Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I Am Consoled

512                       Tegucigalpa (Honduras); February 11, 1994 Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes

a "Today you are celebrating the anniversary of my apparition in Lourdes, to my little and poor daughter, Bernadette.
b   And you find yourself here, little child, in this country of Cen­tral America, where I am particularly loved and venerated by many of my children. Have you seen with what enthusiasm they have accepted the message of your heavenly Mother, and what filial and tender love they have for me?
c   In these years when my Heart is being deeply wounded by sins and infidelity, by pride and aridity, and by the obstinate re­jection of my motherly interventions, I am consoled by my littlest children.
d   I am consoled by the poorest, who respond to me with the richness of their love, of their humility, of their docility. With what openness of soul and heart, they listen to my word, accept it and live it! Truly, for these who are poor in goods and in spirit, there is prepared the reign of God, which will very soon come to you in all its divine splendor.
e   I am consoled by the littlest, by those who live truly as little children, whom Jesus forms and guards within the heavenly gar­den of his divine love. With what tenderness I carry them in my motherly arms, that they may be consoled by me. To them alone do I reveal the secret of my Immaculate Heart, the light of my design, the battle plan and the moment of my victory.
f   I am consoled by the new hearts, formed within the bright recesses of my Immaculate Heart. Against hatred which is spread­ing, egoism which consumes, aridity which chills, hardness which paralyses the hearts of so many, become cold and insensitive, hard and closed to the needs of the poor and destitute, I form new hearts which know how to spread everywhere the beating of my motherly and merciful love. These hearts know how to love God with that love which alone glorifies Him, and to love your heavenly Mother with that love which alone consoles her.
g   I am consoled by this little country of Honduras, which has a big heart and one filled with love for me. Today you have been in the presidential house in order to make, with the President of the Republic, the consecration of the Republic to my Immacu­late Heart.
h   I take this country under my special protection because, since you have done what I asked of you at Fatima, I have been consoled by this nation in a special way."