Saturday, July 23, 2011

Lessons drawn from hour 5 to 6pm from The Hours of the Passion

                Jesus takes leave of His Most Holy Mother           

O heavenly Mother, the hour of separation draws near, and I come to You, O Mother, give me your love, your reparations, and your sorrows. Together with You, I want to follow adored Jesus step by step.
[Lesson 1]  Please read the following to study the scope of the Virgin Mary’s role in God’s plan to fulfill the Our Father prayer:  “Thy kingdom come, thy Will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”
Here Jesus comes. With your soul overflowing with love, you run to meet him. But your heart aches with grief to see him so pale and sad. Your strength fades away, and you are about to fall at his feet. O my sweet Mama, do You know why adorable Jesus has come to You? Ah, He has come to say good-bye to You for the last time, to impart His last Word, to share with you this last embrace! O Mother, I cling to You with all the tenderness of which my poor heart is capable, so that holding You tightly, I too may receive the embraces of adored Jesus. Would you perhaps look down on me, or isn't it perhaps a comfort to your heart to have a soul near you, to share your pains, affections and reparations?

[Lesson a]  This is tenderness to Our blessed Mother.  It’s also reparation to her Immaculate Heart, and a function of our consecration to Her.
Jesus, in this hour so bitter for your tender Heart, what instruction You give us of innocent, loving obedience to your Mother! What a sweet enchantment of love rises up to the throne of the Eternal One, extending salvation to all creatures of the earth!
O my heavenly Mama, do You know what adored Jesus wants from You? Nothing but your last blessing. From every particle of your being only blessings and praises flow to your Creator; but, in taking leave of You, Jesus wants to hear the sweet words, I bless You, O Son. That I bless You deflects every blasphemy from his hearing and descends sweetly and gently into his Heart. Jesus wants your “I bless You” to shield against all the offenses of creatures.
I too join with you, O sweet mother. On the wings of the wind, I want to travel through heaven to ask the Father, the Holy Spirit, all the angels for an I bless you for Jesus, so that, going to him, I can bring their blessings. I want to go to all creatures here on earth and ask from every whisper, heartbeat, step, breath, glance, thought, and word—blessings and praises for Jesus. And, if anyone does not want to give them to me, I will do it on their behalf.
O sweet Mama, after going round and round, to ask the Most Holy Trinity, the Angels, all creatures, the light of the sun, the fragrance of the flowers, the waves of the sea, every breath of wind, every spark of fire, every moving leaf, the twinkling of the stars, every movement of nature, for an “I bless You”, I come to You and I place all my blessings together with yours. My sweet Mother, I see that You are comforted by them, and I offer Jesus all my blessings to atone for the blasphemies and curses that He receives from creatures.
But, while I offer You everything, I hear your trembling voice saying, “Son, bless Me too!” My sweet Love, bless me with your Mother. Bless my thoughts, my heart, my hands, my steps, my deeds, and—with your Mother—all creatures. O my Mother, You gaze upon the Sorrowful Face of Jesus, so pale, sad, and tormented, and You envision the sorrow that He will soon have to suffer. You see his Face covered with spit, and You bless It. You foresee his face covered with spit and you bless it. You see his head pierced by thorns, his eyes blindfolded, his body tortured by lashings, his hands and feet pierced by nails, and you follow him with your blessings everywhere he is about to go. And I too will follow Him together with You. When Jesus is struck with the whips, pierced by the nails, slapped, crowned with thorns, he will find my I bless you everywhere, together with yours. O Jesus, O mother, I give you compassion.
Your sorrow is immense in these last moments. It seems that the heart of one rends the heart of the other. O mother, tear my heart from the earth and bind it tightly to Jesus, so that pressed to him, I can take part in your pains. And being between your two hearts, I will receive your last kisses and your last embraces while you look at each other for the last time. Don’t You see that I cannot be without You, in spite of my misery and my coldness? Jesus, Mama, keep me close to You; give me your love, your Will. Pierce my poor heart with arrows, and hold me in your arms. Together with you, O sweet mother, I want to follow adorable Jesus step by step, with the intention of giving him comfort, relief, love and reparation for everyone.
O Jesus, with your Mother, I kiss your left foot, and I beg You to forgive me and all creatures for the many times we have not walked toward God. [Glory be to the Father, etc.].
I kiss your right foot. Forgive me and everyone for the many times we have not sought the perfection that You desired for us. [Glory be to the Father, etc.]
I kiss your left hand. Communicate your purity to us. [Glory be to the Father, etc.]
I kiss your right hand. Bless all my heartbeats, thoughts, and affections so that all may be confirmed by your blessing, and all may be sanctified. And as you bless me, bless all creatures as well, and seal the salvation of their souls with your blessing. [Glory be to the Father, etc.]
O Jesus, I embrace You together with your Mama, and kissing your Heart, I pray You to place my heart between your two Hearts, that it may be nourished continuously by your love, by your sorrows, by your very affections and desires, and by your own Life. Amen. [Glory be ...]

 Luisa’s Reflections and Practices in outline form.
Reflections and applications regarding the Hours of the Passion, so that we may copy the life of Jesus within ourselves, aligning our life with His in everything: His breath, His heartbeat, etc. so that He once again lives among His creatures.

Before entering his Passion, Jesus goes to his Mother to ask for her blessing In this act he teaches us how we must be obedient, with both interior and exterior obedience, in order to correspond to the inspirations of grace.

[Lesson 2]  Jesus says there are three signatures to “Living” the divine will:  obedience, humility and resignation to live the divine will.
Note what Jesus says about humility:

April 3, 1899
Humility without confidence is false virtue.
 …[Jesus]   “If you knew how much I like humility…. Humility is the littlest plant that can be found, but its branches are so high as to reach Heaven, wind their way around my throne, and penetrate even into my Heart. This little plant is humility, and the branches that this plant produces are confidence; so, there cannot be true humility without confidence. Humility without confidence is false virtue.”

May 19, 1899
Humility is the safeguard of the celestial favors.
 …[Jesus]  “Humility is the safeguard of the celestial favors. Humility clothes the soul with such safety that the tricks of the devil cannot penetrate inside of her. Humility places all celestial graces in safety, so much so, that when I see humility, I let flow, abundantly, any kind of celestial favors. “
Then He showed me many religious people and, among these, priests - even of holy life. But as good as they were, there wasn’t in them that spirit of simplicity in believing in the many graces and the many ways that the Lord uses with souls. And Jesus said to me: “I communicate Myself both to the humble and to the simple, because they immediately believe in my graces and take them into great consideration, though they may be ignorant and poor. But with these others that you see, I am very reluctant, because the first step which draws the soul near Me is belief; and it happens that these ones, with all their science and doctrine, and even holiness, never experience a ray of celestial light – that is, they walk along the natural way, and they never arrive at touching, even slightly, that which is supernatural. This is also the reason for which in the course of my mortal life there was not one learned, one priest, one man of power, among my followers, but all ignorant and of low condition – because these were more humble and simple, and also more disposed to make great sacrifices for Me.”
And since Jesus speaks about the humble and simple as those who make the greater sacrifices for him, this is what he says about simplicity:

March 18, 1899
Charity is simple.
…[Jesus]   “Charity is so dear to me, that you cannot comprehend it. Charity is simple, just like my Being which, though immense, is yet most simple; so much so that there is no place which It does not penetrate. So Charity is; being simple, it diffuses everywhere, it has regard for no one – whether a friend or an enemy, whether a citizen or a stranger, it loves everybody.”

Sometimes we are not ready to put into practice a good inspiration, either because we are held back by love of self united to temptation, or because of human respect, or in order not to use holy violence on ourselves.
·         But rejecting the good inspiration of exercising a virtue, of accomplishing a virtuous act, of doing a good work, or of practicing a devotion, makes the Lord withdraw, depriving us of new inspirations.
·         On the other hand, the prompt correspondence, pious and prudent, to holy inspirations attracts more lights and graces upon us.

In the cases of doubt, one should turn promptly and with righteous intention to the great means of prayer and to upright and experienced advice.
·         In this way, God will never withhold light from our souls so that we can pursue our good inspirations and multiply them, reaping the greatest possible benefits.

Our prayers, actions, and the Hours of the Passion should be done with Jesus’ own intention of his Will, sacrificing ourselves as He did for the glory of the Father and for the good of all souls.
·         We should be disposed to sacrifice ourselves in everything out of love for our beloved Jesus, surrendering to his Spirit, acting with his own sentiments, and abandoning ourselves to Him—not only in all our sorrows and external misfortunes, but even more in our interior lives.

In this way, in any situation, we will be ready to suffer. When we act in this spirit, we give our Jesus little sips of sweetness.
·         If all that we do remains in the Will of God—which contains all sweetness and delight to an infinite degree—we will console the Divine Heart of Jesus and give Him big sips of sweetness to ease the effects of the poison that other creatures give Him.

Before starting any action, let us always invoke the blessing of God, so that our actions may have the touch of the Divinity, and may attract His blessings not only on us, but upon all creatures.
·         My Jesus, may your blessing precede me, accompany me and follow me, so that everything I do may carry the seal of your I bless you.

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