Divine Mercy

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Primer for the Gift of Living the Divine Will

 1.  This serves as a primer to the gift of Living the Divine Will.

2.  Jesus calls everyone to live this gift.  One way to approach it is through His Passion.

3.  The "Hours of the Passion" is like the movie "The Passion of the Christ" by Mel Gibson except it's much more because Jesus draws us into his interior life whereby he calls us to unite ourselves with His passion.

4.  Jesus reveals to us the details and purpose of His sufferings in order for us to unite with Him and to offer reparation through acts of adoration, love and thanksgiving to the Holy Trinity.  Thus united with His humanity Jesus relives his life on earth through our participation.  We become co-workers with Him for the salvation of the world.

5.  This is the way of living the Divine Will:  To surrender our will to God's Will.  To be dependent on God. To allow Jesus to do what he wants in us as we become His living host.  Thus Jesus repeats his life on earth in offering reparation to the Father through us.  And in the science of His Divine Volition,
 descibed in Luisa Piccarreta's writings, He does so through the consecration of each act of ours (praying, suffering, eating, breathing and so on) into His Divine Life which in turn He communicates to the world.  

6.  We are joined with Jesus on the cross during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass as the sacrificial offering to the Father; we are with Him in this reparation and in the distribution of His grace to everyone.  As the Divine Will embraces all generations, past, present and future, our acts by virtue of Christ's consecration, enables us to participate in the work of the Holy Spirit to bring God's life to the world.  

7.  All that Jesus did in His divine will are in act, that is it continues forever.  He relived each of our lives as if it were lived perfectly in the Divine Will, including our sufferrings and death.   Performed through His human will and fused to His Divine Volition, these acts remain in act in the eternal now, always in the present with no end.  Thus Jesus merited all the grace we will ever need to live this gift, and God can bestow on us His divine virtues through our participation in Jesus's life by way of grace.  I believe it's what Pope John Paul Il described as the divinization of humanity through and with the intimate union with Christ.  We become the humanity of Christ as He repeats his earthly life in our acts.  As such the sanctity we live is the Divine sanctity that Jesus and Mary lived on earth.  Jesus by nature since he is both God and man, and Mary by grace.
8.  By operating in the Divine Volition we join ourselves through our acts with everything Jesus did in His humanity.  We do God's will through the power of the Divine Volition.  It is not only the imitation of Christ in His exterior life but we are called in this new way of Christian living to  participate in the interior life of Christ.

9.  We're with Jesus in the eternal moment although we live historically in our own time and space.  With the Trinity, according to God's perspective of time there is only the dimension of the present, without past or future.  It is eternity in the now.  So God's sense of time with respect to Creation is one Act that never ceases, and yet at once It embraces all acts of humanity - past, present and future - while at the same time God gives the individual exclusive and undivided attention.  Christ would die and resurrect to save you if were the only person left on earth.  And He will reign as King with you in the Kingdom of the Divine Will of your soul through the exercise of your free will.

10.  We are privileged to be at the foot of the Cross when God re-presents the one sacrifice of Calvary in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass - as it is happening - since all acts performed by Jesus in His Divine Volition never ceases.  And as the Divine Will embraces all generations, God propagates and applies throughout man's history the infinite graces of Calvary every time the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is celebrated.  In our meditations on the Hours of the Passion we can enter into the "timelessness" of the Divine Volition; to be there with Jesus at each moment of His passion; console Jesus in His sufferings; and offer God our Father Jesus's own adoration and reparation.  We are not outside looking in as spectators.  We are inside, participating in the story as it is happening because every breath, every step, every pain Jesus experienced by way of His human will and fused with His Divine Volition makes it an event that remains  in act, always.  

11.  In order to fuse well with the Divine Volition we need to suffer well, recognizing that as Christ's humanity is in us, the pains are not only ours, but also Christ's.  This is how we share in Christ's sufferrings knowing that His pains has a purpose for our good and others.   We need to suffer with love in order for love to accomplish its divine purpose in us.  Consequently, union with Christ is intimate, and the meditation the Hours of the Passion becomes an experience and expression of profound love with our Savior.

*Pointers in how to live the gift.*

12.  Jesus doesn't intend to replace our spirituality, rather He desires to fulfill and complete it through the gift of living the Divine Volition.  It's the fulfillment of the promises of Christ's redemption.  It is the goal of the Our Father, "Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven."

13.  A firm commitment is what Jesus wants from us where we express, in our own personal way, the desire to live the gift in what is called the prevenient act.

14.  The prevenient act is where you express your desire, and firm commitment to Jesus to live His Will as the first act of your day.

15.  The immediate act is the awareness of being united with the Divine Volition, and as such, has the infinite power of Christ acting through us to bless, adore and offer thanksgiving to God on behalf of all humanity, compensating God for the acknowledgement and love that humanity does not give Him.  Jesus consecrates your acts of breathing, walking, sufferings, prayers and so on into His Divine Lives so that he can communicate Himself to the world in an outpouring of Divine Mercy.

16.  We are not perfect, and our human will is prone to sin.  Our commitment made in the morning prevenient act wanes.  The immediate acts, done throughout the day, renews the original commitment made in the morning. Increasing the field in which we can operate in the Divine Volition, these immediate acts result in the growth of our personal sanctity which is accelerated due to the infinite grace found in living the Divine Volition.  This act can be an act of love, or any aspirational thought or deed that brings into account God's love and sacrifice.  The Scriptures, the Hours of the Passion, and the Mysteries of the Rosary provide instances of Christ's life that can be recalled into our intellect and lived in our hearts.

17.  If you sinned, an act of contrition asking for God's forgiveness with the desire to reenter the gift is sufficient; or go to confession if it's needed.  (By His omniscience, Jesus knows when you are about to sin, therefore He withdraws the gift.  You cannot sin in the gift).  It's imperative that you remain in a state of grace, consistently.  Ultimately Jesus wants us to possess the gift.

18.  The gift gives the believer the capacity to claim Jesus's love, adoration, praise, blessing and thanksgiving for our Heavenly Father as our own, and to offer them, in union with Him, to God wherein the Holy Trinity gains our participation to repair for sins and save souls.  We can love the Ever Holy and Indivisible Trinity with the same infinite love that They love us with.  It is the requital of love that God desires; that we return the love with which He loves us.  And with the gift, we direct to the Ever Holy and Indivisible Trinity, profound adoration, intense love and perennial thanksgiving on behalf of all, and in all hearts.

19.  Jesus does all the work.  Our participation is of humility or nothingness, recognizing that without Christ's involvement, nothing happens with works considered worthless by God done in the human will.  As we pray, suffer and enjoy the ordinary acts of our lives, it is as though we live with one Will.   With our human will surrendered and purified through sufferrings, it can be fused or united with the Divine Volition.  The Divine Volition has conquered and attained dominion over our human will.  And the life of our will is the Divine Will alone. Therefore, Christ's mercy and love is universally multiplied to embrace the world, and will prepare a path of conversion for each person, to lead them to His love, that anticipates the fulfillment of the Our Father, "Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven" in our souls.

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