Thursday, June 14, 2012

Entering Into the Humanity of Jesus Meditations

Be conformed to Christ crucified.
"But we believe that, if we died with Christ, then we shall live with him too."  Romans 6.8
October 8, 1917

... My daughter, everything that has been done by Me is eternal. So, my suffering Humanity was to be, not for a time, but for as long as the world is world. And since my Humanity in Heaven is no longer capable of suffering, I make use of the humanities of creatures, making them share in my pains in order to continue my Humanity on earth; and this, with justice, because when I was on earth I incorporated all the humanities of creatures within Me, in order to place them in safety and do everything for them. Now, being in Heaven, I diffuse this Humanity of Mine in them, especially in those who love Me - my pains and everything that my Humanity did for the good of souls astray, so as to say to the Father: ‘My Humanity is in Heaven but also on earth, in the souls who love Me and who suffer.’ Therefore, my satisfaction is always complete; my pains are always in act, because the souls who love Me stand in for Me. So, be consoled when you suffer, because you receive the honor of standing in for Me.

September 11, 1922
..."Now, the fulfillment of the work of Creation was that man would fulfill Our Will in everything. Our Will was to be the life, the food, the crown of the creature; and since it is not yet so, the work of Creation is not yet fulfilled, and neither can I rest in It, nor can It rest in Me - It always gives Me something to do; and I yearn for this fulfillment and rest. This is why I love and want so much that the way of living in my Will be known; nor will I ever be able to say that the works of Creation and Redemption are fulfilled if I do not have all the acts of the creature laying themselves in my Will like a bed to give Me rest. And I - what beautiful rest shall I not give to her, in seeing her coming back on the wings of Our Will with the seal of the fulfillment of Creation? My bosom will be her bed.

Therefore, there is nothing I did which did not have as primary purpose that man take possession of my Will and I of his. This was my primary purpose in Creation; the same in Redemption. The Sacraments I instituted, the many graces given to my Saints, have been seeds, means, to let man reach this possession of my Will. Therefore, do not neglect anything of what I want about my Will, either with writing, or with words, or with works. From this alone you can know that the living in my Will is the greatest thing, the most important, that which interests Me the most: from the so many preparations that have preceded It. And do you want to know where this seed of my Will was sown? In my Humanity. In It, it germinated, was born and grew. So, this seed can be seen in my wounds, in my Blood, wanting to be transplanted into the creature, so that she may take possession of my Will and I of hers, and so that the work of Creation may return to the origin, just as It came out, not only by means of my Humanity, but also of the creature herself"...

October 6, 1922 ...“My daughter, let us pray together, let us enter into the immense sea of my Will so that nothing may come out of you which is not plunged into It. The thought, the word, the heartbeat, the work, the step - everything must take its place in my Will; and for each thing you do in It, you will take one more possession and will acquire a greater right.
All human acts, according to the purpose of Creation, were to have life in my Volition, and form in It their plane of all human acts changed into divine acts, with the mark of supreme nobility, sanctity and wisdom. It was not Our Will that man withdraw from Us, but that he live with Us, growing in Our likeness and operating with Our own manners. This is why I wanted that all his acts be done in my Will - to give him the place in which to form his own little river within the immense sea of my Will. I acted like a father who, possessing great lands, says to His son: ‘I give you, in your possession, the center of my possessions, so that you may not go out of my boundaries and may grow in my riches, with my own nobility and with the greatness of my works, and so that all may recognize that you are my son.’ What would be said of him if he did not accept the great gift of his father and went into a foreign land to live of miseries, disennobling himself, enslaved to cruel enemies? Such was man."....

October 6, 1922 ..."And besides, first I had to form the Saints who were to resemble Me and copy my Humanity in a more perfect way, as much as is possible for them; and this I have already done. Now my goodness wants to go beyond, and wants to give in to greater excesses of love; and therefore I want them to enter into my Humanity and copy what the soul of my Humanity did in the Divine Will. If the first have cooperated with my Redemption in order to save souls, to teach the law, to banish sin, being limited within the centuries in which they lived, the second will go beyond, copying what the soul of my Humanity did in the Divine Will. They will embrace all centuries, all creatures, and rising above all, they will put in force the rights of Creation which are due to Me, and which concern the creatures, bringing all things to the first origin of Creation and to the purpose for which Creation came out. Everything is ordered in Me: if I issued Creation, It must return to Me ordered, just as It came out of my hands.
The first plane of the human acts, changed into divine in my Will, was done by Me; I left it as though suspended, and the creature, except for my dear and inseparable Mama, knew nothing. This was necessary. If man did not know the way, the door, the rooms of my Humanity, how could he enter inside of Me and copy what I did? Now the time has come for the creature to enter into this plane and do also something of her own within mine. What is the wonder if I have called you as the first one? And besides, it is so true that I have called you as the first, since to no other soul, though dear to Me, have I manifested the way of living in my Will, the effects of It, the wonders, the goods which the creature operating in the Supreme Volition receives. Check as many lives of Saints as you want, or books of doctrines - in not one of them will you find the prodigies of my Volition operating in the creature and of the creature operating in It. At the most, you will find resignation, union of wills; but in not one of them will you find the Divine Will operating in her, and she in It. This means that the time had not come in which my goodness would call the creature to live in this sublime state. Even the very way I make you pray cannot be found in anyone else. Therefore, be attentive. My justice demands this, my love is delirious; so, my wisdom disposes everything in order to obtain the intent. It is the rights, the glory of Creation, that We want from you.”

April 2, 1923
...“My daughter, how much light, how much glory did my Humanity have in my Resurrection, because in the course of my life on this earth I did nothing but enclose the Supreme Will in each one of my acts, breaths, gazes - in everything. And as I kept enclosing It, the Divine Volition prepared for Me the glory, the light in my Resurrection. And since I contain within Me the immense sea of the light of my Will, it is no wonder that, as I look, as I speak, as I move, so much light comes out of Me as to be able to give light to all. Therefore I want to chain you and overwhelm you within this light in order to sow in you as many seeds of resurrection for as many acts as you keep doing in my Will. It alone makes soul and body rise again to glory; It is seed of resurrection to grace, seed of resurrection to the highest and perfect sanctity, seed of resurrection to glory. So, as the soul emits her acts in my Will, she keeps binding new divine light, because my Will is light by nature, and one who lives in It has the virtue of transmuting thoughts, words, works, and everything she does, into light... Each additional entrance you make into my Will pushes Me to give you new knowledges about It, and to narrate to you more prodigies, because I want you to know the good you do, so that you may appreciate it and desire to possess it; and I, in seeing that you love it and appreciate it, give you possession of it... Therefore, enter often into my Volition, expand your boundaries in my Will, and as I see this, I will come back to tell you more surprising things about my Will.”

April 9, 1923
...“My beloved daughter, I love so much these acts done in my Will, that as soon as the soul enters into It in order to act, the shadow of my light surrounds her; and I run, so that my act and hers may be one. And since I am the prime act of all Creation, without my prime motion all created things would remain paralyzed, without strength and incapable of the slightest motion. Life is in the motion; without it, everything is dead. I am the prime motion, and I give life and attitude to all other motions; so, at my first motion Creation begins to revolve. It happens as to an engine: at the touch of first motion of the first wheel, all other little wheels begin to spin. See then, how it is almost natural for one who operates in my Will to move in my prime motion; and by operating in my motion, she comes to find herself and she operates in the motion of all creatures. And as the creature flows in my own motion, I see her and I feel her in all motions of creatures, giving Me as many divine acts for as many offensive human acts as others do; and this, only because she has operated in my prime motion. This is why I say that one who lives in my Will substitutes for all, defends Me from all, and places my motion – that is, my very Life - in safety. And this is why to operate in my Will is the prodigy of prodigies, but without clamor, without human acclamations. It is my true triumph over all Creation; and since it is a triumph fully divine, what is human remains silent, and has no equivalent words with which to acclaim the triumph of my Supreme Will.”

October 23, 1917
The first act that Jesus did in receiving Himself sacramentally [at the Last Supper & the institution of the Eucharist......more].

This morning, after having received blessed Jesus, I was saying to Him: ‘My Life, Jesus, tell me: what was the first act You did when You received Yourself sacramentally?’ And Jesus: “My daughter, the first act I did was that of multiplying my Life into as many lives for as many creatures as can exist in the world, so that each one might have one Life of Mine within herself alone; a Life that continuously prays, thanks, satisfies, loves, for her alone. In the same way, I multiplied my pains for each soul, as if I were suffering for her alone, and not for others. In that supreme moment of receiving Myself, I gave Myself to all, and to suffer my Passion in each heart, to be able to subdue the hearts by dint of pains and of love. And giving all of my Divine Self, I came to take the dominion of all. But alas! my love remained disappointed by many, and I anxiously await loving hearts which, in receiving Me, would unite with Me to multiply themselves in everyone, desiring and wanting what I want, so that I may take at least from them what the others do not give Me, and receive the contentment of having them as conformed to my desire and to my Will. Therefore, my daughter, when you receive Me, do what I did, and I will have the contentment that there are at least the two of us wanting the same thing.”

Continued part 1...................Click
Continued part 2...................Click

Corpus Christi in the Divine Will........Click


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