Divine Mercy

Monday, January 17, 2022

Conception of Jesus


Luisa Piccarreta, Book of Heaven, vol 15

December 16, 1922

On the Conception of the Eternal Word.

I was thinking about the act in which the Eternal Word descended from Heaven and was conceived in the womb of the Immaculate Queen, and from within my interior, my always lovable Jesus put out one arm, surrounding my neck, and in my interior told me:  “My beloved daughter, if the conception of my Celestial Mama was prodigious, and She was conceived in the sea which came out of the Three Divine Persons, my conception was not in the sea that came out of Us, but in the great sea which resided within Us - Our very Divinity - which descended into the virginal womb of this Virgin, and I was conceived.  It is true that it is said that the Word was conceived, but my Celestial Father and the Holy Spirit were inseparable from Me.  It is true that I had the acting role, but they were concurring.  

Imagine two reflectors, each one reflecting the same subject into the other.  These subjects are three:  the one in the middle takes on the operating, suffering, supplicating role; the other two are with it, concur with it, and are spectators.  So, I could say that one of the two reflectors was the Most Holy Trinity, and the other was my dear Mama.  During the brief course of Her life, by living always in my Will, in Her virginal womb She prepared for Me the little divine ground in which I, Eternal Word, was to clothe Myself with human flesh, since I would never have descended into a human ground.  And as the Trinity was reflected in Her, I was conceived.  So, while that same Trinity remained in Heaven, I was conceived in the womb of this noble Queen.

All other things, as great, noble, sublime and prodigious as they may be, all remain behind - even the very conception of the Virgin Queen.  There is not one thing, neither love nor greatness nor power, which can compare to my conception.  Here it is not about forming a life, but about enclosing the Life which gives life to all; not about expanding, but about shrinking Myself so that I might be conceived; and not in order to receive, but to give, the One who created everything, enclosing Himself within a created and tiny little Humanity.  These are works only of a God, and of a God who loves, and who, at any cost, wants to bind the creature with His love in order to be loved.

But this is nothing yet.  Do you know where all my love, all my power and wisdom blazed forth?  As soon as the divine power formed this tiny little Humanity, so little as to be comparable to the size of a hazelnut, but with all the members proportioned and formed, and the Word was conceived in It, the immensity of my Will, enclosing all creatures, past, present and future, conceived all lives of creatures in It.  And as my Humanity grew, so did they grow within Me.  So, even though I appeared to be alone, when observed under the microscope of my Will, all creatures conceived in Me could be seen.  It happened with Me as when one sees crystal clear waters:  even though they appear to be clear, when they are observed under a microscope, how many microbes cannot be seen?  My conception was such and so great that the wheel of eternity remained stunned and ecstatic in seeing the innumerable excesses of my love, and all prodigies united together.  The whole mass of the Universe was shaken in seeing the One who gives life to everything shrink, reduce Himself, enclose everything, in order to do - what?  To take the lives of all, and make all be reborn.”

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