“...But if
the Church’s ordained leaders look to John Paul II as their model, they will
increasingly embody an evangelical Catholicism that is unafraid to be
countercultural in its engagement with public life, even as it stresses the
imperative of radical conversion to discipleship and friendship with Jesus
Christ as the raison d’être of the Church’s existence.” "The End of the Bernardin Era," George Weigel....more
This will be
the tip of the spear in the new evangelization as the Church moves forward in
the US. The theologians will have plenty to ponder about. I see 3
integral movements of God's Will in moving the Church universally, and humanity
as a whole, to the complete renewal of creation, as prescribed in the Our Father
prayer: "Thy kingdom come, Thy Will be done on earth as it is in
One, we
already see the incorporation of the feast day of Divine
Mercy as the 2nd Sunday of Easter with it's overarching proclamation
of God's love and mercy. As many of you might know John Paul II was the
one to resurrect Sister Faustina's writings after it was "held in
abeyance" for untold years.
Second, The Marian Movement of
Priests where Our Blessed Mother's messages to Fr Gobbi
underscores the gravity of our times in which, as a function of God's
Will, She as Leader, Queen, Prophetess, and tender and merciful Mother is
helping humanity pass through an initial stage of tribulation toward a radical
transformation of the world and a profound conversion to Christ: "You
are called to be the new heart of the new Church which Jesus is forming, in a
wholly mysterious way, in the heavenly garden of my Immaculate Heart." says the BVM.
John Paul II
understands this: that the consecration or entrustment to the Immaculate Heart of Mary is and will be the most efficacious means to bring on the gift of the Divine Mercy for the
Church and for all of humanity (Dives in Misericordia).
Thirdly, the
epicenter would be the writings of Luisa Piccarreta, as they articulate God's deepest desire
to move forward His plan of salvation, by completing perfectly the work of
the Cross, and thereby restoring to creation the original lofty level of
sanctity and intimate union with God, in an era characterized by universal
holiness, justice, peace, grace and love. It
centers on the purging of the human will of all of it's resultant evil by the
dominion and care of the Divine Will.
"Now, as in Creation, my love is gushing out strongly, and it is decided that the Kingdom of my Will wants Its life in the midst of creatures. Therefore, displaying with all magnificence, without looking at their merits, with insuperable magnanimity it wants to give its Kingdom again. Only, it wants creatures to know this, and to know Its goods, so that, by knowing them, they might long for and want the Kingdom of sanctity, of light and of happiness. And just as one will rejected It, so may another one call It, long for It, press It to come to reign in the midst of creatures. October 30, 1927........more
These 3
movements of God's Will can be summarized as such:
Holy Spirit wants to give Christians [and the world] a ‘new and divine
holiness’ at the Dawn of the Third Millennium” - Pope John Paul II
parousia: the first advent of Christ came in the fullness of time through
His virgin birth and the merits of His Mother, so Christ's second coming
will be through the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Because in the Eucharist Jesus Christ is really present he remains ever with you and this presence of his will become increasingly stronger, will shine over the earth like a sun and will mark the beginning of a new era. The coming of the glorious reign of Christ will coincide with the greatest splendor of the Eucharist. Christ will restore his glorious reign in the universal triumph of his eucharistic reign, which will unfold in all its power and will have the capacity to change hearts, souls, individuals, families, society and the very structure of the world. Blessed Virgin Mary, August 21, 1987.
My blog is a first cut to a
means of introduction to the Kingdom of the Divine Will.
My prayers go with you all!
Cardinal Dolan links:
February 2, 1917
The world has become unbalanced because it
has lost the thought of the Passion.
Jesus to Luisa Piccarreta
As I was in my usual state, I found myself outside of myself, and I found my always lovable Jesus, all dripping with blood, with a horrible crown of thorns, looking at me with difficulty through the thorns. He told me:
"My daughter, the world has become unbalanced because it has lost the thought of my Passion. In darkness, it has not found the light of my Passion which would illuminate it; and as it would make known to it my love and how much souls cost Me, it might turn to loving the One who has truly loved it; and the light of my Passion, guiding it, would put it on its guard against all dangers. In weakness, it has not found the strength of my Passion which would sustain it. In impatience, it has not found the mirror of my patience which would infuse in it calm and resignation; and in the face of my patience, feeling ashamed, it would make it its duty to dominate itself. In pains, it has not found the comfort of the pains of a God which, sustaining its pains, would infuse in it love of suffering. In sin, it has not found my sanctity which, placing itself in front of it, would infuse in it hate of sin. Ah! man has made an abuse of everything, because in everything he has moved away from the One who could help him. This is why the world has lost balance. It behaved like a child who no longer wanted to recognize his mother; or like a disciple who, denying his master, no longer wanted to listen to his teachings, or learn his lessons. What will happen to this child and to this disciple? They will be the sorrow of themselves, and the terror and sorrow of society. Such has man become – terror and sorrow; but a sorrow without pity. Ah! man is getting worse and worse, and I cry over him with tears of blood!"
Dear friends and lovers of God,
imperative that the full truth is lived in order to advance in living the
Divine Will. Click to see how eloquently Jesus makes his case for everyone toknow and live the Divine Will
And so here some highlights, enjoy:
· God's
desire to make His Divine Will be known. Pope John Paul II spoke of the
"spring time" of the faith in the new century, and a call for a new
evangelization. We are anticipating that glorious period of a golden age
for the Church. Jesus, in His Real Presence in the Holy Eucharist, will
unfold in all It's power and glory; the Holy Spirit will transform the very
structure of the world where there will be on earth peace, justice and
holiness according to scriptural prophesies. Everyone will be living the
Divine Will in the Golden Age of the Church -- the Glorious Eucharistic Reign
of Christ on earth. It's the restoration of mankind to the original
position in Creation before Adam and Eve's fall in the garden of Eden.
"The cross disposes the soul to patience. The cross opens Heaven, and unites Heaven and earth together- that is, God and the soul. The virtue of the cross is powerful, and when it enters into a soul, it has the virtue of removing the rust of all earthly things. Not only this, but it causes her boredom, bother and contempt for the things of the earth, giving her, instead, the flavor and the enjoyment of celestial things. However, few are those who recognize the virtue of the cross; therefore they despise it." Jesus to Luisa, May 16, 1899, Vol 2
· God's
Divine Will has no limits and is the treasury of all divine goodness, The
Divine Will is the source of blessings and God's attributes. It is the
Pure Life of God.
· Pain
is our food for the expansion of the Kingdom of the Divine Will in our souls and
to realize the blessings and the reality of living in the Divine Will.
Jesus showed me many devout souls, and told me: "My daughter, what I look at in the souls when she strips herself of her will. Only then does my Will invest her, divinize her, and make her all Mine. Take a look at these souls who call themselves devout...as long as things go their way. But then, one little thing - if their confessions are not long enough, if the confessor does not satisfy them - is enough for them to lose peace; and some reach the point of no longer wanting to do anything. This says that it is not my Will that predominates in them, but their own. Believe, O my daughter, that they have taken the wrong way, because when I see that they really want to love Me, I have many ways to give my Grace." How pitiful it was to see Jesus suffer for this kind of people! Jesus to Luisa, May 16, 1899, Vol 2
· Giving
Jesus our thanks in even the smallest things opens new channels of grace!
· In
the Marian Movement of Priests our Blessed
Mother fully expands her Fatima message in which She teaches us how to start
living in the Divine Will. She wants us to be in communion with:
a. The
Archangels Rafael, Gabriel and Michael. Saint Rafael heals our soul in
order to experience the enlightenment to see God; Gabriel gives the soul
strength to carry out God's Will; and Michael protects us from satanic attacks.
b. She
wants us to feel at our side the communion of the glorious Saints of Heaven;
and to draw extra grace look towards Paradise as our true goal in which the
Father and His Son is preparing a place for each of us .
Also She says to form a bond with your guardian angel because it's his
job to bring you to holiness. So he'll be directing you; and you can
follow because of the clarity you received by the healing from Saint Raphael.
d. Point
being She wants us to love the Holy Trinity -- Father, Son and Holy Spirit --
with the beatings of Her Immaculate Heart.
· In
the writings of Luisa Piccarreta, the Blessed Mother says to continuously
meditate on the sufferings of Christ and also that of Her own sufferings to
join ourselves with Christ. She wants us to follow Jesus' every step as
He lived each person's life to repair what was lost in giving praise and
thanksgiving to God. God's love for us has not been returned to Him, so
we make up the difference by giving our love to God where others failed.
As we follow Jesus we give God our praise, love, adoration, blessing
and thanksgiving for every act of each person past, present and future.
Thus God receives the glory due to Him. How we follow Jesus is by
being in the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
· Concerning
the purity of our intentions Jesus speaks:
“My Person is surrounded by all the works that souls do, as by a garment; and the more purity of intention and intensity of love they have, the more splendor they give Me, and I will give them more glory; so much so, that on the Day of Judgment I will show them to the whole world, to let the whole world know how my children have honored Me, and how I honor them.”
Assuming a more afflicted air, He added: “My daughter, what will happen to so many works, even good, done without an upright intention, out of habit and self-interest? What shame will not fall upon them on the Day of Judgment, in seeing so many works, good in themselves, but made rotten by their intention, such that, their very actions, instead of rendering honor to them, as to many others, will give them shame? In fact, I do not look at the greatness of the works, but at the intention with which they are done. Here is all my attention.”
Then Jesus continued, saying to me:
“Yet, it is so. See, my Heart is so very large, but the door is extremely narrow. No one can fill the void of this Heart but souls who are detached, naked and simple. In fact, as you see, since the door is small, any hindrance, even the slightest – that is, a shadow of attachment, an intention which is not upright, a work done without the purpose of pleasing Me – prevents them from entering to delight in my Heart. Much love of neighbor enters my Heart, but it must be so united to mine as to form one single love, in such a way that one cannot be distinguished from the other. But as for the other love of neighbor which is not transformed into my love – I do not look at it as something that belongs to Me.” Jesus to Luisa, May 7, 1899 Vol 2
A story about
Padre Pio and the Divine Will.
What is the standing of the Church
regarding the writings of Luisa Piccarreta?
So far so
good about the move forward toward the day that the Church officially comes out
with it. The two theologians that the Vatican assigns to investigate the
writings of a visionary have approved Luisa's writings. The cause
for beatification of Luisa Piccarreta has been opened. So
every thing is a go. We have of course -- Fr Hannibal Di Francia, founder
of the Rogationship Fathers -- who was Luisa's confessor and is the
first Divine Will saint.
This is all Divine Mercy unfolding!
A sure sign
of the advancement of the Kingdom of the Divine Will on earth would be the
proclamation of the final Marian dogma: Mary is co-redemptrix, mediatrix
of all grace and advocate.