Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Gift of My Trust

511                     Sant' Omero (Teramo, Italy); February 2, 1994 Feast of the Presentation of the Child Jesus

a "Beloved children, let yourselves be carried in my motherly arms into the temple of the Lord, to be offered by me to the perfect glory of the Most Holy Trinity.
b   For this I am gathering you from every part of the world. For this I ask you to consecrate yourselves to my Immaculate Heart. For this I am leading you each day along the road pointed out by me, and I am forming you, for many years now, with the gift of my motherly word.
c   In you, the Father must be glorified in the perfect fulfillment of his divine Will. In you, the Son wants to be relived in such a way that you become the instruments of his divine mercy. In you, the Holy Spirit is at work, with the force of his love, in order to make you capable of transforming hearts and souls.
d Thus, in these last times, you must become light to whom­ever is walking in darkness, life to whomever is under the yoke of sin and death, love to whomever is consumed by violence and hatred, comfort to whomever is overwhelmed by suffering, balm upon the wounds of the poor and the sick, strength for the weakness of the little and the oppressed.
e    In this way you are able to communicate to all  the gift of my trust.
f    — Be the gift of my trust for the Church, today so suffering and divided, crushed and oppressed, a Church which is climbing the Calvary of its painful passion.
g   Never as in these times of yours has the Church had such need of experiencing all the tenderness and merciful compas­sion of its heavenly Mother. I want to exercise through you my motherly duty toward the Church. Love the Church with the beating of my Immaculate Heart. Wipe away its sweat; heal its wounds; soothe its pain; share in its suffering; help it to carry its heavy cross toward the Calvary of its immolation.
h Stay close to the Pope and to your bishops, with prayer and with your filial love. Support your brother-priests.  Above all, run to meet the weakest, the most fragile, those who are yield­ing under the weight of the great difficulties of these last times. You must be the gentle and merciful hand of your heavenly Mother who bends over to place balm on the wounds of the sinners, of those who are estranged, of the poor, of those who are marginalized, of the oppressed, and of the abandoned. In this way, you yourselves become the gift of my trust for the Church of these, your times.
i   Be the gift of my trust for all this poor humanity. Help it to return to God along the road of prayer and penance. The path­way of conversion is the only way along which it must journey in order to attain salvation and peace.
j   But now you are entering into the decisive times, times for which I have been preparing you for many years. How many will be swept away by the terrible hurricane which has already hurled itself upon humanity. This is the time of the great trial; this is my time, 0 children consecrated to my Immaculate Heart.
k  I want to manifest myself by means of you and to give to all the gift of my trust, above all when the days of the great desolation and of a general despair will have come.
i   For this reason, I ask you to let yourselves be carried in my motherly arms into the temple of the glory of the Lord, in order  that you may become for all light of hope, by spreading every­where the gift of my trust in these, your final times.