Monday, April 16, 2012

Be Converted and Return to the Lord

Msg 374

Recife (Pernambuco, Brazil); February 17, 1988  Ash Wednesday 

a "From this land, so ensnared by my Adversary, where, espe­cially in these last days, many of my children have become in­struments of the reign of Satan, who is seducing all the nations of the earth with the cup of impurity and of lust, I direct to you my repeated and concerned invitation to conversion.
b    Be converted, and return to the Lord along the road of sincere repentance and of personal confession of your sins to the priests.
c     Be converted, and return to the Lord along the road of a conscious and serious resolve to flee sin and to keep far away from every occasion that can lead you to fall into sin.
d  Be converted, and return to the Lord along the road of mortifica­tion of the senses, of penance and of fasting.
     There begins today the season of Lent of this MarianYear: a
 period when the Church entreats everyone to carry out works of  charity and of penance. I, your heavenly Mother, am calling well
upon you to live the time of Lent of this year which is consecrated to me.
f  The period of time granted by the Lord to humanity for its conversion is about to come to its end, and so, respond to my anxious call which is urging you to do what I am now asking of you for the salvation of all humanity.
9   First of all I desire that each one of you take upon himself, with greater force, the obligation of living in the grace of God, renouncing Satan and all evil works and the world and all its numerous seductions. Walk always along the road of purity, of love and of a greater holiness.
h    —And then I am asking of you personal works of mortifica­tion and of penance. Offer to my Immaculate Heart each day a crown made up of many little and hidden mortifications, ac­complished for the salvation of many of your brothers, who are habitually living in sin and are bound slavishly to Satan.
i   — Lastly, I ask you to remove yourselves far from anything that can contaminate the purity of your heart and the chastity of your life. Do not take part in profane shows. Do not waste time before the television set, which is the most powerful instrument in the hands of my Adversary in spreading everywhere the dark­ness of sin and of impurity. Television is the idol spoken of in the book of Revelation, built to be adored by all the nations of the earth, and to which the Evil One gives shape and movement so that it might become, in his hands,  a terrible means of seduction and perversion.
j   If you do what I am asking of you today, you put in my hands a powerful force of intercession and of reparation. And thus I am able to present myself before the throne of the Lord, great and terrible, just and holy, to implore for you his divine mercy: `Par­don, 0 Lord, the iniquity of your people, whom You have ac­quired at the price of your most precious blood. '
k   And before that time which has been conceded to you for your conversion has come to an end, you will already be able to see the signs of the  triumph of the merciful love of Jesus in the first extraordinary interventions of the Immaculate Heart of your heavenly Mother.