Thursday, June 14, 2012

Entering into His Humanity Part 2

Be conformed to Christ crucified.
"But we believe that, if we died with Christ, then we shall live with him too."  Romans 6.8

November 27, 1917
The Sanctity of living in the Divine Will is exempt from personal interest and waste of time.

I continue in order to obey. It seems that my always lovable Jesus wants to speak about the living in His Most Holy Will. It seems that when He speaks of His Most Holy Will, He forgets everything and makes one forget everything. The soul finds no other thing but the necessity - no other good but to live in His Volition. So, after I had written about His Will on November 20, my sweet Jesus, being disappointed with me, told me: “My daughter, you did not say everything. I want you to neglect to write nothing when I speak to you about my Will - not even the littlest things, because all of them will serve for the good of posterity. In all sanctities there have always been Saints who, as the first, have started each kind of sanctity. So, there was the Saint who started the sanctity of the penitent; another who started the sanctity of obedience; another of humility, and so with all other sanctities. Now I want you to be the beginning of the sanctity of living in my Will.

My daughter, all other sanctities are not exempt from waste of time and from personal interest. As for example, a soul who lives attentive to obedience in everything: there is much waste of time; that continued saying and re-saying distracts her from Me, and she mistakes the virtue for Me; and if she does not have the opportunity to take all the orders, she lives restless. Another one suffers temptations – oh! how much waste of time. She never tires of telling all her trials, and she mistakes the virtue of suffering for Me; and many times these sanctities end up in ruin. But the sanctity of living in my Will is exempt from personal interest, from waste of time; there is no danger that they might mistake the virtue for Me, because I Myself am the living in my Will.
This was the sanctity of my Humanity on earth, and therefore It did everything, and for everyone, without a shadow of interest. Self-interest takes away the mark of divine sanctity, therefore it can never be sun; at the most, as beautiful as it is, it can be a star. This is why I want the sanctity of living in my Will in these times so sad - this generation needs these suns, which may warm it, illuminate it, fecundate it. The disinterest of these terrestrial angels, all for the good of others, without a shadow of their own self, will open the way in their hearts to receive my grace.
And then, churches are few and many will be destroyed; many times I find no priests who may consecrate Me; other times they allow unworthy souls to receive Me, and worthy souls not to receive Me; others are unable to receive Me; so, my love finds itself hindered. This is why I want to make the sanctity of living in my Will; in them, I will have no need of priests for Me to be consecrated, nor churches, tabernacles or hosts; but they will be everything together: priests, churches, tabernacles and hosts. My love will be more free; anytime I want to consecrate Myself, I will be able to do it - in every moment, day and night, in whatever place they might be. Oh! how my love will have its complete outpouring. Ah! my daughter, the present generation deserved to be destroyed completely; and if I will allow a little something to be left of it, it is to form these suns of the sanctity of living in my Will, who, on my example, will repay Me for all that other creatures, past, present and future, owed Me. Then will the earth give Me true glory, and my ‘Fiat Voluntas Tua on earth as it is in Heaven’ will have its completion and fulfillment.”

August 7, 1918
The consummation of Jesus in the soul.

I was lamenting to Jesus about His privation, and was saying to myself: ‘Everything is over. What bitter days. My Jesus has eclipsed Himself, He has withdrawn from me. How can I continue to live?’ While I was saying this and other nonsense, my always lovable Jesus, with an intellectual light that came to me from Him, told me: “My daughter, my consummation on the Cross still continues in souls. When the soul is well disposed and gives Me life within herself, I live again in her as if within my Humanity. The flames of my love burn Me; I feel the yearnings to attest it to creatures and say: ‘See how much I love you. I am not content with having consumed Myself on the Cross for love of you, but I want to consume Myself for love of you in this soul who gave Me life within herself.’ And therefore I make the soul feel the consummation of my Life within her. The soul finds herself as though in a tight corner; she suffers mortal agonies. No longer feeling the Life of her Jesus within herself, she feels consumed. As she feels my Life missing in her, with which she was accustomed to living, she writhes, she trembles, almost like my Humanity on the Cross, when my Divinity, withdrawing strength from It, let It die.

This consummation in the soul is not human, but fully divine; and I feel the satisfaction as if another Divine Life of Mine had consumed Itself for love of Me – as, in fact, it is not her life that was consumed, but Mine, which she can no longer feel, no longer see, and it seems to her that I am dead for her. And I renew the effects of my consummation for creatures, and I redouble grace and glory for the soul. I feel the sweet enchantment, the attractions of my Humanity, which allowed Me to do whatever I wanted. Therefore, you too, let Me do whatever I want in you – let Me be free, and I will carry out my Life.”

Another day, I was lamenting again, and was saying to Him: ‘How can this be - You have left me?’ And Jesus, serious and imposing, told me: “Quiet, do not speak nonsense. I have not left you - I am in the depth of your soul; this is why you do not see Me. And when you see Me, it is because I come to the surface of your soul. Do not get distracted; I want you all intent in Me, so that I may keep you for the good of all.”

December 25, 1918
Jesus repeats His Life in the soul.

Continuing in my usual state, I was feeling all afflicted for many different reasons. And blessed Jesus came, and almost compassionating me, told me: “My daughter, do not oppress yourself too much - courage, I am with you; even more, I am right inside of you, continuing my Life. This is the reason why now you feel the weight of justice, and you would want it to unload itself upon you; now the tearing of the souls who want to be lost; now you feel the yearning to love Me for all. But seeing that you do not have sufficient love, you plunge yourself into my love and you take as much love for as much as all should give Me; and releasing your silvery voice, you love Me for all; and all the other things that you do. Do you think it is you? Not at all. It is I - it is I who repeat my Life in you. I feel the yearning to be loved by you - not with a love of creature, but with my own. Therefore I transform you, I want you in my Will, because in you I want to find one who stands in for Me and for all creatures. I want you like an organ that lends itself to all the sounds I want to make.”

And I: ‘My Love, there are certain times when life becomes so bitter, especially because of the conditions in which You have put me.’ And Jesus, knowing what I wanted to say to Him, added: “And what do you fear? I Myself will take care of everything; and when one directs you, I give my grace to him; and when another, I give grace to the other. And besides, it is not you whom they will assist, but Me; and according to how they will appreciate my work, my sayings and teachings, so will I be generous with them.” And I: ‘My Jesus, the confessor appreciated very much what You said to me; so much so, that he cared very much about it, and he worked very hard to make me write. You, what will You give to him?’ And Jesus: “My daughter, I will give him Heaven as recompense, and I will count him as the office of Saint Joseph and of my Mama, who, having assisted my Life on earth, had to go through hardships in order to nourish Me and assist Me. Now, since my Life is in you, I hold his assistance and sacrifices as if my Mama and Saint Joseph were doing them again for Me. Aren’t you happy?” And I: ‘Thank You, O Jesus.’

March 13, 1922
The great good that hearing the truths brings.

As I was in my usual state, I found myself in the middle of a flowery valley in which I found my late confessor, who died on the tenth of the current month. And according to his habit when he lived down here, he told me: “Tell me, what did Jesus tell you?” And I: ‘He spoke to me in my interior, He did not tell me anything from His voice; and you know that I don’t take into account the things which I hear in my interior.’ And he: “I want to hear also what He told you in your interior.” And I, as though forced: ‘He told me: “My daughter, I carry you in my arms. My arms will serve you as a little boat to let you sail in the interminable sea of my Will. Then, as you do your acts in my Volition, you will form the sails, the mast, the anchor, which will serve not only as ornament to the little boat, but to make it move with greater speed. The love I have for one who lives in my Will is so great, that I carry her in my arms without ever leaving her.” And while He was saying this, I saw the arms of Jesus in the shape of a little boat, and myself in the middle of it.’
On hearing this, the confessor told me: “You must know that when Jesus speaks to you and manifests to you His truths, it is rays of light that He pours upon you. Back then, when you manifested them to me, not having His virtue, you manifested them in drops, and my soul remained all filled with those drops of light; and that light gave me a greater spur, a greater yearning to hear more truths, to be able to receive more light, because the truths bring the celestial fragrance, the divine sensation. And this, by just hearing them - what will it be for those who practice them? This is why I loved - I desired so much to hear what Jesus told you, and I wanted to tell others; it was the light, the fragrance that I felt, and I wanted others to take part in them. If you knew the great good that my soul has received in hearing the truths that Jesus told you! How it still drips with light and spreads celestial fragrance, which not only gives me refreshment, but serves as light to me and to those who are near me. And as you do your acts in the Divine Volition, I take special part in them, because I feel the seed of His Most Holy Will which you were sowing in me.” And I: ‘Let me see your soul – how it is that it drips with light.’ And he opened himself on the side of the heart, and I saw his soul all dripping with light. Those drops were reuniting and separating, one flowing over the other - it was beautiful to see. And he: “Did you see? How beautiful it is to hear the truths! One who does not hear the truths drips with such darkness as to strike terror.”

September 20, 1922
The soul who lives in the Divine Will must be a complex of all goods, and must let love, sanctity and glory to God come out from herself. The double office.

I was saying to my always lovable Jesus: ‘O please! let it be, my Love, that nothing but love, praise, reparation and blessing toward You may come out from my whole being.’ Now, while I was saying this, blessed Jesus came, and I saw myself all eyes - there was not a particle of me in which an eye would not appear; and from each of them a ray of light came out which wounded the person of Our Lord. And He said to me: “My daughter, it is decorous for Me and for you that nothing but love, sanctity, glory, all for Me, come out from you. Otherwise I would degrade my Will by letting a soul live in It who is not a whole complex of all the goods with which my Will overabounds. And if the soul did not have the seeds of all goods, she could not receive the goods which my Will contains. And if - may this never be - she had some seeds that are not good, she would be an intruder, without nobility and decorum. Therefore, she herself, feeling ashamed, would go out of It, nor would she get any taste and contentment, keeping within herself things which are extraneous to my Will. This is why I have marked even the drops of your blood, your bones, your heartbeats; and the marks are these eyes of light, so that nothing - nothing may come out of you which is not holy, and which is not directed to Me.”
Then, afterwards, He carried me outside of myself, letting me see everything upset, and how they are plotting more wars and revolutions; and Jesus did a great deal to dissuade them, but in seeing their obstinacy, He withdrew from them. My God, what sad times! I believe that man has never reached this excess of perfidy – wanting the destruction of his own being.
Later on, I was with a fear that my sweet Jesus would not come; more so, since I felt that my sufferings had lessened and were as though asleep; so I said to myself: ‘If what I saw is true, according to the other times, in order to give course to Justice He will probably not come, and will not let me share in His pains.’ And Jesus, coming back and seeing me very oppressed, told me: “My daughter, do not fear; don’t you remember that you occupy a double office - one of victim, and the other, greater, of living in my Will, to give Me back the complete glory of all Creation? Therefore, if you are not in one office together with Me, I will keep you in the other office. At most, there might be a pause of sufferings with regard to the office of victim. Therefore, do not fear, and calm yourself.”

September 11, 1922
The primary purpose of everything that God has done in Creation and Redemption is that the creature would live in the Divine Will. Only in the Divine Will is there true rest.

Continuing in my usual state, I was abandoning all of myself in the Holy Will of my sweet Jesus, and feeling the need to rest, I said to myself: ‘My sleep too in your Will; I want nothing else but to take true rest in the arms of your Volition.’ And Jesus: “Daughter, lay your rest like a mantle over all creatures so as to cover them all, because only in my Will is there true rest. And since It envelopes everything, as you rest in my Will, you will lay yourself over all in order to impetrate true rest for all. How beautiful it is to see a creature of Ours resting in the arms of Our Will. But in order to find true rest, it is necessary that she put all of her acts, her words, her love, her desires, etc., on the way within Our Will, so that, as they take their place in It, they may receive rest and I may rest in them. Only when they are fulfilled, then do all works give rest; but if they are not fulfilled, they always give some concern, something to do, which renders true rest restless.
Now, the fulfillment of the work of Creation was that man would fulfill Our Will in everything. Our Will was to be the life, the food, the crown of the creature; and since it is not yet so, the work of Creation is not yet fulfilled, and neither can I rest in It, nor can It rest in Me - It always gives Me something to do; and I yearn for this fulfillment and rest. This is why I love and want so much that the way of living in my Will be known; nor will I ever be able to say that the works of Creation and Redemption are fulfilled if I do not have all the acts of the creature laying themselves in my Will like a bed to give Me rest. And I - what beautiful rest shall I not give to her, in seeing her coming back on the wings of Our Will with the seal of the fulfillment of Creation? My bosom will be her bed.
Therefore, there is nothing I did which did not have as primary purpose that man take possession of my Will and I of his. This was my primary purpose in Creation; the same in Redemption. The Sacraments I instituted, the many graces given to my Saints, have been seeds, means, to let man reach this possession of my Will. Therefore, do not neglect anything of what I want about my Will, either with writing, or with words, or with works. From this alone you can know that the living in my Will is the greatest thing, the most important, that which interests Me the most: from the so many preparations that have preceded It. And do you want to know where this seed of my Will was sown? In my Humanity. In It, it germinated, was born and grew. So, this seed can be seen in my wounds, in my Blood, wanting to be transplanted into the creature, so that she may take possession of my Will and I of hers, and so that the work of Creation may return to the origin, just as It came out, not only by means of my Humanity, but also of the creature herself.
They will be few – be it even one alone: was it not one alone who, withdrawing from my Will, disfigured and broke my plans, and destroyed the purpose of Creation? In the same way, one alone can adorn It and fulfill It in Its purpose. However, my works never remain isolated; so, I will have the army of the souls who will live in my Will, and in them I will have the Creation restored - all beautiful and striking, just as It came out of my hands. Otherwise, I would not have so much interest in making my Will known.”

September 15, 1922
Yearning of Jesus that the Divine Will operating in the creature be known.

Continuing to let copying be done from my writings of what Jesus had told me on the virtues, I felt such repugnance as to feel myself dying; and I said to myself: ‘Others have the inventory of their things done after their death; I am the one who gets the hard lot of having to do it myself while I am still alive. Ah! Lord, give me the strength to make this sacrifice.’
Then we arrived at the point when the confessor let me hear the way that must be kept when they put them out. Oh! God, what pain. I felt embittered deep into the marrow of my bones. And blessed Jesus, on coming, seeing me so embittered, told me: “My daughter, what’s wrong? Why do you afflict yourself so much? It is my glory, my honor, that demands this, and you should be happy about it. Do you think that it is the creatures that want this, that do it, and that command you? No, no; it is I who overwhelm everything; who push them and enlighten them. And many times I am not listened to, otherwise they would hasten more and would show more interest; and I am forced to push them more strongly so that my Will may be carried out. You would rather wait until after your death, but my Will does not want to wait. Besides, it is true that you have the link, the graft with my Will, but here it is not about you - but about Me. It is about making known the effects, the qualities, the value contained in my Will operating in the creature, when she lives in It.
And then, if you do not want to interest yourself - you who know how much I care, and how I ardently yearn for the effects of my Will to be known, from which I will receive the complete glory of Creation and the fulfillment of Redemption Itself…. Oh! how many effects are still suspended, both of Creation and of Redemption, because my Will is not known and does not have Its true Kingdom in the creature. And since It does not reign, the human will remains always the slave of itself. Do you think that others will interest themselves in it after your death? Oh! how many things which I have manifested to souls are there buried for lack of those who would interest themselves in my works! But if I have tolerated this with other things, I will not tolerate it with my Will. I will give so much grace to those who will set to work, that they will not be able to resist Me. But the most interesting and essential part I want from you.”

October 6, 1922
The first plane of the human acts, changed into divine in the Divine Will, was done by Jesus. Luisa, the first one to live in the Divine Will.

I was praying, and my always lovable Jesus came, and throwing His arms around my neck, told me: “My daughter, let us pray together, let us enter into the immense sea of my Will so that nothing may come out of you which is not plunged into It. The thought, the word, the heartbeat, the work, the step - everything must take its place in my Will; and for each thing you do in It, you will take one more possession and will acquire a greater right.
All human acts, according to the purpose of Creation, were to have life in my Volition, and form in It their plane of all human acts changed into divine acts, with the mark of supreme nobility, sanctity and wisdom. It was not Our Will that man withdraw from Us, but that he live with Us, growing in Our likeness and operating with Our own manners. This is why I wanted that all his acts be done in my Will - to give him the place in which to form his own little river within the immense sea of my Will. I acted like a father who, possessing great lands, says to His son: ‘I give you, in your possession, the center of my possessions, so that you may not go out of my boundaries and may grow in my riches, with my own nobility and with the greatness of my works, and so that all may recognize that you are my son.’ What would be said of him if he did not accept the great gift of his father and went into a foreign land to live of miseries, disennobling himself, enslaved to cruel enemies? Such was man.
Now, this plane, this little river in my Volition, I want from you. Let each one of your thoughts flow in It, so that, in the reflections of Our intelligence, which is thought of each one, it may rise over each intelligence and give Us the homage of each thought in a divine manner. Let your words and works flow as well, so that, in the reflection of Our word ‘Fiat’, which made all things and is word of each one, and in the reflections of the sanctity of Our works, which is life and motion of everything, they may rise and hover over everything, giving Us the glory of each word and of each work, with Our own word ‘Fiat’ and with the very sanctity of Our works. My daughter, if all that is human – be it even one thought - is not done in my Will, the human plane takes no possession, the little river is not formed, and my Will cannot descend upon earth to make Itself known and to reign.”
On hearing this, I said to Him: ‘My Love, Jesus, how is it possible that after so many centuries of life of the Church, which has put out so many Saints - and many of them have astonished Heaven and earth with their virtues and with the wonders they performed - they would not operate fully in the Divine Will so as to form this plane You are talking about? Were You waiting just for me, the most incapable, the most bad little one, and ignorant, in order to do this? It seems just incredible.’ And Jesus: “Listen, my daughter, my wisdom has means and ways which man ignores, such that he is obliged to lower his forehead and adore it in mute silence; and it is not up to him to dictate to Me the laws, whom I should choose and the appropriate time, which my goodness disposes. And besides, first I had to form the Saints who were to resemble Me and copy my Humanity in a more perfect way, as much as is possible for them; and this I have already done. Now my goodness wants to go beyond, and wants to give in to greater excesses of love; and therefore I want them to enter into my Humanity and copy what the soul of my Humanity did in the Divine Will. If the first have cooperated with my Redemption in order to save souls, to teach the law, to banish sin, being limited within the centuries in which they lived, the second will go beyond, copying what the soul of my Humanity did in the Divine Will. They will embrace all centuries, all creatures, and rising above all, they will put in force the rights of Creation which are due to Me, and which concern the creatures, bringing all things to the first origin of Creation and to the purpose for which Creation came out. Everything is ordered in Me: if I issued Creation, It must return to Me ordered, just as It came out of my hands.
The first plane of the human acts, changed into divine in my Will, was done by Me; I left it as though suspended, and the creature, except for my dear and inseparable Mama, knew nothing. This was necessary. If man did not know the way, the door, the rooms of my Humanity, how could he enter inside of Me and copy what I did? Now the time has come for the creature to enter into this plane and do also something of her own within mine. What is the wonder if I have called you as the first one? And besides, it is so true that I have called you as the first, since to no other soul, though dear to Me, have I manifested the way of living in my Will, the effects of It, the wonders, the goods which the creature operating in the Supreme Volition receives. Check as many lives of Saints as you want, or books of doctrines - in not one of them will you find the prodigies of my Volition operating in the creature and of the creature operating in It. At the most, you will find resignation, union of wills; but in not one of them will you find the Divine Will operating in her, and she in It. This means that the time had not come in which my goodness would call the creature to live in this sublime state. Even the very way I make you pray cannot be found in anyone else. Therefore, be attentive. My justice demands this, my love is delirious; so, my wisdom disposes everything in order to obtain the intent. It is the rights, the glory of Creation, that We want from you.”

The Nineteenth Hour

From 11 AM to 12 PM
Jesus is Crucified
First Part: The Crucifixion.
My Love, Jesus, You have already been stripped of your garments; your Most Holy Body is so lacerated that You look like a skinned lamb. I see You all shivering, and my heart breaks with pain in seeing You dripping Blood from all parts of your Most Holy Body! Your enemies, tired, but not satiated with tormenting You, in stripping You, tear the crown of thorns off of your head, to your unspeakable pain, and then again they drive it onto You, making You feel unheard-of spasms, as they add new more painful wounds to the first.
Ah, my Jesus, in this third crowning, You repair for the perfidy of man, and for his obstinacy in sin!
My Jesus, if love had not wanted You to suffer greater pains than these, You would certainly have died from the sharpness of the pain You suffered in this third crowning with thorns. But now I see that You can no longer bear that pain, and with your eyes covered with Blood, You look to see whether one, at least, would come close to You to sustain You in so much suffering and in such great confusion.
My sweet Good, my dear Life, here You are not alone as You were last night. There is your sorrowful Mama, who, heart-pierced by intense sorrow, suffers as many deaths for as many pains as You suffer! There also, are loving Magdalene and faithful John, who are mute with sorrow at the sight of your pains. Tell me my Love, who do You want, to sustain You in so much pain? Oh, please, let me come to You – I, who more than anyone else, feel the need to be near You in these moments. Dear Mama and the others give me their place, and here I am, O Jesus, I come to You. I hug You, and I pray You to lean your head upon my shoulder, to let me feel the piercings of your thorns, in order to repair for all the offenses of thought that creatures commit. My Love, please, hold me to Yourself; I want to kiss, one by one, the drops of Blood which flow down your most holy Face, and I pray You that each one of these drops may be light for every mind of creature, so that no one may offend You with evil thoughts.
Meanwhile, my Jesus, You look at the Cross that your enemies are preparing for You. You hear the blows of the hammer with which your executioners are forming the holes into which they will drive the nails that will hold You crucified. And your Heart beats, more and more strongly, jumping with divine inebriation, yearning to lay Yourself upon that bed of pain, to seal with your death the salvation of our souls. And I hear You say:“Please, O Cross, receive Me soon into your arms, I am impatient of waiting! Holy Cross, upon You I shall come to give completion to all. Hurry, O Cross, fulfill the burning desire that consumes Me, to give life to souls. Delay no more; I anxiously yearn to lay Myself upon You in order to open the Heavens to all my children.
Oh Cross, it is true that You are my martyrdom, but in a little while You will also be my victory and my most complete triumph; and through You I will give abundant inheritances, victories, triumphs and crowns to my children.”
As Jesus is saying this, His enemies command Him to lay Himself upon It; and promptly He obeys, to repair for our disobedience.
My Love, before You lay Yourself on the Cross, allow me to hold You more tightly to my heart, and to kiss your loving and bleeding wounds. Hear me, O Jesus, I do not want to leave You; I want to come with You, to lay myself on the Cross and remain nailed to It with You. True love does not tolerate separation, and You will forgive the daring of my love. Concede that I be crucified with You. See, my tender Love, I am not the only one to ask this of You, but also your sorrowful Mama, inseparable Magdalene, faithful John: we all say to You that it would be more bearable to be nailed with You to Your Cross, than to see You crucified alone! Therefore, together with You I offer myself to the Eternal Father - identified with your Will, with your Heart, with your reparations and with all your pains.
Ah, it seems that my adored Jesus says to me: “My child, you have anticipated my love; this is my Will: that all those who love Me be crucified with Me. Ah, yes, come and lay yourself on the Cross with Me; I will give you life with my Life, I will hold you as the beloved of my Heart.”

April 2, 1923
The Divine Will is seed of resurrection to grace, to sanctity and to glory. In the Divine Will there is the void of the human operating within the Divine. Knowledge is the eyes of the soul.

As I was in my usual state, my always lovable Jesus made Himself seen all lovable and majestic, as though enwrapped within a net of light: light He sent forth from His eyes, light He unleashed from His mouth, and at each of His words, at each of His heartbeats, at each movement and step of His. In sum, His Humanity was an abyss of light. And Jesus, looking at me, bound me with this light, telling me: “My daughter, how much light, how much glory did my Humanity have in my Resurrection, because in the course of my life on this earth I did nothing but enclose the Supreme Will in each one of my acts, breaths, gazes - in everything. And as I kept enclosing It, the Divine Volition prepared for Me the glory, the light in my Resurrection. And since I contain within Me the immense sea of the light of my Will, it is no wonder that, as I look, as I speak, as I move, so much light comes out of Me as to be able to give light to all. Therefore I want to chain you and overwhelm you within this light in order to sow in you as many seeds of resurrection for as many acts as you keep doing in my Will. It alone makes soul and body rise again to glory; It is seed of resurrection to grace, seed of resurrection to the highest and perfect sanctity, seed of resurrection to glory. So, as the soul emits her acts in my Will, she keeps binding new divine light, because my Will is light by nature, and one who lives in It has the virtue of transmuting thoughts, words, works, and everything she does, into light.”
Then, afterwards, I was saying to my sweet Jesus: ‘I pray in your Will, so that my word, multiplying in It, may have a word of prayer, of praise, of blessing, of love, of reparation, for each word of each creature. I would want my voice, rising between Heaven and earth, to absorb all human voices into itself, in order to give them back to You as homage and glory, according to the way You would want the creature to make use of the word.’ Now, while I was saying this, my lovable Jesus placed His mouth close to mine and, blowing, with His breath absorbed my breath, my voice, my breathing into His; and as He put it as though on the way in His Will, it went through each human word, and changed the words, the voices, according to what I had said. And as it went through them, so did they rise up high to do the office of all human voices before God, in the name of all. I remained amazed, and remembering that Jesus no longer speaks to me so often about His Will, I said to Him: ‘Tell me, my Love, why do You no longer speak to me so often about your Will? Is it perhaps that I have not been attentive to your lessons and faithful in putting your teachings into practice?’
And Jesus: “My daughter, in my Will there is the void of the human operating within the Divine, and this void must be filled by one who lives in my Will. The more attentive you are in living in my Will and in making It known to others, the sooner this void will be filled, in such a way that, as my Will sees the human will hovering within Its own, as though returning to the origin from which it came out, It will feel satisfied and will see Its yearnings upon the human generation being fulfilled – be they but few, or even one alone, because, with Its power, my Will can make up for everything, even with one alone, when It does not find others. But it is always a human will that must come into Mine to fill everything that the others do not do. This will be so pleasing to Me as to pierce the Heavens and make my Will descend, making known the good and the prodigies It contains. Each additional entrance you make into my Will pushes Me to give you new knowledges about It, and to narrate to you more prodigies, because I want you to know the good you do, so that you may appreciate it and desire to possess it; and I, in seeing that you love it and appreciate it, give you possession of it. Knowledge is the eyes of the soul. The soul who does not know is as though blind to that good, to those truths. In my Will there are no blind souls; on the contrary, each knowledge brings her a greater length of sight. Therefore, enter often into my Volition, expand your boundaries in my Will, and as I see this, I will come back to tell you more surprising things about my Will.”
Now, while He was saying this, together we went around the earth a little bit, but - oh, what fright! - many wanted to wound my beloved Jesus, some by knife, some by sword; and among these there were bishops, priests, religious, who wounded Him even into His Heart, but with such torment as to strike fright. Oh! how He suffered and threw Himself into my arms to be defended. I clasped Him to myself and prayed Him to let me share in His pains. He made me content by piercing my heart through with such vehemence, that I felt a deep wound in me for the whole day; and Jesus came back repeated times to wound me.
Now, the following morning, as I was feeling the pain strongly, my sweet Jesus came back, saying to me: “Let me see your heart.” And while He was looking, He told me: “Do you want me to heal you in order to relieve you from the pain you are suffering?” And I: ‘My Highest Good, why do You want to heal me? Am I not worthy to suffer for You? Your Heart is all wounded; and mine, compared to Yours – oh! how scarce is my suffering. Rather, if it pleases You, give me more pains.’ And He, clasping me all to Himself, continued to pierce my heart through with more pain, and then He left me. May everything be for His glory.

April 9, 1923
God is the prime motion of all Creation, and one who operates in the Divine Will operates in the prime motion.

I felt all immersed in the Divine Volition, and I said to my sweet Jesus: ‘Ah! I pray You never to let me go out of your Most Holy Will. Let it be so that I may always think, speak, operate and love in this lovable Will of Yours.’ Now, as I was saying this, I felt myself surrounded by a most pure light, and then I saw my highest and only Good, who told me: “My beloved daughter, I love so much these acts done in my Will, that as soon as the soul enters into It in order to act, the shadow of my light surrounds her; and I run, so that my act and hers may be one. And since I am the prime act of all Creation, without my prime motion all created things would remain paralyzed, without strength and incapable of the slightest motion. Life is in the motion; without it, everything is dead. I am the prime motion, and I give life and attitude to all other motions; so, at my first motion Creation begins to revolve. It happens as to an engine: at the touch of first motion of the first wheel, all other little wheels begin to spin. See then, how it is almost natural for one who operates in my Will to move in my prime motion; and by operating in my motion, she comes to find herself and she operates in the motion of all creatures. And as the creature flows in my own motion, I see her and I feel her in all motions of creatures, giving Me as many divine acts for as many offensive human acts as others do; and this, only because she has operated in my prime motion. This is why I say that one who lives in my Will substitutes for all, defends Me from all, and places my motion – that is, my very Life - in safety. And this is why to operate in my Will is the prodigy of prodigies, but without clamor, without human acclamations. It is my true triumph over all Creation; and since it is a triumph fully divine, what is human remains silent, and has no equivalent words with which to acclaim the triumph of my Supreme Will.”

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