Divine Mercy

Saturday, December 17, 2022

 October 23, 1908

How divine science is in upright operating.

Continuing in my usual state, blessed Jesus came for just a little and told me: "My daughter, all of divine science is contained in upright operating. In fact, that which is upright contains everything beautiful and good that can be found; it contains order, utility, beauty, mastery. A work is good insofar as it is well ordered, but if the threads appear crooked, and placed crookedly, one does not understand anything, and can see nothing but something disorderly, which will be neither useful nor good. This is why, from the greatest to the smallest things I have made, they all appear orderly, and all of them serve a useful purpose – because the fount from which they came was my upright operating. Now, as much as a creature is good, so much divine science she will contain within her; as much as she is upright, so many good things will come from her. A crooked thread in her operating is enough to put herself in disorder as well as the works that come from her, and to obfuscate the divine science that she contains. One who goes out of what is upright, goes out of what is just, holy, beautiful, useful, and goes out of the boundaries in which God placed her; and by going out, she will be like a plant which does not have much soil under it: now the rays of a scorching sun, now frosts or winds, will cause the influence of divine science to wither within her. Such is crooked operating – like frosts, winds, and rays of a scorching sun; so, lacking much soil of divine science, she will do nothing but wither within her own disorder."

November 20, 1908

When the soul makes love her food, this love becomes solid and serious.

Continuing in my usual state, full of bitternesses and of privations, this morning blessed Jesus came for a little while; I would lament to Him about my state, but instead of answering me, He would draw closer to me. Then, afterwards, without answering what I was saying, He told me: "My daughter, the true loving soul is not content with loving Me with anxiety, with desires, with surges, but when she comes to make love her food and daily nourishment, only then is she content. It is then that love becomes solid, serious, and keeps on losing all that lightness of love to which the creature is subject. And since she makes it her food, it is spread throughout all of her members, and because it is spread everywhere, she has the strength to bear the flames of love that consume her and give her life. By containing love within her, by possessing it, she no longer feels those intense desires, those anxieties, but she only feels that she loves more the love that she possesses. This is the love of the Blessed in Heaven – this is my own love. The Blessed burn, but without anxiety, without clamor, rather, with solidity, with admirable seriousness. This is the sign that a soul has come to feed on love: she loses more and more the characteristics of human love. In fact, if one sees only desires, anxieties, surges, it is a sign that love is not her food, but it is only a few particles of herself that she has dedicated to love. So, since she is not all love, she does not have the strength to contain it, and so she has those surges of human love. These souls are very voluble, and without stability in their things; while the former ones are stable, like mountains that never move."

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