Divine Mercy

Friday, April 20, 2012

Conformed to Jesus Crucified

601            Sale (Alessandria, Italy); November 21, 1997 Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

a       "Beloved sons, let yourselves be carried into the heavenly temple of my Immaculate Heart, so that I can make you more and more conformed to my Son Jesus. Your priestly life must be conformed to all things to that of Jesus.  He wants to live in you in all his fullness.  You must become his word, lived out and proclaimed to all with courage and fidelity, in such a way that the light of the Gospel may brighten up the dense darkness which envelops the world.
b     His merciful love wants to manifest itself and to draw all souls into the burning fire of his divine charity, especially those fur­thest away, the straying, those who are lying prostrate under bond­age to evil and sin. Jesus works the prodigy of divine mercy, above all through your priestly suffering. For this, the moment has come when I wish to render all of you conformed to Jesus Crucified.
c     Conformed to Jesus Crucified, in your daily priestly ministry. The times have come when you, my beloved sons, must drink to the dregs the bitter chalice which the Heavenly Father has prepared for you. Interior sufferings are increasing, those caused by your own limitations, by human misery, by feeling in life the weight of your very great weakness. Also increasing are the inti­mate sufferings caused by the misunderstanding and rejection, often on the part of those close to you. I am asking you to taste, you also, the painful hour of Gethsemane.
d   Conformed to Jesus Crucified, especially in your many exterior sufferings. I have need of your priestly suffering. For each one of you also, I have prepared the moment of your own particular crucifixion.
e    For this reason, my little son, I have asked of you much suffer­ing, caused by the painful heart operation which you have had to undergo. You have offered everything to me with great docility and filial abandonment, and this has greatly supported the plan of my Immaculate Heart.
f     It is above all with the physical sufferings, borne by you with docility and love, that I am conforming you to my Crucified Son, while I am at your side with the same motherly concern with which I stood close to Jesus in the bloody moments of his passion and his immolation on the Cross.
g     Conformed to Jesus Crucified, beloved sons, now that you are approaching the fulfillment of my plan, for which I have been forming and cultivating you for years with motherly urgency and jealousy.
h     Take courage, resume the journey in trust and hope. You are approaching moments of grace in which you will see flow out upon the world the torrents of divine mercy. The world will then be purified by this divine fire of love, and it will be com­pletely renewed, so that Jesus may bring into your midst his kingdom of grace and of holiness, of justice, of love and of peace.
i      For this, I am asking you to second, each day, my motherly action, which seeks to make you all more and more conformed to Jesus Crucified.”