Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Mother of the Poorest

Calcutta (India); November 3, 1980
Feast of St. Martin de Porres

        "I have wanted you to come also to this great country to hold cenacles,
   to gather together in ever greater numbers my chosen ones, all these children of          
  mine, in the refuge of my Immaculate Heart.
      Most of them, however, are still living in ignorance of the Gos­pel, which my Son Jesus has taught you with the command given to the Apostles, and passed on to you, to go and proclaim the Good News to all  the people of the earth.
How many of these are still in the darkness of paganism or belong to other religious and therefore are in need of being led to the fullness of the truth, which is present only in the Catholic Church, founded by Jesus to bring the Gospel of salvation to all nations!
    In no other place as this have you seen, however, how many of my children live in conditions of extreme misery and immense poverty. How many of them have neither home, nor work, nor food, nor clothing and, dressed in scanty rags, spend their lives on the sidewalks along the roads, where they suffer and die in the midst of general apathy and indifference.
      Your coming is a special sign for them of my presence at their side, and of my painful motherly anxiety. I am the Mother of those who are ignored and abandoned by all.
       Today I take all their suffering into the immense sorrow of my Heart. I pour balm    
upon their wounds, and I greatly value all the sufferings of these poor children of mine: the suffering of those who do not yet know Jesus and walk in darkness; the suf­fering of those who are cast aside and experience no help from anyone: the suffering of those who possess nothing; the suffering of those who live and die on the sidewalks along the roads, with­out anyone stopping to bring them help.
    I am the Mother of the poorest of the poor, of the most miser­able, and my Immaculate Heart wants to bring them the help that they need: help to reach Jesus and to accept his Gospel of salvation — brought by so many of my missionary sons and daughters who, for this purpose, are expending their whole lives here, and I am helping them to live with the dignity of sons of God, by a more becoming and human existence.
       I am now making myself the voice of these poor children of mine, who have no voice, to repeat to all: think of these brothers of yours, of those who even today are dying of hunger and need. Give to these little ones of mine that which you have in abun­dance! Do not busy yourself with gathering riches, when those goods which your Creator has put at the disposition of all should be distributed among all.
       I am the Mother of all, but especially of those who are poor­est. I gather up their suffering and I bless it and I join it to the prayer of those who plead for the coming of the reign of Jesus, through the triumph of my Immaculate Heart. It will be a reign of truth and grace, of love and justice, and my poor children will have the best place in it."