Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Mother of Adoration and of Reparation: Fr Gobbi "Marian Movement of Priests"

Message 360
August 21, 1987
    Memorial of St. Pius X (During the recitation of the holy rosary;
message given orally)

             “Beloved sons, I am happy that you have come up here, as little children who let themselves be carried in my motherly arms.  Become ever littler, more docile, purer, simpler, more abandoned and faithful.  How great is the joy which my motherly heart experiences when I am able to carry you all, as precious and fragrant homage to offer to my Son Jesus, truly present in the sacrament of the Eucharist!
    I am the Mother of adoration and of reparation.  Beside every tabernacle of the earth there is always my motherly presence.  It forms a new and loving tabernacle for the solitary presence of my Son Jesus;  it builds a garden of love for his permanent residence among you; it forms a celestial harmony which surrounds Him with all the enchantment of paradise in the adoring choirs of angels, in the blessed prayer of the saints, in the painful aspirations of the many souls who are  being purified in purgatory. In my Immaculate Heart all form a concert of perennial adoration, of unceasing prayer and of profound love for Jesus, really present in every tabernacle on earth.
   Today  my motherly heart is saddened and is deeply wounded because I see that, about the divine presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, there is so much emptiness, so much abandonment, so much neglect, so much silence.
   O Church, pilgrim and suffering, of which I am the Mother, Church who are the family of all my children, ark of the new alliance, people of God, you must understand that the center of your life, the fount of your grace, the source of your light, the beginning  of your apostolic action is found only here in the tabernacle where Jesus is truly kept.  And Jesus is present to teach you how to grow, to help you to walk, to strengthen you in giving witness, to give you courage in evangelizing, to be a support for all your sufferings.

 0 pilgrim and suffering Church of these times, who are being  called to live the agony of Gethsemane and the bloody hour of your Calvary, I want to bring you here today with me, prostrate before every tabernacle, in an act of perpetual adoration and reparation, so that you too may be able to repeat the action that is always being carried out by your heavenly Mother.
 I am the Mother of adoration and reparation. In the Eucharist Jesus is really present with his body, with his blood, with his soul, and with his divinity.  In the Eucharist, there is really present Jesus Christ, the Son of God, that God who, in Him, I saw at every moment of his earthly life, even if He was hidden under the veil of a fragile and feeble nature, which developed  through the rhythm of time and of his human growth.  By a continual act of faith in my Son Jesus, I always saw my God and I adored Him with profound love.
    I adored Him when He was still guarded within my virginal womb, as a little bud, and I loved Him, nourished Him, caused Him to grow, giving Him my own flesh and my own blood.
      I adored Him after his birth, contemplating Him in the manger of a poor and bare cave.
    I adored my God in the Child Jesus who was growing, in the adolescent who was maturing, in the young man who was bending over his daily work, in the Messiah who was carrying his public mission.
 I adored Him when He was rejected and repulsed, when He was betrayed, abandoned and denied by his own.
   I adored Him when He was condemned and mocked, when He was scourged and crowned with thorns, when He was led to the gibbet and crucified.
 l adored Him beneath the Cross, in an act of unspeakable suffering, and when He was brought to the sepulcher and placed in his tomb.
 I adored Him after his resurrection when, firstly, He appeared to me in the splendor of his glorified body and in the light of his divinity.
 Beloved sons, by a miracle of love which you will be able to understand only in paradise, Jesus has given you the gift of remaining  always in your midst in the Eucharist.
      In the tabernacle, under the veil of the consecrated bread, there is kept the same Jesus whom I was the first to see after the miracle of his resurrection; the same Jesus who, in the splendor of his divinity, appeared to the eleven apostles, to many disciples, to the weeping  Magdalen, to the holy women who had followed Him all the way to the sepulchre.
  In the tabernacle hidden beneath the eucharistic veil, the same risen Jesus is present who appeared again to more than five hundred disciples and who struck with a bolt of light Saul, the persecutor, on the road to Damascus.  He is the same Jesus who is sitting at the right hand of the Father, in the splendor of his glorified body and of his divinity, even though, for love of you, He hides Himself under the white appearance of the consecrated bread.
   Beloved sons, today you must believe more in his presence among you; you must spread, with courage and with force, your priestly invitation for a return of all to a strong and witnessed faith in the real presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. You must orientate the whole Church so that she will find herself before the tabernacle, with your heavenly Mother, in an act of perennial reparation, of continual adoration and of unceasing  prayer.  Your priestly prayer must become wholly a Eucharistic prayer. 
  I ask that there be once again a return to the practice of making everywhere hours of adoration before Jesus, exposed in the most holy Sacrament.  I desire that there be an increase in the homage of love towards the Eucharist and that this become manifest also through evident but most expressive signs of your piety.  Surround the eucharistic Jesus with flowers and with lights; encircle Him with delicate attention; draw close to Him with profound acts of genuflection and of adoration.
If you knew how the Eucharistic Jesus loves you, how a little gesture of your love fills Him with joy and with consolation! Jesus pardons so many sacrileges and forgets an infinity of ingratitude before one drop of pure priestly love which is placed in the chalice of his eucharistic Heart.
 Priests and faithful of my Movement,  go before the tabernacle; pray before the tabernacle.

Let yours be a continual prayer of adoration and of intercession, of thanksgiving and of reparation. Let yours be a prayer which is united to the heavenly song of the angels and the saints, to the ardent supplications of the souls who are still being purified in purgatory. Let yours be a prayer which brings together the voices of all humanity which should prostrate itself before every  tabernacle of the earth, in an act of continual gratitude and of daily thanksgiving.
 Because in the Eucharist Jesus Christ is really present he mains ever with you and this presence of his will become increasingly stronger, will shine over the earth like a sun and will mark the beginning of a new era. The coming of the glorious reign of Christ will coincide with the greatest splendor of the Eucharist.  Christ will restore his glorious reign in the universal triumph  his eucharistic reign, which will unfold in all its  power and will have the capacity to change hearts, souls, individuals, families, society and the very structure of the world. 
 When He will have restored his eucharistic reign, Jesus will lead you to take joy in this habitual presence of his, which you will feel in a new and extraordinary way and which will lead you to the experience of a second, renewed and more beautiful earthly paradise.
   But before the tabernacle, yours should be not only a presence  of prayer, but also of a communion of life with Jesus.  Jesus is really present in the Eucharist because He wants to enter into a continual communion of life with you. When you go before Him, He sees you; when you speak to Him, He hears you; when you confide something to Him, He welcomes into his Heart your every word; when you ask something of Him, He always hears your prayer.
   Go before the tabernacle to establish with Jesus a simple and daily rapport of life. With the same naturalness with which you seek out a friend, or entrust yourself to persons who are dear to you, or feel the need of friends who assist you, in that same way go before the tabernacle to seek out Jesus.  Make of Jesus your dearest friend, the most trusted person, the most desired and the most loved.
   Tell your love to Jesus; repeat if often because this is the one thing that makes Him immensely happy, that consoles Him for all the ingratitude, that compensates Him for all the betrayals; ‘Jesus, You are our love; Jesus, You alone are our great friend; Jesus, we love You; Jesus, we are in love with You.’
   Indeed the presence of Christ in the Eucharist has above all the function of making you grow in an experience of true communion of love with Him such that you never again feel yourself alone, because He has remained here below to be always with you.
    And so then, you must go before the tabernacle to gather the fruit of the prayer and of the communion of life with Jesus which develops and matures into your holiness. Beloved sons, the more your life revolves wholly and entirely at the foot of the tabernacle, in intimate union with Jesus in the Eucharist, the more you will increase in holiness. The eucharistic Jesus becomes the model and the form of your holiness.  He brings you to purity of heart, to humility which is sought and desired, to a lived-out confidence, to loving and filial abandonment.
    The Eucharistic Jesus becomes the new form of your priestly holiness which you attain by means of a daily and hidden immolation, of a continual presence of love toward your brothers, of a capacity to welcome in your own person the sufferings and crosses of all, of a possibility to transform evil into good and to act profoundly that souls, who have been entrusted to you may be led by you to salvation.
    For this reason I say to you: The times have come when I want you all before the tabernacle and above all I want you priests who are the beloved sons of a Mother who is ever in an act of perpetual adoration and of unceasing reparation.  I desire that the cult of the Eucharist again flourish in all the Church in an ever more powerful way.
    As for now there must be an end to this profound crisis in regard to devotion to the Eucharist, a crisis which has contaminated the entire Church and which has been the root of so much infidelity and of the diffusion of such a widespread apostasy.
   All my beloved ones and the children consecrated to me, who form part of my Movement, I place you before every tabernacle of the earth, to give in homage to Jesus, as most precious jewels  and most beautiful and fragrant flowers.
As of now, the heavenly Mother wants to bring to Jesus, present in the the Eucharist, an ever greater number of her sons, because these are the times when the eucharistic Jesus must be adored, loved, thanked and glorified by all.
   My most dearly beloved sons, together with Jesus, who, in every tabernacle, is in a state of continual victimhood for you, I bless you in  the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."

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