Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Work of Co-Redemption: Fr Gobbi "Marian Movement of Priests"

Message 203

July 13, 1980
Anniversary of the Third Apparition of Fatima  

"Assent to my plan, beloved sons, and allow yourselves to be formed by your Mother. Thus I am able, more and more, to associate you with my maternal work of co-redemption.

Jesus is the only Redeemer because He alone is the mediator ­between God and men. He has however willed to take into partnership in his redemptive work all those who have been redeemed by Him, so that the merciful work of his love may shine forth in a greater and more wonderful way.
Thus you, who have been redeemed, can co-operate with Him in his redemptive work.  He in you, who are so intimately united with Him so as to form his very Mystical Body, can gather in your day the fruit of what He accomplished once for all on Calvary.
I am for you the perfect model of your co-operation in the redemptive work accomplished by my Son.  In fact, as Mother of Jesus, I have become intimately associated with Him in  his work of redemption.
If the cross was his scaffold, the pain of my Immaculate Heart was like the alter on which my Son offered to the Father the Sacrifice of the new  and eternal covenant.

As Mother of the Church, I was also intimately associated with Jesus in the accomplishment of his redemptive work, which is carried out in the course of history, by offering to all men the possibility of accepting that salvation which He obtained for you at the time of his bloody immolation. Thus the more numerous they are who attain salvation, the more fully is the masterpiece of his divine love realized.
My task as Mother is that of helping my children in every way to attain salvation;  and today still, it is that of co-operating in a very special way in the redemption accomplished by my Son Jesus.  My role as true Mother and Co-Redemptrix will become manifest to all.

I want to carry out this action today through you, my beloved sons.  This is why I have wanted to withdraw myself into the desert of your life, where I have set up my safe refuge.
In this way I mold you as a mother so that, through you, I may carry out the great work of co-redemption.  And so, I call you to prayer, to the perfect offering of yourselves, to suffering, to self-immolation.
I lead you along the way of the cross and gently I help you to climb Calvary in order to transform you all into sacrificial victims pleasing to the Father, for the salvation of the world.

This is the time of my silent action. In the desert of your life, I daily work the great prodigy of transforming you more and more, that Jesus Crucified may again live in each one of you.
When this work of mine is completed, the greatness of the loving plan which I am now carrying out will become apparent to the whole Church.  My merciful work of co-redemption has now become more necessary and urgent than ever.

The task which the Most Holy Trinity has entrusted to me will be acknowledged by all; I will be able to exercise my great power fully, so that the victory of my Son Jesus may shine forth everywhere, when He will restore, through you, his glorious reign of Love.”