenses into love.
O Jesus, I kiss your heart, the center into which all offenses are poured. I intend to make reparation to you for everything and for everyone; to love you in exchange for your love; and always united with you, to share your pains. Please, heavenly archer of love, if I fail to make reparation to you for some offense, I pray you to imprison me in your heart and in your Will so that nothing can escape me.

[Lesson 10]  A friend once said, “I can’t stay too focused on reading The Hour of the Passion because I can’t stand how much I feel sorry for Jesus.”  I will say to her next time:  “you have felt Jesus’ pain, and by recognizing and accepting that his pain is yours to feel, you have relieved him from suffering; now you can effectively offer the soul who’s sin caused the pain on Jesus, to God, for that person’s conversion and healing.  In addition, you have repaired that person’s act of sin by giving God the love,  adoration, and thanksgiving due to Him.

I will pray our sweet mother to keep me alert; and together with her we will make reparation to you for everything and for everyone. Together, we will kiss you; and, sheltering you, we will drive away the waves of bitterness which, unfortunately, you receive from creatures. O Jesus, remember that I too am a poor prisoner. It is true that your prisons, which consist of the tiny space of the host, afford less space than mine. So, enclose me in your heart, and with the chains of your love not only imprison me, but tie my thoughts, affections and desires [to yours], one by one. Shackle my hands and my feet to your heart, so that I may not have any other hands or feet but yours.
And so, my Love, my prison will be your Heart, my chains will be made of love; your flames will be my food, your breath will be mine, the fences preventing me from going out will be your Most Holy Will. So I will see nothing but flames, I will touch nothing but fire; and while they give me life, they will give me death, like that You suffer in the Holy Host. I will give You my life, and so, while I remain imprisoned in You, You will be released in me.

[Lesson 11]  The Sacred Heart of Jesus is pictured with flames that rise from it.  O death where is your sting, because God’s love has destroyed it.  From the crucible of fire, love and pain is knowledge of oneself and God.
June 2, 1899, The greatest favor for a soul is to make her know herself.
…After this, Jesus told me: “The greatest favor I can do to a soul is to make her know herself. The knowledge of self and the knowledge of God go together; the more you know yourself, the more you know God. The soul who has known herself, seeing that she can do nothing good by herself, transforms this shadow of her being in God, and it happens that in God she does all her operations. It happens that the soul is in God and walks beside Him, without looking, without investigating, without speaking – in a word, as if she were dead. In fact, knowing the depth of her nothingness, she does not dare to do anything by herself, but she blindly follows the trajectory of the operations of the Word.”
It seems to me that to a soul who knows herself it happens as to those people who travel in a steamer: in moving from one point to another, without taking a step of their own, they make long journeys, but everything by virtue of the steamer that transports them. In the same way, the soul, by placing herself in God, just like the people in the steamer, makes sublime flights on the way of perfection, fully knowing, however, that it is not because of her, but by virtue of that blessed God who carries her within Himself. Oh! how the Lord favors, enriches, concedes the greatest graces, knowing that she attributes everything, not to herself, but to Him. Oh! soul who know yourself – how fortunate you are!
Isn't this why you imprisoned yourself in the host: to be released from your prison by the souls that receive you, and to take life in them? Now, as a sign of love, bless me and give me a kiss. And I embrace you and remain O my sweet heart, I see that after you have instituted the Blessed Sacrament, and have seen the enormous ingratitude and the offenses of creatures before the excesses of your love, although you are wounded and embittered, still you do not retreat. Indeed, you want to drown everything in the immensity of your love. Jesus, I see that you give yourself in communion to your apostles. Afterwards, you add that what you have done, they also must do. With this, you give them the power to consecrate. And so you ordain them priests, and institute other sacraments.
In this way, you take care of everything, and make reparation for everything: the faulty sermons; the sacraments administered and received without the proper dispositions, and therefore, without effects; the mistaken vocations of priests, caused by the failure to use all the means necessary to discern true vocations—both on the part of the priests and on the part of those who ordain them. No, nothing escapes you, O Jesus. And I intend to follow you and to make reparation to you for all these offenses. Then, once you have finished with everything, you take your apostles with you and set out for the Garden of Gethsemane to begin your painful passion. I will follow you in everything to keep you faithful company.
[Lesson 12]  Hence, we’re drawn to Christ in his perpetual victimhood in the Eucharist.  True today, and true for the time that spans back to its institution, and true for tomorrow, encompassing all of humanity, from the beginnings of human history, to the last person born.

Mother of Adoration and of Reparation:  Message from the Virgin Mary

My most dearly beloved sons, together with Jesus, who, in every tabernacle, is in a state of continual victimhood for you, I bless you in  the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."

Luisa’s reflections and practices in outline form for easier and further study.
Jesus is hidden in the host to give life to everyone, and in this hidden state he embraces all ages and gives light to everyone.
·         Similarly, by hiding ourselves in him, through our prayers and reparations we will give light and life to everyone, even to heretics and infidels, because Jesus does not exclude anyone.
 What are we to do while hiding in him?
·         In order to become similar to Jesus, we must hide everything in him: our thoughts, glances, works, heartbeats, affections, desires, steps and works. We must even hide our prayers themselves in Jesus' prayers.
And just as our loving Jesus in the Eucharist embraces all ages, together with him we will embrace them as well.
·         United to him, we will be the thought of every mind, the word of every tongue, the desire of every heart, the step of every foot, the work of every arm.
With this, we will repel from Jesus' heart all the wrongs that creatures would like to do him,
·         and we will try to substitute them with all the good that we can possibly do, and so urge Jesus to give salvation, holiness and love to all souls.
·         In order for our life to correspond to Jesus' life, it must be completely conformed to his.
The soul must have the intention of being in all the tabernacles of the world,
·         to keep him company continuously
·         and to give him perpetual relief and reparation.
And with this intention we must do all our actions of the day.
·         The first Tabernacle exists within us, in our hearts. So, we should attend closely to everything that good Jesus wants to do in us.
·         Many times, abiding in our hearts, Jesus makes us feel the need to pray.
·         Yes, it is Jesus who wants to pray, and he wants us with him.
He makes himself practically one with our voice, with our affections, with our whole heart, so that our prayer may be one with his.
·         And so, to honor Jesus' prayer, we will be careful to give him our entire being so that loving Jesus may raise his prayer to heaven, to talk to the Father and to renew the effects of his own prayer in the world.
We must be attentive to all the movements of our interior,
·         because now good Jesus makes us suffer,
·         now he wants us at prayer,
·         now he puts us into one state of soul or another,
·         in order to be able to repeat his own life in us.
Let's suppose that Jesus gives us the occasion to exercise patience.
·         He receives so many offenses from creatures that he feels compelled to pick up some scourge and strike creatures with it; and so he gives us the occasion to exercise patience.
·         Now, we must honor him by patiently supporting everything, just as he does. This way, our patience will snatch from his hand the scourges that other creatures draw down on themselves, because he will be exercising his own divine patience in us. And as with patience, so too with all the other virtues. 
[Lesson 14]  Hence, as scriptures calls us, we are the salt of the earth.  When we love, Jesus loves through us; when we are kind, Jesus exhibits kindness through us; we are at peace, Jesus exercises divine peace through us, and so on with other virtues; as St Paul said, “It is not I, that lives, but Christ, who lives in me.”
In the Blessed Sacrament, loving Jesus exercises all the virtues;
·         and it is from him that we will draw strength, meekness, patience, tolerance, humility, obedience.
Good Jesus gives us his flesh for food;
·         and we will give him our love, our will, our desires, thoughts and affections to nourish him.
This way, we will compete with Jesus' love.
·         We won't let anything enter into us that is not him.
·         So, everything we do must serve to nourish our beloved Jesus.
Our thoughts must nourish the divine thought.
·         That is, realizing that Jesus is hidden in us and that he wants the food of our thoughts, by thinking holy thoughts we come to nourish the divine thought.
·         The same goes for our glances that must nourish the divine glance,
·         and for our words, heartbeats, affections, desires, steps, and works.
In a word, all must serve to nourish Jesus, and, in doing so, we must have the intention of nourishing creatures in Jesus.
·         My sweet Love, in this hour You transubstantiated Yourself in bread and wine. O Jesus, please grant that everything I say and do may be a continual consecration of Yourself in Me and in souls.
My sweet Life, when You enter into Me, grant that my every heartbeat, desire, affection, thought, and word may endure your sacramental consecration, in such a way that, with my entire, tiny being consecrated, it may become so many hosts to give You to souls.
And by virtue of your consecration.
·         Jesus, may I consecrate all of You into all souls.
·         Jesus, my sweet Love, may I be your tiny host in order to enclose within myself, as within a living Host, your entire Being.

[Lesson 13]  Ah, the operation of the divine will in the soul, which has the divine power to bring Jesus to souls, and hasten his return in his glorious Eucharistic reign.
The New Era:  Message from the Virgin Mary
In the new era, which I announce to you, coincides with the ­complete fulfillment of the divine will, so that at last there is  coming about that which Jesus taught you to ask for, from the Heavenly Father: 'Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.' This is the time when the divine will of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit is being accomplished by the creatures. From the perfect fulfillment of the divine will, the whole world is becoming renewed, because God finds there, as it were, his new garden of Eden, where He can dwell in loving companionship with his creatures.

Mother of Adoration and of Reparation:  Message from the Virgin Mary

   Beloved sons, today you must believe more in his presence among you; you must spread, with courage and with force, your priestly invitation for a return of all to a strong and witnessed faith in the real presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. You must orientate the whole Church so that she will find herself before the tabernacle, with your heavenly Mother, in an act of perennial reparation, of continual adoration and of unceasing  prayer.  Your priestly prayer must become wholly a Eucharistic prayer. 
  I ask that there be once again a return to the practice of making everywhere hours of adoration before Jesus, exposed in the most holy Sacrament.  I desire that there be an increase in the homage of love towards the Eucharist and that this become manifest also through evident but most expressive signs of your piety.  Surround the eucharistic Jesus with flowers and with lights; encircle Him with delicate attention; draw close to Him with profound acts of genuflection and of adoration.
If you knew how the Eucharistic Jesus loves you, how a little gesture of your love fills Him with joy and with consolation! Jesus pardons so many sacrileges and forgets an infinity of ingratitude before one drop of pure priestly love which is placed in the chalice of his eucharistic Heart.
 Priests and faithful of my Movement,  go before the tabernacle; pray before the tabernacle.

Let yours be a continual prayer of adoration and of intercession, of thanksgiving and of reparation. Let yours be a prayer which is united to the heavenly song of the angels and the saints, to the ardent supplications of the souls who are still being purified in purgatory. Let yours be a prayer which brings together the voices of all humanity which should prostrate itself before every  tabernacle of the earth, in an act of continual gratitude and of daily thanksgiving.
 Because in the Eucharist Jesus Christ is really present he remains ever with you and this presence of his will become increasingly stronger, will shine over the earth like a sun and will mark the beginning of a new era. The coming of the glorious reign of Christ will coincide with the greatest splendor of the Eucharist.  Christ will restore his glorious reign in the universal triumph  his eucharistic reign, which will unfold in all its  power and will have the capacity to change hearts, souls, individuals, families, society and the very structure of the world. 
 When He will have restored his eucharistic reign, Jesus will lead you to take joy in this habitual presence of his, which you will feel in a new and extraordinary way and which will lead you to the experience of a second, renewed and more beautiful earthly paradise.


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