Divine Mercy

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

 Fiat, always.

February 23, 1926

Jesus calls her “the little newborn” so that she may be reborn continuously in His Holy Will to new beauty, to new sanctity, to new light, to new likeness of her Creator.

My Love and my Life, Jesus, come to the help of my weakness and of my reluctance in writing; even more, let your own Will come to write, that I may put nothing of my own, but only all that You want me to write. And You, my Mama and Celestial Mother of the Divine Will, come to guide my hand while I write. Lend me the words, facilitate for me the concepts which Jesus places in my mind, that I may worthily write about the Most Holy Will, so as to make my sweet Jesus content.

I was thinking to myself: ‘Why does blessed Jesus so often call me “the little newborn of His Most Holy Will”? Maybe because I am still bad, and since I have not taken one step in His Will, with reason He calls me just newborn….’

Now, while I was thinking of this, my adorable Jesus clasped His arms around my neck, and squeezing me tightly to His Heart, told me: “To my little newborn of my Will I want to deny nothing. Do you want to know, then, why I call you little newborn? Newborn means to be in the act of being born, and you must be reborn in each one of your acts in my Will. Not only this, but in order to be repaid for all the oppositions of the human wills, my Will wants to call you into my Volition to make you be reborn so many times for as many times as the human wills have opposed It. Therefore, it is necessary to keep you always a newborn. When one is in the act of being born, it is easy to make her be reborn as many times as one wants, and to preserve her without the growth of the human will. But when the soul grows, it becomes more difficult to keep her without the life of her own self.

But this is not all. It was necessary, befitting and decorous for the newborn of my Will and for Our Will Itself, that she would unite herself to that single Act of the Eternal One, which has no succession of acts. And just as this single Act gives the Divine Being all the greatness, the magnificence, the immensity, the eternity, the power – in sum, It encloses everything, to make whatever It wants come out of this one Act – in the same way, Our little newborn of Our Will, uniting with the single Act of the Eternal One, was to do always one single act – that is, to remain always in continuous act of being born, doing always one single act: Our Will. And while doing one single act, she would be reborn continuously - but reborn to what? To new beauty, to new sanctity, to new light, to new likeness of her Creator. And as you are reborn in Our Will, the Divinity feels repaid of the purpose for which It issued the Creation, and It feels the joys and the happiness that the creature was to give It, come back to It. Clasping you to the divine bosom, It fills you with joy and with infinite graces, and It manifests to you more knowledges about Our Will; and giving you no time, It makes you be reborn again in Our Will.

Moreover, these continuous births make you die continuously to your will, to your weaknesses, to miseries, and to all that does not belong to Our Will. How beautiful is the destiny of my little newborn! So, aren’t you happy?

See, I too was born one time, but that birth makes Me be born continuously. I am reborn in each consecrated Host; I am reborn every time the creature returns to my grace. The first birth gave Me the field to make Me be reborn always. This is how divine works are: after they are done once, their continuous act remains, without ever ending. The same will be with my little newborn of my Will: after she is born once, the act of her continuous birth will remain. This is why I am so careful not to let your will enter into you, and I surround you with so much grace – so that you may always be reborn in my Will, and my Will may be reborn in you.”


February 28, 1926

Every time the soul occupies herself with herself, she loses one act in the Divine Will. What it means to lose this act.

I continued amid my usual fears, and my always lovable Jesus, making Himself seen, all goodness told me: “My daughter, do not lose time, because every time you occupy yourself with yourself it is an act of my Will that you lose; and if you knew what it means to lose one single act in my Will…! You lose a divine act - that act which embraces everything and everyone, and which contains all the goods that exist in Heaven and on earth. More so, since my Will is a continuous act which never stops Its course, nor can It wait for you when you stop with your fears. It is more appropriate for you to follow It in Its continuous course, than for It to wait for you to place yourself on the way in order to follow It. And not only do you lose time, but having to pacify you and to raise you from your fears in order to put you on the way in my Will, you force Me to occupy Myself with things which do not regard the Supreme Volition. Your very Angel, who is near you, remains on an empty stomach, because every act you do in It, as you follow Its course, is one more accidental beatitude which he enjoys, being near you; and it is a doubled paradise of joys that you offer him, in such a way that he feels happy in his destiny of having you in his custody. And since the joys of Heaven are communal, your Angel offers the accidental beatitude he has received from you, his doubled paradise, to the whole Celestial Court as the fruit of the Divine Will of his protected one. All make feast and magnify and praise the power, the sanctity, the immensity of my Will. Therefore, be attentive; in my Will one cannot lose time - there is much to do; you have to follow the act of a God, which is never interrupted.”

Having said this, He disappeared, and I remained concerned in seeing the evil I was doing; and I said to myself: ‘How can it ever be possible that by placing myself in the Divine Volition, forgetting about everything else, as if nothing else existed for me but the Eternal Will alone, I take part in all that this lovable Will contains?’ And Jesus, returning, added: “My daughter, it is just for one who is born in my Will to know the secrets It contains; and besides, the thing in itself is very easy and as though natural. Suppose that you went to live in a house, either for a short time or forever, in which there is beautiful music and a fragrant air, through which one feels infused with new life. Indeed you had not put that music or that balsamic air in it, but since you find yourself in that house, which is not yours, you come to enjoy both the music and the fragrant air, which regenerates your strengths to new life. Add that this house contains enchanting paintings, beautiful things that enrapture, gardens which you had never seen before, with so many different plants and flowers that it is impossible to count them all; delicious lunches which you had never enjoyed before.… Oh! how you amuse yourself; how you delight and enjoy yourself in admiring so many beauties, in savoring foods so tasty. However, of all this, nothing was made or placed by you; yet, you take part in everything just because you are in that house.

Now, if this happens in the natural order, much more easily can it happen in the supernatural order of my Will. By entering into It, the soul forms one single act with the Divine Will, and as though naturally she takes part in what It does and contains. More so, since in order to live in my Will, the soul is first stripped of the garments of the old guilty Adam, and is clothed anew with the garments of the new and holy Adam. Her garment is the light of the Supreme Will Itself, through which all Its divine manners are communicated to her, which are noble and communicative to all. This light makes her lose the human features and restores in her the physiognomy of her Creator. What is the wonder, then, if you take part in all that the Divine Will possesses, since one is the life and one the Will? Therefore, be attentive. I recommend to you - be always faithful to Me, and your Jesus will keep the pace of making you live always in my Will. I will be on guard, that you may never go out of It.”

March 2, 1926

Silence on that which regards the truths of the Divine Will forms the tomb of these truths, while the word forms the resurrection. The “Glory Be” of the soul in the Divine Will.

I felt oppressed and with such reluctance to open my soul to manifest what my blessed Jesus tells me, that I would rather have remained silent forever, so that nothing would be known any more. I lamented to my sweet Jesus, saying to Him: ‘Oh! if You told me not to say anything to any one, ever again, of what passes between You and me, from what an enormous weight You would free me - how happy I would be. Don’t You see my great repugnance, and the effort I have to make?’

But while I was saying this, my always lovable Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, would you want to bury the light, the grace, the truth, and so prepare the tomb for your Jesus? Silence on anything which is truth forms the burial of the truth, while the word forms the resurrection of the truth - it makes light, grace and good rise again; more so, since the word on the truth comes from the Supreme Fiat. The word had its divine field when, in Creation, with the word “Fiat” I issued the whole Creation. I could have created It remaining silent also, but I wanted to use the word “Fiat” so that the word too might have divine origin; and since it would contain the creative power, whoever would use it to manifest what belongs to Me might have the power to communicate those truths to whomever would have the fortune to listen to him. For you, then, there is a stronger reason. In fact, since the greater part of everything I tell you are things which regard my Supreme Will, it is not only the original word, but the Fiat Itself which, entering the field again as in Creation, wants to make known the immense goods that my Will contains. And It communicates so much power to everything I manifest about It, as to be enough to form the new Creation of my Will within souls. Is this the love you have for Me, that with your silence you want to form the tomb for my Will?”

I remained frightened and more afflicted than before; and I prayed Jesus to give me the grace to fulfill His Most Holy Will. And my beloved Jesus, as though wanting to cheer me, came out from within my interior, and squeezing me tightly to His Most Holy Heart, infused new strength in me. At that moment, the Heavens opened and I heard everyone say, in chorus: “Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit”. I don’t know how, but it was my turn to answer: ‘As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.’ But who can say what was happening? In the word “Father” one could see the creative power flowing everywhere, preserving everything, giving life to everything. The mere breath of this word was enough to maintain everything He had created intact, beautiful and ever new. In the word “Son” one could see all the works of the Word, renewed, ordered, and all in act of filling Heaven and earth to give themselves for the good of creatures. In the word “Holy Spirit” one could see all things being invested with a speaking, operative and vivifying love. But who can say everything? I felt my poor mind immersed in the eternal beatitudes, and my adorable Jesus, wanting to call me back into myself, told me: “My daughter, do you know why it was your turn to say the second part of the ‘Glory be’? Since my Will is in you, it befitted you to bring the earth up to Heaven, in order to give, in the name of all, together with the Celestial Court, that glory which will never end - ‘world without end’. Eternal things, which never end, can be found only in my Will, and one who possesses It is in communication with Heaven. This soul takes part in everything they do in the celestial regions, and she is as though in act together with the celestial Blessed.”


March 6, 1926

Only the most important thing was known about the Celestial Mama – that the Son of God was Her Son. The same will happen with the daughter of the Divine Will – the most important thing only will be known, so as to make the Divine Will known. A good which is not known has no ways to communicate itself.

As I was in my usual state, my always lovable Jesus came, and holding my hand in His, He drew me to Himself - up high, between Heaven and earth. Almost fearing, I clung to Jesus, holding on tightly to His most holy hand; and wanting to pour out my pain with Him, which so much oppresses me, I said to Him: ‘My Love and my Life, Jesus, some time ago You told me that You wanted to make of me a copy of my Celestial Mama; yet, almost nothing was known about Her, of the many seas of grace with which, in every instant, She was inundated by You. She said nothing to no one – She kept everything within Herself; nor does the Gospel say anything. It is known only that She was your Mama, and that She gave You, Eternal Word, to the world; but everything that passed between You and Her – the favors, the graces – She kept all within Herself. With me, then, You want the opposite – You want me to manifest what You tell me; You do not want the secret of what passes between You and me. I feel sorrow because of this; where, then, is the copy You want to make between me and my Mama?’

And my sweet Jesus, clasping me tightly to His Heart, all tenderness told me: “My daughter, courage, do not fear. Nothing was known about my Mama but that which it was necessary and sufficient to be known – that I was Her Son; that through Her I came to redeem the generations, and that She was the first one in whose soul I had my first field of divine actions. Everything else – the favors and the seas of graces which She received – remained in the sacrarium of the divine secrets. However, the most important, the greatest, the holiest thing was indeed known – that the Son of God was Her Son. This was the greatest honor for Her, which raised Her above all creatures. Therefore, since the greatest was known about my Mama, the lesser was not necessary.

The same will happen with my daughter: it will be known only that my Will had Its first field of divine action in your soul, as well as everything that is necessary in order to make known what regards my Will; how It wants to enter the field so that the creature may return to her origin, and how It anxiously awaits her into Its arms, so that there may be no more division between her and Me. If this were not made known, how could creatures long for this great good? How could they dispose themselves to receive a grace so great? If my Mama had not wanted to make known that I was the Eternal Word and Her Son, what good would Redemption have produced? A good which is not known, as great as it may be, has no ways to communicate the good it possesses. And just as my Mama was not opposed, so must my daughter not oppose what regards my Will. All the rest of the secrets - the flights you do in my Will, the goods you take, and the most intimate things between you and Me – will remain in the sacrarium of the divine secrets. Do not fear, your Jesus will content you in everything.”

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