Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Mother of Jesus, the Priest

Valdragone (San Alarino)jnly 5, 1984
Spiritual Exercises in the Form of a Cenacle with the Priests of the M.M.P. of the Italian Language

"Beloved children, how pleasing to my Heart is this continu­ous cenacle of fraternity and prayer which you are making to­gether with me, your heavenly Mother!
      I am the Mother of Jesus, the Priest.
My Immaculate Heart has always been the altar upon which Jesus has wished to present his priestly offering to the Father. From the ineffable moment of the incarnation, when the Word of the Father was placed in my virginal womb and divinity anni­hilated itself, assuming therein the beginnings of human nature, my Immaculate Heart became the altar upon which the first priestly action of my Son, Jesus, took place.
      I always accompanied Him in every most perfect accomplish­ment of his continuous offering as Priest and Victim. From his birth in poverty to his infancy spent in exile, from his youth passed in humble labor and obedient service to his public life quickly expended amidst so many sufferings and misunderstand­ings until its painful completion in his bloody agony and death on the Cross, the whole life of Jesus was a continuous priestly action, offered with love to the Father for our salvation.
At every moment of this offering, Jesus willed to have his Mother with Him that she, too, might suffer and offer. In this, I became co-operator with Him in his work of redemption, truly Co-redemptrix, and I am, above all, the Mother of Jesus, the Priest.

And so you understand why I feel a particular predilection for you, my sons, to whom has been entrusted the great gift of the priesthood.
I am  at your side in every moment of your day, so that it may be completely sacrificed and given to the Father in a continuous priestly offering. I am at your side at the time of prayer and of work, in the hours of joy and of suffering, of solitude and of aban­donment.
    I am always at your side when you celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, which renews that accomplished by Jesus on the Cross. With Jesus who, by means of you, today carries out his Sacrifice, I am always at the side
of each altar to offer with you to the Heavenly Father, on my Immaculate Heart, the pre­cious Victim of our redemption.
Today it is necessary to shed greater light upon the value of Holy Mass as the Sacrifice which renews, in an unbloody but true manner, that accomplished by Jesus on Calvary.
These are my times, and I am at your side, sons, to receive your continuous priestly action. For this reason, allow yourselves to be formed by me with docility.
      In these spiritual exercises in the form of continuous cenacles, which I wish to be multiplied more and more, I am gently pre­paring you for your offering.
   As little lambs I have gathered you into my sheepfold to pre­pare you for the immolation which awaits you. And now I look upon you with pleasure because you are cooperating with my action which disposes you to be offered to the Lord, on the altar of my Immaculate Heart, for the salvation of the world."