Divine Mercy

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I Fill the Poor with Good Things

Ilobasco (El Salvador); February 13, 1994

a   "Here also you have seen my greatest triumph, and you are astounded, my littlest child, because you see how, in every part of the world, I am being received with love, with joy and with great enthusiasm by all the little, the simple and the poor.
b   By my personal and particular intervention, I am forming ev­erywhere for myself this army of mine, to fight the final part of the battle and to attain my greatest victory. With what joy I see my little children running from all sides into the heavenly gar­den of my Immaculate Heart.
c   The hour has now arrived. Once again, through the mouths of infants and babes at the breast, the Lord will overcome the tumultuous uproar of his adversaries and reduce to nothing the power of all his enemies.
d   Therefore, as does the Lord, I too your heavenly Mother fill the poor with good things.
e    I fill the poor with the precious good of the grace of God and of full communion of life with Him. To these I grant the gift of humility of mind and of simplicity of heart, in such a way that they are able to receive his divine word with love. Today the Gospel of Jesus can be believed and lived, not by the great and the proud, but only by the little and the poor.
f   In these times of the great apostasy, the poor in spirit obtain from your heavenly Mother the inestimable good of remaining ever in the true faith and of following with docility the entire truth of the Gospel.
g   I fill the poor with the good of love and of generosity. What wickedness exists today among the rich! How great is the ego­ism which is spreading among those who seek only comfort and who want to build a society founded on the greatest posses­sion of  material goods.
h   The poor have from me the great gift of being detached from these things, of living in the entrustment of themselves to the goodness of Divine Providence, of knowing how to give to others part of the little they possess, of welcoming all with the generosity of servants of the Lord.
i   I fill the poor with the good of a particular predilection on the part of the Lord. The Lord looks upon the poor with the same satisfaction with which He surrounded me, as his littlest and poorest handmaid. To the poor, the Holy Spirit communicates Himself with inexhaustible abundance, because only from the poor can the Most Holy Trinity receive its praise and its perfect glory.
j   In this country, where my Adversary has succeeded in seducing very many of my children with the dangerous error of liberation theology, I am forming my cohort with all         poor and little children.
k   This is the reason why I am working here in a powerful way, to build up my triumph in hearts and in souls. It is for this reason that here I am especially loved and glorified.  It is for this reason that I am spreading out upon this country the fullness of my motherly assistance and of my immaculate protection."