Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Years of My Triumph

507                Perth (Australia); December 8, 1993
                       Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception

a   "Today you are concluding a long journey which, in two months, you have undertaken in many countries of Asia and Oceania. You have been able to hold seventy-three cenacles, in which bishops, priests and faithful of my Movement have taken part. You have seen, my little son so loved and protected by me, the great marvels of my Immaculate Heart in every part of this vast continent.
b   These are the years during which I am forming for myself the new Church and the new humanity, in the heavenly garden of my Immaculate Heart.
c   These are the years of my triumph.
d   - Satan has deceived this entire poor humanity, bringing it so far away from God and building for it idols of his own perversion: pleasure, money, pride, egoism, amusement and impurity. And so humanity is today greatly threatened by violence, hatred, rebellion and war.
e   During these years, you will see the great chastisement, with which the justice of God will purify this world, which has become a thousand times worse than at the time of the flood and so very possessed by evil spirits.
f   And so I am gathering my little children from every part of the earth and enclosing them in the safe refuge of my Immaculate Heart, so that they may be defended and saved by me at the moment of the great trial which has now arrived for all.
9   Thus in the very years when Satan is triumphing, by leading humanity along the road of its own destruction, my motherly Heart is also triumphing, as I bring my little children along the way of salvation and peace.
h   — Satan has also entered into the interior of the Church and has succeeded in darkening her splendor. With the darkness of sin, he has obscured the splendor of her holiness; with the wound of division, he has made an attack upon the strength of her unity; with the spread of errors, he has stricken her in her proclamation of the truth. This poor gravely ill Daughter of mine!
i   And so I am calling my little children from all sides to consecrate themselves to my Immaculate Heart, in order to entrust themselves to me as babes. In this way, in the garden of my Immaculate Heart, I am forming for myself each day the new Church, holy, united, a faithful herald of the Gospel, who gives her perfect witness to Jesus.
j   These are the years when Satan is ruling as a sure victor; these are therefore also the years of my triumph. My light will become stronger and stronger, the more you enter into the decisive moments of the battle. In the end, the victory will be that of your immaculate Mother who, with her virginal foot, will crush the head of the serpent and, with her hands, will bind the great Dragon, that he may thus be rendered powerless and no longer be able to do harm in the world.
k Both humanity and the Church will experience this new era, which you are now awaiting in confidence and in prayer, in suffering and in hope.
I   For this, as a breaking dawn, you will as of today see my light becoming stronger and stronger until it encircles the whole earth, ready now to open itself to the new day, which will begin with the triumph of my Immaculate Heart in the world."
