Monday, September 26, 2022

The Gift of Living the Divine Will

Hi everyone.  Glory to Jesus and may His Peace be with our families and friends!

1.  As faithful Eucharistic guardians to the Lord, and especially to His Real Presence in the Blessed Sacrament, I need to share with you the gift of Living the Divine Will.  

2.  As instrumental the Adoration Chapel has been for the new evangelization that St John Paul II spoke about in redirecting the Church to its Eucharistic Center, the gift of Living the Divine Will allows Christ to fulfill his primary mission of restoring humanity, by virtue of the Church, to its proper order in creation. With redemption accomplished, Christ wants to fulfill the Our Father prayer where Heaven and earth can become one because God's Will is done on earth as it is in Heaven. And the Church humbly asks for this to occur when we pray the Our Father after the consecration of the Blessed Sacrament at Mass according to Jesus in the writings of Luisa Piccarreta.

3.  Rooted in scripture, it's through the writings of the Catholic mystic Luisa Piccarreta, (1865-1947, Corato, Bari Italy) that Jesus gives us a complete illustration and science of the Divine Will's operation and Its impact towards the renewal and salvation of humanity. 

4.  Luisa's title is Servant of God as the cause for her beautification has been opened.  The Church has given the imprimatur for her writings with the Vatican publishing her biography and the 36 volumes called the Book of Heaven which she wrote.  Fr Joseph Ianuzzi's doctoral dissertation on the gift of Living the Divine Will according to the writings of Luisa Piccarreta at the Pontifical University in Rome has also been published.

5.  The foundation for Living the Divine Will was established by Jesus and Mary.  Both lived the Divine Will. Jesus by nature because he is both God and Man, undiminished Deity, and fully human with a human will and a Divine Will. Mary by grace, immaculately conceived without original sin because she too received the redemptive blood of Christ as a form of singular grace at her conception.  As such scripture says she was "full of grace" and by virtue of this was given the gift of reason in which she was already in relationship with the Holy Trinity from inside her mother's womb.  She however was not told she would be the Mother of God until the Archangel Gabriel approached her and hailed her as the one who is "full of grace." So Mary's womb, not contaminated by original sin, was made worthy with the decorum of Heaven to receive the incarnation of Jesus.

6.  The Trinity does not want to do anything without Mary. She is the key to gift of Living the Divine Will.  This message given by Jesus to Luisa on the Feast Day of the Immaculate Conception illustrates this point:

7.  The gift of Living the Divine Will is the way in which God fills the world with Divine Mercy with us as participants to His Divine Plan. This places us on the cross with Christ for the salvation of ourselves and of the world as it is linked to the Holy Sacrfice  of the Mass.  It further illustrates how the experience of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass can be relived as moments united with Christ throughout the day.  And it brings into focus St John Paul ll's statement in that Eucharistic Adoration is the continuation of the Mass and the preparation for the next Mass.  Why?  Because as the Eucharist is the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ, It encloses in the finite space of the Host all His eternal works performed in His humanity for us to partake of divine nourishment (who so ever eats my body and drinks my blood has eternal life, John 6:54).  Living the Divine Will essentially becomes the adoration of God, and the relationship of receiving and returning God's love throughout the day.  Hence the gift is God's call for us to fully participate in Christ's Life with universal impact because It glorifies God on behalf of all and allows Christ to multiply His grace through our individual daily acts i.e. sufferings, prayers, work, eating, walking, breathing etc.  for the reparations of sins against God, to extend God's goodness to all, and to facilitate the conversion of souls that lead to salvation.  In fact Jesus states that in His desire to communicate Himself to everyone he is limited through the ministerial (priestly) consecration by the number of consecrated hosts and communicants.  Through the gift of living the Divine Will Jesus says he is not limited because the acts of the individual who practices the gift are the materials that he uses to consecrate into His divine life which he communicates to everyone.  Jesus further states that this - his Divine Life - is God's greatest glory.  One can conclude that this is the same nature as the holy sacrament of the Eucharist.  In fact the case can be made that the gift of living the Divine Will is the fulfillment of the sacramental life of the Church.  We become another Jesus for Jesus to utilize in distributing to each soul in all generations the blessings He merited on the Cross.  Thus the "give us this day our daily bread" in the Our Father is fully realized for all because as the Eucharist is the Bread of Life (Matthew 26:26), Christ is able to repeat that distribution of grace to all souls in the world from the soul who lives the Divine Fiat.

8.  Thus the intention of surrendering our will to Christ's Will - that is doing God's Will with His Divine Will - Jesus consecrates our act to become His Divine Life which he communicates to the world. As stated, think of it as Christ's Eucharistic Presence.  The Eucharist comprises all the acts of Christ because His human will acted in harmony with his Divine Will, thus His human acts had the effects of eternity - that embraces past, present, and future generations and sustains creation itself.

9.  These are the eternal acts that Christ as the Sacrificial Lamb of God offers to the Father as reparation for sins and  redemption for the many.  The gift of Living the Divine Will allows us to embrace those eternal acts of Christ of which He multiplies through our acts to repeat His Life in us in order to create the path for others to enter into the Divine Will. 

Jesus offers to us an intimate look into His interior life through "The Hours of the Passion" -  (Available in Spanish) -

so that we have a blueprint to follow and unite with the eternal acts of His Passion.  Because of the gift, you can be with him at every step, as it happens, because with God, there is no past or future, only the present.  Every human act of Christ is always in act.  It never ceases. That's why we can be at the foot of the Cross and why the Mass is not another - but the SAME Holy Sacrifice - because Calvary is in act.  The believer is given the opportunity and privilege to be there as it happens from God's timeless perspective.  The Church calls it a mystery and indeed it is, yet Christ gives us enough information through reason for the benefit of our faith.  So it is also when you recall any aspect of Christ's Passion. You become Christ's consoler throughout His agonies and you SHARE IN HIS PAINS for the blessing, adoration, praise and thanksgiving to the Father for reparation, and the healing and salvation of the many for redemption.  Living  the gift benefits everyone because as God operates in the soul who lives the Divine Volition:  1) when He loves that soul He loves all, 2) when He blesses that soul He blesses all.  

The soul who lives the Divine Will becomes a source of blessing and reparation for the world.  By virtue of this Jesus has another Christ, to multiply grace upon grace to accomplish His primary mission of fulfilling the Our Father in which Heaven and earth become one because God's Will is done on earth as it is in Heaven.  With redemption accomplished Jesus wants to restore humanity to its proper order in creation, and restore the sanctity it had lost because of sin so that the God can fully share His life as He originally purposed.  The human condition is changed to have the capacity to receive the greatest fullness of God's Life as it is possible for a creature (Matthew 9:17).  In effect God has conquered the fortress of the human will, which is the seat of all evil, without withdrawing His gift of free will.   

10.  To operate the gift is simple. The key is to remain in the state of grace through an act of contrition (1 John 1:9) for venial sins or if needed through the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) because Christ removes the gift when we sin.  Intention is the key.  Make your commitment to God to live His Will as the your 1st act of the day.  This is called the prevenient act which places you in the mode of operating in His Divine Will for that day. The immediate act is the time in which you are made aware by the Holy Spirit that you are operating the gift.  These are aspirational moments of love, praise and worship with God or in simply speaking to him.  It strengthens the prevenient act made at the beginning of the day, the field of the Divine Volition which you are operating.  

Jesus takes care of everything else.  Remain faithful and constant by the expression of your desire to live the Divine Volition as you take the first steps going forward.  Jesus will engage you wherever you're at.  It doesn't matter whether you're high or low at the spiritual growth level.  Or whether you're a child or adult.  Jesus will take you by the hand.  The next key is to take Christ's Word to HEART and live it.  Knowledge is spiritual food that needs to be digested.  Whether it's from scripture, Luisa Piccarreta's writings or other pious sources, increase in the KNOWLEDGE of God and LIVE IT as a matter of the heart.  

11.  Living the divine will is not another devotion.  The difference is huge in terms of following Christ in a pious way versus being united intimately with Him through the gift because it elevates our prayers, devotions, pious acts, sufferings and the ordinary acts of our life to the level in which Christ uses them as the Hosts for His Divine Life to communicate Himself to the world with the same effects of the works of His Humanity.  Therefore every breath and step  is divinized, as it were, according to St John Paul II's statement regarding the divinization of humanity.  We love with God's LOVE as we move and have our being in the life of the Holy Trinity, as the sons and daughters of Romans 8:18-25, leading to eternal life.


Volumes 2, 3, 4 Excerpts


May God bless us for His glory and the good of  humanity,

Gerry Aboyme 

Eucharistic Adoration Chapel Coordinator

Our Lady of Fatima Parish

Piscataway, NJ

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