Divine Mercy

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

 14 February, 1912

Jesus looks at everything in the will, and it is there - in her will - that the creature keeps the ownership of her things. In the Divine Will all things become equal.

Continuing in my usual state, my always adorable Jesus came while I was telling Him: ‘Tell me, oh Jesus, how it comes about that after You have disposed the soul to suffering, and she loves suffering, knowing the goodness contained in it, and she suffers almost with passion, believing that her destiny is to suffer - at that very moment You take this treasure away from her?’ And Jesus: "My daughter, my love is great, my rule is insuperable, my teachings sublime, my instructions divine, creative and inimitable. Therefore, in order to make all things - great or small, natural or spiritual, painful or pleasant - acquire one single color and have one single value, once the soul has been trained to suffer and arrives at the point of loving it, I let this suffering pass into her will as her own property. So, every time I will send her a pain, she will always be disposed to suffer it and to love it, since she keeps within her will the property and the dispositions. I look at things in the will, and it is as if the soul always suffered, even if she does not suffer.

Further, in order for pleasure to have the same value as suffering, and in order for praying, working, eating, sleeping - in sum, everything, whatever they might be - to have one single value, since all can be if things are of my Will, I allow the soul to practice all things in my Will with holy indifference. So, it may seem to the soul that just as I give her something, I take it away from her, but it is not true. Rather, it happens that at the beginning, when the soul is not yet well trained, she is sensitive in the suffering, praying or loving. But when, with practice, these things pass in her will as her own property, the sensitivity ceases; and as she occasionally needs to use these divine properties which I made her acquire, she begins to exercise them, as the opportunity arises, with firm step and imperturbable heart. For example: does suffering occur? She finds within herself the strength and the life of suffering. Must she pray? She finds within herself the life of prayer; and so forth with all the rest."

According to what Jesus says, it seems to me this way. Let’s suppose that I received a gift. Until I make up my mind on where I should keep that gift, I look at it, I appreciate it, and I feel a certain sensitivity in loving that gift; but if I keep it under lock and key, no longer watching it, that sensitivity ceases. With this I cannot say that the gift is no longer mine, rather, it is certainly more mine since I keep it locked, while before it was in danger and someone could have stolen it from me.

Jesus continues: "In my Will all things hold each other’s hands, all look alike and all are in agreement. Therefore, suffering gives rise to pleasure and says: ‘I have done my part in the Will of God; now you do yours, and only if Jesus wants it will I place myself in the field again.’ Fervor says to coldness: ‘You will be more ardent than me if you will content yourself with staying in the will of my Eternal Love.’ Prayer to work, sleep to vigil, illness to health,... everything; all things among themselves, it seems that each one of them leaves its place to the other to be in the field - but each one of them has its own distinct place. Then, it is not necessary for one who lives in my Will to move to place herself in the act of doing what I want; she is already in Me, like an electric wire, doing whatever I want."

(( Continuing in my usual state, my adorable Jesus made Himself seen Crucified, with a soul near Him, who was offering herself to Jesus as a victim. And Jesus told me: "My daughter, I accept you as a victim of pain. All that you will be able to suffer you will suffer as if you were with Me on the Cross, and you will release Me with your sufferings. Many times this escapes you: releasing Me with your sufferings. But know that I was a peaceful Victim and Host; you too - I don’t want you an oppressed victim, but peaceful and joyful. You will be like a docile little lamb, and your bleating - that is your prayers, sufferings and works - will serve to soothe my embittered wounds." ))

February 18, 1912

How Jesus can live in the soul, and the soul in Jesus and from His life.

Finding myself in my usual state, my always adorable Jesus came and told me: "My daughter, everything you do for Me, even a breath, enters into Me as a pledge of your love for Me; and I give you, in exchange, my pledges of love. Therefore, the soul can say, ‘I live on the pledges that my Beloved gives to me.’" Then He added: "My beloved daughter, one can say that, as you live in my Life, your life is finished - you do not live any longer. Therefore, since you no longer live, but Myself within you, anything they may do to you, pleasing or displeasing, I will receive as if it were done directly to Me. Here is how you can understand this: you won’t feel anything, pleasure or displeasure, whatever they may do to you; and who else could feel it if not Myself, who lives in you and loves you very, very much?"

February 24, 1912

The soul who lives in the Divine Will loses her temperament and acquires that of Jesus.

After I saw several souls around Jesus, especially one who was more sensitive, Jesus told me: "My daughter, if the souls with sensitive temperament start doing good, they make more progress than the others, because their sensitivity leads them to great and arduous enterprises." I prayed that He would take those remains of human sensitivity away from that soul, and that He would squeeze her more to Himself and tell her that He loved her, for He would conquer her completely, as soon as she heard that He loved her... ‘You will see that You will succeed. Did You not conquer me in this way, telling me that You love me very, very much?’ And Jesus: "Yes, yes, I will do it, but I want her cooperation - that she will escape as much as she can from the people who excite her sensitivity."

So I added: ‘My Love, tell me, what is your temperament?’ And Jesus: "One who lives in my Will loses her temperament and acquires mine. So, the soul who lives in my Will finds in herself a pleasant, attractive, penetrating, dignified temperament, and altogether simple - a child-like simplicity; in sum, she looks like Me in everything. Even more, she keeps her temperament within her power as she wants and as it’s needed. Since she lives in my Will, she takes part in my Power, so she keeps at her disposal all things, and herself . According to the circumstances and to the people she deals with, she takes my temperament and applies it."

‘Tell me, will you give me a first place in your Will?’ Jesus smiled: "Yes, yes, I promise you. I will never let you out of my Will, and you will take and do whatever you want."

‘Jesus, I want to be poor poor, little little. I don’t want anything even of your things; it is better if You keep them. I want only You, and You will give me things as I need them; isn’t it true, O Jesus?’

And Jesus: "Brava, brava, my daughter! Finally I have found someone who does not want anything. Everyone wants something from Me, but not the all, that is Myself only; while by wanting nothing, you want everything, and here is the fineness and the astuteness of true love." I smiled and He disappeared.

February 26, 1912

The creature is a complex of love and moves only for love. Jesus, beggar of love.

Returning, my all and always adorable Jesus told me: "My daughter, I am Love and I made the creatures all love. The nerves, the bones and the flesh are fabrics of love and, after I wove them with love, I made flow the blood in all their tiny particles, so as to cover them with a garment, in order to give them the life of love. Therefore, the creature is nothing other than a complex of love, and she does not move other than for love. At the most there can be varieties of love, but it is always for love that she moves. There can be Divine Love, love of self, love of creature, evil love, but always love; neither can she do otherwise, since her life is love; created by the Eternal Love, and therefore led to love by an irresistible force. So, after all, even in evil - in sin, for the creature there must be a love which has pushed her to do that evil.

Ah, my daughter! What is not my pain in seeing in the creatures the property of my Love which I delivered, being profaned and contaminated by a different use? In order to guard this Love which came out of Me, and which I gave to the creature, I remain around her like a poor beggar, and as the creature moves, palpitates, breathes, works, speaks and walks, I go begging everything from her; and I beg her, I implore her, I beseech her to give everything to Me, saying: ‘Daughter, I ask from you nothing other than what I gave you. It is for your own good; do not steal from me what is mine. The breath is mine, breathe only for Me; the heartbeat and the movement are mine, palpitate and move only for Me.’ And so on for all the rest.

But, with greatest pain, I am forced to see the heartbeat taking one way, the breath another; and I, poor beggar, remain with an empty stomach, while the love of self, of the creatures, and even of the passions remain stuffed. Can there a be a greater wrong than this?

My daughter, I want to pour out my Love and my pain with you; only one who loves Me can have compassion for Me."

February 28, 1912

The sign that one loves only Jesus. How one who loves Him is united with Him.

This morning, as my adorable Jesus came, I told Him: ‘O my Heart, my Life and my all, how can it be known if one loves only You or others?’

"My daughter, if the soul is completely full of Me up to the brim, to the extent of overflowing - that is to say, if she does not think of, search for, speak to and love other than Myself - it seems that nothing else exists for her; rather, the rest bores and bothers her. At the most she gives nothing but scrap- which is not God - like the last thought, a word or one act for a necessary thing of the natural life. This is merely giving what remains to nature; this is what saints do. I did it too, with Myself and with the Apostles, giving dispositions on where to spend the night, what to eat.... Giving all this to nature harms neither love nor the true Sanctity, and it is a sign that the creature loves Me only.

But if the soul is alternating among various things - now she thinks of Me, now of something else; now she talks about Me, and then for a long time about something else, and so on with the rest - this is a sign that she does not love Me only, and I am not happy about it. So, if she squanders herself with everyone and within her own thoughts, keeping for Me only a last thought or word or act, it’s a sign that she does not love Me; and even if she gives Me something, it is nothing other than a miserable scrap. Yet, this is what most creatures do.

Ah, my daughter, those who love Me are united to Me like the branches are united to the trunk of the tree. Can there ever be separation, forgetfulness or different food between the branches and the trunk? One is their life, one the purpose, the same the fruits; or better still, the trunk is the life of the branches, and the branches are the glory of the trunk - they are all the same thing. These are, to Me, the souls who love Me."

March 3, 1912

One who lives in the Divine Will acquires the temperament of Jesus and, with it, all its divine qualities, which will be as many melodies in Heaven. These souls are the purpose of all the things that Jesus did.

Continuing in my usual state, my adorable Jesus came and told me: "My daughter, the soul who does my Will loses her temperament and acquires mine. Just as in my temperament there are many melodies which form the Paradise of the Blessed - such that music is my sweet temperament, music the goodness, music the sanctity, music the beauty, the power, the wisdom, the immensity, and so on with all the rest of my Being - the soul receives within herself all the variety of these melodies, taking part in all the qualities of my temperament. As she goes along doing even the most tiny actions she makes a melody for Me and, as I hear it, I immediately recognize this music as one taken by the soul from my Will - my temperament; so I run to listen to it, and I like it so much that I remain recreated and cheered from all the wrongs which other creatures do to Me.

My daughter, what will happen when these melodies will pass into Heaven? I will put the soul in front of Me; I will play my music, and she will play her own - we will flash each other lightning; the sound of one will be the echo of the sound of the other; the harmonies will mix together. It will be clearly known to all the Blessed that this soul is nothing less than the fruit of my Will - the portent of my Will; and all Heaven will enjoy one more Paradise.

These are the souls to whom I keep repeating, ‘Had I not created Heaven, I would create It only for you’, because I place in them the Heaven of my Will, and I make of them the true images of Myself. And I go wandering in these Heavens, delighting and playing with them. To these Heavens I repeat, ‘Had I not left Myself in the Sacrament, for you alone I would have done it’, because they are my true Hosts. Just as I could not live without a Will, in the same way I could not live without these Heavens of my Will; rather, they are not only my true Hosts, but the purpose of my Calvary and my own Life.

These Heavens of my Will are more dear to Me and more privileged than the Tabernacles and the Consecrated Hosts themselves, because in the Host my Sacramental Life ends as the species is consumed, while in these Heavens of my Will the Life of my Will never ends. They serve as my Hosts on earth, and they will be my eternal Hosts in Heaven.

To these Heavens of my Will I add, ‘Had I not incarnated Myself in the womb of my Mother, for these souls alone I would have incarnated Myself, and for these I would have suffered my Passion’, because I find in them the true fruit of my Incarnation and Passion."

March 8, 1912

How Jesus was a victim during His hidden life. Becoming a victim is equivalent to a second baptism, and with effects superior to those of Baptism itself. What eliminates the state of victim.

This morning Father G. offered himself as a victim to Our Lord, and I was praying, offering him, that He would accept him. Then, my always adorable Jesus told me : "My daughter, I accept him whole-heartedly. Tell him that his life will no longer belong to him, but to Me, and that I chose him as a victim of my hidden Life. My hidden Life was victim for the whole interior life of man; so it repaired for the bad thoughts, desires, tendencies and affections.

All that the exterior of man does is nothing other than the expression of his interior. If so much evil shows on the outside, what will the interior be like? Therefore, the re-making of the interior of man cost Me very much; it is sufficient to say that it took Me as long as thirty years. My thought, my heartbeat, breath and desire were always intent on running close to the thought, heartbeat, breath and desire of man, in order to repair for them, satisfy for them and sanctify them.

So I choose him as victim for this purpose of my hidden Life, and I want all his interior with Me, united and offered to Me, to satisfy Me for the evil interior of other creatures. I choose him for this on purpose, since, being a Priest, he knows better than others the interior of the souls, the rottenness and the slime which is in them. From this he can better know how much my state of victim cost Me, a state in which I want him to take part - and not only him, but also others whom he will approach.

My daughter, tell him of the great grace I give to him by accepting him as a victim, since becoming a victim is equivalent to receiving a second Baptism, and with effects even greater than Baptism. In fact, it is about rising again in my own Life and, since the victim has to live in Me and of Me, I need to wash him from every stain, giving him a new Baptism and strengthening him in Grace, to be able to admit him to live with Me. Therefore, from now on I will consider anything he does as mine rather than his own. So, whether he prays, speaks or works, he will say that these are My things."

After this, Jesus seemed to be looking around; and I: ‘What are you looking at, O Jesus? Aren’t we alone?’ And He said: "No, there are people. I attract them around you to keep them tightly to Me." And I: ‘Do You love them?’ And He: "Yes, but I would like them to be more nimble, more trusting, more brave and more intimate with Me, with no thought for themselves. They must know that victims are no longer the owners of themselves, otherwise they would cancel the state of victim."

Then, having to cough a little, I said: ‘Jesus, make me die of consumption. Hurry, hurry, let me come! Take me with You!’ And Jesus: "Don’t make Me see you feel discontent, otherwise I suffer.... Yes, you will die of consumption. Just a little longer; and if you won’t die of physical consumption, you will die consumed of love. Please, do not get out of my Will, for my Will will be your Paradise; or better still, the Paradise of my Will. For as many days as you will be on earth, so many Paradises will I give you in Heaven."

March 13, 1912

The victim Baptism by fire has effects superior to the Baptism by water.

Jesus continues to speak about the state of victim, telling me: "My daughter, the Baptism at birth is by water; it has the virtue to purify, but not to take away tendencies and passions. On the other hand, the Baptism of victim is Baptism by fire, therefore it has not only the virtue to purify, but also to consume any passion and evil tendencies. I Myself baptize the soul, bit by bit: my thought baptizes the thought of the victim soul; my heartbeat baptizes her heartbeat; my desire her desire, and so on. This Baptism is done between Myself and the soul, according to whether she gives herself to Me without ever taking back what she gave Me.

This is why, my daughter, you don’t feel evil tendencies and such. It comes from your state of victim, and I tell you this for your consolation. So, tell Father G. to be well attentive, for this is the mission of missions - the apostolate of apostolates. I want him always with Me, and all intent within Me."

March 15, 1912

The Divine Will is the sanctity of sanctities, and the soul who does It on earth as in Heaven is a queen soul, who gives life to all the good done on earth and in Heaven. These souls are the true Consecrated Hosts of the Divine Will.

Continuing in my usual state, I felt a great desire to do the Most Holy Will of Blessed Jesus; and He came and told me: "My daughter, my Will is the Sanctity of Sanctities. The soul who does my Will according to the perfection that I am teaching you - that is, on earth as It is in Heaven - however small, ignorant and ignored, leaves even other Saints behind in spite of their prodigies, the most clamorous conversions and the miracles. Really, in comparison, the souls who do my Will in the way It is in my third "FIAT" are queens, and it is as if all the others were at their service.

It seems that the souls who live in my Will do nothing, while they actually do everything, because being in my Will these souls act Divinely, in a hidden and surprising way. They are light which illuminates, wind which purifies, fire which burns, miracles which cause miracles. Those who do miracles are channels; but in these souls resides the power. Therefore, they are the foot of the missionary, the tongue of the preachers, the strength of the weak, the patience of the sick, the regime (of the superiors), the obedience of the subjects, the tolerance of the slandered, the firmness in the dangers, the heroism in the heroes, the courage in the martyrs, the sanctity in the saints, and so on with all the rest. Being in my Will, they concur with all the good that can be both in Heaven and on earth.

This is why I can surely say that they are my true Hosts - but living Hosts, not dead ones. The accidents that form the host are not full of life, neither do they influence my Life; but the soul who lives in my Divine Will is full of life and, doing my Will, she influences and concurs with all that I do. This is why these consecrated Hosts of my Will are more dear to Me than the very sacramental Hosts, and if I have reason to exist in the sacramental Hosts, it is to form the sacramental Hosts of my Will.

My daughter, I take such delight in my Will that, in simply hearing talk about It, I feel overjoyed and I call the whole of Heaven to make feast. Imagine what will become of those souls who will do It: I find in them all the joys, so I give all the joys to them. Their life is the life of the Blessed. They care about, desire and yearn for two things only: my Will and Love. They need to do very little else, while in fact they do everything. The virtues themselves remain absorbed in my Will and in Love. Therefore, they have nothing to do with them, since my Will contains, possesses and absorbs all; but in a Divine manner - immense and endless. This is the life of the Blessed."

March 20, 1912

Everything is in giving oneself to Jesus, and in doing His Will in everything.

Finding myself in my usual state, my always adorable Jesus made Himself seen as all sorrowful, and said to me: "My daughter, they do not want to understand that everything is in giving oneself completely to Me, and in doing my Will in everything. Once I have obtained this, I Myself keep pushing the souls, telling them - each and every one: ‘My daughter, take this enjoyment, this comfort, this relief, this refreshment....’ With this difference: if they had taken those permissible pleasures before they were giving themselves to Me in everything, and doing my Will always and in everything, they were human things; but after, they are divine actions. Since they are my things I no longer feel jealous, and I say to Myself: ‘If she takes a legitimate pleasure, she takes it because I want it; if she deals with people about some business, if she legitimately converses, it is because I want it. If I didn’t want it, she would be ready to stop; so I put everything at her disposal, because all she does is the effect of my Will, no longer of her own will.

Tell me, my daughter, what have you lacked since you gave yourself completely to Me? I gave you my flavors, my pleasures and all of Myself for your contentment. This, in the supernatural order; but neither did I let you lack anything in the order of faith: confessors, Communions, and the rest. Even more, since you wanted only Me, you yourself did not want confessors so often; but I didn’t listen to you. I wanted everything in abundance for the one who wanted to deprive herself of all for Me.

Daughter, what pain I feel in my Heart in seeing that souls do not want to understand this, even those who are said to be the best!"

April 4, 1912

The Divine Will is the center to which all other things must be connected.

This morning my always adorable Jesus came and told me: "My daughter, my Will is the center, the other virtues are the circle. Imagine a wheel in whose middle all the rays are centered. What would happen if one of these rays wanted to detach itself from the center? First, that ray would look bad; secondly, it would remain dead, while the wheel, in moving, would get rid of it.

Such is my Will for the soul. My Will is the center. All the things which are not done in my Will, and only to fulfill my Will - even holy things, virtues or good works - are like the rays detached from the center of the wheel: works and virtues with no life. They could never please Me; rather, I do everything to punish them and to get rid of them."

April 10, 1912

The souls who have more trust will shine more in the crown of the divine mercy.

Continuing in my usual state, as soon as blessed Jesus came, He told me: "My daughter, the souls who will shine the most, like bright gems in the crown of my divine mercy, are the souls who have more trust, because the more trusting they are, the more they give space for the attribute of my Mercy to pour into them all the Graces that they want. On the other hand, the soul who does not have real trust closes the graces within Me, remaining poor and unequipped, while my Love remains contained within Me and suffers greatly.

In order not to suffer so much, and to be able to freely pour out my Love, I deal more with those souls who trust than with the others. With these souls I can pour out my Love, I can play, I can cause loving contrasts, since there is no worry that they may feel ashamed or afraid; rather, they become more brave and take everything in order to love Me more. Therefore, trusting souls are the outpouring and the amusement of my Love - the most graceful and the richest ones."

April 20, 1912

Human flavors do not satisfy the hunger for divine and eternal happiness, and Jesus embitters them in order to be able to give His divine flavors.

Continuing in my usual state, as soon as blessed Jesus came, He told me: "My daughter, nature tends toward happiness with an irresistible force, but with reason; it was made to be happy, with a divine and eternal happiness. But with great detriment for themselves, some get attached to one flavor, some to two flavors, some others to three, and others to four, but they still remain unsatisfied and cannot find the true taste, causing emptiness within themselves and remaining embittered, bothered and nauseated.

It happens that, for the human inclination, even the flavors of what is good and holy have within themselves something human with which they get mixed; so they don’t have the strength to completely absorb and overwhelm the nature in the divine flavor. This happens even more because, when I want to accomplish my divine works in the souls, I keep embittering all that is human in their satisfactions, to be able to give them my flavors which, being innumerable, have the strength to absorb all the nature in the divine taste. Can anyone give greater love than this: in order to give more to the souls I take away the little from them; or better, in order to give them everything I take away the nothing? Yet, this work of mine is received badly by the creature."

April 23, 1912

The love with which Jesus loves us exists in each thing, inside and outside of ourselves, and He wants perfect return. In order to oblige us more, He reaches the extent of permitting guilt.

Finding myself in my usual state, blessed Jesus came for a little while and told me: "My daughter, sometimes I allow the guilt in a soul who loves me in order to squeeze her more tightly to Me, and to oblige her to do greater things for my glory. In fact, the more I give to her, permitting even guilt in order to endear her more to Me for her miseries - to love her more and to fill her with my charisms, the more I push her to do great things for Me. These are the excesses of my Love.

My daughter, my Love for the creature is great. Do you see how the light of the sun invades the earth? If you could make many atoms out of that light, in those atoms of light you would feel my melodious voice and, one after the other, they would repeat to you: ‘I love you, I love you, I love you,...’ in such a way that you would not have the time to count them; you would remain drowned inside love. I say to you ‘I love you, I love you’ in the light that fills your eyes; ‘I love you’ in the air that you breathe; ‘I love you’ in the whistling of the wind which touches your hearing; ‘I love you’ in the warmth and in the cold felt by your touch; ‘I love you’ in the blood that flows inside your veins; ‘I love you’ in the beating of your heart which tells you of my beats. I repeat to you ‘I love you’ in every thought of your mind; ‘I love you’ in each action of your hands; ‘I love you’ in every step of your foot; ‘I love you’ in every word,...since nothing happens inside or outside of you without an act of my love toward you. One ‘I love you’ from Me doesn’t wait for another. And your ‘I love you’s’? How many of them are for Me?"

I remained confused. I felt deafened inside and out - full chorus - by the ‘I love you’s’ of Jesus, while my ‘I love you’s’ were scarce and so limited that I said: ‘Oh my lover Jesus, who could ever match You?’ But of what I have said, it seems that I have said nothing of all that Jesus made me understand.

Then He added: "The Divine Will - true Sanctity - is in doing my Will and in re-ordering all things in Me. Just as I keep all in order for the creature, in the same way the creature should order all things for Me and in Me. My Will keeps everything in order."

May 9, 1912

Consummation of all our being in Love.

This morning, finding myself in my usual state, I was thinking about how we can consume ourselves in Love. My blessed Jesus came and told me: "My daughter, if the will wants only Me, if the intelligence is interested in knowing only Me, if the memory remembers nothing other than Me; here they are - the three powers of the soul being consumed in Love. The same for the senses: if one speaks only about Me, if he hears only all that regards Me, if he enjoys only my things, if he works and walks only for Me, if his heart loves only Me, if his desires desire only Me; here it is - the consummation of Love formed by the senses.

My daughter, love has a sweet enchantment, and it renders the soul happy and blind to all that is not love, making her all eyes for all that is love. Therefore, for the one who loves, whatever her will may encounter, if it is love she becomes all eyes; if not, she becomes blind, stupid and does not understand anything. The same for her tongue; if she has to speak about love, she feels many eyes of light flowing through her word and becomes eloquent; if not, she begins to stammer and ends up dumb. So for all the rest."

May 22, 1912

True love is not subject to discontents, neither does it tolerate them, because it resolves everything in love.

Finding myself in my usual state, blessed Jesus came for a little while, and since I was feeling a certain discontent in me, He told me: "My daughter, true Love is not subject to discontent; rather, it takes the opportunity to turn these same discontents into the most beautiful contentments by virtue of Love. Further, since I am the contentment of contentments, I cannot tolerate any discontent, any more than if it were my own rather than hers. So I am forced to give her that thing which makes her happy in order to have her all conformed with Me; otherwise there would be some clashing and dissimilar fibers, heartbeats or thoughts which would make us lose the best of our harmony. I cannot tolerate all this in the one who really loves Me.

Moreover, true Love operates for love, and for love it does not operate; it asks for love, and it gives for love. Therefore, true Love ends all in love; for love it dies and for love it rises again."

And I: ‘Jesus, it seems that You want to escape me with this talking, but know that I am not giving up. For now, surrender to me for love; do for me an act of love and surrender to all that is so necessary to me, and to which I am so constrained by love. After all, I give everything to You. Otherwise I will be discontent."

And Jesus: "You want to win through discontents." He smiled and disappeared.

May 25, 1912

In the Divine Will the soul becomes malleable in the hands of Jesus.

This morning my always adorable Jesus, seeing me very oppressed, made me suckle from His Heart, and then He told me: "My daughter, if one wants to make a hole in a hard object or give it another shape, that object would be ruined or shattered. But if it is tender or made of soft material, one can make the hole or give it the shape desired without fearing that it might break. And if one wanted to return it to the original shape, that object would offer itself with no difficulty.

Such is the soul who lives in my Will. She is a soft object; I can make of her whatever I want. Now I wound her, now I embellish her, now I enlarge her; in one instant I remake her again, while the soul is available for everything; she does not oppose herself to anything, and I always carry her in my hands, delighting continuously in her."

May 30, 1912

The love of the souls gives life to Jesus; it forms Him and it feeds Him. Love forms their mutual rest.

Continuing in my usual state, I felt oppressed for the privation of my always adorable Jesus. He came and told me: "My daughter, when you are without Me, use this very privation to double, triple, increase a hundredfold your acts of love toward Me, so as to form an environment - all love - inside and out, and find Me within this environment, more beautiful and as if reborn to a new life. Wherever love is, there I am; therefore, there cannot be separation for the soul who really loves Me; rather, we form the same thing, because love seems to create Me, to give Me life, to feed Me, to make Me grow. I find my center in love and I feel recreated and reborn, while I am eternal, with no beginning and with no end; but thanks to the soul who loves Me, I enjoy love so much that I feel as if remade.

Furthermore, in this love I find my true Love, I find my true rest. My Intelligence rests in the intelligence of the one who loves me; my Heart, my desire, my hands and my feet rest in the heart that loves me, in the desires that love Me, desiring only Me, in the hands that work for Me, and in the feet that walk only for Me. Therefore, bit by bit, I go resting within the soul who loves Me; while the soul, with her love, finds Me everywhere and in every place, resting completely in Me. In my Love she remains reborn, embellished, and grows, in an admirable way, in my own Love."

June 2, 1912

Only the things which are extraneous to Jesus separate the soul from Jesus.

Continuing in my usual state, I was lamenting to my Jesus for His privations, and Jesus told me: "My daughter, when there is nothing extraneous or that doesn’t belong to Me within the soul, there cannot be separation between Myself and the soul. Moreover, I tell you that if there is no thought, affection, desire or heartbeat which is not mine, I either keep the soul with Me in Heaven, or I remain with her on earth. If you don’t sense this in yourself, why do you fear that I may separate Myself from you?"

June 9, 1912

One who does the Will of God and lives in His Volition is not subject to death nor to judgment; his life is eternal.

Feeling a little in suffering, I was saying to my always adorable Jesus: ‘When will you take me with You? Please hurry, O Jesus; let death cut this life of mine and let me reunite with You in Heaven!’

And Jesus: "My daughter, for the soul who does my Will and lives in my Volition there is no death. Death is for one who does not do my Will, because he has to die to many things: to himself, to passions and to the earth. But one who lives in my Will has nothing left to die for; he is already used to living in Heaven. For him, death is nothing other than setting down his remains, as one would remove the clothes of a poor one to wear the garments of a king, in order to leave exile and reach the Fatherland. The soul who lives in my Will is not subject to death and receives no Judgment; his life is eternal. All that death had to do, love did in advance, and my Will reordered him completely in Me, so that I have nothing for which to judge him.

Therefore, remain in my Will and, when you least expect it, you will find yourself in my Will in Heaven."

June 28, 1912

The soul who lives in the Divine Will is a Heaven in which Jesus is the sun and His virtues are the stars.

Continuing in my usual state, blessed Jesus came for a little while and told me: "My daughter, the soul who does my Will is Heaven, but Heaven without Sun and without stars, because I am the Sun; and the stars which embellish this Heaven are my own virtues. How beautiful this Heaven, such as to enamor whomever can know It. I remain enamored even more, placing Myself like a Sun in the center of this Heaven, flashing on It continuously new Light, new Love and new Graces.

How beautiful, this Heaven, if the Sun shines - that is, when I manifest Myself; I caress the soul, I fill her with my charisms, I hug her and, touched by her love, I faint and rest in her. All the Saints gather around Me while I rest; they remain surprised in watching this Heaven in which I am the Sun, and are ecstatic because of this prodigious portent; neither on earth nor in Heaven could one ever find a thing more beautiful and more delightful for Me and for all.

How beautiful, this Heaven, if the Sun hides - that is, when I deprive her of Me. Oh, how the harmony of the stars can be admired. The air of this Heaven is not subject to clouds, showers or storms, because the Sun is hidden in the center of the soul, and its heat is so burning that it destroys clouds, showers and storms. The air of this Heaven is always calm, serene and sweet-smelling; the most shining stars are perennial peace and never ending love.

Whether the soul is hidden in the Sun, and the stars disappear, or the Sun is hidden within her, when the harmony of the stars is revealed - she is beautiful in every way. This Heaven is my happiness, my rest, my Love - my Paradise."

July 4, 1912

In the Divine Will the soul must die to everything, like in a tomb, closed by love, in order to rise again to a divine life. By thinking about herself, the soul escapes from the divine life.

This morning, after Communion, I was saying to my always adorable Jesus: ‘To what a state I reduced myself! It seems that everything runs away from me: suffering, virtues - everything!’

And Jesus: ‘My daughter, what’s this? Do you want to waste time? Do you want to get out of your nothingness? Stay in your place - in your nothingness - so that the All may keep Its place in you. But know that you must die completely in my Will: to the suffering, to the virtues - to everything. My Will must be the tomb of the soul. Just as nature is consumed in the tomb to the extent of disappearing completely, and by that consummation it will rise again to a new and more beautiful Life, in the same way the soul, buried in my Will as if inside a tomb, will die to the suffering, to her virtues, to her spiritual goods, and will rise again in everything to Divine Life.

Ah, my daughter, it seems that you want to imitate the mundane, who tend to what is temporal, and ends, while they don’t consider what is eternal. My beloved, why don’t you want to learn to live only in my Volition? Why don’t you want to live the life of Heaven while still being on earth? My Will is Love, the One that never dies; therefore my Will must be your sepulcher, and Love is the lid which has to lock you and seal you in, giving you no more hope of getting out.

Then, every thought that regards oneself, even about virtues, is always gain for oneself and runs away from the Divine Life; while if the soul thinks only about Me and what regards Me, she takes the Divine Life in herself and, taking the Divine Life, she escapes the human life, taking all possible goods. Have we understood each other?"

July 19, 1912

The attention to the teachings of Jesus makes our breath of love reach Him even through others. Love must be only for Jesus.

This morning, as I was in my usual state, blessed Jesus came and told me: "My daughter, I feel your breath and I feel refreshed by it. By just being close to you, your breath gives Me refreshment; even when others talk about the things that you said for their own good, I feel your breath through them and I am pleased. So, my relief is repeated, and I say: ‘Even through others, my daughter sends Me her refreshment, because if she hadn’t been attentive in listening to Me, she could not have done any good for others. Therefore, she is still the one who sends Me this good.’ So, I love you even more and I feel compelled to come and converse with you."

Then He added: "True love must stand alone. When it leans on something else - even a holy thing or a spiritual person - it gives Me nausea and, instead of content, I feel embittered and bothered. Only when love is alone can I take control and do with the soul whatever I want. This is the nature of true love. But when it does not stand alone, one thing can be done, something else cannot. It is a hindered command, which does not give full freedom; therefore, love feels uncomfortable and constrained."

July 23, 1912

Once Jesus has made a perfect conquest of the heart of the creature, He exercises His own right in full freedom, making her rise again or operate; but it’s always love.

Finding myself with my always adorable Jesus, I was lamenting to Him because, in addition to His privations, I also felt my poor heart insensitive, cold and indifferent to everything, as if it no longer had a life. ‘How pitiful my state is! And even so, I am unable to cry over my misfortune! Since I don’t know how to feel sorry for myself - You, please, have compassion for this heart, which You loved so much, and which You promised so much to receive.’

And Jesus: "My daughter, do not trouble yourself for something that does not deserve any affliction. Instead of feeling compassion for your lamentations and for your heart, I am pleased and I tell you: ‘Rejoice with Me, because I have made a perfect purchase of your heart. Since you no longer feel anything of your own contentments and of the life of your heart, I alone come and enjoy your contentment and your life.

You must know that when you do not feel anything from your heart, I pull your heart into my Heart and I keep it there, resting in sweet sleep, while I enjoy it. If you feel it, then the enjoyment is together. If you let Me do, after I have given you rest in my Heart and enjoyed in you, I will come to rest within you and I will make you enjoy the contentments of my Heart.

Ah, my daughter, this was necessary for you, for Me and for the world. For you: if you had been awake, you would have suffered very much in seeing the chastisements that I am sending now, and the others that I will send. Therefore, it is necessary to make you content not to make you suffer greatly. It is necessary for Me: how much I would have suffered, had I not made you content – had I not conceded what you would have wanted, since you would not permit Me to send chastisements. This is why it was necessary to put you to sleep. In certain sad times of necessity and chastisements, it is necessary to choose ways in the middle in order to be less unhappy.

It is necessary for the world: if I wanted to pour Myself out with you and make you suffer, as I once made you suffer - therefore making you content by saving the world from the chastisements - faith, religion and salvation would be even more banned by the world, especially considering the attitude of the souls during these times. Ah, my daughter, let Me do, whether I have to keep you awake or asleep. Didn’t you tell Me to make of you whatever I wanted? Do you perhaps want to withdraw your word?"

And I: ‘But, oh Jesus, it is rather that I fear that I’ve become bad and, because of this, I feel in such a state.’ And Jesus: "Listen, my daughter. Is it perhaps that some thought, affection or desire which is not mine entered into you? If this were the case, you should fear Me, but if this is not, it’s a sign that I keep your heart within Me and that I make it sleep. The time will come when I will wake it up; then you will see that you will take the attitude of before, and since you will have rested, this attitude will be greater."

Then He added: "I make souls of all kinds: I do the ones sleepy with love, the ignorant of love, the crazy of love, the erudite of love. But do you know what interests me the most? That all be love. I don’t so much as look at the rest, which is not love."

August 12, 1912

Divine love, which is firm and genuine, is symbolized by the Sun. The love that is not completely for Jesus is similar to the fire of the earth.

This morning, as soon as my always adorable Jesus came, He told me: "My daughter, my Love is symbolized by the Sun. The Sun rises majestically but, as it rises, it is always fixed and it never really rises. It invades the entire earth with its light; it fecundates all the plants with its heat; there is no eye which does not enjoy it. One could say that there is almost no good on the earth which doesn’t come from its beneficial influence. How many things would not have life without it? Yet, it does all this without clamor, without saying even a word, without demanding anything. It does not bother anyone; it doesn’t even take up any space on earth which it invades with its light. Men can do whatever they want; in fact, while they enjoy the goodness of the Sun, they do not pay any attention to it, leaving it unobserved, among them.

Such is my Love, symbolized by the Sun. It rises in the midst of all, like a majestic Sun. There is no mind that is not irradiated by my Light; there is no heart that does not feel my warmth; there is no soul that is not embraced by my Love. More than Sun, I am in the midst of all. Alas, how few pay attention to Me! I remain almost unobserved in the midst of them; I receive no return, but I continue to give light, heat and love. If a soul pays attention to Me, I go mad, but without clamor, because my Love is not subject to weaknesses, being firm, fixed and genuine. Just so would I like your love for Me and, if it were so, you would become also Sun for Me and for all, since true Love possesses all the qualities of the Sun.

On the other hand, a love which is not firm, fixed or genuine is symbolized by earthly fire, which is subject to variations. Its light is not capable of illuminating all; it is a very gloomy light, mixed with smoke. Its heat is limited, and if it is not fed with wood, it dies down and turns into ash; while if the wood is green, it sputters and smokes.

Such are the souls who are not completely for Me, as my true lovers. If they do any good, it is more noise and smoke that comes out of their actions than light. If they are not fed by some human bother - even under the aspect of sanctity or conscience - they fade and become colder than ash. Inconstancy is their characteristic: now fire, now ash."

August 14, 1912

In order to forget ourselves, we must do each thing not only because Jesus wants it, but because Jesus wants to do it within us. If He redeemed us with His Passion, with His hidden life He prepared the divine action for every human action.

Finding myself in my usual state, my always adorable Jesus told me: "My daughter, in order for the soul to forget herself, she should do each thing which is necessary for her as if Jesus wanted to do it within her. If she prays, she should say: ‘It is Jesus who wants to pray, and I pray together with Him.’ If she has to work: ‘Jesus wants to work; Jesus wants to walk; Jesus wants to take food. He wants to sleep, He wants to get up, He wants to enjoy Himself...’ and so on for all other things of life - except for error. Only in this way can the soul forget herself; not only will she do everything because I want it, but because I want to do them: they are necessary to Me."

Now, one day I was working and I thought to myself: ‘How is it possible that Jesus works in me while I work? Does He really want to do this work?’ And Jesus: "Yes I do. My fingers are in yours and they work. My daughter, when I was on earth, didn’t my hands lower themselves to work the wood, hammer the nails, and help my foster Father Joseph in the smithing work? While I was doing that, with those very hands and with those fingers, I created souls and called other souls to the other life; I divinized all human actions; I sanctified them, giving a Divine merit to each one of them. In the movements of my fingers I called in sequence all the movements of your fingers and those of others; and if I saw that they were doing them for Me, or because I wanted to act within them, I continued my life of Nazareth in them, and I felt cheered by them for the sacrifices and the humiliations of my hidden Life, giving them the merit of my own Life.

Daughter, the hidden Life that I conducted in Nazareth is not taken into account by men, when in fact, after the Passion, nothing could benefit them more. By lowering Myself to all those little actions and those acts which men exercise during their daily life, such as eating, sleeping, drinking, working, starting the fire, sweeping, etc. - all acts which no one can do without - I made flow inside their souls a tiny divine coin of incalculable price. Therefore, if my Passion redeemed them, my hidden Life provided each human action, even the most insignificant one, with Divine merit and with infinite value.

Do you see? As you work - working because I want to work - my fingers flow within yours, and as I work in you with my creative hands, in this very instant, how many am I giving to the light of this world? How many others am I calling? How many others do I sanctify, correct, chastise, etc.? Now, you are with Me creating, calling, correcting and so forth; therefore, just as you are not alone, neither am I alone in my work. Could I ever give you greater honor?"

Who can say all that I understood, and all the good that can be done for ourselves and for others, by doing things because Jesus wants to do them in us? My mind gets lost, therefore I stop here.

August 16, 1912

The harm of thinking about oneself and the goodness of thinking only of Jesus.

This morning my always adorable Jesus told me: "My daughter, the thought of yourselves blinds your minds; it forms a sort of human enchantment in you, and this enchantment forms a net around man. This net is made of weaknesses, oppressions, melancholies, fears and of all the evil contained in human nature. The more one thinks of herself, even under the aspect of good, the thicker the net becomes - the more blind the soul.

On the other hand, not thinking of oneself but thinking only of Me, and only of loving Me in everything, is light for the mind which forms a sweet divine enchantment. Its net is also formed, but this net is made of light, fortitude, joy and trust; in sum, of all the goods that I Myself possess. The less one thinks of herself, the thicker that net becomes, to the extent that one no longer recognizes herself. How beautiful it is to see the soul wrapped in this net which has been woven by Divine enchantment! How delightful, gracious and dear to all Heaven! The opposite for the soul who remains fixed on herself."

August 17, 1912

Thinking of oneself and thinking of Jesus.

As I was praying, my blessed Jesus told me: "My daughter, the thought of oneself makes the soul smaller, and from her littleness she measures my greatness, almost wanting to constrain Me. On the other hand, one who does not think of herself but thinks of Me becomes greater within my immensity and renders Me the honor due to Me."

August 20, 1912

Jesus is close to us, ready to do well, together with us, all that we are about to do, as soon as we ask Him.

Continuing, my always adorable Jesus, as He came, told me: "My daughter, how sorry I feel in seeing the soul huddled within herself, and operating by herself. While I am close to her and look at her, seeing that many times she is unable to do well what she does, I wait for her to call Me and say: ‘I want to do this thing, but I am unable do it. Come and do it with me, and I’ll do everything well. For example: I want to love; come to love together with me. I want to pray; come and pray together with me. I want to make this sacrifice; come and give me your strength, for I feel weak...’, and so forth with everything else. Gladly and with greatest delight, I would offer Myself for everything.

I am like the teacher who assigned an essay to his pupil, remaining close to him to see what his pupil does. Unable to do well, the pupil gets worried, worked up, upset, and he may even cry, but he doesn’t say: ‘Master, teach me how I should do this.’ What is not the mortification of the teacher, in feeling treated like a nothing by his student? Such is my condition."

Then He added: "It is said: man proposes, God disposes. As soon as the soul proposes to do some good - to be holy - I immediately dispose the things that are needed around her: light, graces, knowledge of Me, detachments. And if I do not achieve the purpose with these, then by means of mortifications I do not deny anything to that soul, in order to grant her what she had proposed. But, oh, how many forcefully escape from this crafting that my Love has woven around them! Few are those who do not give up and let Me accomplish my work."

August 28, 1912

Love transforms the soul in God, but the love which is vivified and fed by the Divine Will.

Continuing in my usual state, my always adorable Jesus, as He came, told me: "My daughter, the other virtues, although high and sublime, always cause the creature to be distinguished from her Creator. Only love transforms the soul in God. But no one can give true love if love does not receive life and food by my Will. Therefore, it is my Will that, united with Love, forms the true transformation into Me. That soul is in continuous contact with my Power, Sanctity and all that I am; therefore, one can say that she is another Me. Everything is precious and all is sanctity for that soul. It can be said that even her breath or the contact with the ground that she treads is precious and holy, since these are nothing other than effects of my Will."

Then He added: "Oh, if all knew my Love and my Will, they would stop leaning on themselves and, even more, on others - human supports would end. Oh, how many would find them insignificant, painful, uncomfortable! All would rely only on my Love, which is most pure Spirit and does not contain matter, so they would feel comfortable leaning within Me, and with the effects which they want.

My daughter, Love wants to find souls emptied of everything, otherwise they cannot wear the garment of love. It would happen as to that man who wanted to wear a suit, but that suit is stuffed, so that he is unable fit in it. He tries to put an arm in the sleeve, but he finds it blocked; so, that poor man has to either put it away or make a bad impression. In the same way, when Love wants to dress the soul with Itself, if It doesn’t find the soul completely emptied, It withdraws in bitterness."

August 31, 1912

More than a sun, love defends one who possesses it, blinding those who may want to plot snares or criticize.

As I was praying for a person, blessed Jesus told me: "My daughter, it happens with love, symbolized by the sun, just as to those people who can easily continue to do their actions only as long as they keep their eyes low, so that the light of the sun descends, mild, into their eyes. But if they want to fix their eyes on the sun, especially if it is midday, their sight remains dazzled and they are forced to lower them, otherwise they would have to stop their activities. They would have the worst of it, while they would cause no damage to the sun, which would continue its course with its majesty.

So it happens, my daughter, to the one who really loves Me. Love is more than a majestic, imposing sun for her. If people look at her from afar, the light of love descends mildly into their eyes, so they plot, lay snares and criticize her. But as they approach her in order to fix eyes on her, the light of love will flash into their eyes, and they will end up leaving and no longer thinking about her. So, the loving soul will continue her course without even considering whether they are looking at her or not, because she knows that love will defend her in everything and will keep her safe."

September 2, 1912

How harmful is the thought of oneself, and how much good does the thought of Jesus alone. The souls who are united to the Divine Will, whose only thought is to love Jesus, are like the rays of the sun for Him.

I was saying to my always adorable Jesus: ‘My only fear is that, somehow, You might leave me and withdraw from me.’ And Jesus: "My daughter, I cannot leave you because you are fixed in Me and therefore you do no act which is self-reflexive and inappropriate to yourself, neither do you have any care for yourself. For one who really loves Me, reflection on and care of self - even in good - are like many gaps formed in love. Therefore, my Life cannot fill the soul completely; I am as though banned - cornered, and they give Me the occasion to make my little withdrawals. On the other hand, the soul who is not inclined to the concerns of her own cares but thinks only of loving Me, takes care of Me, and I fill her with everything. There is not a point in her life in which she does not find my Life, and if I wanted to withdraw, I would have to destroy Myself, which can never be.

My daughter, if souls knew how harmful certain self-reflections are! They bend and lower the souls, making them keep their faces turned inward. The more they look at themselves, the more human they become; the more they think, the more they feel their miseries and become miserable. But if they think only of Me, of loving Me and being all abandoned in Me, their souls straighten up, and by keeping their sight on Me only, they rise and grow. The more they look at Me, the more Divine they become; the more they meditate on Me, the richer, stronger and braver they feel. The union with the Divine Volition leads the soul toward the oblivion of herself and to the contemplation of God."

Then He added: "My daughter, the souls who are united with my Will, who allow Me to give my Life within them, and who think only of loving Me, are united to Me like rays to the Sun. If the Sun were unable to form its rays, it could not extend its light and heat. The rays give more beauty to the Sun; therefore, through these rays alone, which form one single thing with Me, I extend Myself upon all regions, giving light, Grace and heat, and I feel more embellished than if I had no rays.

Now, one could ask a sun’s ray how many courses it has made, how much light and how much heat it has given. If it had a mind it would answer: ‘I don’t want to bother with this. The sun knows and that’s enough . If I had to give light and heat to more lands I would do so, because the sun that gives me life can do anything.’ If that ray wanted to think about it and look back at what it did, it would lose its course and become dark.

Such are the souls, my lovers. They are my divine rays; they don’t worry about what they do; their only intent is to remain fixed within the Divine Sun. If they wanted to think, it would happen to them as to the sun’s ray: they would lose much."

September 6, 1912

The ones who experience the benefits of having Jesus close to themselves.

Continuing in my usual state, blessed Jesus came and told me: "My daughter, I am inside and outside the souls; but who experiences the effects of this? The one who approaches my Will with his will; the one who calls Me, who prays, and knows my power and the good I can do for him. Otherwise, it happens as to that man who has water in his home, but doesn’t go to it to take a drink. Even if there is water, he does not enjoy the benefit of it and burns with thirst. In the same way, if he is cold, he does not approach the fire to get warm; although the fire is there, he will not enjoy the benefit of its heat; and so on with all the rest. What is not my sorrow in wanting to give, while there is nobody to take my benefits!"

September 29, 1912

The Divine Will in Jesus is the center, the life and the origin of everything in Him. Jesus is the One who disposes the intentions of one who lives in His Will, in whatever he does. Only Jesus is enough for him, while earthly things do not attract his will; so, if he eats, it is only according to the Will of God.

I am writing of past things. I was thinking to myself: ‘The Lord spoke to some about His Passion, to some about His Heart, to some others about His Cross, and many more things. I would like to know which soul has been favored the most by Jesus.’ My adorable Jesus came and told me: "My daughter, do you know who has been most favored by Me? The soul to whom I manifested the prodigies and the power of my Most Holy Will. All other things are parts of Me, while my Will is the center, the life and the holder of everything. My Will directed my Passion, gave life to my Heart, and exalted the Cross. My Will understands everything, catches everything, and activates everything - my Will is greater than anything. As a consequence, the one to whom I spoke about my Will has been the most favored, above everyone and everything.

How much you should thank Me for having admitted you to the secrets of my Volition! Even more, the one who is in my Will is also in my Passion; she is my Heart; she is all the beauty of my Cross and she is my very Redemption. Nothing dissimilar exists between us. Therefore, I want you completely in my Will, if you want to take part in my goods."

Another time I was thinking about what would be the best way to offer our actions, our prayers, etc. - whether as reparations, adoration, etc. My always benign Jesus told me: "My daughter, one who lives in my Will and does her things because I want it so, does not need to dispose her intentions. Since she is in my Will, as she operates, prays or suffers, I Myself dispose these things the way I please. Do I like the reparation? I placed them for reparation. Do I like love? I take them as love. Being the owner, I make of them whatever I please. It is not so for those who are not in my Will: they dispose, and I respect their will."

Another day, having read in a book about a saint who, first had almost no need of food, and then needed to feed herself very often - her necessity being such that she would cry if they didn’t give her something - I remained concerned, thinking about my state, since once I used to take very little food and I was forced to bring it up, and now I take more and I don’t bring it up. And I was saying to myself: ‘Blessed Jesus, how is this? I consider this a mortification for me. My wickedness leads me to these miseries.’ And Jesus came and told me: "My daughter, do you want to know why? I am here to make you content. At the beginning, in order to render a soul completely mine, to empty her of all that is of the senses and place into her all that is celestial and Divine, I detach her even from the necessity of food, in such a way that she almost doesn’t need it. So, the soul rises high, neglecting and ignoring everything: her life is celestial.

After I have trained her well, for years and years, no longer fearing that the senses might shade her - since after the soul has tasted the heavenly it is almost impossible that she might appreciate earthly things, which are nothing other than mud and slime - I give her back to ordinary life, because I want my children to take part in the things that I created for love of them - but according to my Will, not to theirs. It is only for love of these children that I am forced to feed the others. Further, since many use natural goods with attachment and not according to my Will, it is for Me the most beautiful reparation to see these souls who, like celestial children, take the necessary things with sacrifice, detachment, and according to my Will.

How can you say that there is wickedness in you for this? Not at all. What’s the evil of taking, in my Will, a little more or a little less of what is nothing other than an earthly thing? Nothing...nothing. There cannot be any evil in my Will, but always good, even in the most insignificant things."

October 14, 1912

All that Jesus does in His chosen souls is eternal and not subject to death.

Finding myself in my usual state, I was lamenting with Jesus about my poor state, saying: ‘How can I benefit from the many graces that You gave me in the past? You even crucified me with Yourself. What’s the benefit, if now everything is over?’ And Jesus: "My daughter, what are you saying? What! Nothing can benefit you, everything is over? False! You deceive yourself. Nothing is over and everything benefits you. You must know that everything I do to the chosen souls is sealed with the seal of the Eternal One, and there is no power that can take the work of my Grace away from the chosen soul. Therefore, all the operations I have made to your soul exist, have life in you, and give you continuous food. Did I crucify you? The crucifixion exists, and it exists for as many times as I crucified you. Many times I delight in working within the souls and to put things in storage; then I renew my work without taking away what I have done before. Therefore, how can you say that nothing benefits you and that all is over?

Ah, my daughter, the times are so sad that my Justice reaches the point of rejecting the chosen souls who would take the lightning upon themselves, preventing it from falling on the world. These are the dearest victims of my Heart, and the world forces Me to keep them almost inactive. But this is not their lack of activity since, being in my Will, they do everything, while it seems that they do nothing; rather, they embrace Immensity and Eternity, but the world - from its own wickedness - does not enjoy the effects of this."

November 1, 1912

The thought of oneself impoverishes and degrades the soul. Only those who need something think about themselves. Those who live in the Divine Will are in the same condition as Jesus.

Being very afflicted because of the privation of my adorable Jesus, I was praying and repairing for all. In extreme bitterness, I turned thought to myself and I said: ‘Have mercy on me, Jesus. Forgive this soul! Aren’t your Blood and your pains mine too? Are they perhaps less worthy for me?’ While I was saying this, my adorable Jesus told me from my interior: "Ah, my daughter, why are you thinking about yourself? You are now going down, reducing yourself from owner to the miserable condition of one who asks! Poor daughter! By thinking of yourself you impoverish yourself, because in my Will you are owner and you can take anything you want on your own. If there is anything to do in my Will, it is to pray and to repair for others."

And I: ‘Most sweet Jesus, You love so much that those who live in your Will do not think about themselves; and You, do You think of Yourself?’ (What an inappropriate question!)

And Jesus: "No, I do not think about Myself. Those who need something think about themselves. I need nothing. I Myself am the Sanctity, the happiness, the immensity, the height and the depth. I lack nothing - nothing. My Being contains all possible imaginable goods within Itself. If any thought occupies Me, it is the thought of mankind, which, in creating it, I made come out from Myself, and which I want to come back to Me. I place the souls who really want to do my Will in this same condition - being one single thing with Me. I make them the owners of my goods because there is no slavery in my Will: what is mine is theirs; what I want, they want. Therefore, if one renders herself sensitive to some need, it means that she is not perfectly in my Will or, at the most, she makes some descents, just as you are doing right now - nothing less.

Doesn’t it seem strange to you that the one who formed one single thing - one single Will - with Me, asks Me for mercy, pardon, blood, pains, when I made her owner together with Me? I don’t know what mercy or pardon to give her, since I gave her everything. At the most, I should forgive Myself for some mistake, which can never be. Therefore, I recommend that you not leave my Will, otherwise you would become poor and would feel the need for everything."

November 2, 1912

One who wants to know herself must know herself in Jesus, and she will find her true image in Him, as well as the image of the other, placing the whole of herself in the divine order.

Continuing in my affliction, I was saying to myself: ‘I no longer recognize myself! Sweet Life of mine, where are You? What should I do to find you again? Without You, my Love, I cannot find the Beauty that embellishes me, the Fortitude that strengthens me, the Life that vivifies me. I lack everything - everything is death for me. Without you, life itself is more harrowing than any death. Ah, it is a continual death! Come, O Jesus, I cannot take it any more! Oh supreme Light, come - don’t make me wait any more! You let me feel the touch of your hands and then, as I try to grab You, You run away from me. You let me see your shadow, and as I try to look at the majesty in the shadow - the beauty of my Sun Jesus - I lose both shadow and Sun. Please, mercy! My heart is shredded, lacerated into pieces - I cannot live any more. Ah, if I could at least die!’

As I was saying this, my always adorable Jesus came and told me: "My daughter, I am here, inside of you. If you want to recognize yourself, come into Me, to recognize yourself inside of Me. If you come to recognize yourself in Me, you will put yourself in order, because in Me you will find your image, made by Me and similar to Me. You will find everything that is needed to preserve and embellish this image. As you come to recognize yourself in Me, you will also recognize your neighbor in Me; and in seeing how I love you and the other, you will rise to the degree of true Divine Love. Everything, inside and outside of you, will take on the true order - Divine order.

But if you want to recognize yourself inside of yourself, first, you won’t really recognize yourself because you will lack Divine light; second, you will find all things in disorder, clashing with themselves: misery, weakness, darkness, passions, and all the rest. You will find all these things in disorder, inside and outside of yourself, trying to make war not only with you, but also with themselves to see which one can hurt you the most. And you - imagine in what order they will put your neighbor toward yourself.

Not only do I want you to recognize yourself in Me but, if you want to remember yourself, you must come and do it in Me; otherwise, if you try to remember yourself without Me, you will do more harm than good."

November 25, 1912

Jesus makes Luisa content, making her suffer without moving her from His Most Holy Will. There are two stairways to Heaven: one of wood, for those who take the path of virtue; and one of gold, for those who live in the Divine Will.

This morning my always adorable Jesus, though He came in the usual way, seemed to me as if He was just passing through. He was anxious to see me again and to be with me in a familiar way. In seeing Him so good, so sweet and benign, I forgot all about my troubles - my privations; and seeing Him with a big thick crown of thorns, I told Him: ‘Sweet Love and my Life, show me if you still love me. Remove this crown from around your head and place it on mine, with your own hands.’

Soon adorable Jesus removed it and pressed it on my head with His own hands. Oh, how happy I felt with the thorns of Jesus - sharp, yes, but sweet! He looked at me with loving tenderness and, feeling so tenderly observed, I bravely added: ‘Jesus, my heart, the thorns are not enough for me. To be certain that You love me as before, don’t You also have the nails with which to nail me? Hurry, O Jesus, don’t keep me in doubt; for the only doubt of not being always loved by You, gives me continual death! Pierce me!’

And He: "Dear daughter, I cannot find the nails, but in order to make you content, I will pierce you with a piece of iron." So He took my hands and ripped them open, very far; and then my feet. I suffered, yes; I felt as if I was swimming in a sea of pain, but also of love and sweetness. It seemed that Jesus could not remove His tender and loving gaze from me; arranging me and covering me completely with His royal mantle, He told me: "My sweet daughter, cease now any doubt about my Love for you. Even more, in order to give you courage I tell you that no matter your state, or whether you see Me concerned, or flashing by, or silent, remember that one single renewal of my thorns or nails to you will be enough to place us again in our loving closeness and intimacy - more than before. Therefore, be content, and I will continue with the scourges of the world."

He told me other things, but the intensity of the pain does not allow me to remember them well. Then I remained alone again, without Jesus, and I poured myself out with my sweet Mama, crying and praying Her to make Jesus come back. My Mama told me: "My sweet daughter, do not cry. You must thank Jesus for the way He behaves with you and for the grace He gives you, not allowing you to move away from His Most Holy Will, in these times of chastisements. Greater grace He could not give you."

After this, Jesus came back and, noticing that I had cried, told me: "Have you cried?" And I: ‘I cried with Mama; I didn’t cry with anyone else, and I did it because You were not here.’ Jesus took my hands in His hands, and it seemed that He was soothing my pains; then He showed me two high stairways, from earth up to Heaven. On one of them there were more people - very few on the other one. The one on which there were only few people was of solid gold, and it seemed that those few who were going up were other Jesuses - each one of them was one Jesus. On the other one, which seemed to be made of wood, there were more people, and they could be distinguished and identified - almost all short and not very developed.

Jesus told me: "My daughter, those who lived their lives in my Life ascend on the golden stairs; I can say that they are my feet, my hands, my Heart - the whole of Myself. Just as you can see that they are another Me, they are everything to Me, and I am their life. Their actions are all of gold and of incalculable price, because they are Divine. Nobody will ever be able to reach their height because they are my very Life; almost without anyone knowing them, because they are hidden within Me. Only in Heaven will they be perfectly known.

On the wooden stairs there are more souls; these are the souls who walk along the way of the virtues, but not in union with my Life and with the continuous connection of my Will. Their actions are of wood, (since only the union with Me forms golden actions), therefore their price is minimal. These souls are short, almost scrawny, because many human purposes are mixed in with their good actions, and human purposes do not produce growth. They are known to everyone, because they are not hidden within Me, but within themselves; therefore, nobody covers them. They will not cause any surprise for Heaven, since they were known also on earth.

Therefore, my daughter, I want you completely in my Life, with nothing in yours, and I entrust to you the ones you know and see, that they may keep themselves strong and constant on the stairway of my Life." He pointed to me someone whom I know, and disappeared. May all be for His Glory.

December 14, 1912

One who lives in the Divine Will lives in the Most Holy Humanity of Jesus, in order to do what He does and embrace everyone and everything. One who lives completely in His Will is not tempted.

This morning, when my always adorable Jesus came, He tied me with a golden thread and told me: "My daughter, I do not want to tie you with ropes and chains. Iron shackles and chains are used with the rebels, but with the docile - with those who want no life other than my Will, and who take no food other than my Love - a thread is enough to keep them united with Me; and many times I don’t even use this thread. They are so deeply into Me, that we form one single thing. So, if I use the thread, it is almost to joke with them."

While Jesus was tying me, I found myself in the endless sea of the Will of my Jesus and, consequently, of all creatures; and I went wandering in the mind of Jesus, in the eyes of Jesus, in the mouth of Jesus, in the Heart of Jesus, as well as in the mind, in the eyes and in everything else of the creatures, doing all that Jesus did. Oh, how Jesus embraces all, without excluding anyone! Then, Jesus added: "One who lives in my Will, embracing everything, praying and repairing for all, takes within herself the love that I have for everyone; she encloses in just herself the love that I have for all. For as much as I love her, she is equally dear to Me and beautiful. She leaves everyone behind."

Then, having read that one who is not tempted is not dear to God, and since it seems to me that for a long time I have not known what temptation is, I mentioned this to Jesus, and He told me: "My daughter, one who lives completely in my Will is not subject to temptation, because the devil does not have the power to enter my Will; not only this, but he, himself, does not want to enter because my Will is Light, and in front of this Light the soul would recognize his tricks and would therefore make fun of the enemy. The enemy does not like this mockery, which are more terrible for him than hell itself; so he does all he can to stay away from her. Try to get out of my Will, and you will see how many enemies will swoop down on you. One who lives in my Will always carries the flag of victory high, and none of the enemies dare to confront this impregnable flag."

December 20, 1912

Jesus gives everything He owns to one who lives in the Divine Will, so as not to deny anything to Himself. There are no judgments for the soul who lives in His Will; rather, she has the right to judge. Difference between the Divine Will and His Love.

It seemed that during these past days my always adorable Jesus wanted to speak about His Holy Will. He came, said a few words and then went away. I remember that once He told me: "My daughter, I feel the obligation to give my virtues, my beauty, my strength to one who lives in my Will - in a word, everything that I am. If I did not give it to her, I would deny it to Myself." Another time, as I was reading about how terrible the Judgment is, and remaining very saddened, my sweet Jesus told me: "My daughter, why do you want to sadden Me?" And I: ‘I do not intend to sadden You, but myself.’ And He: "Ah, don’t you want to understand that displeasures, sadness, and anything else that a soul who does my Will may suffer, fall upon Me and I feel them as though they were mine? I can say to one who does my Will: laws are not for you; there are no Judgments for you; rather, one who does my Will, instead of being judged, acquires the right to judge others." Then He added: "The good will of the soul in doing good is power over my Heart. This power exercises so much hold on Me that, through its play, it forces Me to give her whatever she wants."

I was thinking: ‘What does Jesus like the most: Love or His Will?’ And Jesus: "My Will must come before everything. Look at yourself: you have a body and a soul; you are made of intelligence, flesh, bones, nerves..., but you are not of cold marble; you also contain heat. Therefore, the soul, the intelligence, the body, the flesh, the bones and the nerves must be my Will, and the heat you contain is Love. Look at the flame, the fire: the flame, the fire, must be my Will, while the heat produced by the flame and fire is Love. Therefore, in all things, the substance must be my Will; the effects, Love. Both of them are so connected together that one cannot be without the other. So, the more substance of my Will the soul contains, the more love she produces."

January 22, 1913

The triple Passion of Jesus: of Love, of sin, and from the Jews. The fall of Jesus into the Cedron torrent.

I was thinking about the Passion of my always adorable Jesus, especially of what He suffered in the Garden. I found myself all immersed in Jesus, and He told me: "My daughter, my first Passion was of Love, because the first step with which man, in sinning, gives himself to evil is the lack of Love; so, since Love is missing, he falls into sin. In order to be repaid through Me for the lack of love of the creatures, Love made Me suffer more than anyone; It almost crushed Me, more than if I were under a press. It gave Me as many deaths for as many creatures receiving life.

The second step that occurs in sin is defrauding God of His Glory. So, in order to be repaid for the Glory taken away by the creatures, the Father made Me suffer the Passion of sin, such that each sin gave Me a special Passion. Although there was one Passion, I suffered for sin as many Passions as there would be sins committed until the end of the world. So, the Glory of the Father was restored.

The third effect produced by sin is the weakness in man. Therefore, I wanted to suffer the Passion from the hands of the Jews - my third Passion - to restore in man his lost strength.

Therefore, with the Passion of Love, Love was restored and placed at the right level; with the Passion of sin, the Glory of the Father was restored and placed at Its level; with the Passion of the Jews, the strength of the creatures was placed at its level and restored. I suffered all this in the Garden, and the pain was so much, so many the deaths - the atrocious spasms inflicted upon Me that I really would have died if the Will of the Father for my death had arrived."

Then I began to think of when my adorable Jesus was thrown into the torrent Cedron by the enemies. Blessed Jesus made Himself be seen in a state that evoked pity, all wet by those filthy waters. He told me: "My daughter, in creating the soul I covered her with a mantle of light and beauty. Sin removes this mantle of light and beauty, placing a mantle of darkness and ugliness, rendering the soul disgusting and nauseating. In order to remove this mantle - so filthy - which sin puts on the soul, I allowed the Jews to throw Me into this torrent, where I remained as if covered inside and outside of Myself, since these putrid waters entered even into my ears, into my nostrils and into my mouth, to the extent that the Jews were disgusted in touching Me. Ah, the love of creatures cost Me so much that it rendered Me nauseating even to Myself!"

February 5, 1913

One who does not do the Divine Will does not have right to anything; she is an intruder and a thief of the things of God. Difference between Divine Will and Love.

This morning my always adorable Jesus came like shadow and lightning, and told Me: "My daughter, one who does not do my Will has no reason to live on earth; her life becomes without purpose, with no means and with no end. She is just like a tree which is incapable of producing any fruit; at the most it can produce poisonous fruits with which it poisons itself more and more, as well as anyone who would imprudently eat them. This tree does nothing other than steal the poor hard work of the farmer, who hoes the soil around it with hardship and sweat. In the same way, the soul who does not do my Will is in continuous act of defrauding Me, converting those thefts into poison. She is around Me to steal from Me; she steals from Me the Work of Creation, the Work of her own Redemption and Sanctification. She steals from Me the light of the sun, the food she takes, the air she breathes, the water which quenches her thirst, the fire which warms her, and the ground she treads, because all this belongs to the one who does my Will - all that is Mine is hers too. On the other hand, one who does not do my Will has no rights; so I feel as if being continuously robbed. One who does not do my Will has to be held as a noxious and fraudulent stranger; therefore, it is necessary to chain her and throw her into the deepest prisons." Having said this, He disappeared like a flash.

Another day He came and told me: "My daughter, do you want to know the difference between my Will and Love? My Will is Sun - Love is fire. My Will, like the Sun, does not need food, nor does Its light and heat grow or decrease - It remains always equal to Itself, and Its light always most pure. On the other hand, the fire, which symbolizes Love, needs wood in order to be fed, and if the wood is missing, it can even be extinguished. It grows and decreases according to the wood that is placed in it; therefore, it is subject to instability, and its light is gloomy, mixed with smoke - if love is not regulated by my Will." After He said this, He disappeared. A light remained in my mind, through which I could understand that the Will of God is like a Sun for the soul, because the actions that are done as actions wanted by God form one single thing with the Divine Will - and, there it is, the Sun is formed. The human actions and the soul’s entire being united to the Divine Action and Being are the wood which feeds this Sun. Therefore, the soul herself becomes the wood provided by the Divine Will; but this wood is not like the wood which feeds love - it cannot be lacking. This Sun has no need for food; It does not grow or decrease; It is always equal to Itself; Its light is most pure, because it takes part in everything. The Divine Being and the Divine wood are never extinguished, and are not subject to smoke.

I won’t explain further, because I think that the rest, regarding love, can be understood by itself.

February 19, 1913

The Divine Will is like opium for the soul. The creature does nothing other than want Jesus to do everything in her.

Continuing in my usual state and having received Holy Communion, my always adorable Jesus told me: "My daughter, my Will is like opium to the body. The poor patients who have to undergo an operation - the severing of one leg or one arm - are put to sleep with the opium. With it, they will not feel the sharpness of the pain and, after they wake up, they will find themselves with the results of the accomplished operation. If they haven’t suffered too much, it is thanks to the opium.

Such is my Will: the opium of the soul, which puts to sleep the intelligence, the love of self and the self-esteem - everything that is human. The opium of my Will does not allow displeasure, slander, suffering, or a state of interior pain to penetrate deeply into her, because it keeps her as if asleep. But with this, the soul still finds herself with the same effects and the same merits; even more - oh, how much she surpasses them, just as if she had deeply felt that suffering. But with this difference: opium for the body has to be purchased and cannot be used often, or every day, and if a person wanted to over-use it, he would become dazed, especially if he is of weak constitution; on the other hand, I give the opium of my Will gratis; it can be taken at any moment; the more often the soul takes it, the more light of reason she acquires; and if she is weak, she acquires Divine strength."

After this, I seemed to see people around me, and I said to Jesus: ‘Who are they?’ And Jesus: "They are the ones whom I entrusted to you some time ago. I commend them to you - watch over them. I would like to form this bond of union between you in order to have them always around Me." And He pointed out to me one in particular. And I: ‘Ah, Jesus, have You forgotten about my misery and nothingness, and the extreme need I have? What shall I do?" And Jesus: "My daughter, you will not do anything, just as you’ve never done anything. I will speak and operate within you, and I will speak through your mouth. If you only want it so, and if there is good disposition in them, I will offer Myself for everything. Even if I should keep you asleep in my Will, I will wake you up when necessary, and I will let you speak to them. I will delight more in hearing you speak about my Will both in vigil and in sleep."

March 16, 1913

Prayer without fervor, but done in order to please Jesus, is like incense without smoke. In His Will even the ice becomes like fire. One who does the Divine Will is fed by the light of the Sun of God, and does all which God does.

I am writing some little things that blessed Jesus told me in these past few days. I remember that, although feeling indifferent and cold, I was still doing what I usually do; and I thought to myself: ‘Who knows how much more glory I gave to Our Lord when I felt the opposite of how I feel today?’ And blessed Jesus told me: "My daughter, when the soul prays with some natural fervor, it is incense with smoke - not perfectly pure. Instead, when she prays feeling cold but with the effort to please Me, without having allowed anything extraneous to Me to enter herself, this is a purer incense - with nothing extraneous. Both of them are pleasing to Me, but the purer the incense she sends, the more I am pleased, because smoke always bothers the eyes."

As I was feeling the same way, adorable Jesus told me: "My daughter, ice in my Will is more ardent than fire. What would impress you the most: to see that ice has the virtue of burning and destroying whatever may touch it, or to see fire turning things into fire? Certainly the ice. Ah, my daughter, in my Will things change their nature; ice in my Will has the virtue of destroying anything which is not worthy of my Sanctity, rendering the soul pure, clear and holy, according to what I like, not according to what might be pleasing to her.

This is the blindness of creatures - and also of those who are said to be good - in feeling cold, miserable, weak, oppressed, and so on. The more they feel bad, the more they huddle within their will, weaving their own maze so as to wrap themselves even more within their troubles, instead of making a jump into my Will, in which they would find the ‘cold fire’, the ‘misery wealth’, the ‘weakness strength’, the ‘oppression joy’. I make them feel so bad on purpose, in order to give them, in my Will, the opposite of the evils which they keep. But creatures do not want to understand this - once and for all; so they render vain my designs for them. What blindness! What blindness!"

Another day Jesus told me: "My daughter, take a look at how one who lives in my Will feeds herself." In the meantime, I could see a Sun which was spreading innumerable rays; It was so splendid that our sun appeared just as a shadow. A few souls, immersed in this light, were suckling with their mouths from these rays, as if the rays were breasts. These souls were not taking part in anything else, as if they were doing nothing; but while it seemed that they were not doing anything, the whole Divine Work was coming out from their activity. My always adorable Jesus added: "Did you see the happiness of the ones who do my Will, and how the repetition of my works comes only from them? The soul who lives in my Will feeds herself with Light - with Me; and while she does nothing, she does everything. She can be certain that whatever she thinks, does and says is the effect of the food which she takes - that is to say, everything is a fruit of my Will."

March 21, 1913

The will of the soul abandoned to the Divine Will is opium for Jesus. Through abandonment, she becomes like another Humanity of Jesus. When earthly things render the air of the soul unbreathable, Jesus sends her the winds of adversities.

Continuing in my usual state, I was telling sweet Jesus to condescend to let me share in His pains. He told me: "My daughter, my Will is the opium of the soul. My opium is the will of the soul abandoned in my Will - united to pure love. This opium, which the soul gives to Me, makes the thorns lose their capacity to prick Me, the nails to pierce Me, the wounds to give Me pain; it soothes and puts everything to sleep. Therefore, if you have given Me opium, how can you want Me to let you share in my pains? If I don’t have them for Myself, neither do I have them for you."

And I: ‘Ah, Jesus, how good You are to come up with this! It seems that You want to make fun of me, coming up with these terms so as not to make me content." And He: "No, no, it’s true. It is really like this. I need a lot of opium, and I want you completely abandoned in Me, so that you will no longer feel yourself, and so I will tell you that you are my soul, my flesh, my bones. During these times I need plenty of opium because, if I wake up, I will pour down a deluge of chastisements." And He disappeared.

He came back after a little while and added: "My daughter, many times it happens to the souls the same as it happens in the air. The air is fattened by the stench which emanates from the earth, and one feels such a thick, heavy, oppressive and nauseating air that winds are necessary in order to cleanse it. Then, after the air has been purified, the finest breeze blows, such that one would remain with his mouth open in order to breathe that purified air. All this happens in the souls. Many times satisfaction, self-esteem, ego, and all that is human fatten the air of the soul, and I am forced to send to this soul the wind of coldness, the wind of temptation, of aridity, of slander, so that these winds may cleanse the air of this soul, purify her, and bring her back to her nothingness. Nothingness opens the door to the All - to God; and the All makes many fragrant breezes blow, so that the soul, with her mouth open, may swallow that air, remaining sanctified by it."

March 24, 1913

Any discontent is a fruit of the human will. The Celestial Mama was filled with Jesus through her constant thinking of His Passion.

I was feeling a certain discontent because of the privations of my always adorable Jesus, when He came and told me: "My daughter, what are you doing? I am the contentment of contentments. As I am in you and I feel some discontents, I recognize that they come from you, and therefore I do not recognize Myself completely in you, because discontents are part of the human nature - not of the Divine; while it is my Will that what is human no longer exist in you - only my Divine Life."

I add that I was thinking to myself about the sweet Mama, and Jesus told me: "My daughter, the thought of my Passion never escaped my dear Mama, and by dint of repeating it, she was completely filled with Me. The same happens to the soul: by dint of repeating what I suffered, she arrives at filling herself completely with Me."

April 2, 1913

One who lives in the Divine Will is one Humanity of Jesus, just as when He was on earth: He appeared to be just a Man, but His Person was the Son of God.

I was all afflicted because of the privation of my sweet Jesus, when Jesus came from behind my shoulders; He placed His hand on my mouth, removed the bed sheets which were so close as to prevent me from breathing freely, and then told me: "My daughter, the soul who does my Will is my breath; and since my breath contains all the breaths of creatures, I administer breath to all from within the soul who does my Will. This is why I moved the bed sheets away; I too felt my breathing hampered." And I: ‘Ah, Jesus, what are you talking about? Rather, I feel that You have left me and that You forgot all the promises that You made to me.’ And He: "My daughter, don’t say this - you offend Me, and force Me to make you feel what it really means to be left by Me."

Then He added with an air of sweetness: "One who lives in my Will vividly represents the period of my Life upon earth: on the outside I appeared just as a Man, but at the same time I was also the beloved Son of my dear Father. In the same way, the soul who does my Will has, externally, the skin of humanity; while internally there is my Person, inseparable from the Most Holy Trinity both in Love and in Will - just like Me. So, the Divinity says: ‘This is another daughter that We keep on earth. For love of her, We sustain the earth, because she does everything in Our place.’"

April 10, 1913

Value and effects of the Hours of the Passion. How Jesus wants them to be done. The Love of Jesus is fire which destroys evil and gives life to good.

This morning my always adorable Jesus came and, hugging me close to His Heart, told me: "My daughter, the soul who always thinks about my Passion forms a spring within her heart, and the more she thinks, the larger this spring becomes. Since the waters which spring are waters common to everyone, this spring of my Passion which is formed in her heart serves to the benefit of the soul, to my glory, and to the benefit of all creatures." And I: ‘Tell me, my Good, what will You give as a reward to those who will do the Hours of the Passion the way You taught them to me?’

And He: "My daughter, I will not look at these Hours as your things, but as things done by Me. I will give you the same merits, as if I were in the act of suffering my Passion. In this way, I will let you obtain the same effects, according to the dispositions of the souls. This, while on earth - and I could not give you a greater thing from My own. Then, in Heaven, I will place these souls in front of Me, flashing them with lightnings of love and contentment for as many times as they did the Hours of my Passion - while they will flash to Me as well. What a sweet enchantment this will be for all the Blessed!"

Then He added: "My Love is fire, but not like material fire which destroys things and reduces them to ash. My fire vivifies and perfects, while it burns and consumes all that is not holy - desires, affections, thoughts which are not good. This is the virtue of my fire: to burn evil and to give life to good. Therefore, if the soul does not feel any tendency to evil within herself, she can be certain that my fire is in her. But if she feels fire mixed with evil within herself, it is very doubtable whether that be my real fire."

May 9, 1913

Jesus and His Celestial Mama, especially during His Passion.

While praying, I was thinking about that moment in which Jesus leaves His Most Holy Mother to go and suffer His Passion. I said to myself: ‘How is it possible that Jesus could separate Himself from His dear Mama, and She from Jesus?’ Blessed Jesus told me: "My daughter, surely there could not be separation between Me and my sweet Mama. The separation was only apparent. She and I were fused together, and the fusion was so great that I remained with Her, while She came with Me. One can say that there was a sort of bilocation. This happens also to the souls when they are truly united with Me. If, while praying, they let prayer enter into their souls as life, a sort of fusion and bilocation occurs: I bring them with Me, wherever I am, and I remain with them.

My daughter, you cannot comprehend well what my beloved Mama was for Me. Coming upon earth, I could not be without Heaven, so my Heaven was my Mama. Electricity would flow between Us, such that my Mother had not a thought, which She did not draw from my mind. This drawing from Me of word, will, desire, action, step - in sum, of everything - formed the Sun, the stars, the moon in this Heaven, together with all the possible delights that a creature can give Me, and that she herself can enjoy. Oh, how I delighted in this Heaven! Oh, how I felt relieved and repaid for everything! Even the kisses that my Mama gave Me enclosed the kiss of all humanity, returning to Me the kiss of all creatures.

I felt my sweet Mama everywhere. I felt Her in my breath. If it was labored, She would release it. I felt Her in my Heart. If It was embittered, She would sweeten It. I felt Her in my step. If it was tired, She would give Me strength and rest... Who can tell you how much I felt Her in my Passion? I felt Her at every scourging, at every thorn, at every wound, at every drop of my Blood - everywhere, fulfilling Her office of true Mother. Ah, if souls reciprocated Me, if they drew everything from Me - how many Heavens and Mothers would I have on earth!"

May 21, 1913

Practical and real way to consume one’s own being in the Divine Being.

As I was in my usual state, my always adorable Jesus told me: "My daughter, I want the true consummation in you - not fantastic, but true; though in a simple and feasible way. Suppose that a thought came to you, which was not for Me. You must destroy it and substitute it with the Divine. In this way you will have consumed the human thought and acquired the Divine Thought. So, if the eye wants to look at something that displeases Me or is not referred to Me, and the soul feels mortified, she has consumed the human eye, and acquired the eye of the Divine Life; and so on for the rest of your being. Oh, how I feel these new Divine Lives flowing in Me, taking part in everything I do!

I love these Lives so much that I give everything for love of them. These souls are first before Me; and if I bless them, all the others are blessed through them. They are the first to be benefited and loved, and through them, others too are benefited and loved."

June 12, 1913

The effects of fusing oneself in Jesus: taking part in His work. This produces the life of the Divine Will and the life of the Divine Love in the soul; therefore the Most Holy Trinity is formed in her.

While I was praying, I was uniting my mind to the mind of Jesus, my eyes to those of Jesus, and so forth with everything else, with the intention of doing what Jesus did with His mind, with His eyes, with His mouth, with His Heart, and so forth. And as it seemed that the mind of Jesus, His eyes, etc. were spreading themselves for the good of all, it also seemed that I too was spreading myself for the good of all, uniting and identifying myself with Jesus.

Now, I was thinking to myself: ‘What kind of meditation is this? What prayer? Ah, I am no longer good at anything! I am not even able to reflect on something!’ While I was thinking of this, my always adorable Jesus told me: "My daughter, what? Are you afflicting yourself with this? Instead of troubling yourself you should be happy, because when you were meditating at other times, and many beautiful reflections arose within your mind, you did nothing other than take part in Me, in my qualities and in my virtues. Now, since the only thing left to you is the opportunity of uniting and identifying yourself with Me, you take everything from Me. Unable to do any good by yourself, with Me you become good at everything, because desiring and wanting good produce strength in the soul which makes her grow, and which settles her in the Divine Life. Then, by uniting and identifying herself with Me, she unites with my mind, producing many lives of holy thoughts in the minds of the creatures; as she unites with my eyes, she produces many lives of holy glances in the creatures. In the same way, if she unites with my mouth, she will give life to the words; if she unites to my Heart, my desires, my hands, my steps, she will give a life for every heartbeat - life to desires, to actions, to steps... But holy lives, since I contain within me Creative Power, and therefore the soul, together with Me, creates and does whatever I do.

Now, this union with Me - part to part, mind to mind, heart to heart, etc. - produces in you, in the highest degree, the Life of my Will and of my Love. The Father is formed in this Will, and the Holy Spirit in this Love; while the Son is formed by the operation, the words, the works, the thoughts, and by all the rest that can come from this Will and from this Love - here is the Trinity in the souls. In this way, if We need to operate, it is indifferent whether We operate within the Trinity in Heaven, or within the Trinity of the souls on earth.

This is why I keep taking everything else away from you, although they may be good and holy things: to give you the best and the holiest - Myself; and to make of you another Myself, as much as this is possible for the creature. I believe you won’t lament any more, will you?" And I: ‘Ah, Jesus, Jesus! I feel, rather, that I have become awful bad; and the worst is that I am unable to find this badness of mine, so that, at least, I would do anything I can to cast it away.’ And Jesus: "Stop, stop. Do not go too deeply into the thought of yourself. Think of Me, and I will take care of your badness too. Have you understood?"

June 24, 1913

The soul who has no appetite for good.

The soul who has no appetite for good, feels a sort of nausea and repulsion for good itself. Therefore, these souls are the refuse of God.

August 20, 1913

One who lives in the Divine Will must have trust, simplicity and disinterest in giving to all. Her life and her work are ended, because the Divine Will consecrates her and transubstantiates her.

While I was praying, I saw my always adorable Jesus within me, and many souls around me, who were saying: ‘Lord, You have placed everything in this soul!’ And stretching their hands toward me, they said: ‘Since Jesus is in you, and all His goods are with Him, take them and give them to us.’ I remained confused, and blessed Jesus told me: "My daughter, all possible goods are contained in my Will, and it is necessary for the soul who lives in It to be in It with trust, operating as owner together with Me. Creatures expect everything from this soul, and if they don’t receive, they feel defrauded. But how can she give if she does not operate together with Me in complete confidence? Therefore, trust in giving; simplicity in communicating herself to all; disinterest for herself, to be able to live completely for Me and for her neighbor are necessary for the soul who lives in my Will. Such am I."

Then He added: "My daughter, it happens to one who does my Will as to a grafted tree: the power of the graft has the virtue of destroying the life of the tree which receives the graft. Therefore, one can no longer see the fruits and the leaves of the first tree, but those of the graft. And if the first tree said to the graft: ‘I want to keep at least a little branch, so that I too will be able to give some fruits, in order to make everybody know that I still exist,’ the graft would say: ‘You have no more reason to exist after you submitted yourself to receive my graft. Life will be all mine.’

In the same way, the soul who does my Will can say: ‘My life is ended. I will no longer produce my works, my thoughts, my words, but the works, thoughts and words of the One whose Will is my Life.’ Therefore, I say to the one who does my Will: ‘You are my life, my blood, my bones,....’ The true, real, sacramental transformation takes place, not by virtue of the words of the Priest, but by virtue of my Will. As soon as the soul decides to live in my Volition, my Will creates Myself within the soul; and as my Will flows in the will, works and steps of the soul, she undergoes as many of my creations. It happens just as to a pyx full of consecrated particles: there are as many Jesuses for as many particles - one for each particle. In the same way, by virtue of my Will, the soul contains Myself in her whole being, as well as in each particle of it. One who does my Will fulfills the true eternal Communion - a Communion with complete fruit."

August 27, 1913

Snares and rage of the devil against the soul who lives in and speaks about the Divine Will, pushing other people against her. She must not feel disturbed, because she has Jesus with her.

Finding myself in my usual state, I was lamenting with my always adorable Jesus about my poor current state, and with all the bitterness of my soul I told Him: ‘Life of my life, You no longer have compassion for me. Why live? You don’t want to use me any more - all is over. My bitterness is so intense and so great that I feel petrified for the pain. And what is worse is that while I remain all abandoned in your arms, as if I didn’t give a thought to my great misfortune, the others - and You know who they are - whisper in my ear: ‘How is this? Why? It might be that you’ve committed sins! You’ve been inattentive...!’ What is worse is that, while they say this to me, I feel that I don’t want to hear them, as if they interrupted the sleep in which You keep me in the arms of your Will... Ah, Jesus, maybe You did not pay attention to how hard this pain is for me, otherwise You would come to my aid.’ And I told Him many more silly things.

Then blessed Jesus told me: "My daughter, poor daughter of mine, they want to sadden you, don’t they? Ah, my daughter, I do so much to keep you at peace, and they want to disturb you! No, no. Know that if you dared to offend Me, I would be the first one to be saddened, and the first one to tell you. So, if I do not say anything - don’t worry. But do you want to know who is the cause of this? The devil. He is consumed with rage. And every time you speak about the effects of my Will to those who approach you, he blows up in fury and, unable to approach directly the one who does my Will, he goes around, approaching those who can get close to you under the appearance of good, in order to obtain at least the miserable purpose of disturbing the serene heaven of the soul in whom I delight to dwell. So, he thunders and lightenings from afar, thinking of doing something, but - unhappy him! - the power of my Will breaks his legs, making those thunders and lightenings fall upon himself. So he remains more furious than before.

Furthermore, what you say is not true, ‘What’s the purpose of my state?’ You must know that, for the soul who really does my Will, the virtue of my Will is so great that if I get close to the place where that soul is in order to send chastisements, finding there my Will and my own Love, I don’t feel like punishing Myself in that soul; rather, I remain wounded and I faint. So, instead of chastising, I throw Myself in the arms of that soul, who contains my Will and my Love. I rest and I remain all cheered.

Ah, if you knew into what constraints of love you put Me, and how much I suffer when I see you the least bit saddened or disturbed because of Me! You would be more content, and the others would abstain from bothering you." And I: ‘Do you see, O Jesus, how much evil I do, to the extent of making You suffer?’ And soon Jesus: "My daughter, don’t be troubled for this. Sufferings which come from the love of the soul contain also great joys, because true love, though it brings sufferings, is never separated from great joy and unspeakable contentments."

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