604 Milan (Italy);
December 31, 1997
Last Night of the Year
Last Night of the Year
"Beloved sons, in silence and in prayer, spend with
me the final hours of
this year which is about to end. Do not spend them
in dissipation and entertainments, as so many of my children do.
b This year has been particularly important for my plan.
You are now entering into
my times. For this, I have traced out for you a
light-filled way, along which all of you must walk, in order to live the
consecration which you have made to my Immaculate Heart.
c Now all has been revealed to you.
d All has been revealed to you: my plan has been prophetically announced to you at Fatima, and during these years, I have
been carrying it out through my Marian
Movement of Priests. This has been revealed to you in its gradual
e This century of
yours, which is about to end, has been placed under
the sign of a strong power conceded to my Adversary. Thus, 'humanity has been led astray by the error
of theoretical and practical atheism; in the place of God, idols have
been built which everyone adores: pleasure,
money, amusement, power, pride and impurity.
Truly Satan, with the cup of
lust, has succeeded in seducing all the
nations of the earth. He has replaced love with hatred; communion with division; justice with many injustices; peace with
continuous war. In fact this entire century has been spent under the sign of
cruel and bloody wars, which have claimed millions of innocent victims.
g So then, the Most Holy Trinity has decreed
that your century be placed under the sign of my powerful, maternal and
extraordinary presence. Thus, at Fatima
I pointed out the way along which humanity must journey for its return to the Lord:
that of conversion, prayer and penance.
And as a safe refuge, I offered you my Immaculate Heart.
All has been revealed to you: my plan has been pointed out to you even in its painful realization. Humanity has fallen under the domination of Satan and of his great
power, exercised with the satanic
and masonic forces; my Church has become obscured by his smoke which has penetrated into
it. Errors are being taught and
propagated, causing many to lose true faith in Christ and in his Gospel; the holy Law of God is
openly violated; sin is committed
and often even justified, and thus the light of grace and of the divine
presence is lost; unity is deeply split apart by a strong contestation directed against the
Magisterium, and especially against
the Pope; and the wound caused by painful lacerations becomes ever wider.
i In order to give the suffering and crucified
Church of your time my motherly help and a safe
refuge, I have brought the Marian Movement of Priests into being and have
spread it through every part of the world
by means of my book, which traces out for you the road along which you must
journey in order to spread my light.
With this book, I teach you to live the consecration to my Immaculate Heart
with the simplicity of children, in a
spirit of humility, of poverty, of trust and of filial abandonment.
j I have
now been guiding you for twenty-five years, with the words which I have spoken to the heart of this,
my little son, whom I have chosen as
an instrument for the realization of my maternal plan. During these
years I myself have carried him several
times to every part of the world, and he has allowed himself to be led with docility, small and fearful
but totally abandoned to me, like a little baby in the arms of his
k As of now, all that I had to say to you has been said,
because all has been revealed to you.
I Therefore, on this night, there come to an end the public messages, which I have been giving you for
twenty-five years; now you must
meditate on them, live them and put them into practice. Then the words
which I have caused to come down from my
Immaculate Heart, as drops of heavenly dew upon the desert of your life, so threatened by snares, will
produce fruits of grace and holiness.
m From now on, I will manifest myself
through the word, the person and the
actions of this, my little son, whom I have chosen
to be your guide and whom I am now leading to the painful summit of his mission.
n All has
been revealed to you: my plan has been
foretold to you especially in its wonderful and victorious fulfillment.
o I have
announced to you the triumph of my Immaculate Heart in the world. In the end my Immaculate Heart will
p This will come about in the greatest
triumph of Jesus, who will bring into the world his glorious
reign of love, of justice and of peace, and will make all things
q Open your hearts to hope.
Throw open the doors to Christ who comes to you in glory. Live the trembling hour of this second Advent.
r Become thus the courageous heralds of this,
his triumph, because you — little
babes consecrated to me who live from my very own spirit —
are the apostles of these last times.
s Live as
faithful disciples of Jesus, in contempt for the world and for yourselves, in poverty, in
humility, in silence, in prayer, in mortification,
in charity and in union with God, while you are unknown and despised by the
t The moment has come for you to come out from your hiddenness
in order to go and shed light upon the earth.
u Show yourselves to all as my children,
for I am with you always. Let the
faith be the light which enlightens you in these days of darkness, and let zeal alone consume you, zeal for the honor and glory of my Son Jesus.
v Fight, children of the light, because the
hour of my battle has now arrived. In the
harshest of winters, you are the buds which are opening up from my Immaculate Heart and which I am placing on
the branches of the Church to tell you that her most beautiful springtime is
about to arrive.
This will be for her the second Pentecost. For this reason, I invite you to repeat often in the cenacles, the prayer that
I have asked of you: `Come, Holy Spirit, come
by means of the powerful
intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your well-beloved Spouse.'
x With the love
of a Mother who, during these years, has been listened to, followed and glorified by you, I bless you
all in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and
of the Holy Spirit."