Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Mystery of My Immaculate Heart

June 30, 1984
Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

"Venerate my Immaculate Heart, beloved children. Today the Church is inviting you to look at the mystery of love and of mercy enclosed in my Immaculate Heart.
       If you venerate my Heart, you give praise to the Most Holy Trinity, which receives its greatest glory in it, because it has made of this, my heavenly garden, the place of its divine delight.
  In it the Father is reflected with joy, the Word is placed therein as in a precious cradle, and the Holy Spirit burns with the purest light of his divine love.
     If you venerate my Immaculate Heart, you also give praise to your heavenly Mother, because within it is enfolded the mys­tery of my predilection and of the privileges of grace with which I have been adorned by God. And thus you also venerate my singular privileges of the Immaculate Conception, of the divine motherhood, of the bodily assumption into heaven, of the full­ness of grace and of perpetual virginity. Through the way of my Heart, enter in so that you may understand and delight in the divine masterpiece which is your heavenly Mother.
 If you love this Heart, you yourselves become clothed with my motherly love and my immaculate mercy. In the depths of my Immaculate Heart, there takes place the wonder which I ac­complish every day with you in order to make you ever more like myself and to transform your soul into the image of my own soul.
 I also communicate my spirit to you in order that you may truly grow in my life and become, today, the expression of the presence of your heavenly Mother. I form you in purity of mind, of heart and of body; and thus, you will spread about you the brightness of my immaculate light. I communicate to you my capacity  to love, and your hearts will open up as a refuge of salvation to all have strayed along the path of error and of sin. I give gentleness to your way of acting, so that you may be good and merciful to all. I give comfort and balm to your actions, that you may heal the painful wounds of the sick and of all my poor sinful children.
       And thus, you yourselves become, today, the concrete expres‑
sion of my motherly love.

 If you offer reparation to the sorrow of my Immaculate Heart, you become a source of great joy and consolation for me, be­cause through you I am able to take action, in these years, in order to carry out my plan of salvation.
    It is a plan which I am still keeping secret; I reveal it only to my little ones, who accept my invitation to venerate, to love, and to offer reparation, as they are led by me to understand more and more the great mystery of love and of mercy of my Immaculate Heart."