Divine Mercy

Friday, April 20, 2012

Merciful Love

600                       Sale (Alessandria, Italy); October 1, 1997 Feast of St. Therese of the Child Jesus

a     "Beloved sons, enter into the spiritual cenacle of my Immacu­late Heart, so that I may have you penetrate into the divine mystery of the merciful love of my Son Jesus.
b     Jesus is Merciful Love, because in Him is reflected the divine mercy of the Father, who has so loved the world that He has sent it his only-begotten Son for its salvation. In Jesus, the mercy of the Father becomes personified and realizes itself in the plan of salvation. By means of Him, the Father causes his pardon to descend upon humanity, which had wandered away because of sin, and brings it back to a full communion of love and of life with its Lord and its Creator.
c      Jesus is Merciful Love, because, by making Himself man, He takes upon Himself the fragility, weakness and the suffering of all humanity. When a baby, He carries in his Heart the wails and the sighs of all the babies of the world; as a youth, He lives through all the vicissitudes and difficulties of youth, so fragile and ex­posed to the impetuous wind of the passions; when He reaches maturity, He carries within his divine Person the problems, the anguish, and the pains of everyone.
d     He bows down over the poor to announce to them the Gos­pel of salvation; He proclaims freedom to prisoners; He com­forts the abandoned, pardons sinners, heals the sick, consoles the afflicted, and drives out Satan from those he had possessed.
e     Jesus is Merciful Love, because He is meek and humble of heart. Let yourselves be drawn after his meekness. See how He is gentle, tender, and compassionate to all; docile and meek, He lets Him­self be led by his enemies, like a lamb which is being carried to its bloody sacrifice.
f    Let yourselves be possessed by his humility.  The first becomes the last; the Master becomes the disciple; the Lord puts Himself at the service of all. The fullness of his divinity becomes hidden in Him under the human veil of his humility. 'Learn from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  (Mt 11:29)
g     Jesus is Merciful  Love, because He wants to draw all into the burning furnace of his divine love. Allow yourselves to be drawn by Him. Do not resist his calls. Walk with me along the road of his divine love. Beloved sons, you too must make your own the sweet experience of your love for Jesus.
h   Today you are celebrating the liturgical memorial of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus, which is occurring on the first cen­tenary of her birth into heaven. Today I give her to all of you as your little sister. It was she who consecrated herself as a victim to the merciful love of Jesus. It was she who allowed herself to be completely consumed by the burning furnace of his divine charity.
i      Imitate her in this, her little way. You too must become little, simple, humble, meek and gentle. You must become, all of you, little children, traveling along the way of spiritual childhood which she has traced out for you.
j     You too must offer yourselves as victims to the merciful love of Jesus, so that, through you, He may very soon shed upon the world the great prodigy of divine mercy.”

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