Divine Mercy

Friday, September 30, 2022

April 20, 1938

How Jesus on the Cross still cries to every heart “I thirst.”  How the True Resurrection consists in Rising in the Divine Will.  How nothing is denied to one who Lives in It.

My flight in the Divine Will continues and I feel the need to make all that It has done my own, placing  there my little love, my loving kisses, my deep adoration, and my ‘thank you' for everything It did—everything It suffered, for me and for all.  As I reached the point at which my dear Jesus was Crucified and lifted on the Cross in Atrocious Agonies and Unspeakable Pains, with heartbreaking Tenderness and Compassion He told me: “My good daughter! The Pain that most transfixed Me on the Cross was My ardent Thirst.  I felt I was burning alive since all the vital humors had gone out through My Wounds, which were burning and wanted to quench, like many mouths, Their terrible Thirst.  I just couldn't contain Myself anymore, so I shouted: ‘I Thirst!'  This, ‘I Thirst,’ remained and is always in the act of saying: ‘I Thirst!'  I never stop saying it.  With My open Wounds, with My burnt Lips, I am always repeating: ‘I am burning—I Thirst! Please, Give Me a little drop of your love to soothe My ardent Thirst.'

“In everything the creature does I keep repeating with My Mouth, opened and burned: ‘Let Me drink. I'm burning of Thirst.'  My dislocated and Wounded Humanity had only one cry: ‘I Thirst!'   Therefore, as the creature walks, I shout to her steps with My dry mouth, ‘Give Me your steps—done for love of Me, to quench My Thirst.'  If she works, I ask for her works—made only for love of Me, to cool My burning Thirst; if she speaks, I ask for her words; if she thinks, I ask for her thoughts—as many little drops to refresh My ardent Thirst.  It wasn't just My mouth that was burning, but all My Most Holy Humanity felt the urgent need of a refreshing bath for the ardent Fire of Love that burned within Me; and since it was for the creatures that I was burning in Excruciating Pains, only creatures, with their love, could quench My ardent Thirst and give to My Humanity a refreshing bath.  Now, I left this cry: ‘I Thirst!' inside My Will and I made the commitment to make the creatures hear it over and over again—to move them to compassion for My burning Thirst; to give them My Bath of Love and receive theirs—though being just little drops—to quench My devouring Thirst.  But who is listening to Me?  Who has compassion for Me?  Only the one who Lives in My Will.  All the others play deaf and even increase My Thirst with their ingratitude—making Me restless and with no hope of refreshment. 

 “And not only My ‘I Thirst,’ but all that I did and said in My Will, is always in the act of saying to My Sorrowful Mother: ‘Mother, here are Your children.'  I place Her at their side as help and Guide, to be loved by her children; every instant She feels Her own Son close to all the children.  O! how much She Loves them giving them Her Maternity, to make Myself Loved as She Loves Me.  Not only this, but by offering Her Maternity She offers Perfection also among creatures, so that they Love each other with Maternal Love, which is a constant, sacrificing, unselfish Love.  But who receives all this Good?  Only the one who Lives in Our Fiat feels the Maternity of the Queen.  She feeds Her children with Her Maternal Heart, to let them suck and receive the Maternity of Her Love, Her Sweetness, and all the riches of Her Maternal Heart.

 “My daughter, one who wants to find Me—who wants to receive all Our Goods and My very Mother, must enter Our Will and remain there.  Our Will is not only Our Life, but It forms around Us—with Its Immensity—Our House, in which It keeps all Our Acts, Words and Being, always in Action.  Our Things never get out of Our Will; one who wants It can only Live together with It, and then she possesses everything—nothing is denied.  If We give Our Things to one who is not Living in Our Will, she will neither appreciate them, nor love them; she won't feel the right to make them her own, and when things are not possessed, love does not arise—it dies.”

After this, I continued my round in all that Our Lord did on earth and I stopped in the Act of Resurrection.  What Triumph, what Glory.  Heaven poured Itself on earth to be spectator of such a great Glory.  My beloved Jesus said: “My daughter, in My Resurrection, the right was given to creatures to Rise Again in Me to New Life.  It was the Confirmation, the Seal of My whole Life, My Works and My Words.  If I came on earth it was to give to each and every one My Resurrection, as their own—to give them Life and make them Rise Again in My own Resurrection.  But do you want to know where is the Real Resurrection of the creature?  Not in the end of her days, but while she is still living on earth.  One who Lives in My Will Rises Again to Light and says: ‘My night is over.'  She Rises Again in the Love of her Creator, so that there is no more cold or snow for her, but the smile of the Heavenly Spring; she Rises Again to Sanctity, that puts in rushed flight all weaknesses, miseries and passions; she Rises Again to all that is Heaven, and if she looks at the earth, Heaven and sun, she does it to find the Works of her Creator—to take the opportunity to narrate to Him His Glory and His long Love Story.  

 “Therefore, one who Lives in My Will can say, as the Angel said to the holy women on the way to the Sepulcher, ‘He is risen.  He is not here any more.'   One who Lives in My Will can also say, ‘My will is not with me any longer—it is Risen Again in the Fiat.'  And if the circumstances of life, opportunities and sufferings surround the creature, as if they were looking for her will, she can answer: ‘My will is Risen Again; it is not in my power anymore.  I possess, in exchange, the Divine Will, and I want to cover with Its Light all things around me—circumstances and sufferings, to make them like many Divine Conquests.'  The soul who Lives in Our Will finds Life in the Acts of her Jesus, and as always, in this Life, she finds Our Operating, Conquering, Triumphant Will.  She gives us so much Glory that Heaven cannot contain it.  Therefore, Live always in Our Will—never leave it, if you want to be Our Triumph and Our Glory.” 


 January 5, 1936

One who lives in the Divine Will forms the little Life of the Divine Will in the creature.  How she is loved with new and doubled love by God.

My little and poor will feels the extreme need of the Divine Volition; without It I feel I am on an empty stomach, without strength, without warmth and without life; even more, I feel death at each instant, because if I am deprived of It, there is no one who can take Its place in nourishing Its Life in me.  Therefore I keep repeating:  ‘I am hungry – come, oh Divine Will, to give me your Life to satiate me of You; otherwise I will die.’  But while I was raving for I wanted to feel in me the fullness of the Divine Will, my sweet Jesus, repeating His short little visit, all goodness, told me:  “My blessed daughter, your raving, your hunger, feeling the extreme need to feel in each instant the Life of my Will, are wounds to my Heart, are tearings of love that, using violence on Me, make Me run – fly, to come to you and make the Life of my Will grow in you.

You must know that as the creature wants to do my Will in order to live and emit her acts in It, she calls her Creator, Who feels called by the power of His own Volition in the creature, in the face of which He cannot resist, or even just slightly hesitate.  On the contrary, since We never let Ourselves be surpassed in love, as soon as We see that she is about to call Us, We give her no time, but We Ourselves call her, and she runs into Our Divine Being as into her own center, she flings herself into Our arms, and We clasp Her so tightly as to transform her into Ourselves.  A perfect accord takes place between Creator and creature, and Our emphasis of love is so great, that We love her with new and doubled love.  But this is not enough.  We give her such communication of Our Supreme Being, as to make Ourselves loved by her with new and doubled love; and if you knew what it means to be loved by God with new and doubled love, and to be able to love Him with new and doubled love...  Only in Our Divine Will there are these wonders and prodigies.  God loves Himself in the creature, everything is His, therefore it is no wonder that He puts in the field His love ever new, He doubles it, He multiplies it a hundredfold as much as He wants, and He gives her the grace to love Him with His own love.  If it were not so, one would see great disparity between One who can love and one who cannot love, and the poor creature would remain as lowly, annihilated, without enthusiasm and union of love with her Creator; and when two beings cannot love each other with equal love, the inequality already produces unhappiness; while Our Will is unity, and It freely gives Its love to the creature in order to be loved, It gives Its sanctity in order to make her holy, Its wisdom in order to make Itself known.  There is nothing It possesses that It would not want to give to her.

More so, since by her living in Our Fiat, as she has put her will aside in order to give life to Ours in her acts, she has formed the little Life of Our Volition within her, which claims and longs for Its growth; and one more act in It is enough to make It grow, a sigh to be satiated, a total desire for my Will to run in all of her being is enough to form sufficient food for her to feel completely satiated of what belongs to her Creator.  It takes highest attention, and my Will will do everything that is needed in order to form Its Life in the creature.”


Thursday, September 29, 2022


 Hi everyone. Praise Jesus! 

Take your time because there's a lot to be absorbed. You are under no obligation.

But as Adorers at the Our Lady of Fatima Adoration Chapel we've accepted Christ's mission to make His Real Presence available to the public, offer penance, intercede for others while we receive for ourselves God's love and peace. We've been prayer warriors before God. Now Jesus wants to increase that role by introducing the gift of Living the Divine Will. I will give a lot of information which serves to boil it down to two simple steps: 1) With the power of the Divine Will we love God. 2) And with the power of the Divine Will we love others like we love ourselves. 

I want to first offer the reflection below because it effectively frames the problem. Essentially evil will be allowed to reach its highpoint to initiate a purification that is needed in order to free souls from their attachments and lead them to make a choice for Christ. The Church teaches that the Second Coming of Christ is the final coming. The end times in this sense is not that final Second Coming. It's an interim return of Christ that is spiritual. It will be the greatest period of evangelization since Pentecost. It will be, as it were, a second Pentecost according to Marian private revelation.  Furthermore God reveals to us through the writings of the Early Church Fathers and private Marian revelations  that it will be the unfolding power of the Eucharist which will transform the earth. It's the Heavenly Jerusalem that descends to earth as it's stated in scripture. As Catholics we understand the role Mary has in God's plan for salvation. So it will be that the Triumph of Her Immaculate Heart will coincide with the Glorious Eucharistic Reign of Christ on earth.  

My primary intention is to introduce the gift of Living the Divine Will.   However the essay on the end times posed by Pope Benedict XVI and the theologian Tyconius (referred to as "The problem" below) gives a clear context to the current condition that the Church is in.  And as such the gift of living the Divine Will (referred to as "the solution below) becomes the distinct and powerful means for Christ to equip the Church for final battle for preparing the return of Christ in glory.  You can skip #1 below and go directly to #2 and learn about the gift that Jesus had always wanted to give to the Church!

1.  The problem.


2.  And the solution.    


May God bless us for His glory and the salvation of souls,

Gerry Aboyme 

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

 November 19, 1933 

How one who disposes himself to do the Divine Will forms the passport, the way, the train.  How Jesus wants to replicate Himself in the creature.  The Signer and the celestial engine.  

My Celestial Sovereign, Jesus, and my Great Queen of Heaven, come to my aid, place this little ignorant one in-between your Most Holy Hearts.  And while I write, my dear Jesus acts as my prompter, and my Celestial Mama, as with a daughter of hers, guides my hand on the paper, so that, as I write, I will be between Jesus and my Mama, that I may write not a word more than what they tell me and want me to.

With this confidence in my heart I begin to write the thirty-third volume.  Perhaps it will be the last one – but I don’t know, though I have all the hope that all of Heaven would have compassion on the poor exiled one, and would soon let her repatriate with them.  But, after all, Fiat! Fiat!...

So, I continued to think about the Divine Will, life and center of my poor existence, and my sweet Jesus, repeating His fleeting little visit, told me:  “My good daughter, you must know that as the soul disposes herself to do my Divine Will, she forms the passport in order to enter the interminable boundaries of the Kingdom of the Fiat.  But do you know who lends you what is needed in order to form it, and who offers to sign it and give it the value of passage into my Kingdom?  Daughter, the act of disposing oneself to do my Will is so great, that my very life, my own merits, form the paper, the characters, and your Jesus acts as the Signer to make this creature known, and give her free access.  It can be said that the whole of Heaven runs to the aid of one who wants to do my Will, and I feel so much love, that I take my place in this fortunate creature and I feel loved by her, from my own Will.  Now, seeing Myself loved by her, from my own Will, my love becomes jealous and does not want to lose even one breath, one heartbeat of love, of this creature.  You yourself, imagine my care, the precautions I take, the helps I give, the loving stratagems I use toward her; in a word, I want to replicate Myself within her, and in order to replicate Myself,  I expose Myself, so as to form another Jesus in the creature; therefore I apply all my divine art to obtain the intent.  I hold nothing back, I do everything, I give everything; wherever my Will reigns, I can deny nothing, because I would deny it to Myself.

Now, disposing oneself to do my Will forms the passport; beginning the act forms the way that she must cover within It – a way of Heaven, holy, divine.  Therefore, to one who enters into It, I whisper, to the ear of her heart:  ‘Forget the earth, it is no longer yours now; from now on you will see nothing but Heaven.  My Kingdom has no boundaries, therefore your journey will be long; hence, you’d better hasten your steps, to form for yourself many paths and, in this way, take much from the goods which are there in my Kingdom.’  So, to begin the act forms the way, to fulfill it forms the train, and when I see the train formed, I act as the engine, to set it at fast pace; and – oh! how beautiful, delightful, it is to stroll along these ways, which the creature has formed for herself in my Will.  These acts done in my Will enclose centuries of merits and of incalculable goods, because there is the divine engine that runs, which has such velocity as to enclose centuries within minutes, and it renders the creature so rich, beautiful and holy, as to make Us boast before the whole Celestial Court, pointing at her as the greatest prodigy of Its creative art.

Furthermore, as the creature keeps forming her act in my Divine Will, so are the veins of the soul emptied of what is human, and a divine blood – I could say –  flows within them, which makes the divine virtues, in their substance, to be felt in the creature, which have the virtue of flowing, almost like blood, in the very life that animates her Creator - which renders them inseparable from each other, so much so, that one who wants to find God can find Him in His place of honor in the creature, and one who wants to find the creature will find her in the divine center.”


Monday, September 26, 2022

The Gift of Living the Divine Will

Hi everyone.  Glory to Jesus and may His Peace be with our families and friends!

1.  As faithful Eucharistic guardians to the Lord, and especially to His Real Presence in the Blessed Sacrament, I need to share with you the gift of Living the Divine Will.  

2.  As instrumental the Adoration Chapel has been for the new evangelization that St John Paul II spoke about in redirecting the Church to its Eucharistic Center, the gift of Living the Divine Will allows Christ to fulfill his primary mission of restoring humanity, by virtue of the Church, to its proper order in creation. With redemption accomplished, Christ wants to fulfill the Our Father prayer where Heaven and earth can become one because God's Will is done on earth as it is in Heaven. And the Church humbly asks for this to occur when we pray the Our Father after the consecration of the Blessed Sacrament at Mass according to Jesus in the writings of Luisa Piccarreta.

3.  Rooted in scripture, it's through the writings of the Catholic mystic Luisa Piccarreta, (1865-1947, Corato, Bari Italy) that Jesus gives us a complete illustration and science of the Divine Will's operation and Its impact towards the renewal and salvation of humanity. 

4.  Luisa's title is Servant of God as the cause for her beautification has been opened.  The Church has given the imprimatur for her writings with the Vatican publishing her biography and the 36 volumes called the Book of Heaven which she wrote.  Fr Joseph Ianuzzi's doctoral dissertation on the gift of Living the Divine Will according to the writings of Luisa Piccarreta at the Pontifical University in Rome has also been published.

5.  The foundation for Living the Divine Will was established by Jesus and Mary.  Both lived the Divine Will. Jesus by nature because he is both God and Man, undiminished Deity, and fully human with a human will and a Divine Will. Mary by grace, immaculately conceived without original sin because she too received the redemptive blood of Christ as a form of singular grace at her conception.  As such scripture says she was "full of grace" and by virtue of this was given the gift of reason in which she was already in relationship with the Holy Trinity from inside her mother's womb.  She however was not told she would be the Mother of God until the Archangel Gabriel approached her and hailed her as the one who is "full of grace." So Mary's womb, not contaminated by original sin, was made worthy with the decorum of Heaven to receive the incarnation of Jesus.

6.  The Trinity does not want to do anything without Mary. She is the key to gift of Living the Divine Will.  This message given by Jesus to Luisa on the Feast Day of the Immaculate Conception illustrates this point:


7.  The gift of Living the Divine Will is the way in which God fills the world with Divine Mercy with us as participants to His Divine Plan. This places us on the cross with Christ for the salvation of ourselves and of the world as it is linked to the Holy Sacrfice  of the Mass.  It further illustrates how the experience of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass can be relived as moments united with Christ throughout the day.  And it brings into focus St John Paul ll's statement in that Eucharistic Adoration is the continuation of the Mass and the preparation for the next Mass.  Why?  Because as the Eucharist is the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ, It encloses in the finite space of the Host all His eternal works performed in His humanity for us to partake of divine nourishment (who so ever eats my body and drinks my blood has eternal life, John 6:54).  Living the Divine Will essentially becomes the adoration of God, and the relationship of receiving and returning God's love throughout the day.  Hence the gift is God's call for us to fully participate in Christ's Life with universal impact because It glorifies God on behalf of all and allows Christ to multiply His grace through our individual daily acts i.e. sufferings, prayers, work, eating, walking, breathing etc.  for the reparations of sins against God, to extend God's goodness to all, and to facilitate the conversion of souls that lead to salvation.  In fact Jesus states that in His desire to communicate Himself to everyone he is limited through the ministerial (priestly) consecration by the number of consecrated hosts and communicants.  Through the gift of living the Divine Will Jesus says he is not limited because the acts of the individual who practices the gift are the materials that he uses to consecrate into His divine life which he communicates to everyone.  Jesus further states that this - his Divine Life - is God's greatest glory.  One can conclude that this is the same nature as the holy sacrament of the Eucharist.  In fact the case can be made that the gift of living the Divine Will is the fulfillment of the sacramental life of the Church.  We become another Jesus for Jesus to utilize in distributing to each soul in all generations the blessings He merited on the Cross.  Thus the "give us this day our daily bread" in the Our Father is fully realized for all because as the Eucharist is the Bread of Life (Matthew 26:26), Christ is able to repeat that distribution of grace to all souls in the world from the soul who lives the Divine Fiat.


8.  Thus the intention of surrendering our will to Christ's Will - that is doing God's Will with His Divine Will - Jesus consecrates our act to become His Divine Life which he communicates to the world. As stated, think of it as Christ's Eucharistic Presence.  The Eucharist comprises all the acts of Christ because His human will acted in harmony with his Divine Will, thus His human acts had the effects of eternity - that embraces past, present, and future generations and sustains creation itself.

9.  These are the eternal acts that Christ as the Sacrificial Lamb of God offers to the Father as reparation for sins and  redemption for the many.  The gift of Living the Divine Will allows us to embrace those eternal acts of Christ of which He multiplies through our acts to repeat His Life in us in order to create the path for others to enter into the Divine Will. 

Jesus offers to us an intimate look into His interior life through "The Hours of the Passion" -

http://www.passioiesus.org/en/horasdelapasion/distribucion.htm  (Available in Spanish) -

so that we have a blueprint to follow and unite with the eternal acts of His Passion.  Because of the gift, you can be with him at every step, as it happens, because with God, there is no past or future, only the present.  Every human act of Christ is always in act.  It never ceases. That's why we can be at the foot of the Cross and why the Mass is not another - but the SAME Holy Sacrifice - because Calvary is in act.  The believer is given the opportunity and privilege to be there as it happens from God's timeless perspective.  The Church calls it a mystery and indeed it is, yet Christ gives us enough information through reason for the benefit of our faith.  So it is also when you recall any aspect of Christ's Passion. You become Christ's consoler throughout His agonies and you SHARE IN HIS PAINS for the blessing, adoration, praise and thanksgiving to the Father for reparation, and the healing and salvation of the many for redemption.  Living  the gift benefits everyone because as God operates in the soul who lives the Divine Volition:  1) when He loves that soul He loves all, 2) when He blesses that soul He blesses all.  

The soul who lives the Divine Will becomes a source of blessing and reparation for the world.  By virtue of this Jesus has another Christ, to multiply grace upon grace to accomplish His primary mission of fulfilling the Our Father in which Heaven and earth become one because God's Will is done on earth as it is in Heaven.  With redemption accomplished Jesus wants to restore humanity to its proper order in creation, and restore the sanctity it had lost because of sin so that the God can fully share His life as He originally purposed.  The human condition is changed to have the capacity to receive the greatest fullness of God's Life as it is possible for a creature (Matthew 9:17).  In effect God has conquered the fortress of the human will, which is the seat of all evil, without withdrawing His gift of free will.   

10.  To operate the gift is simple. The key is to remain in the state of grace through an act of contrition (1 John 1:9) for venial sins or if needed through the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) because Christ removes the gift when we sin.  Intention is the key.  Make your commitment to God to live His Will as the your 1st act of the day.  This is called the prevenient act which places you in the mode of operating in His Divine Will for that day. The immediate act is the time in which you are made aware by the Holy Spirit that you are operating the gift.  These are aspirational moments of love, praise and worship with God or in simply speaking to him.  It strengthens the prevenient act made at the beginning of the day, the field of the Divine Volition which you are operating.  

Jesus takes care of everything else.  Remain faithful and constant by the expression of your desire to live the Divine Volition as you take the first steps going forward.  Jesus will engage you wherever you're at.  It doesn't matter whether you're high or low at the spiritual growth level.  Or whether you're a child or adult.  Jesus will take you by the hand.  The next key is to take Christ's Word to HEART and live it.  Knowledge is spiritual food that needs to be digested.  Whether it's from scripture, Luisa Piccarreta's writings or other pious sources, increase in the KNOWLEDGE of God and LIVE IT as a matter of the heart.  

11.  Living the divine will is not another devotion.  The difference is huge in terms of following Christ in a pious way versus being united intimately with Him through the gift because it elevates our prayers, devotions, pious acts, sufferings and the ordinary acts of our life to the level in which Christ uses them as the Hosts for His Divine Life to communicate Himself to the world with the same effects of the works of His Humanity.  Therefore every breath and step  is divinized, as it were, according to St John Paul II's statement regarding the divinization of humanity.  We love with God's LOVE as we move and have our being in the life of the Holy Trinity, as the sons and daughters of Romans 8:18-25, leading to eternal life. 







Volumes 2, 3, 4 Excerpts























May God bless us for His glory and the good of  humanity,

Gerry Aboyme 

Eucharistic Adoration Chapel Coordinator

Our Lady of Fatima Parish

Piscataway, NJ

 August 23, 1936

The little field assigned to the creature within the immensity of the Divine Will. Jesus places His life at the creatures’ disposal, as long as He obtains that they live in the Divine Will. The greatest prodigy of Creation is the Virgin.

I continue my abandonment in the Fiat. My poor mind swims within Its Divine Sea, and comprehends celestial secrets – but I am unable to repeat them, because those are not words from down here. While I am inside this Divine Sea I look at Its immensity - there is not one being or anything that can escape It, everyone and everything form their life and receive it in the Divine Volition. But what can the creature take of this immensity? Just little drops, such is her littleness. But while she takes the little drops, she cannot go out of this immensity; she feels it flowing inside and out, to the right and to the left – everywhere, unable to sneak out of it even just for one instant. Oh! Divine Will, how admirable You are! You are all mine, You raise me within You, I find You everywhere, You love me always, unto forming the life of my life.

But while my mind was wandering within this Sea, my sweet Jesus, all goodness, came out from within this Sea, and drawing near me, told me: “Daughter of my Volition, did you see how the immensity of my Fiat is unreachable? No created mind, as holy as it might be, can embrace It and see where Its boundaries end. All have their place in It; even more, each creature has her little field within the immensity of my Divine Will. But who works this little field that was assigned to the creature? One who lives in It, because by her living in It, my Will makes Itself the first worker, and taking the creature upon Its lap, It keeps her occupied, identified with the work It wants her to do in the tiny little field that was given to her in my Will. And since she possesses Its Creative Strength, whatever the creature might do in a century, together with It she does in one hour. So, in an hour she can acquire a century of love, of works, of sacrifices, of divine knowledges, of profound adorations; and after the work my Will calls the soul to rest in order to delight each other and rest together; and then, seeing the beauty of the little field and the joy that they experience, in order to delight each other more they return to work. It is an alternation of work and of rest; in fact, among the many qualities that my Divine Will possesses, there is continuous motion and attitude. It is never idle; on the contrary, to each creature It gave Its continuous work in order to be glorified and to do good to all. Lazy beings do not exist in my Will, but rather, in It everything is work: if she loves, that is work; if she applies herself to getting to know Us, it is work; if she adores Us, if she suffers, if she prays, that is work – and divine work, not human, which, converting into a little coin of infinite value, lets her acquire the value with which to make her little field bigger.

Now, my daughter, you must know that it is my absolute Will for the creature to do my Will. How I long to see her reigning and operating in It; how I wish to hear her say: ‘The Will of God is mine, whatever God wants I too want; whatever God does I do as well.’ Now, because it is my Will for her to live in It, I had to give her the means, the necessary aids; and here comes my Humanity, placing Itself at the creatures’ disposal in the tiny little field of the immensity of my Will assigned to her, as I display my strength in order to sustain her weakness, my pains as help of hers, my Love so as to hide hers inside Mine, my Sanctity with which to cover her, my Life as prop and support of hers, and to make of It the model for her; in sum, my Divine Will must find as many Jesuses for as many creatures as want to live of my Will. Only then will It no longer find any hindrance on their part, because I will keep them hidden within Me, and my Will will have to deal with Me more than with them; and the creatures will find all the aids, necessary and overabundant, in order to live of my Will. This is God’s usual way – that when He wants something He gives everything that is needed so that what He wants may have its fulfillment.

Therefore, I would want creatures to know that I place Myself at the disposal of those who want to live of my Will; they will find my Life that will make up for everything that is needed in order to have them live in the sea of my Divine Volition. Otherwise, their tiny little field within my immensity will remain without work, and therefore without fruit, without happiness and without joy; they will be like those who live under the sun, doing nothing – the sun will serve only to burn them and give them such ardent thirst as to feel themselves dying. So, all creatures, by right of creation, find themselves all within this immensity, but if their will does not deal with Mine, they live off of themselves, they will feel all goods burning for them, and will have a thirst for passions, for sin, for weaknesses, that will torment them. Therefore, there is no greater evil than not to live of my Will.”

After this, I was doing my round in the acts done by the Divine Will in Creation, and as I arrived at the Conception of the Most Holy Virgin, my sweet Jesus made me pause and told me: “My daughter, the greatest prodigy of Creation is the Virgin – the Divine Volition that subdued Her human will from the very first instant of Her Conception, and the will of this holy creature that subdued the Divine Fiat. One conquered the other - both of them were winners; and as the Divine Volition entered as dominating King into Her human will, so did the chains of the great divine prodigies begin in this excelling creature. The Uncreated Power poured Itself into the created power, but so much, that She could sustain the whole Creation as if It were a bunch of straw; and all created things felt the created power within the Uncreated Power sustaining them and contributing to their conservation. Oh! how honored they felt – and happier, because a created power was flowing in everything as their Queen, to sustain them and preserve them. Her power was such that She ruled over all – even over Her Creator; She was the Invincible One, who, with the Power of the Divine Fiat conquered everyone and everything; even more, all let themselves be conquered by this Divine Empress, because She held a powerful and enrapturing force that no one could resist. Even the demons felt debilitated and did not know where to hide from this insuperable Power.

The whole of the Supreme Being poured Himself into this created will, which had been subdued by the Divine Will; and the Infinite Love poured Itself into the finite love, and everyone and everything felt loved by this holy creature. Her love was so great that, more than air, it let itself be breathed by all, in such a way that this Queen of love felt the need to love all, as Mother and Queen of all. Our Beauty invested Her, but so much, that She possesses the strength, the love, the goodness, the enrapturing grace, such that, while She loves, She makes Herself be loved by all, even from things that possess no reason. So, there was no act, love, prayer, adoration, reparation, which would not fill Heaven and earth; She exercised Her queenshipship over all, and Her love, and everything She did, flowed through the heavens, in the sun, in the wind - in everything; and Our Supreme Being felt loved, prayed, in all created things, by this holy creature. A new life was flowing everywhere – She loved Us for all, and made Us be loved by all. It was the Uncreated Will that had had Its place of honor in the created will, and could give Us everything, and requite Us for Our having placed the whole Creation at Her disposal. Hence, with the Conception of this Great Queen began the true Life of God in the creature, and the life of the creature in God, and – oh! the exchanges of love, of strength, of beauty, of light, between One and the other!

Therefore, the prodigies were continuous and unheard-of, alternating in Her; Heaven and earth were stupefied, the Angels remained enraptured before my Divine Will operating in the creature. My daughter, this Great Lady, by living in the Divine Volition felt, by deeds, as Queen of everyone and of everything, and also Queen of the Great Divine King; but so much, that She Herself formed the door in Heaven, to make the Eternal Word descend; She prepared for Him the way and the room of Her womb, in which He was to form His dwelling; and in the emphasis of Her ruling love She would say to Me: ‘Descend, Oh Eternal Word – You will find in me your Heaven, your joys, that same Will that reigns in the Three Divine Persons.’ Not only this, but She formed the door and the way in order to let souls ascend unto the Celestial Fatherland; and only because this Virgin lived on earth of Divine Will as It is lived in Heaven could the Blessed enter into the celestial regions and enjoy Its delights, because this Celestial Mother keeps them covered, enveloped and as though hidden within Her glory and in all the acts She did in the Divine Will. So, the Blessed feel within their joys the love, the works, the power of this Mother and Queen, which render them happy. What can my Will not do? All possible and imaginable goods; and in the creature in whom It reigns It places such power as to reach the point of saying to her: ‘Do whatever you want – command, take, give; I will never deny you anything. Your strength is irresistible, your power debilitates Me. Therefore I place everything into your hands, that you may act as Owner and Queen.’

Now, you must know that this holy creature, even from Her Conception, felt the heartbeat of my Fiat within Hers, and in each heartbeat She loved Me; and the Divinity loved Her back with doubled love in each heartbeat of Hers. In Her breath She felt the breath of the Divine Volition, and She loved Us in each breath; and We requited Her with Our love, doubled in each breath of Hers. She felt the motion of the Fiat in Her hands, in Her step, in Her feet; in all of Her being She felt the Life of the Divine Will and what It did; and in everything She loved Us, for Herself and for all; and We loved Her always - always; in each instant Our love ran like rapid torrent. Therefore She kept Us always attentive and in feast, to receive Her love and give Our own; so much so, that She came to cover all sins and the creatures themselves with Our love. This is why Our Justice remained disarmed by this invincible lover, and We can say that She did whatever She wanted with the Supreme Being. Oh! how I wish that all would comprehend what living in the Divine Will means, so as to render all happy and holy.”


Friday, September 23, 2022

Prodigy of the Immaculate Conception

December 8, 1935

Prodigies of the Immaculate Conception. Communication of divine rights. How God does not want to do anything without His Celestial Mother.

I was doing my round in the acts of the Divine Will, and as I arrived at the act in which the Omnipotent Fiat created the Immaculate Virgin I stopped, and – oh! what a surprise of unheard-of prodigies united together! The enchantment of the heavens, of the sun and of all Creation could not compare to it. Oh! how they were left behind in front of the Sovereign Queen! And my sweet Jesus, in seeing me so surprised, told me: “My blessed daughter, you must know that there is no beauty, nor value, nor prodigies, that can be compared to the Immaculate Conception of this Celestial Creature. My Omnipotent Fiat made of Her a new Creation - oh! how much more beautiful and more prodigious than the first. My Divine Volition in Itself has no beginning and no end, and the greatest prodigy was that in this creature it was as if It were reborn; and not only this, but It grew in each instant, act and prayer that She did; and in this growth my Will multiplied Its prodigies in an infinite way. The creation of the universe was done by Us in an admirable way, and it was kept by Us under the empire of Our creating and preserving act, without Our adding anything. But in this Virgin We maintain the creating, the preserving and the growing act. This is the prodigy of prodigies – the Life of Our Will being reborn in Her, and Its continuous growing in each act that She did; and in order to be reborn in Her, Our Fiat pronounced Itself in the act of Her Conception; and once It is pronounced, Our act possesses such sumptuousness, sublimeness, height, immensity and power, as to catch everyone in the net of Its love. It puts no one aside; everyone can take the good that Our operating Fiat possesses, unless someone did not want to.

Our Divinity, in seeing this Holy Creature as though reborn in Our Will, shared with Her Its divine rights, in such a way that She was the owner of Our love, power, wisdom and goodness, and Queen of Our Fiat. With Her growing act in Our Volition She captivated Us, She loved Us so much, to point of loving Us for all. She covered all creatures, She hid them inside Her love, and She made Us hear the echo of the love of all and of each one. Oh! how We felt bound and made as though prisoners by the love of this Most Holy Virgin. More so since, as She loved Us, adored Us, prayed and operated with the growing act of Our Fiat that She possessed, so did She enclose Her Creator within Herself; as She loved Us, so did We feel absorbed into Her, unable to resist Her. Her power was so great, that She dominated Us and enclosed Our Sacrosanct Trinity within Herself; and We loved Her so much, that We let Her do whatever She wanted. Who would have the heart to deny Her anything? Rather, We felt happier in contenting Her, because a soul that loves Us is Our happiness, for We feel the echo, the joy of Our happiness in her; and one who possesses Our Will as life is everything for Us.

This is the great prodigy of one who possesses Our Will as life: to feel herself as sharing in Its very divine rights; and with this she feels that her love never ends, and she has so much of it as to be able to love for all and give love to all; with her growing act, she never says enough to her sanctity. More so since, by possessing Our Will as life, the Sovereign Queen, had always something to give Us, always something to say; She kept Us always occupied, and We had always something to give, and always Our loving secrets to communicate to Her, so much so, that We do nothing without Her: We deal with Her first, then We deposit that good in Her maternal heart, and from Her Heart it descends into the fortunate one who must receive that good. Therefore, there is no grace that descends upon earth, there is no sanctity that is formed, there is no sinner that is converted, there is no love that departs from Our throne, which is not deposited in Her Heart of Mother first; and She forms the maturation of that good, She fecundates it with Her love, She enriches it with Her graces and, if needed, with the virtue of Her sorrows; and then She deposits it in the one who must receive it, in such a way that the creature who receives it feels the Divine Paternity and the Maternity of her Celestial Mother. We can do it without Her, but We don’t want to. Who would have the heart to put Her aside? Our Love, Our infinite wisdom, Our very Fiat impose themselves on Us and don’t let Us do anything that would not descend through Her.

See then, to what extent Our love reaches, for one who lives of Divine Will – to the point of doing nothing without her. It is the harmony of Our infinite wisdom that, just as the creation of the universe always revolves around Us, and as it revolves, the earth is fecundated and the natural life of all creatures is maintained, in the same way, this new creation of the Conception of the Immaculate Lady revolves always around God, and God revolves around Her, and this revolving maintains the fecundity of good, forms the sanctity of souls, and the calling of creatures to God.”


 May 20, 1936

Difference that passes between one who calls the Divine Will into her acts, and one who does good works without It.  The Ascension; how Jesus departed for Heaven, still remaining on earth.

My poor mind continues to go around in the acts of the Divine Will; and I thought to myself:  ‘What is the difference between one who calls the Divine Will into her acts, and those who do good works but do not call It, do not give It the first place in their acts.’  And my sweet Jesus, making me His short little visit, told me:  “My daughter, there is no comparison between the two.  The first, by calling my Will into her acts, strips herself of what is human and forms the void in her human will in which to give place to Mine; and Mine embellishes, sanctifies, forms Its light within that void; then It pronounces Its creating Fiat and calls to life Its divine operating within the human; and the creature not only participates, but becomes the owner of the divine act, which possesses the Power, the Immensity, the Sanctity and the Divine value that is never extinguished.  Therefore, in one in whom Our Will reigns We look and find Our very Selves and Our own acts that honor Us and form a crown around Us.  On the other hand, with those who do good works, but are not animated by Our Will, We do not find Ourselves, but the finite act of the creature; and since We can’t really keep anything of whatever good they may do, We give them the merit as recompense.  A recompense is not a property that can always produce, therefore they are symbolized by those who live one day to the next, who, though they may get by with the salary they receive, never become rich; they have always the need to get paid for their work in order to live; and if they don’t work, they are in danger of dying of hunger – that is, of not feeling the satiety of good, the life of the virtues, but rather, the squalid misery of passions.  On the contrary, for one who lives in Our Volition, everything is abundance.  We say to her:  ‘Take whatever you want, and as much as you can take.  Even more, We place at your disposal Our riches, Our light, Our Sanctity, Our Love, because what is Ours is yours, and what is yours is Ours – there is nothing left to do than for Us to live and operate together’.”

After this, I was accompanying the Ascension of Jesus into Heaven.  How beautiful He was – all majesty, clothed with most refulgent light that enraptured and chained the hearts to loving Him.  And my sweet Jesus, all goodness and love, told me:  “My blessed daughter, there is not one trait of my life that does not symbolize the Kingdom of my Divine Will.  On this day of my Ascension, I felt victorious and triumphant; my pains were now ended, or rather, I was leaving my pains, already suffered, in the midst of my children, leaving them on earth as help, as strength and support, and as the refuge for them in which to hide in their pains, in order to draw from my pains the heroism in their sacrifices.  I can say that I left my pains, my examples and my very Life as seeds which, maturing and growing, would sprout the Kingdom of my Divine Will.  So, I left and I stayed:  I stayed by virtue of my pains, I stayed in their hearts in order to be loved; after my Most Holy Humanity would ascend into Heaven, I felt, more closely, the bond of the human family, therefore I would not have adapted Myself to not receiving the love of my children and brothers, whom I was leaving on earth; I stayed in the Most Holy Sacrament in order to give Myself continuously to them, and for them to give themselves to Me, that they might find rest, refreshment and the remedy to all their needs.  Our works do not suffer any mutability - whatever We do once, We repeat always.

Moreover, on this day of my Ascension I received the double crown:  the crown of my children whom I was taking with Me to the Celestial Fatherland, and the crown of my children whom I was leaving on earth – these too, symbol of the few who would form the beginning of the Kingdom of my Divine Will.  All those who saw Me ascended into Heaven received many graces, such that all of them laid down their lives in order to make known the Kingdom of Redemption, and laid the foundations on which to form my Church, so as to gather in Her maternal bosom all of the human generations.  In the same way, the first children of the Kingdom of my Will will be few, but the graces with which they will be invested will be such and so great, that they will lay down their lives in order call everyone to live into this Holy Kingdom.  A cloud of light invested Me, removing my presence from the sight of my disciples, who remained as though ecstatic in contemplating my Person, for the enchantment of my beauty was such as to keep their pupils enraptured, so much so, that they were unable to lower them in order to look at the earth.  In fact, it took an Angel to stir them and have them return to the Cenacle.  This too is a symbol of the Kingdom of my Will:  the light that will invest Its first children will be such and so great, that they will bring the beauty, the enchantment, the peace of my Divine Fiat, in such a way that creatures will easily surrender to wanting to know and love so great a good.  

Now, in the midst of the disciples there was my Mama, who was present at my departure to Heaven; and this is the most beautiful symbol.  Indeed, She is the Queen of my Church; She attends to Her , protects Her, defends Her.  She will then sit in the midst of the children of my Will; She will be the engine, the life, the guide, the perfect model, the Teacher of the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat, which She so greatly cherishes.  Hers are the longing, the ardent desires, the delirium of maternal love, for She wants Her children on earth in the same Kingdom where She lived.  She is not content with having only Her children in Heaven, in the Kingdom of the Divine Will, but She wants them also on earth; She feels that the task given to Her by God - as Mother and Queen - She has not yet fulfilled, that Her mission is not ended until the Divine Will reigns on earth in the midst of creatures.  She wants Her children to be like Her and to possess the inheritance of their Mama.  Therefore the great Lady is all eyes to look, all Heart to love, to help whomever She sees somehow disposed to wanting to live of Divine Will.  So then, in the difficulties, think that She is all around you, sustaining you, fortifying you, taking your will into Her maternal hands, to let it receive the Life of the Supreme Fiat.”


Tuesday, September 20, 2022

 July 24, 1932

How with His Word Jesus generates His Sanctity, Goodness, etc., in the creature.  Follies of Love in order to put her on a par and in contest with Him.

My most sweet Life, Jesus, my Celestial Teacher, take my little soul in Your hands, and if You want, continue Your Divine Lessons on Your Will; I feel the extreme need of being fed by Your Word.  Besides, You Yourself have me so habituated, You Yourself have given me this way of Life, You have made me Live of You and of Your sweet Word.  I am certain that I have not formed this way of Living—no, You did, O Jesus, so much so that I feel more You than me, and when You are silent I feel this life of mine smashed to pieces.  And although it is the hardest of my martyrdoms, yet I am ready, if You stop Your Speaking, to say Fiat!  But have pity on me, and do not leave me alone and abandoned.

So, I felt all abandoned in the arms of the Divine Will, and I yearned for nothing other than Heaven.  It seemed to me that nothing more remained for me to do, except finish my life in the Divine Will on earth, in order to take it up again in Heaven.  

And my Celestial Jesus, visiting my little soul, told me:  “My little daughter of My Volition, you oppress yourself too much, and I do not want it.  To see you oppressed in the midst of so many of My Goods, makes you see that you have more eyes for yourself then for the Goods that your Jesus has given you, and by this you can see that you have not yet understood well the Gifts and the Goods that your Jesus had given you.  You must know that every Word of Mine is a Gift, and therefore it encloses a Great Good, because My Word has the Creative, Communicative, Formative Virtue, and as it is pronounced by Us, so it forms the New Good of giving to the creature.  

“See, how many Words I have spoken to you, and how many Truths I have made you know, are as many Gifts I have given you; and these many Gifts enclose Divine Goods, one distinct from the other.  Additionally, everything that came from Our Word remains; in Our Word is formed the Good that We want to put forth from Us.  When this Good is put forth, with certainty it will have its Life in the midst of creatures, because these Gifts are animated and formed by Our Creative Power, and conserved by Our same Word in order to secure the Good that We want to give.  And Our Word will move Heaven and earth in order to give the fruit of the Good that it possesses.

“Now My daughter, you must know another surprise of Our Speaking.  Suppose that I spoke to you about My Sanctity; this Word of Mine encloses the Gift of Divine Sanctity so as to give to the creature, always for as much as is possible for the creature.  If I speak of the Divine Goodness, My Word encloses the Gift of Goodness.  If I speak of the Divine Will, it encloses the Gift of Our Will.  In sum, whatever Our Word says of Beauty, of Goodness, of Greatness, of Sanctity—that Gift it encloses.  

“Now listen to the extent of Our Loving Stratagems:  it is as if We were never content with forming New Inventions of Love so as to give to the creature.  Therefore, if Our Word says Sanctity, it is because We want to give the Gift of Our Divine Sanctity so that she is placed on a par with Our Sanctity and can be in a contest with Us.  And O! Our Contentment when We see Our Divine Sanctity Operating in the creature.  And if We hear that she says:  ‘I feel the Sanctity of my Creator impressed in me, O! how happy I feel, to be able to Love with His own Sanctity.’ O! then Our Love goes into follies, and pours over her, in a way so Exuberant, that We reach Excesses.  

“And so if Our Word says Goodness, Divine Will, it is because We want to give the Gift of Our Goodness and Divine Will so that she can be on a par with Our Goodness and Will, and she can compete with her Supreme Being.  You cannot understand what Our Contentment is to see the creature gifted by these Divine Qualities of Ours, in which Our Word is Bearer.  And as it is Our usual Way to give to one creature Our Word—but so much is its Fecundity, Power and Fullness of Light, the Sun becomes as formed by one of Our Words, that with one blow of Light Illuminates all and gives the Good that the Light possesses—then why do you oppress yourself if you see that your Jesus often makes use of His Word in order to add Gifts upon Gifts?  And these Gifts are not only to have Life in you, but in many other creatures, because they posses the Generative Strength, they give and they generate in order to give and generate again.  Our Word is a Birth from Our Womb, therefore it is Our Child, and as Children they bear the Good that was generated in their Father.  So, instead of oppressing yourself, think rather that your Jesus wants to make you New Surprises of His Divine Words, so that you dispose yourself to receiving a Good so Great.”

After this I continued to think about the Divine Will, and my very sweet Jesus added:  “My daughter, when the soul lets herself be Dominated, Invested, Subjected to My Divine Will, in a way that every little particle of her being, as much in the soul as in the body, all possess My Operating Will—such that the mind is animated by Its Science, the voice has Speaking, the hands have Operating, the feet have Its Divine Steps, the heart has Loving, and as My Will knows how to Love—then all this United together forms the Divine Sanctity in the creature, and We find all Our Rights in the creature, Rights of Creation.  Because everything is Ours, We find the Rights of Our Sanctity, of Our Works, Rights of Our Divine Fiat, of Our Goodness, of Our Love.  In sum, there is nothing of Ours that We do not find in her as Our Right, and the creature finds in exchange her rights in her Creator, because being one will on both parts, the rights of one are rights of the other.  

“Here, therefore, is what it means to Live in Our Volition:  to receive Our Sanctity, Love, Science, Our Goodness, with Right, because It can not do less than give them.  Since they are of Our Fiat they are her properties, because her life already Lives in It.  More so, because one who Lives in My Will always grows in Sanctity, in Love, in Our Beauty, and so forth.  This continuous growth forms in the creature a New Act of giving to her Creator.  We give the New Act that We possess by nature to her, and she gives it to Us by virtue of Our Will.  And O! the Contentment on both sides, the Happiness that is felt being able to receive from the creature, and We being able to give.  To give and to receive maintains the nourishment of correspondence, it conserves the always-growing Union, and is as the Breath that maintains the fire always lit, and the Flame of Love lives always, without danger of being extinguished.  Therefore, always forward in My Will, and everything will go well.”


Thursday, September 15, 2022

 May 20, 1936

Difference that passes between one who calls the Divine Will into her acts, and one who does good works without It. The Ascension; how Jesus departed for Heaven, still remaining on earth.

My poor mind continues to go around in the acts of the Divine Will; and I thought to myself: ‘What is the difference between one who calls the Divine Will into her acts, and those who do good works but do not call It, do not give It the first place in their acts.’ And my sweet Jesus, making me His short little visit, told me: “My daughter, there is no comparison between the two. The first, by calling my Will into her acts, strips herself of what is human and forms the void in her human will in which to give place to Mine; and Mine embellishes, sanctifies, forms Its light within that void; then It pronounces Its creating Fiat and calls to life Its divine operating within the human; and the creature not only participates, but becomes the owner of the divine act, which possesses the Power, the Immensity, the Sanctity and the Divine value that is never extinguished. Therefore, in one in whom Our Will reigns We look and find Our very Selves and Our own acts that honor Us and form a crown around Us. On the other hand, with those who do good works, but are not animated by Our Will, We do not find Ourselves, but the finite act of the creature; and since We can’t really keep anything of whatever good they may do, We give them the merit as recompense. A recompense is not a property that can always produce, therefore they are symbolized by those who live one day to the next, who, though they may get by with the salary they receive, never become rich; they have always the need to get paid for their work in order to live; and if they don’t work, they are in danger of dying of hunger – that is, of not feeling the satiety of good, the life of the virtues, but rather, the squalid misery of passions. On the contrary, for one who lives in Our Volition, everything is abundance. We say to her: ‘Take whatever you want, and as much as you can take. Even more, We place at your disposal Our riches, Our light, Our Sanctity, Our Love, because what is Ours is yours, and what is yours is Ours – there is nothing left to do than for Us to live and operate together’.”

After this, I was accompanying the Ascension of Jesus into Heaven. How beautiful He was – all majesty, clothed with most refulgent light that enraptured and chained the hearts to loving Him. And my sweet Jesus, all goodness and love, told me: “My blessed daughter, there is not one trait of my life that does not symbolize the Kingdom of my Divine Will. On this day of my Ascension, I felt victorious and triumphant; my pains were now ended, or rather, I was leaving my pains, already suffered, in the midst of my children, leaving them on earth as help, as strength and support, and as the refuge for them in which to hide in their pains, in order to draw from my pains the heroism in their sacrifices. I can say that I left my pains, my examples and my very Life as seeds which, maturing and growing, would sprout the Kingdom of my Divine Will. So, I left and I stayed: I stayed by virtue of my pains, I stayed in their hearts in order to be loved; after my Most Holy Humanity would ascend into Heaven, I felt, more closely, the bond of the human family, therefore I would not have adapted Myself to not receiving the love of my children and brothers, whom I was leaving on earth; I stayed in the Most Holy Sacrament in order to give Myself continuously to them, and for them to give themselves to Me, that they might find rest, refreshment and the remedy to all their needs. Our works do not suffer any mutability - whatever We do once, We repeat always.

Moreover, on this day of my Ascension I received the double crown: the crown of my children whom I was taking with Me to the Celestial Fatherland, and the crown of my children whom I was leaving on earth – these too, symbol of the few who would form the beginning of the Kingdom of my Divine Will. All those who saw Me ascended into Heaven received many graces, such that all of them laid down their lives in order to make known the Kingdom of Redemption, and laid the foundations on which to form my Church, so as to gather in Her maternal bosom all of the human generations. In the same way, the first children of the Kingdom of my Will will be few, but the graces with which they will be invested will be such and so great, that they will lay down their lives in order call everyone to live into this Holy Kingdom. A cloud of light invested Me, removing my presence from the sight of my disciples, who remained as though ecstatic in contemplating my Person, for the enchantment of my beauty was such as to keep their pupils enraptured, so much so, that they were unable to lower them in order to look at the earth. In fact, it took an Angel to stir them and have them return to the Cenacle. This too is a symbol of the Kingdom of my Will: the light that will invest Its first children will be such and so great, that they will bring the beauty, the enchantment, the peace of my Divine Fiat, in such a way that creatures will easily surrender to wanting to know and love so great a good.

Now, in the midst of the disciples there was my Mama, who was present at my departure to Heaven; and this is the most beautiful symbol. Indeed, She is the Queen of my Church; She attends to Her , protects Her, defends Her. She will then sit in the midst of the children of my Will; She will be the engine, the life, the guide, the perfect model, the Teacher of the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat, which She so greatly cherishes. Hers are the longing, the ardent desires, the delirium of maternal love, for She wants Her children on earth in the same Kingdom where She lived. She is not content with having only Her children in Heaven, in the Kingdom of the Divine Will, but She wants them also on earth; She feels that the task given to Her by God - as Mother and Queen - She has not yet fulfilled, that Her mission is not ended until the Divine Will reigns on earth in the midst of creatures. She wants Her children to be like Her and to possess the inheritance of their Mama. Therefore the great Lady is all eyes to look, all Heart to love, to help whomever She sees somehow disposed to wanting to live of Divine Will. So then, in the difficulties, think that She is all around you, sustaining you, fortifying you, taking your will into Her maternal hands, to let it receive the Life of the Supreme Fiat.”


 December 8, 1935

Prodigies of the Immaculate Conception.  Communication of divine rights.  How God does not want to do anything without His Celestial Mother.

I was doing my round in the acts of the Divine Will, and as I arrived at the act in which the Omnipotent Fiat created the Immaculate Virgin I stopped, and – oh! what a surprise of unheard-of prodigies united together!  The enchantment of the heavens, of the sun and of all Creation could not compare to it.  Oh! how they were left behind in front of the Sovereign Queen!  And my sweet Jesus, in seeing me so surprised, told me:  “My blessed daughter, you must know that there is no beauty, nor value, nor prodigies, that can be compared to the Immaculate Conception of this Celestial Creature.  My Omnipotent Fiat made of Her a new Creation - oh! how much more beautiful  and more prodigious than the first.  My Divine Volition in Itself has no beginning and no end, and the greatest prodigy was that in this creature it was as if It were reborn; and not only this, but It grew in each instant, act and prayer that She did; and in this growth my Will multiplied Its prodigies in an infinite way.  The creation of the universe was done by Us in an admirable way, and it was kept by Us under the empire of Our creating and preserving act, without Our adding anything.  But in this Virgin We maintain the creating, the preserving and the growing act.  This is the prodigy of prodigies – the Life of Our Will being reborn in Her, and Its continuous growing in each act that She did; and in order to be reborn in Her, Our Fiat pronounced Itself in the act of Her Conception; and once It is pronounced, Our act possesses such sumptuousness, sublimeness, height, immensity and power, as to catch everyone in the net of Its love.  It puts no one aside; everyone can take the good that Our operating Fiat possesses, unless someone did not want to.

Our Divinity, in seeing this Holy Creature as though reborn in Our Will, shared with Her Its divine rights, in such a way that She was the owner of Our love, power, wisdom and goodness, and Queen of Our Fiat.  With Her growing act in Our Volition She captivated Us, She loved Us so much, to point of loving Us for all.  She covered all creatures, She hid them inside Her love, and She made Us hear the echo of the love of all and of each one.  Oh! how We felt bound and made as though prisoners by the love of this Most Holy Virgin.  More so since, as She loved Us, adored Us, prayed and operated with the growing act of Our Fiat that She possessed, so did She enclose Her Creator within Herself; as She loved Us, so did We feel absorbed into Her, unable to resist Her.  Her power was so great, that She dominated Us and enclosed Our Sacrosanct Trinity within Herself; and We loved Her so much, that We let Her do whatever She wanted.  Who would have the heart to deny Her anything?  Rather, We felt happier in contenting Her, because a soul that loves Us is Our happiness, for We feel the echo, the joy of Our happiness in her; and one who possesses Our Will as life is everything for Us.

This is the great prodigy of one who possesses Our Will as life:  to feel herself as sharing in Its very divine rights; and with this she feels that her love never ends, and she has so much of it as to be able to love for all and give love to all; with her growing act, she never says enough to her sanctity.  More so since, by possessing Our Will as life, the Sovereign Queen, had always something to give Us, always something to say; She kept Us always occupied, and We had always something to give, and always Our loving secrets to communicate to Her, so much so, that We do nothing without Her:  We deal with Her first, then We deposit that good in Her maternal heart, and from Her Heart it descends into the fortunate one who must receive that good.  Therefore, there is no grace that descends upon earth, there is no sanctity that is formed, there is no sinner that is converted, there is no love that departs from Our throne, which is not deposited in Her Heart of Mother first; and She forms the maturation of that good, She fecundates it with Her love, She enriches it with Her graces and, if needed, with the virtue of Her sorrows; and then She deposits it in the one who must receive it, in such a way that the creature who receives it feels the Divine Paternity and the Maternity of her Celestial Mother.  We can do it without Her, but We don’t want to.  Who would have the heart to put Her aside?  Our Love, Our infinite wisdom, Our very Fiat impose themselves on Us and don’t let Us do anything that would not descend through Her.

See then, to what extent Our love reaches, for one who lives of Divine Will – to the point of doing nothing without her.  It is the harmony of Our infinite wisdom that, just as the creation of the universe always revolves around Us, and as it revolves, the earth is fecundated and the natural life of all creatures is maintained, in the same way, this new creation of the Conception of the Immaculate Lady revolves always around God, and God revolves around Her, and this revolving maintains the fecundity of good, forms the sanctity of souls, and the calling of creatures to God.”


Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Jesus wants to find everything in the creature who Lives in the Divine Will

April 10, 1938

How Jesus wants to find everything in the creature who Lives in the Divine Will, and wants to find her in everyone. How God wants to find in our love the support for His Works and the hiding place of His Life.

My poor mind is always returning to the Divine Volition. Having had Communion, I was saying to my Adorable Jesus: “In Your Will all is mine; so I Love You with the Love of my Mother and Queen—and Yours. I kiss You with Her lips; I hug You very tight with Her arms; and, carrying You with me, I take refuge inside Her Heart, to give You Her Joys, Her delights, Her Maternity, so that You may find the Sweetness and protection that only Your Mama can give You....”

But while I was enclosing myself together with Jesus inside my Mama—all Tenderness, sweet Jesus told me: “My daughter, and daughter of My Mother, how happy I am to find the daughter with My Mother, and My Mama with her daughter. She wants the creatures to Love Me with Her own Love and to use Her lips to kiss Me, and Her arms to hug Me. She wants to give them her Maternity to keep Me safe, so that I may have all of them as My Mama. To find the daughter and the Mother Loving Me with One Single Love, is the Greatest Joy for Me—I feel that both of them give Me a New Paradise on earth.

“But this is not enough. I want to find everything in one who Lives in My Will. If something is missing I cannot say that My Will is Complete within the creature. Not only do I want to find My Mama within the creature in Her place of honor as Queen and Mother, but also My Celestial Father and the Holy Spirit. Also, I want her to make Their Love Her own, and to Love Me with the Immensity and the Infinity of Their Love. So, My daughter, delight Me by telling Me that you Love Me as the Father and the Holy Spirit Love Me.”

Jesus remained silent, waiting for me to tell Him what He wanted. Although unworthy, to content Him I said: “I Love You with the Immense Power and Love of the Father, and with the Endless Love of the Holy Spirit. I Love You with the Love with which all the Angels and Saints Love You. I Love You with that Love with which all the creatures, past, present and future, Love You—or should Love You. I Love You for all created things, and with the same Love with which You Created them....’

My dear Jesus heaved a long sigh, and then He added: “Finally, I feel satisfied in My Yearning to find everything in the creature. I find Our Endless Seas of Love, I find the delights of My Loving Mama—I find everything and everyone. Therefore, I must find everything and everyone in the creature who Lives in My Will, and I must find her in everyone. After all, My Celestial Father Generated Me through Love, so I feel together with Me—in the Act of Giving and Receiving continuous Love—those who Love Me, and let nothing of Our Love escape them.”

Then, He added: “My daughter, this is why, in Our Love, We feel an intense need that the creatures know Us—and Our Works. If they don’t know Us, We remain as if set aside from them, even though We Live inside and outside them; and while We are aware of anything they do and think—Loving them in each one of their acts—not only do they not Love Us, but they do not even recognize Us. What Pain! If they do not recognize Us, Love cannot arise; and if Love is missing, We don’t have a place for Our Works, nor can Our Love find a refuge in which to pour Itself out and take shelter. Everything remains suspended. Therefore, We want to find the ‘I love You’ of the creature in Our Works, so that, arming it with Our Power, We can lean Our Greatest Works on it. O, how Happy We are in finding her little ‘I love You’ as the shelf for Our Works. It is a Sorrow for Us to Operate without finding a place for Our Works—it seems as though the Life of Our Works were missing. Our Operative Love remains repressed—suffocated.... We are able to do, and cannot do, and only because the creature, ungrateful, does not recognize Us, nor does she love Us.

“Creatures tie Our Hands and confine Us to uselessness, since all Our Works are directed to their benefit; We cannot give, because knowledge and love are missing and, with them, the space in which to place Our Works. In the end, why should We Operate if We cannot find anybody willing to receive Our Works? Further, you must know that before doing any Work, We first look for someone to know that Work, receive it and love it—and then We do it. My very Humanity did no Act before finding one to love, and to receive that Act. And even then, if I didn’t find anyone who would receive it, I could see across the centuries and I directed My Act to the one who would love it, know it and receive it. Even when I cried as little Newborn Baby, I directed those tears of Mine to those who were going to repent, be sorry for their sins, and be washed, in order to re-acquire the Life of Grace. As I walked, My Steps were directed to those who had to walk along the way of Good, to be their Strength and Guide in their path. There was not a Work that I did, a Word that I said, or a Pain that I suffered, in which I did not look for the works of the creatures as the shelf for My Works, or for their words in which to place My Word. My Pains searched for a shelf in their pains in order to give the Good contained in all that I did.

“It was My Passion of Love that made Me do nothing other than what could be useful for My children. This is one of the most Powerful reasons for which I want the creature to Live in My Will. Only then would all My Works—the Creation, the Redemption, and even one sigh of Mine—find a place on which to lean, to become Works of the works of the creatures, Pains of their pains—Life of their life. Then, all that I did and suffered will turn into Glory and Victory, so as to cast away all enemies, and Recall Order, harmony, Peace, and the Celestial smile of the Heavenly Fatherland in the midst of the creatures.”

In hearing this I remained surprised, and my beloved Jesus added: “My blessed daughter, Life in My Will will contain such Surprises and so many Divine Novelties as to astonish even the Angels and the Saints; more so, since, in My Will, there are no words, but facts. My Will converts words, desires and intentions into facts and accomplished Works, while all that the creature wants outside of My Will is reduced to words, desires and intentions. In My Will, which possess the Creative Virtue, all that the creature wants becomes Accomplished Fact and Works Full of Life; more so, since, Living in Our Will, she is already aware of what We do, and feels what We want. So she follows Us in the Works, wanting whatever We want—she just cannot do without it, nor could she put herself aside. Our Fiat becomes her greatest necessity, and she cannot do without It. It is more than breath for her, which has to give and to receive; more than motion, which feels the extreme need to move... In sum, My Will is everything for her. It is impossible for her to live without It. Therefore, be attentive, and may your flight be always in Our Fiat.”

May everything be for the Glory of God and for the Fulfillment of the Divine Will.