Divine Mercy

Friday, March 9, 2012

The Heart of Reparation

Luisa Piccarreta, Book of Heaven, Volume 7

January 30, 1906
Constancy orders everything.

Continuing in my usual state, blessed Jesus came for just a little and told me: “My daughter, how necessary it is that the soul be constant in doing the good which she has started. In fact, though she has a beginning, she will have no end, and not having an end, it is necessary that she conform to the ways of the Eternal God. God is just, is holy, is merciful, He is the One who contains everything – but perhaps only for one day? No – always, always, always… In the same way, the soul must not be patient, humble and obedient one day, and impatient, proud and capricious another day. These are broken virtues, it is like mixing black and white, light and darkness; everything is disorder, everything is confusion – ways which are completely dissimilar to her Creator. In this soul there is continuous war, because passions wage war against her; in fact, in seeing themselves being nourished so very often, they hope the victory is theirs. Demons, creatures, and even virtues themselves in seeing themselves disappointed, wage a fierce war against her, and end up nauseating her. If these souls are saved – oh, how much work the fire of Purgatory will have to do!
On the other hand, for a constant soul everything is peace; mere constancy itself already keeps everything in its place; passions already feel they are dying, and who is the one who, nearing death, thinks about waging war against anyone? Constancy is the sword that puts everything to flight, it is the chain that binds all virtues, in such a way as to feel caressed by them continuously; and the fire of Purgatory will have no work to do, because constancy has ordered everything and has made the ways of the soul similar to those of the Creator.”

February 12, 1906
The virtues make us reach a certain height, but in the Divine Will there are no boundaries.  Effects of the mere words ‘Will of God’.

As I was in my usual state, I was feeling all oppressed because of the privation of my blessed Jesus.
Then He came for just a little, and told me: “My daughter, all other virtues in the creatures build a wall of a certain height, but the wall of the soul who lives in the Will of God is a wall so high and deep, that neither its depth nor its height can be found. Also, it is all of pure and solid gold, not subject to any misfortune, because since this wall is in the Divine Volition – that is, in God – God Himself keeps it, and there is no power that can defy God. And the soul, while living in this Divine Volition, is clothed with a light all similar to the One in whom she lives, so much so, that also in Heaven she will shine more than all the others, in such a way as to be an occasion of greater glory for the very saints. Ah, my daughter, think a little bit of what an atmosphere of peace and of goods the mere words ‘Will of God’ contain. At the mere thought of wanting to live in this atmosphere, the soul feels already changed; she feels a divine air investing her, she feels her human being being dissolved, she feels divinized – from impatient, patient; from proud - humble, docile, charitable, obedient; in sum, from poor, rich. All the other virtues arise to surround, like a crown, this high wall which has no boundaries; because, since God has no boundaries, the soul is dissolved within God, she loses her own boundaries, and acquires the boundaries of the Will of God.”

February 23, 1906
How Jesus was nailed to the Cross in the Will of the Father.

This morning I was thinking of Our Lord in the act in which they were nailing Him to the cross; I was compassionating all of Him, and blessed Jesus told me: “My daughter, not only my hands and feet were nailed to the cross, but all the particles of my Humanity, soul and Divinity were all nailed in the Will of the Father. In fact, the crucifixion was the Will of the Father, therefore I was nailed and transmuted completely in His Will. This was necessary because, what is sin but withdrawing from the Will of God, from everything that is good and holy which God has given us, believing to be something of one’s own, and offending the Creator? And I, in order to repair for this audacity and for this self idol which the creature makes of herself, wanted to dissolve my will completely and live from the Will of the Father at the cost of great sacrifice.”

March 4, 1906
Jesus jokes with Luisa.

Continuing in my usual state, I was saying to myself: ‘Lord, manifest your Will to me - whether I must be in this state or not. What would You lose? It is a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’ that You need to say.’
While I was saying this, blessed Jesus made Himself felt in my interior, and told me: “My daughter, I say that I want you to go out of this state of victim, but if you do it – woe!”
And I: ‘If You Yourself tell me that You would want me to go out of it, should I not do it?’ And He:
“I must say it to you, push you, make violence on you, and you must not do it, because a daughter who is always with her father must know the temperament of the father, the time, and the cause. She must ponder everything well, and if needed, she must dissuade her father from giving her this command.” And I: ‘I have not done it because obedience does not want it.’
And He, without giving me time: “And if they allow you to, woe to the one who does it!” On hearing this, I said: ‘Lord, it seems that this time You want to tempt me and create many embarrassments for me; I myself don’t know what to do.’ And He: “I wanted to joke a little bit with you. Do spouses not joke with each other sometimes? And could I not do likewise?”

March 5, 1906
Jesus asks her to give Him relief Him. She sees a man committing suicide.

Continuing in my usual state, I found myself outside of myself with baby Jesus, all afflicted. In seeing Him so afflicted, I said: ‘My dear little one, tell me, what do You want? That I suffer in order to relieve You?’ And He placed himself with His face to the ground, praying, almost wanting me to interpret His Will, but I could not understand anything. I raised Him from the ground, I kissed Him several times, and I said: ‘My beloved, I cannot understand what You want. Do You want me to suffer the crucifixion?’ And He: “No”. He took my arm with His hand, and my wrist appeared from the cuff of my shirt. In seeing this, I said: ‘Do you want me to be stripped? I feel great repugnance, but for love of You, I submit myself.’
In the meantime, I saw a man who, taken by desperation and by esteem of his own self, was committing suicide - and this, in our town. The baby told me: “I cannot contain so much bitterness – receive part of it.” And He poured a little bit of His bitterness into my mouth. I ran to that man
to help him to repent of the evil he had done. The demons were taking that soul, placing it on the fire, and turning it over and over again as if they were roasting it. I freed him as many as two times, and then I found myself inside myself, praying the Lord to have mercy on that unfortunate soul.
Blessed Jesus came back with the crown of thorns, so sunken into His head, that the thorns appeared even inside His mouth; and He told me: “Ah, my daughter, yet many do not believe that the thorns penetrated even into my mouth. The sin of pride is so awful as to be the poison of the soul – it kills
it. Just as one who has something across his mouth prevents any food from passing into his body to give him life, so does pride prevent the life of God in the soul. This is why I wanted to suffer so much because of human pride; and in spite of this, the creature reaches such pride that, drunk with pride,
he loses the knowledge of himself, and reaches the point of killing his body and soul.”

To obey, I say that when I told father what I have written above, he assured me that on that morning a man had committed suicide.

April 17, 1906
God will arm the elements against man.

This morning I had a bad time; I was outside of myself and I could see nothing but fire. It seemed that the earth would open and threaten to swallow cities, mountains and men. It seemed that the Lord would want to destroy the earth, but in a special way three different places, distant from one another, and some of them also in Italy. They seemed to be three mouths of volcanoes – some were sending out fire which flooded the cities, and in some places the earth was opening and horrible quakes would occur. I could not understand very well whether these things were happening or will have to happen. How many ruins! Yet, the cause of this is only sin, and man does not want to surrender; it seems that man has placed himself against God, and God will arm the elements against man – water, fire, wind and many other things, which will cause many upon many to die. What fright, what horror! I felt I was dying in seeing all these sorrowful scenes; I would have wanted to suffer anything to placate the Lord. And the Lord made Himself seen for just a little – but who can say how? I said a few words to placate Him, but He would not listen to me. Then He told me:
“My daughter, I can find no place left in which to rest in my creation. Let Me rest in you, and you – rest in Me and keep quiet.”

April 25, 1906
She suffers together with Jesus. He gives her all of His sufferings and all of Himself as gift.

As I was in my usual state, I seemed to see blessed Jesus inside of me, all afflicted, in the act of suffering the crucifixion, and it seemed that I would suffer a little together with Him. Then He told me: “My daughter, everything is yours: my sufferings and all of Myself - I give you everything as gift.” Then He added: “My daughter, how many things creatures do against Me - what a thirst for sins they have, what a thirst for blood! I would want to do nothing but pour the bowels of the earth inside out and burn them all up.” And I: ‘Lord, what are You saying? You told me that You are all mine, and one who gives himself to someone else is no longer the master of himself. I do not want You to do this, and You must not do it. If You want satisfaction from me, make me suffer whatever You want, for I am ready for everything.’
So, I felt Him within me as if I were keeping Him bound, and often times He would repeat: “Let Me do, for I can take no more! Let Me do, for I can take no more!” And I would repeat: ‘I do not want it, Lord, I do not want it.’ But as I was saying this, I felt my heart split with tenderness in admiring His goodness, so condescending to a sinful soul such as I. I could comprehend many things about the divine goodness, but I cannot say them well.

April 26, 1906
Jesus does not want to let her see the chastisements so as not to afflict her.

Continuing in my poor state, I felt there were people around my bed who wanted me to see the chastisements which were happening in the world – earthquakes, wars and many other things, which I could not understand well - to make me intercede with the Lord. It seemed to me that they were Saints, but I cannot tell with certainty. In the meantime, blessed Jesus came out from within my interior, and He said to them: “Do not molest her, do not afflict her by wanting to make her see sorrowful scenes. Rather, let her be tranquil, and leave her alone with Me.” They went away, and I remained concerned – ‘who knows what is happening, that He does not even want me to see....’
Then, afterwards, I found myself outside of myself, and I saw a priest who began to talk about the earthquakes which had occurred in the past days, saying: “The Lord is very indignant, I believe they are not yet finished.”
And I: ‘Who knows whether we will be spared.’ He became enflamed, and it seemed that his heart was beating so strongly that I could feel it myself, and those heartbeats would reverberate in my heart. I could not understand who he was, but I felt a certain something being communicated to me. Then he added: “How can grave things happen, with destructions and dying of people, where there is a heart that loves for all? At most, a few tremors might be felt, without considerable damage.”
On hearing ‘a heart that loves for all’, I felt as though I were being picked on, and I myself cannot tell how I came out saying: ‘What are you saying – a heart that loves for all? Not only that loves for all, but that repairs for all, that suffers, that thanks, that praises, that adores, that respects the holy law for all; because I do not believe it is true love toward the beloved, if one does not render him the love and all the satisfaction which the others were supposed to render him, in such a way that in that person, he must find all the good and the contentment which he was to find in all.’
On hearing me, he became more ignited, and drew near me in the act of wanting to clasp me. I was afraid, I felt blushing for having spoken that way, and my heart, struck by his heartbeats, was throbbing. He seemed to transform, as if he were Our Lord, but I cannot tell with certainty. Without my being able to oppose Him, He clasped me to Himself, telling me: “Every morning I will come to you, and we will have breakfast together.” At that moment I found myself inside myself.

April 29, 1906
How the soul who is empty of everything is like water that always runs.

Continuing in my usual state, blessed Jesus came for just a little, and filling all of my interior with Himself, He told me: “My daughter, an empty soul is like water that runs, and always runs, and when  it reaches the center from which it came, only then does it stop; and since water has no color, it receives into itself all the colors that are reflected in it. In the same way, the empty soul runs, and always runs toward the divine center from which she came, and when she comes to fill all of herself, completely, with God, only then does she stop. In fact, since she is empty, nothing of the Divine Being escapes her, and since she does not have a color of her own, she receives all the divine colors into herself. Now, only an empty soul, because she is empty of everything, comprehends things according to the truth: the preciousness of suffering, the true good of virtue, the necessity for the Eternal One alone; because in order to love something, it is absolutely necessary to hate that which is opposite to what is loved. Only an empty soul reaches such a great happiness.”

From the Hour of 8PM to 9PM in the 24 Hours of the Passion of the Christ    (click to read it in it's entierty).

O Jesus, I kiss your heart, the center into which all offenses are poured. I intend to make reparation to you for everything and for everyone; to love you in exchange for your love; and always united with you, to share your pains. Please, heavenly archer of love, if I fail to make reparation to you for some offense, I pray you to imprison me in your heart and in your Will so that nothing can escape me.
I will pray our sweet mother to keep me alert; and together with her we will make reparation to you for everything and for everyone. Together, we will kiss you; and, sheltering you, we will drive away the waves of bitterness which, unfortunately, you receive from creatures. O Jesus, remember that I too am a poor prisoner. It is true that your prisons, which consist of the tiny space of the host, afford less space than mine. So, enclose me in your heart, and with the chains of your love not only imprison me, but tie my thoughts, affections and desires [to yours], one by one. Shackle my hands and my feet to your heart, so that I may not have any other hands or feet but yours.
And so, my Love, my prison will be your Heart, my chains will be made of love; your flames will be my food, your breath will be mine, the fences preventing me from going out will be your Most Holy Will. So I will see nothing but flames, I will touch nothing but fire; and while they give me life, they will give me death, like that You suffer in the Holy Host. I will give You my life, and so, while I remain imprisoned in You, You will be released in me.
Isn't this why you imprisoned yourself in the host: to be released from your prison by the souls that receive you, and to take life in them? Now, as a sign of love, bless me and give me a kiss. And I embrace you and remain O my sweet heart, I see that after you have instituted the Blessed Sacrament, and have seen the enormous ingratitude and the offenses of creatures before the excesses of your love, although you are wounded and embittered, still you do not retreat. Indeed, you want to drown everything in the immensity of your love. Jesus, I see that you give yourself in communion to your apostles. Afterwards, you add that what you have done, they also must do. With this, you give them the power to consecrate. And so you ordain them priests, and institute other sacraments.
In this way, you take care of everything, and make reparation for everything: the faulty sermons; the sacraments administered and received without the proper dispositions, and therefore, without effects; the mistaken vocations of priests, caused by the failure to use all the means necessary to discern true vocations—both on the part of the priests and on the part of those who ordain them. No, nothing escapes you, O Jesus. And I intend to follow you and to make reparation to you for all these offenses. Then, once you have finished with everything, you take your apostles with you and set out for the Garden of Gethsemane to begin your painful passion. I will follow you in everything to keep you faithful company.

Reflections and Practices.
Jesus is hidden in the host to give life to everyone, and in this hidden state he embraces all ages and gives light to everyone. Similarly, by hiding ourselves in him, through our prayers and reparations we will give light and life to everyone, even to heretics and infidels, because Jesus does not exclude anyone. What are we to do while hiding in him? In order to become similar to Jesus, we must hide everything in him: our thoughts, glances, works, heartbeats, affections, desires, steps and works. We must even hide our prayers themselves in Jesus' prayers.
And just as our loving Jesus in the Eucharist embraces all ages, together with him we will embrace them as well. United to him, we will be the thought of every mind, the word of every tongue, the desire of every heart, the step of every foot, the work of every arm. With this, we will repel from Jesus' heart all the wrongs that creatures would like to do him, and we will try to substitute them with all the good that we can possibly do, and so urge Jesus to give salvation, holiness and love to all souls. In order for our life to correspond to Jesus' life, it must be completely conformed to his.
The soul must have the intention of being in all the tabernacles of the world, to keep him company continuously and to give him perpetual relief and reparation. And with this intention we must do all our actions of the day. The first Tabernacle exists within us, in our hearts. So, we should attend closely to everything that good Jesus wants to do in us. Many times, abiding in our hearts, Jesus makes us feel the need to pray. Yes, it is Jesus who wants to pray, and he wants us with him. He makes himself practically one with our voice, with our affections, with our whole heart, so that our prayer may be one with his. And so, to honor Jesus' prayer, we will be careful to give him our entire being so that loving Jesus may raise his prayer to heaven, to talk to the Father and to renew the effects of his own prayer in the world.
We must be attentive to all the movements of our interior, because now good Jesus makes us suffer, now he wants us at prayer, now he puts us into one state of soul or another, in order to be able to repeat his own life in us. Let's suppose that Jesus gives us the occasion to exercise patience. He receives so many offenses from creatures that he feels compelled to pick up some scourge and strike creatures with it; and so he gives us the occasion to exercise patience. Now, we must honor him by patiently supporting everything, just as he does. This way, our patience will snatch from his hand the scourges that other creatures draw down on themselves, because he will be exercising his own divine patience in us. And as with patience, so too with all the other virtues.
In the Blessed Sacrament, loving Jesus exercises all the virtues; and it is from him that we will draw strength, meekness, patience, tolerance, humility, obedience. Good Jesus gives us his flesh for food; and we will give him our love, our will, our desires, thoughts and affections to nourish him. This way, we will compete with Jesus' love. We won't let anything enter into us that is not him. So, everything we do must serve to nourish our beloved Jesus. Our thoughts must nourish the divine thought. That is, realizing that Jesus is hidden in us and that he wants the food of our thoughts, by thinking holy thoughts we come to nourish the divine thought. The same goes for our glances that must nourish the divine glance, and for our words, heartbeats, affections, desires, steps, and works. In a word, all must serve to nourish Jesus, and, in doing so, we must have the intention of nourishing creatures in Jesus.
My sweet Love, in this hour You transubstantiated Yourself in bread and wine. O Jesus, please grant that everything I say and do may be a continual consecration of Yourself in Me and in souls.
My sweet Life, when You enter into Me, grant that my every heartbeat, desire, affection, thought, and word may endure your sacramental consecration, in such a way that, with my entire, tiny being consecrated, it may become so many hosts to give You to souls. And by virtue of your consecration.
O Jesus, may I consecrate all of You into all souls. O Jesus, my sweet Love, may I be your tiny host in order to enclose within myself, as within a living Host, your entire Being.